LDT Littfinski Daten Technik RM-GB-8-N-F Operation Instruction

Littfinski DatenTechnik (LDT)
Operating Instruction
Feedback Module
8-fold track occupancy detectors
for the s88-feedback bus
from the Digital-Professional-Series !
RM-GB-8-N-F Part-No.: 320102
>> finished module <<
controls up to 8 different tracks
(current detection from 0,001[1mA] up to 3 ampere).
integrated voltage control
(avoiding “track free” feedback in case of power failures).
separated by opto isolation
(between track and feedback bus).
for s88 standard connections and s88-N
(with 6-poles s88-pinbars and RJ-45 sockets].
suitable for following digital systems:
Märklin Digital~/=, Central Station 1 and 2, Intellibox, TWIN-
This product is not a toy! Not suitable for children under 14 years of age! The kit contains small parts, which should be kept away from children under 3! Improper use will imply danger of injuring due to sharp edges and tips! Please store this instruction carefully.
CENTER, HSI-88 (-USB), EasyControl, ECoS, DiCoStation.
CE Part-No.: 1370370
Introduction / Safety Information:
You have purchased the 8-fold feedback module RM-GB-8-N with integrated detection of track occupancy for your model railway. The RM-GB-8-N is a high quality product that is
supplied within the Digital-Professional-Series of Littfinski DatenTechnik (LDT).
We wish you having a good time using this product. The finished module comes with 24 month warranty.
Please read the following instructions carefully. Warranty will
Attention: Please switch off your digital control unit and
General functional description:
The RM-GB-8-N feedback module combines the occupied
track detection and the feedback report function. The 8 detectors for occupied tracks work by detection of current.
In cases a connected track is occupied by an object with a minimum of 0,001 Ampere (1mA) consuming current, the track will be detected as occupied.
Locomotive decoder, coach lights or axles with electrical resistance are consumer of electrical power and therefore induce the detection of an occupied track.
The maximum DC current on the tracks can be up to 3 Ampere per output. A peak current of 7 Ampere will be possible at short term . Then has the booster to identified the overload or the short circuit and has to cut-off the current .
expire due to damages caused by disregarding the operating instructions. LDT will also be not liable for any consequential damages caused by improper use or installation.
unplug all transformers from AC-current before starting to assemble the unit.
The track voltage and the feedback bus are separated by opto-galvanic. The current for the tracks can therefore safely be supplied from different transformers without having a negative effect on the digital control units.
The modular concept of occupied track detectors and feedback decoders implements a considerable galvanical problem: as soon as there is no electrical power on the tracks, all tracks are detected as free because no consuming current is detected. There are track occupied detectors available on the market which use an auxiliary voltage to solve this problem, but this can influence sometimes the locomotive decoder causing disturbances and is therefore no suitable solution.
As the feedback module RM-GB-8-N has a build-in intelligence (microprocessor Z86... [IC1], we have integrated a solution called voltage monitor. In case of voltage drop or short circuit there is no inaccurate “free track” detection and report back via the feedback bus to the digital control unit or the PC. All track occupancies will be “frozen“ during this phase of voltage interruption. As soon as there is current on the tracks again the actual situations on the tracks will be detected and reported back via the feedback bus.
The RM-GB-8-N feedback module is suitable for a decentralize installation underneath of the model railway installation. There are 4-bores on the edges of the modules for quick and easy installation. Suitable assembly parts (plastic distance spacers and wood screws) are available under the order code MON-SET.
Connecting the RM-GB-8-N to Digital Central Units respectively Interfaces:
On Märklin INTERFACE, Central Station 1 and 2, Intellibox,
TWIN-CENTER, EasyControl, ECoS, HSI-88-(USB) and DiCoStation can be the occupation reports of up to 62 RM-GB-8-N evaluated.
Up to 6 feedback modules RM-GB-8-N can be connected to each Märklin MEMORY.
Electrical power will be supplied from the s88-feedback bus to all feedback modules. This will apply for the s88-standard
feedback modules and as well as for the feedback modules RM-GB-8-N. The power consumption of the standard feedback
modules is considerable low. The RM-GB-8-N requires 0,003 Ampere (3mA) only.
