Leadleds LED Nametag Instructions
1.S pecif icati ons Para meter
Siz e:92× 28×6. 5mm
Com munic ation I nterf ace: US B MICRO( Samea s Andro id)
Free D rive
Bat tery Le vel: lit hium ba ttery 2 30mah ,char ging 1. 5hour s,
Run 1 2 hours
Ope ratin g System :Wind ows32 or 6 4
Cha rging AC :5V,500 MA(wi th conve ntion al mobi le phon e
cha rger)
Int erface L angua ge: Chi nese, E nglis h, Turk ish, Per sian,
Rus sian, Fr ench, G erman , Thai, M ongol ian, Per sian, K orean,
Jap anese ,Span ish, Vi etnam ese
Scr een: you c an buil d multi ple scr eens, s end dif ferent c onten t
to di fferen t badge s.
Pro grams: 1 0 progra ms, 400 0 Engli sh(32 K Byte) ,supp ort
tem peratu re
Bri ghtne ss adju stmen t: 3 lever s(20% ,60%, 100%) ,pres s
but ton lon g to adju st brigh tness
Sof tware: H DSmar t (conn ect the U SB cabl e, disp layed in t he
com puter d isk )
2.T he butt on func tions :
Swi tch is on t he left , in the ab ove stat e for the s hut down , in
the f ollow ing for th e power.
The b ack of th e butto n to adju st the br ightne ss and sw itchi ng
pro grams, p ress lo ng to adj ust bri ghtne ss, when y ou rele ase
the b utton t o save the b right ness val ue, whe n you set “B utton
to sw itch”, this b utton i s to swit ch the nex t progr am.
3.C hargi ng
PC di rect ch arge and u sing a 5V c hargi ng supp ly char ge.
4.S oftwa re insta llati on
Ope n the rem ovable d isk, un zip the f iles on t he disk , doubl e-
cli ck the ic on to ins tall th e soft war e.
5.E ditin g progra m
a. Ne w scree n
The s oftwa re can be bu ilt mul tiple s creen s, you can s et the si ze
of ea ch scre en sepa rately.
b. Ne w progra m
Syst em sett ings ca n set the c urren t progra m playba ck mode .
tem peratu re corr ectio n, the co rrecti on rang e of 7 degr ees.
Ani matio n setti ngs can a dd more o f your favo rite mo tion
pic ture, m otion p icture o nly sup port GI F forma t. If the
ani matio n does no t show it , pleas e updat e the ani matio n.
Pic ture se tting s can be ad ded to dis play im ages, s uppor t .jpg/
.bm p/.pn g forma ts
The re are pic tures e ditor t oolba r, fre e to draw you r needs .
6.S imple a ppear ance fig ure
4.P in 5.Ma gnet
1.S witch
2.U SB
3.T he back o f the bri ghtne ss adju stmen t switc hing bu tton
If yo u have any pr oblem s about l eadle ds produ cts, pl ease
con tact us j ingzh i5685 @lead leds. com
4.S oftwa re insta llati on
Ope n the rem ovable d isk, un zip the f iles on t he disk , doubl ecli ck the ic on to ins tall th e soft war e.
5.E ditin g progra m
a. Ne w scree n
The s oftwa re can be bu ilt mul tiple s creen s, you can s et the si ze
of ea ch scre en sepa rately.
b. Ne w progra m
Syst em sett ings ca n set the c urren t progra m playba ck mode .
tem peratu re corr ectio n, the co rrecti on rang e of 7 degr ees.
Ani matio n setti ngs can a dd more o f your favo rite mo tion
pic ture, m otion p icture o nly sup port GI F forma t. If the
ani matio n does no t show it , pleas e updat e the ani matio n.
Pic ture se tting s can be ad ded to dis play im ages, s uppor t .jpg/
.bm p/.pn g forma ts
The re are pic tures e ditor t oolba r, fre e to draw you r needs .
6.S imple a ppear ance fig ure
4.P in 5.Ma gnet
1.S witch
2.U SB
3.T he back o f the bri ghtne ss adju stmen t switc hing bu tton
If yo u have any pr oblem s about l eadle ds produ cts, pl ease
con tact us j ingzh i5685 @lead leds. com

Oper ati on St eps
1.C onnec t the pro duct to yo ur comp uter vi a the Mic ro-USB
cab le.
2.O pen the R emovab le Disk , Unzip t he(ext ract th e HDSma rt)
fil e and ins tall th e softw are to you r compu ter.
3.S tart th e HDSma rt prog ram and ch oose “F ile”” New” ”Scree n”
to cre ate a new “ scree n”.
4.C hoose “ 44*11 "as the va lid scr een siz e and cli ck “OK”.
5.Ty pe the te xt and se t the Eff ect, Bo arder, Mov e Speed ,
Res idenc e Time, Fo nt, Siz e, etc, as yo ur pref erence .
6.A fter fi nish al l the set tings , click “ Send” t o save cha nges to
the p roduc t.
7.D iscon nect th e produ ct and sl ide the s witch, y ou are rea dy
to go .