LCB G-810 Quick Manual

Quick Guide
1.Insert a SIM card (not included) into the SIM card slot located in the battery compartment of the tracker.
Note: 4G SIM cards are acceptable to use with this device however the unit only operates on a 2G band.
This unit requires data to be activated on your pre-paid or contract SIM card.
(Recommend order 20-30M/Month data package)
2.Connect the wiring loom to the tracker and the bare ended wires to the accessories, ground, engine immobilizer and
external SOS button.
Black Wire – Ground (Car or truck chassis)
Yellow Wire – Engine Immobilizer
White Wire – External SOS button
3.Once the unit has been wired up correctly, turn the unit on by pressing the power button until the green LED remains
turned on.
4.Contact your mobile service provider to obtain the APN “name” in order to view the location on the tracking website.
APN’s vary depending on your SIM card’s plan (i.e. pre-paid or contract)
5.Enter the following command via SMS on your the tracker to set the APN “name”:
Send SMS “APN*123456*apnname” (123456 refers to the default password)
For example:
SIM Card Company: Cablw & Wireless
Send SMS: APN*123456*
If the APN “Name” has been entered correctly, you will receive a SMS stating “”(example)
Note: The APN “name” needs to be entered correctly otherwise the location may show up in China, Africa, etc.
6.Login to the tracking website ( using the last 7 digits of the serial number for the username
and password which is located in the battery compartment of the tracker.
For example:
Serial number: CC2014012345678
Username: 2345678
Password: 2345678
7.Free “GPSTracker1” app is available on iTunes® and tracking platform to easily view the current
tracking location on your iOS® or Android smart phone or tablet.
App name: GPSTracker1
G-810 Real Time Car GPS Tracker
Welcome to use this Real Time Vehicle GPS tracker G-810 & tracking system. This product
integrates GSM and GPS Module. So it can achieve many functions through our website, such as real
time uploading current location to website, display history tracking on website, monitoring and speaking
through the mobile phone, alarming over certain area or speed, remote controlling to turn off the engine,
emergency SOS help etc, and it has built in backup rechargeable polymer battery (800mAH) to protect
cut the power supply, also It have SMS locate and link locate function without platform.
With GPS and GSM, the tracker sends the present location information through GPRS to internet
server, so that user visit the website with the applied user’s name and password
(Given by us) through any computer with available internet, and without downloaded any software. And it
can help to arrange the whole fleet or the vehicles of company or group or personal vehicles with the
anti-hijack function.
It can be used as tracking cars, company vehicles, buses, taxis, trucks, moving equipments,
transportations, etc.
Packing list
G-810 main unit, GSM antenna, GPS antenna, Speaker, Microphone, Wires, Manual
Main unit GSM antenna GPS antenna Speaker
Microphone Wires
Before Using
This tracker is suit for 12V and 24V vehicles, please confirm this first.
1. Install SIM card
Push the yellow point of the SIM card holder on one side of the main box, the SIM card holder will
come out, pull out the holder, and put the SIM card in the holder, please pay attention on the SIM card
metal pin face up (don’t face down to the plastic holder), and inert the SIM card holder in the device.
Note: 1. This tracker use 2G GSM network, and it upload tracking only through GPRS, it can not
work in CDMA network or 3G(WCDMA or CDMA2000) network.
2. Please confirm the PIN code of the SIM card is disabled.
3. Before installing or uninstalling the SIM card, please power off the tracker.
2. Power ON / OFF
Switching the power switch on one side of the main box to “ON” position will power on the system,
and switching the power switch to “OFF” position will power off the system.
When the power on the system, the device will recharge the backup battery automatically.
3. LED flash indicator
System LED indicator (Green & Red 2 color LED)
Green Flash once : both of GSM and GPS signal are OK
Green Flash twice : GSM network is OK but the GPS signal is weak
Green Flash quickly : Incoming a call or making a call.
Green Always ON : system is searching for the GSM network.
