Leader Option 77, Option 76, Option 75, Option 73A, Option 74 Datasheet

LV 5700A
PATENTED: Equivalent cable length measurement
The cabinet is sold separately.
HD-SDI/SD-SDI Color LCD Waveform Monitor
HD-SDI/SD-SDI Color LCD Waveform Monitor
The LV 5700A is a multi SDI monitor with a unique tilting front panel that incorporates an XGA TFT color LCD for HD-SDI and SD-SDI signals. The functions of waveform monitor, vectorscope, audio lissajous, simple picture monitor, and digital protocol testing are achieved within a single unit. Signals are processed digitally enabling highly accurate measurements. Extensive error detection and analysis
Power Supply
The standard AC power supply allows for universal (90 V to 250 V) operation. DC power supply (12 V) enables use for digital acquisition in the field (Option 71).
• Eye Pattern Display
Displays eye patterns and automatically measures physical characteristics such as rise time, fall time, amplitude, and jitter. (Option 70)
Receives either HD-SDI signals or SD-SDI signals. Supports multiformat, automatic and manual setting of input formats.
• Display
Employs an LCD monitor with XGA resolution. Waveform, vector, picture, embedded audio, and status display can be placed side by side or in quad display on the monitor. Depending on the selected combination, bowtie, data dump and optional AES/EBU digital audio or eye pattern can also be displayed. Down converted pseudo waveform and vectorscope modes represent NTSC or PAL modes. Waveform and vector screens have user selectable graticule colors. Furthermore, each display can be magnified.
The LV 5700A can be controlled through the panel and remotely controlled through a computer via the Ethernet network. In addition, 100 custom presets can be backed up to compact flash card and recalled from the front panel or via the remote connectors on the rear panel.
Extensive Analysis Functions
The LV 5700A can be used as an analyzer to detect and log multiple types of digital protocol transmission errors. Screens show gamut errors, data dumps, EDH codes, analysis of voice control packets, equivalent cable length and cable warning measurements, and so on. Frame capture of any screen allows email of bmp files or logs for verification of errors.
• Output
Provides HD-SDI/SD-SDI switching with a reclocked output as well as analog picture monitor output and AES/EBU outputs. In addition, an analog XGA output connector is provided enabling information to be displayed on a large external monitor.
LV 5700A display
Nat ura l pic tur e (f l owe rs) w ith selectable graticules in 16:9 or 4:3 modes for 4:3, safe action, safe title, center cross and full line select strobe.
Waveform monitor of YCBCR overlay of natural picture.
M u l t i D i s p l ay o f w a v e f o rm, nat ural pict ure , st atu s sc re en and vec tor sco p e. M any oth er combinations are available.
S p e c i al H o ri z on t a l S w e e p m o d e o p t i m i z e s H b l a n k i n g measurements for all formats.
Ve cto r di spl ay as 100 /75 % of multiformat color bars with I and Q axes displayed.
1080i/59.94 sweep of Y channel with horizontal x20 magnification applied.
Audio displ ay o f 5.1 s ur round sound and 8- Ch bargraphs with VU ballistics. Bargraphs for 60 or 90 dB full scale peak are available.
Status screen shows alarms turned on. About 20 protocols are checked here including custom adjustable alarms.
Audio Value makes it easy to see exact reference or noise floor levels. Note peak hold indication on 8-Ch bargraphs.
Error log of error number, date, time, module, input channel, INT/ EXT sy nc, signal detect ion and error description with errors in red.
Audi o me t a data es s e nce for control packet DID, sample rate, active channels format, etc...
EDH error flags are broken out and shown for SD as per RP 165.
1080i/59.94 Line 21 shows SAV hex values, Y rise time of white bar 8 clock periods and 200h pedestals for CBCR.
Line 21 SAV Y CB/CR with the data dump in binary to check XYZ bits for field, vertical, horizontal and protection bit status.
Ethernet setting can be auto DHCP or entered manually for IP address, subnet mask and gateway.
