Your new Mobile Video Phone (MVP) from
Hands On Video Relay Services will bring you
into a totally dif ferent world – one of increased
flexibility and freedom.
The MVP, the most portable and state-of-the-art
videophone anywhere, allows you to take conversations
with the hearing world anywhere there is an internet
connection. It is also the first videophone designed by
deaf people. We’ve put
a lot of thought in this product, and it shows.
The MVP allows you to make calls involving
face-to-face conversation with ease – you’ll feel
life was much harder without it.
Do the Following:
Take it With You
With a wireless router, you can make or receive VRS
and point-to-point calls wherever you choose: in any
room in your home, your office, or wherever you travel.
The MVP’s built-in touch screen and battery make truly
portable video calls quick and easy.
Stay at Home
The MVP also works great as a TV set-top videophone.
Plug it into any TV and make your calls from your living
or hotel room.
Wired or Wireless
Connect over an ethernet broadband connection or
wherever you have wireless access. Why be tied down?
Meetings Made Simple
Have an ASL conversation with up to eight other people
at once! MVP makes it easy to set up multi-point
Video Messages Find You
When it’s not convenient to take a call, callers to your
Purple Number can leave a Purple mail messages. Your
messages can be accessed with a tap on the touch
screen, or through the web on your Purple account.
Easy (and Fun) To Use
The MVP’s built-in touch screen makes calling anyone
a snap. Make calls, add contacts with the touch screen
keyboard, or set up a conference call. Only MVP lets
you tap your way to fast, mobile communication in ASL.
Made For The Road
The MVP’s built-in Smart Dialing feature and Address
Book lets you keep all your contacts handy and easily
dial any number (voice phone number, IP address, or
DNS number). You’re just one touch-screen tap away
from your friends, family and business associates.
Mobile VCO Inside
Want to use your voice for calls? The MVP has voice
carry over (VCO) audio capability so you can choose to
use your voice when making or receiving calls.
The MVP is interoperable with other videophone
devices. The MVP’s smart dial field makes it easy for
you: you can enter a Purple Number, IP number, or DNS
address and tap on “dial”.
Thank you for choosing Hands On Video Relay Services.
We know you’ll enjoy the MVP!
Table of Contents (Pages To Be Determined)
1.0 Setting Up
1. 1 Requirements and Contents
1.1.1 Internet Connection Requirements
1.1.2 Package Contents
1.2 Choosing a Location for the MVP
1.2.1 Common home bases for the MVP
1.3 Charging and turning the MVP on
1.3.1 Powering and/or Charging the MVP
1.3.2 Sleep Mode
1.3.3 Removing and Inserting the MVP into its cradle
1.3.4 Turning the MVP on
1.3.5 Turning the MVP off
1.4 Connecting the MVP
1.4.1 Connecting the MVP to the Internet
1.4.2 Installing a Router
1.4.3 Connect the MVP to your router
1.4.4 Internet Setup
1.5 Activating your MVP
1.5.1 Activating your Purple account
1.6 Getting to Know the MVP
1.6.1 The MVP unit
1.6.2 The Cradle Functions of the Cradle More about the Cradle Cradle Settings
1.7 Navigating and Entering Information
1.7.1 The touch screen
1.7.2 The navigational toggle
1.7.3 The remote control Numeric buttons on the remote Five-way navigation keypad Installation and removal of the batteries
1.7.4 Touch Keyboard
1.7.5 Types of inputs
2.0 Using the MVP
2.1 Login screen
2.1.1 Signing up for an username
2.1.2 Logging in
2.1.3 The “Remember me” checkbox
2.1.4 The “Remember my password” checkbox
2.1.5 Auto login
2.1.6 Customer Care Button
2.1.7 Logging out
2.2 The Home Screen (Diagram)
2.3 Settings Tab
2.3.1 General settings tab
2.3.2 Video settings:
2.3.3 Personal settings tab
2.3.4 Device Settings tab
2.3.5 Network
2.3.6 Purple List Settings
2.4 Making and Receiving Calls
2.4.1 Dialing
2.4.2 The Smart Dial Box
2.4.3 Making VRS Calls
2.4.4 Making P2P Calls
2.5 The Call Screen
2.5.1 Changing the settings during a call
2.6 Receiving a call
2.6.1 Customizing ringtones
3.0 Speed Dial, the Call Log, and the Address Book
3.1 The Speed Dial page
3.1.1 Adding a new contact or replacing an existing
contact to the Speed Dial list
3.1.2 Making a call using Speed Dial
3.2. Call Log Screen