Green Always OFF : System power off
RED Flash once : Uploading location to website
RED Flash twice : Recording location to memory
RED Always OFF : GPRS and GPS power off
GSM LED Indicator (BLUE LED)
Flash quickly : Searching the GSM network
Flash slowly : The GSM signal is good
Always On : Searching for the GPS signal
Flash Slowly : GPS signal is good
4. Recharge and power supply
Warning: this tracker only uses the 9-28V DC power supply, too high voltage or AC voltage may
damage the tracker or even cause accidents, so please check the power supply first before
After the backup battery is full, the built in recharging circuit will stop recharging, and if the tracker
do not move, the tracker will go to sleep, then the tracker will cost few power and will not make the
car battery can not start car engine.
5. Back to default set (Factory configuration)
Power off the system, press the external “SOS” button and don’t release, switch the power switch
to ON position to power on the system, a few seconds later the GREEN LED will flash 10 times and
turn ON continuously, and then release the “SOS” button, the tracker is back to default configuration.
Notes: After back to default set, all IP / APN / GPRS / TIME ZONE
setting are deleted and back to default, all preset phone number are deleted
and password change to 123456, all the alarm setting is cancelled, if the
IP/APN/GPRS name& password/TIMEZONE have been changed, you need
set these again by sending SMS.
The Antenna of GSM and GPS are external, please confirm to install the antenna on the place
that have good GSM & GPS signal
7. ON /ACC Control Uploading and Power Saving
This tracker using ACC/ON signal to control uploading and GPS ON/OFF, when the ACC/ON
signal is active, the tracker will turn on GPS and upload location automatically, when the ACC/ON
signal is inactive, the tracker will turn off GPS & GPRS automatically (Stop uploading location), this
can save the car battery power, otherwise maybe cause the battery can not start car engine.
8. Using Condition
The working temperature is -200C to 600C, over this range the specification maybe can not reach
the standard level, the storage temperature can reach to -400C to 800C.
Installation Guide
Before power on, please install the GSM SIM card, the GSM antenna, the GPS antenna the
microphone and the speaker, according to the map 1, like below:
Install the wire set, according to map 2, like below:
Map 1: Install the GSM SIM card, the GSM antenna and the GPS antenna
Map 2: Install the microphone and the speaker and the wire set
Notes: We do not recommend connect the engine cut wire or use stop engine running function, it is
dangerous to stop the engine running when driving.
How to Use
1. 2G GSM phone SIM card will be needed for this product. This also needs SMS service and
incoming caller ID display, and GPRS function. Please disable the PIN code of the SIM card. The SIM
card phone number is the tracker number and the number for all other operations (calling and sending
SMS) to the tracker.
2. After install the SIM card in the tracker, turn on the tracker and send a SMS to the tracker to set
the APN name and GPRS user name & password first. Some mobile phone service providers do not
required setting the APN or GPRS user name & password. So please confirm this with your service
provider when purchasing the SIM card.
3. Please confirm the tracker can receive the GPS signal and GSM signal (the Green LED will
flash once every 4 seconds to indicate the GSM and GPS signal are working), when the tracker begin
to move, the tracker will upload the location to the platform: .
4. Platform user name and password is the last 7 digital number of the ID or S/N number printed
on the back of the device. send SMS “ID*password” (Tracker default password is 123456) to the
tracker to check the ID number, the user can also change the password. The current location of the
tracker can be viewed on Google map after login to the website, and it can also display the tracking
history in the specific dates and time.
5. You could also have the tracker to send back the location in Google map website link by SMS
(Send LINKLOCATE*123456 to tracker).
6. The data & time of the tracker upload to the website is GMT time (Greenwich Mean Time, add or
minus a fixed digit is your local time), please change the time zone to your local time zone in “My
Account” after login the platform, please refer the following platform using guide. (For example the
Sydney time zone is +10).
7. If you have several trackers, we can create a user that can see all your trackers after you login,
this can be used as fleet management, ask your dealer to contact us to get your administrator user
name and password of your fleet.
SMS Instruction Description
Check Tracker ID Number :
The tracker ID is print on the label of the tracker, the S/N number on the label is the ID, Also if the
label is missing, send SMS “ID*123456” to tracker, in which, “ID” is the fixed command and
“123456”is the password. Having successfully been made, there will be a SMS “ID:
CW0800C01234567”, in which, “CW0800C01234567” is the ID and every tracker corresponds to the
only number. This number is used to differ the tracking uploaded to the website from others. the last 6
digital number of the tracker ID is the user name and password of the tracker on the platform, for
example the tracker ID is : CW0800C001234567, and then the user name on the platform of this
tracker is : 1234567, and the platform password for this user name also is same with user name or is
123456, user can login the platform to change the password.