Video Format HD-SDI Video System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Standards Supported HD-SDI Standard
Ancillary Data Standard
Embedded Audio Standard SD-SDI Video System 1 2 Standards Supported SD-SDI Standard
Format Setting Video System Sampling Frequency
Input/Output Connector HD-SDI Input Input Connector External Reference Input Input Signal Input Connector
XGA Output Output Signal Output Connector HD-SDI Output Output Connector
Analog Output Output Signal Output Connector AES/EBU Output Output Signal
Output Connector Remote Connector Function Control Signal Control Connector Ethernet Connector Function
Input/Output Connector
Display Format Display Format Dot Clock Horizontal Frequency Vertical Frequency
Waveform Display Waveform Operation EAV-SAV Period GBR Conversion Sweep Magnification Channel Assignment
Vertical Axis Filter Horizontal Axis Operation Mode Overlay Parade Timing
Display Format Line Display
(Supported only on the LV 5700)
Ancillary Data Standard
Embedded Audio Standard
1920 x 1035 / 60i 1920 x 1035 / 59.94i 1920 x 1080 / 60i 1920 x 1080 / 59.94i 1920 x 1080 / 50i 1920 x 1080 / 30p 1920 x 1080 / 29.97p 1920 x 1080 / 25p 1920 x 1080 / 24p 1920 x 1080 / 23.98p 1920 x 1080 / 24sF 1920 x 1080 / 23.98sF 1280 x 720 / 60p 1280 x 720 / 59.94p
525 / 59.94i 625 / 50i
Select manual setting or automatic setting HD: Auto switching between 74.25 MHz and
74.25/1.001 MHz SD: 13.5 MHz
BNC connector 2 systems A and B, 75
Tri-level sync signal or NTSC/PAL black burst BNC connector passive loop-through 1 system 2 connectors
XGA signal D-sub 15 pin female
BNC connector 1 connector Outputs the selected channel, 75
, PR or GBR
Y, P BNC connector 1 system 3 connectors
CH1/2, CH3/4, CH5/6, CH7/8 Separated from embedded audio and output Select 2 groups (8 ch) from 4 groups (16 ch) BNC connector 4 connectors
Recalling of presets TTL level (LOW active) D-sub 25 pin female 1 connector
Remote control from an external computer and monitoring of errors, etc. 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX 1 connector
XGA effective area 1024 x 768 dots 65 MHz or 64.935 MHz*
48.363 kHz or 48.315 kHz* 60 Hz or 59.94 Hz*
Automatically switch according to the input signal
(* Displays waveform display, vector display, picture display, and status display on a single screen side by side
Select show/hide Select Y, P Select x1 or x5 Select GBR order or RGB order during GBR conversion display. YRGB display also supported
Flat, low-pass
Displays multiple waveforms overlaid Displays waveforms side by side Time difference between channels overlay uses bowtie* signals *Authorized by Tektronix, Inc.
Overlay: 1H, 2H Parade: 1H, 2H, 3H Timing: 2H
, PR or GBR conversion display
Line Magnification Field Display
Field Magnification Scale Scale Display Voltage Scale % Scale
Vector Display Sweep Magnification Scale EAV-SAV Period
I, Q Axes Picture Display
HD Display SD Display
Embedded Audio Display Lissajous Display Display Channel Display Method Sound Image Display Display Channel Peak Level Meter Display Display Channel Display Method Channel Ch Mapping User Bit Display Data Dump Display Analysis Display
Data Dump Display Display Format
Digital Signal Analysis CRC Error BCH Error Checksum Error Parity Error TRS Error EDH Error Line Number Gamut Error Level Error Audio Frequency Format Detection
Audio Information Detection
External Sync Lock Detection
Equivalent Cable Length Measurement
Signal Detection Line Selector
Operation Mode
Presets Number of Presets Preset Items Recall Method
Cursor Measurement Configuration
Amplitude Measurement Time Measurement Frequency Measurement
Environmental Conditions Operating Temperature Operating Humidity
Spec Guaranteed Temperature
Spec Guaranteed Humidity Operating Environment Operating Altitude Pollution Degree
Power Requirements Dimensions and Weight
Supplied Accessories
Select x1, x10, ACTIVE, or BLANK Overlay: 1V, 2V Parade: 1V, 2V, 3V Select x1 or x20
0 V to 0.7 V, -0.3 V to 0.7 V 0 % to 100 %, -50 % to 100 %
Select from x1, x5, IQ-MAG. Color bar switching type between 75 % and 100 % Show/hide is synchronized with the waveform display setting Show/hide
Reduced display Magnified display
Select from 2 ch or 8 ch display Select X-Y or L-R
Select from 3-1 ch, 3-2 ch, and 3-2-2 ch displays
Simultaneous 8 ch display Peak meter
Can be mapped arbitrarily from 1 ch to 8 ch
Displays 192 bits sequentially Analyzes and Displays the user bit
Displayed separately by serial data sequence or channel.
Detects video signal errors Detects embedded audio errors Detects ANC data errors Detects ANC data errors Detects TRS errors Detects EDH errors Detects line number errors Detects level overrange of GBR video signals Detects video level and reserved data errors Detects continuity errors of embedded audio Detects the SDI video signal format Detects the presence or absence of embedded audio on each channel Detects the sampling frequency for each group Displays voice control packets Detects the synchronization relationship between the external synchronization signal and the SDI signal Measures the SDI signal level Displays the cable length based on 800 mVp-p signal source level Detects the presence or absence of SDI signals
Interlocked type between waveform display, vector display, and picture display
100 sets All setup items Through the front panel, remote connector, and Ethernet Switch 8 points and 100 points for recalling through the remote connector
Horizontal cursor: 2 lines (REF, ∆) Vertical cursor: 2 lines (REF, Measured in [%] and [V] Displayed in [ms] and [µs] Displays the frequency in which the time between cursors is considered a cycle.
0 to +40 °C
85 % RH (without condensation)
+10 to +30 °C
85 % RH (without condensation) Indoor use Up to 2,000 m 2
90 to 250 VAC (48 Hz to 440 Hz) or 9 to 17 VDC (Option) 215 (W) x 133 (H) x 449 (D) mm 4.9 kg
8 1/2 (W) x 5 1/4 (H) x 17 11/16 (D) in., 10.8 lbs.
Instruction manual Power cord Cover/Inlet stopper Screws for rack mounting (inch specification) 25-pin D-sub connector 25-pin D-sub connector cover
, groups 1 x 2 or 3 x 4
1 1 1 2 1 1
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