3.2.1 Tabs and symbols on the Call Log Screen
3.2.2 To delete a single call log entry
3.2.3 To add a number from the call log to your
address book
3.2.4 Making and reviewing calls through the call log
3.3 Address Book
3.3.1 Navigating the Address Book
3.3.2 Adding contacts and contact information
3.3.3 Contact pages
3.3.4 Editing contact information
3.3.5 Deleting a single phone number on a personal
3.3.6 Deleting contacts
3.3.7 Searching for a contact
3.3.8 Groups Adding Groups Adding Contacts to Groups
3.3.9 Making a call through the address book
4.0 Purple Mail, your Purple account, and Video
4.1 Purple Mail
4.1.1 Leaving a video mail message
4.1.2 Checking your Purple Mail messages
4.2 Integration with Purple Acccount
4.3 Video Meetings
4.3.1 About Video Meetings
4.3.2 To host a Video Meeting Call
4.3.3 To join a Video Meeting Call
4.4 Battery removal/installation
4.5 Add-ons
1.0 Setting Up
1.1 Requirements and Contents
1.1.1 Internet Connection Requirements:
A high speed Internet connection (Cable Modem
or DSL connection) with an internet router, and/or
a wireless connection is required for using the MVP.
You may access wireless hotspots at places like the
library or the local coffee house.
The internet speed may vary from location to location.
For best picture quality, a minimum 256kbps upload
speed works best for videophone calls.
You may also install a wireless router at home so
you can use the MVP from any room in your house.
For installation help, please contact the Hands On VRS
customer care department.
1.1.2 Package Contents
1. MVP
2. Cradle
3. Power cord
4. Battery pack
5. Ethernet/ Network cable
6.User Manuals
1.0 Setting Up
1.2 Choosing a Location for the MVP
The MVP is portable and wireless, but it helps to
choose a home base for the MVP.
1.2.1 Common home bases for the MVP:
• Near an internet router and/or an electrical source.
The MVP and its cradle both have ports for an
ethernet cord that allows it to connect directly
to the internet. The MVP also has wireless
capability. Because wireless coverage decreases
the further the MVP gets from the wireless router,
it is best to set up the internet router in a central
location in your home or office for maximum
roaming range.
The MVP may be charged through its cradle
or directly. It is important to charge the MVP
frequently, so that it has longer battery life when
it is used outside of the cradle.
1.0 Setting Up
• On top of a television
The MVP cradle has RCA jacks that allow the
signal to be viewed on a television screen.
The cradle may be placed atop the television,
and the MVP may be taken out of the cradle to
use in any area of the home or office.
• In a well-lit area
Because it is impor tant for the caller to see your
signing and facial expressions, the MVP should
be positioned so that it captures the caller in
a good light. Avoid locations where the light
source is directly above you or behind you. A
location where the light shines on your hands and
face works best.
1.0 Setting Up
1.3 Charing and Turning the MVP on
1.3.1 Powering and/or Charging the MVP
1. Plug the power cord into an electrical outlet.
2. Plug the power connector of the Power Block
into the 12V port on the back of the MVP.
The MVP runs on battery power. The battery life
is approximately 90 minutes long when in use,
or 6 hours in standby. For this reason, it is best to
leave the MVP in its cradle when it is not in use.
1.0 Setting Up
The screen display indicates the battery status
in the upper right corner with the battery icon.
When the MVP is fully charged, the battery will
appear full. When there is one bar or zero bars
left on the battery, it is time to recharge the MVP.
1.3.2 Sleep Mode
The sleep mode will initiate after five minutes
of inactive use. Pressing the touch screen or any key
on the remote will reactivate the display.
1.3.3 Removing and Inserting the MVP into its cradle
1. To remove the MVP, gently pull on the unit
and separate it from the cradle.
2. To inser t the MVP into the cradle, make sure that
the MVP is face-up and that the cradle’s port is fully
inserted into the MVP. If it is not fully inserted, the
MVP’s battery will not charge.
1.0 Setting Up
1.3.4 Turning the MVP on
1. Click on the power button (key on the top right)
for two seconds to turn the device on.