Set Website Server IP :
Send SMS “IP*123456*,8011” to the tracker, in which, “IP” is the fixed command,
“123456” is the password and “,8011” is the IP address of the server computer of our
website. Having successfully been set , there will be a SMS “IP:,8011”. However, the IP
address may be changed with the upgrade of our service so please see to the notices on our website
or to inquire the agents.
Set APN name:
For some mobile phone company, there must be to set the APN name to get through the internet
by GPRS. Send SMS “APN*123456*apnname” to the tracker, in which, “APN” is the fixed command,
“123456” is the password and “apnname” is the APN name of a mobile phone company. Having
successfully been made, there will be a SMS “APN: apnname”.
Notice: Some mobile company is not necessary to set APN or GPRS user name & password, please
contact your mobile company to confirm this, or get APN and GPRS user name & password from your
mobile phone company that the tracker used.
Set GPRS User Name & Password:
Send SMS “USERNAME*123456*username*password” to the tracker, “USERNAME” is a
command, “123456” is the password of the tracker; “username” is the mobile company GPRS user
name, “password” is the mobile company GPRS password, if the operation is success, the tracker
will send back the information “Username:username, Password:password”, please call the mobile
phone service hotline to get the GPRS username and password, some mobile company do not need
set the GPRS username and password. if the password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker
will send back information “Wrong Password”
Note: before upload the tracking user need set IP, APN, GPRS user name & password (2G GSM
network APN, GPRS name &password, 3G network is not suit for this tracker), these only need set
once, and will be saved in the tracker. But if the tracker is back to default, then these setting need be
set again.
Add / Delete / Check preset number:
The preset phone number is used to send alarm information by SMS, or use mobile phone to locate
the tracker without platform, if the preset phone number is not set, then the alarm information can not
send to user by SMS (battery low, SOS, etc).
1. Add preset phone number by SMS
Send SMS“ADDPHONE*123456*A*number”(Not including the quotation marks “ ”, Number
means the telephone number you want preset, the following is same) to tracker is OK, “ADDPHONE”
is a command; “123456” is password; “A” is preset number location, every tracker have 3 preset
phone number locations, A and B, and C, so you can preset 3 phone numbers, if the add operation is
success, the tracker will send back the information ”Add Preset Phone OK”, if the password is not right,
the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information “Wrong Password”.
2. Delete preset phone number by SMS
Send SMS “DELETEPHONE*123456*A” to the tracker, “DELETEPHONE” is a command;
“123456” is password; “A” is preset phone number location, there are 3 locations “A” and “B” and “C”;
if the delete operation is success, the tracker will send back the information ”Delete Preset Phone OK”,
if the password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information “Wrong
3. Check preset phone number by SMS
Send SMS “CHECKPHONE*123456” to tracker, “CHECKPHONE” is a command; “123456” is
password; if the operation is success, the tracker will send back the information “Preset Phone
A:13912345678; B:13812345678; C:13712345678 , the phone number is just an example. if the
password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information or “Wrong
Change / Check Password
1. Change tracker password
Send SMS “CHANGEPASSWORD*123456*888888” to tracker, “CHANGEPASSWORD” is a
command; “123456” is old password; “888888” is new password; if the operation is success, the
tracker will send the information “ New Password: 888888” to every preset phone number, if the
password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information “Wrong Password”.
Note: Only preset phone can change the password.
2. Check tracker password
Send SMS “CHECKPASSWORD” to the tracker, “CHECKPASSWORD” is a command, if the
operation is success, the tracker will send back the information “Password: 888888”; “888888”is an
Note: Only preset phone can check the password.
Keep On line (keep upload tracking):
Normally the upload location is controlled by ON wire signal, when the car is turn on, the tracker
will begin to upload tracking to server, also you can trigger the tracker to upload the tracking all the
time. Send SMS “KEEPONLINE *123456” to tracker, “KEEPONLINE” is a command, “123456” is
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