The s88 feedback bus of digital central units and interfaces
Standard track
can mostly supply a maximum load of up to 0,5 Amp. If the maximum quantity of 62 feedback modules RM-GB-8-N are connected, the bus has to supply 62 x 0,003A = 0,186A. If you want to extend your model railway layout with RM-GB-8- N feedback modules you can easily combine those with our feedback modules RM-DEC-88(-Opto) and RM-88-N(-Opto) or s88 feedback modules of other manufacturers. The address of the feedback modules is related to the sequence of the connection to the digital central unit or to the interface. The feedback module which is directly connected to the central unit will get always the address 1. Further details are available within the operation instructions of your digital central unit or the interface. The RM-GB-8-N contains two 6-poles pin bars for the s88- standard connection and two RJ-45 sockets for a bus
connection in accordance to
At the RM-GB-8-N are the pin bars and sockets marked with OUT and IN. OUT is the connection in direction of the digital central unit or interface. IN shall be connected to the next following feedback module within the s88 bus line. Digital central units and interfaces contain always a s88­input for a s88-standard connection.
We supply an interference protected twisted s88-bus-cable with original s88-bus plugs for the s88-standard connection. The plugs of the s88-bus-cable are correct assembled on the 6-poles pin bar of the RM-GB-8-N when the position of the white single wire corresponds to the white marking on the pc-board next to the pin bar. The cable shall lead directly
away from the feedback module. Additionally attend to the correct position of plug to prevent any offset to the 6-poles pin bar.
For a secure s88-bus connection in accordance to
offer an interference protected blue patch cable with RJ-45 plugs.
Attention: Digital central units with PC-network connection (e.g. Central Station 1 and 2 and ECoS) contain as well a RJ­45 socket. The RJ-45 network socket shall never be connected to the RM-GB-8-N! The RM-GB-8-N shall be
operated with no other supply voltage than +5V. This supply voltage will be automatically available from your digital central unit or from your HSI-88 (-USB) via the s88 feedback bus.
Connecting track sections:
Below draft clarifies how to connect the feedback module RM-GB-8-N to a track.
Überwachte Gleisbereiche Monitored areas
7654321 8
Digitalstrom von Digitalzentraler oder Booster Digital current from command station or booster
Richtung Digitalzentrale Direktion to command station
Von weiteren Rückmeldemodulen
From further feedback modules
Digital current will be supplied to the RM-GB-8-N via input IN1 and IN2. IN1 provides current to the output 1 to 4 and IN2 provides current to the output 5 to 8. The two inputs IN1 and IN2 are electrical separated. Therefore will it be possible for example to supply IN1 from the digital command station (control unit) and IN2 from a booster. With reason to have a correct feedback report is it required to supply digital current to both inputs (IN1 and IN2). By using the control unit or a booster on IN1 or IN2 connect the digital current for the supply of the continuous rail to the clamp with the continuous white line.
Output clamps 1 to 8 shall be connected to those isolated tracks, which shall be monitored. As indicated in the draft it is
sufficient to isolate one rail. The clamp with the dotted line shall be connected to the rail track section to be monitored. Detailed sample connections for various application can be downloaded from our web-site (www.ldt-infocenter.com) within the section "Downloads".
To avoid short circuits when locomotives are crossing the transitions of each monitored track, always the same connecting sequence of the tracks has to be strictly followed. In case of a short circuit when crossing the transition (control unit will switch to EMERGENCY STOP) please check the connections and eventually change the cables of the monitored track at the respective OUTPUT clamps. Anti-interference capacitors can lead to an erroneous occupied detection of the track and should therefore not be used within the monitored track. If you apply electrical resistant coating to the axles of your trains you should measure the resistance value with a Multimeter afterwards. A resistance between 5 and 10 KOhm will guarantee a safe monitoring by the occupied track detection of the feedback module RM-GB-8-N. Customary used resistance axles with a resistance value of
18 KOhm will just be monitored, provided that the rails are very clean and the railway coaches have a sufficient contact to the rails. In such case it will be recommended, to fit two resistance axles to the coach to receive a total resistance
value of about 9 KOhm. This will assure a save monitoring even when the rails are not perfect clean.
For easy assembly of the RM-GB-8-N-F below your model rail road layout base plate we offer a set of assembly material under the order identification: MON-SET. Under LDT-02 you can purchase a low priced durable suitable case.
Trouble shooting:
What to do if something is not working as described above? If you have purchased the RM-GB-8-N module as a kit, please carefully check all parts and all soldered joints. Important: Both inputs (IN1 and IN2) have to be connected to a digital current. Possibly test the single monitoring function of the modules first before connecting it to the tracks. To do this you can use a resistor (couple of hundred Ohm) or a small model lamp to simulate the occupied situation on each output clip. Without resistor or incandescent lamp the detection of the input should be indicated as “free”, with a resistor or incandescent lamp your digital control unit or PC should show an “occupied” situation. Made in Europe by
Littfinski DatenTechnik (LDT)
Kleiner Ring 9
D-25492 Heist/Germany
Phone: 0049 4122 / 977 381
Fax: 0049 4122 / 977 382
Subject to technical changes and errors. 07/2015 by LDT
Internet: http://www.ldt-infocenter.com
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