2. The MVP will take a few seconds to load.
3. Do not do anything until the login screen appears.
• If a problem is identied on screen,
contact HOVRS Customer Care.
1.3.5 Turning the MVP off
To turn the device off, click and hold the power button
for two seconds.
1.0 Setting Up
1.4 Connecting the MVP
1.4.1 Connecting the MVP to the Internet
Diagrams of Connection possibilities:
Cable Modem- Router- MVP cradle
Cable Modem- Wireless Router- MVP unit
Cable Modem- Wireless Router- MVP cradle
Cable Modem- Router- Television (RCA cables)- Phone
(RJ-11) Jack
1.0 Setting Up
The MVP works only with a high-speed internet
connection (such as Ethernet or DSL). For more
information about acquiring a high-speed internet
connection for your home or office, contact your local
telephone or Cable Company.
For more help with installing an internet connection
with your MVP, contact the Hands On VRS Customer
Care department. To contact Customer Care, email, dial through your
videophone or MVP, call Voice (877) 885- 3172,
or call TTY at (877) 885-4976.
1.4.2 Installing a Router
Install your router in accordance with its documentation.
Ensure your broadband connection is working through
your router by connecting an ethernet cord from the
router to your MVP. If the orange LED light lights up on
the MVP, your internet is working.
For the MVP to work wirelessly, your router must be a
wireless router. The MVP supports the 802.11a, 802.11b,
and 802.11g standards.
1.0 Setting Up
1.4.3 Connect the MVP to your router
Plug one end of the Ethernet cable into the router,
and one end into the back of the MVP (see diagram)
or into the back of the cradle.
1.0 Setting Up
1.4.4 Internet Setup
The MVP will search for an Ethernet connection first.
If there is no Ethernet connection, it will search for a
wireless connection.
A window will ask if you wish to proceed with a
wireless connection. If the wireless connection
is password protected, you will have to provide a
password. To learn more about inputting a password
on the MVP touch keyboard or on the remote,
go to page < >.
When the MVP detects an internet connection, the
Orange LED light will turn on, indicating that there is
an active network connection. The network icon will
appear in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
If you have difficulty making the MVP detect
the internet connection, contact Hands On VRS
Customer Care.
1.0 Setting Up
1.5 Activating your MVP
1.5.1 Activating your Purple account
The first thing you’ll see when turning on the MVP
is the login screen.
You must have a Purple account to use the MVP.
If you have received a MVP through Hands On VRS,
you already have a Purple account.
Enter your username and password into the screen.
To learn more about how to input information into
the text fields, go to < >.
After you’ve logged in, the start-up sequence
will begin.
1.0 Setting Up
1.6 Getting to know your MVP
1.6.1 The MVP unit
External Buttons
1. Home Button (top left):
This button takes the MVP to the home
screen anytime.
2. Power button (top right):
This button turns the unit on and off.
1.0 Setting Up
Inputs to the MVP:
1. Touch Screen
The touch screen allows you to input directly
into the MVP when holding the product.
A single tap on the screen will “click” a
button or the touch keypad.
2. Navigational Toggle (at the middle right of the MVP)
The toggle functions much like a pointer
or a mouse. It can navigate from field to
field. It can navigate in five ways: up, down,
left, right, and press-down (pressing directly
onto the toggle). Pressing down on the
toggle will select a field or button.
3. Remote control
If you are using the MVP as a set top videophone atop your television, the remote
is useful for navigating from your couch.
1.0 Setting Up
1. Light notification ringer
The top of the MVP flashes whenever it receives a call. You can assign up to nine
ringtones to callers in your Address Book so
you may know who is calling based on the ring
pattern. Ringing calls will terminate after 30
seconds of flashing.
2. Speaker
The output audio is transmitted through
the speaker. The speaker volume may be
customized through the settings menu.
3. Digital Camera
The camera may be tilted at a 135 degree
radius, which is adjusted by holding the camera
with the forefinger and thumb and rotating
it up or down to customize the position.
It may be necessary to adjust the position
when moving it from cradle position to stand alone position, and to portable positions.
1.0 Setting Up
4. Light indicators
Power LED (indicated by a power on-off symbol):
If the light indicates the following:
• Green – The power is on
• Flashing green – The battery is being
• Red – The battery level is low
• Off – The unit is off
Service LED (indicated by a check within a circle):
• Orange – Working internet connection
• Blue – The unit is connected to the
Hands On VRS Service.
