flash once every 4 seconds to indicate the GSM and GPS signal are working), when the tracker begin
to move, the tracker will upload the location to the platform: www.geniusgps.com .
4. Platform user name and password is the last 7 digital number of the ID or S/N number printed
on the back of the device. send SMS “ID*password” (Tracker default password is 123456) to the
tracker to check the ID number, the user can also change the password. The current location of the
tracker can be viewed on Google map after login to the website, and it can also display the tracking
history in the specific dates and time.
5. You could also have the tracker to send back the location in Google map website link by SMS
(Send LINKLOCATE*123456 to tracker).
6. The data & time of the tracker upload to the website is GMT time (Greenwich Mean Time, add or
minus a fixed digit is your local time), please change the time zone to your local time zone in “My
Account” after login the platform, please refer the following platform using guide. (For example the
Sydney time zone is +10).
7. If you have several trackers, we can create a user that can see all your trackers after you login,
this can be used as fleet management, ask your dealer to contact us to get your administrator user
name and password of your fleet.
SMS Instruction Description
Check Tracker ID Number :
The tracker ID is print on the label of the tracker, the S/N number on the label is the ID, Also if the
label is missing, send SMS “ID*123456” to tracker, in which, “ID” is the fixed command and
“123456”is the password. Having successfully been made, there will be a SMS “ID:
CW0800C01234567”, in which, “CW0800C01234567” is the ID and every tracker corresponds to the
only number. This number is used to differ the tracking uploaded to the website from others. the last 6
digital number of the tracker ID is the user name and password of the tracker on the platform, for
example the tracker ID is : CW0800C001234567, and then the user name on the platform of this
tracker is : 1234567, and the platform password for this user name also is same with user name or is
123456, user can login the platform to change the password.
Set Website Server IP :
Send SMS “IP*123456*,8011” to the tracker, in which, “IP” is the fixed command,
“123456” is the password and “,8011” is the IP address of the server computer of our