• Off – The unit is not connected to the
Hands On VRS Service.
There must be a Purple Account activated in order to
make the MVP connect to the internet.
1.0 Setting Up
Connection Ports
1. Ethernet port
Insert a RJ-11 cord into the jack to connect
the unit directly to the internet.
2. Stand
Gently ease the bottom of the stand to extend
the stand to a 45-degree angle so the MVP
may stand on its own.
1.0 Setting Up
3. Internal Battery
The internal battery will support two hours
of live video streaming. The battery will also
support six hours of stand by.
When the battery has 15 minutes of video
session or 1 hour of stand by remaining,
the red (power LED light) indicator light will
flash prompting the user that they need to
connect to an external power supply or
recharge the battery. When the AC adapter
is connected to the device, the battery
automatically starts recharging.
4. 12 Volt input
Insert the 12-volt cord into the input
to recharge the MVP. The 12-volt cord
may also be used to power the MVP through
the cradle.
1.0 Setting Up
1. Flash card slot
A SDM card slot can be used to add memory
or input to the MVP device.
2. Headphone/ Microphone connector
Compatible with most standard headphone
and microphone units.
3. USB connector
May be used with USB keyboards
or USB-based EVDO networking devices.
1.0 Setting Up
1.6.2 The Cradle
Getting to know the cradle:
The MVP is inserted face-up (screen facing away
from the cradle) into the niche of the cradle.
There is a “male” port at the bottom of the niche.
The MVP is inserted so that the port on the cradle
matches up with the “female” port on the MVP.
1. Port
If the 12-volt cord is connected to the cradle,
the MVP may recharge through this port.
The port also transmits internet, RCA/AV
connector, and telephone signals to the MVP.
1.0 Setting Up
1. RCA/AV connectors
Used to connect to the Audio/Video Input/
Output Jacks on a television.
2. Ethernet port
Insert a RJ-11 cord into the jack to connect
the unit directly to the internet.
3. Telephone jack
Insert a telephone cord connected to the MVP
to connect it to home alerting light systems.
4. 12 Volt input
Insert the 12-volt cord into the input to
recharge the MVP. The 12-volt cord may also
be used to power the MVP through the cradle.
5. Stand
Gently ease the bottom of the stand to extend
the stand to a 45-degree angle so the cradle
may stand on its own.
6. Recessed hanging slots
May be used to hang the cradle from a wall.
Make sure the cradle is properly secured.
1.0 Setting Up Functions of the Cradle:
The cradle is used for the following reasons:
To be able to install and remove the MVP from
a power source quickly and conveniently.
The MVP can be connected to the power
source directly as well.
To connect, via RCA cables (yellow, red, and
white) to an external unit such as a television.
To connect to the internet through the
ethernet slot. (The MVP unit may be connected
directly to the ethernet, as well).
To connect to a phone jack. The MVP will light
up if there is land lines, and will tell you if the
phone is ringing (via flashing lights). More about the Cradle:
An ideal location for the cradle may be on top of a
television unit. The MVP unit and cradle may be placed
flat, as to take minimal space up. The camera will now
operate upside-down. To rotate the camera image, go
to the preferences menu and tap on camera settings.
If the MVP unit is inserted into a cradle, it will detect
if the cradle is connected to an external source such
as a television. If it is connected to an external source,
an input screen will appear on the MVP, asking if you
wish to switch the video to the external unit.
If a videophone call is begun while the MVP is in the
1.0 Setting Up
cradle and connected to the internet via an ethernet
cord, the MVP will not be able to remain connected to
the videophone conversation if it is taken out of the
cradle. The call will have to be restarted.
But if a conversation is begun while the MVP is outside
of the cradle, and the MVP is placed into the cradle in
order to power it up or recharge it, the conversation
will not be interrupted. Cradle Settings
When the MVP connects to the cradle the following
will automatically occur:
If an ethernet connection is detected,
the wireless connection will automatically
terminate. The ethernet connection will engage
and connect to the device.
The power supply will automatically diver t
from battery to AC (plug in).
If the Audio/Video input RCA jacks are connected to
the cradle, the video stream will divert from the MVP
screen to the external video source.
If the RCA jacks are not connected, the video/audio
stream will remain on the screen.
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