LB Technology 96243W CP User Manual

IP Video Door Phone
User Manual
This users' manual is supplied 'as is', with no warranties, be it expressed or implied, including,
but not l imited to , the impli ed warran ties of mer chanta bility, suit ability f or any exac t purpose , or non-infringement of any third party's rights.
to introduce any changes to the information contained herein, for a ny purpos e, includ ing but not limit ed to, impr ovement s of the publ ication s and/or re lated to t he produc t, at any tim e, withou t prior notice.
The supplier shall not be liable to any party or any person, except for rep lacemen t or reason able maintenance of this product, for the cases, included but not limited to the following:
Any dam age or loss , includi ng but not li mited to: d irect/i ndirect, consequential, special, exemplary, arisi ng out of or re lated to th e product ;
Inappropriate use or negligence of the user in operation of the produ ct, resul ting in per sonal inj ury or any damage;
Unauthorized disassembly, repair or modification of the product by the user;
Any problems or consequential inconvenience, loss or damage, caused by connecting this product to devices of the third parties;
Any claim or action for damages, brought by any photogenic subject, b e it a person o r organiz ation,
due to violation of privacy whereby the pictures taken by the device and/or saved data become public or are used for the purposes other than intended.
Read th ese instr uctions a nd keep the m in a safe pla ce for futu re refer ence.
Please refer all work related to the installation of this product to qu alified s ervice pe rsonnel o r system technician.
Do not operate the appliance beyond its specified temperature, humidity or power source ratings.
Securely install the devices on vertical surfaces (solid walls/doors) no t prone to vi bration o r impact.
Insta ll the devi ces away fr om heat sou rces such a s radiat ors, heat r egister s and stove s.
Installation of the terminal near consumer electronics devices, e.g. ste reo recei ver/amp lifiers a nd televisions, is permitted as long as the air surrounding the termin al does not e xceed the a bove mentioned temperature range.
Handle the appliance with care. Do not strike or shake, as this may damag e the devic e.
The doorbell/camera units should be fitted with an approved weath er shield i f the chose n positio n is in dir ect sunli ght, or in co ntact wit h rain, sno w or irriga tion spr inkler sy stems.
Do not us e strong or a brasive d etergen ts when cle aning th e appliance body. When the dirt is
hard to r emove, us e a mild dete rgent and w ipe gentl y.
Do not ov erload ou tlets and e xtensio n cords as th is may resu lt in a risk o f fire or ele ctric sho ck. Distributing, copying, disassembling, reverse compiling, reverse engineering, and also exporting in viol ation of ex port laws o f the softw are provi ded with th is product, is expressly prohibited.
When yo u see this sy mbol on a product, do not dispose of the product with re sidenti al or comme rcial was te.
Recycling your electrical equipment
Please do not dispose of this product with your residential or commercial waste. Some countries or regions, such as the European Union, have set up systems to collect and recycle electrical and electronic waste items. Contact your local authorities for information about practices established for your region.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in a ny form or by a ny means, transcribed, translated into any language or computer language, transf ormed in an y other way, store d in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recor ding, pho tocopyi ng or other wise, wit hout the p rior writ ten permission of the owner.
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Table of C ontentsTable of C ontents
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY..............................................................................1
DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY.........................................................................1
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS...............................................................................1
CARING FOR THE ENVIRONMENT BY RECYCLING........................................2
COPYRIGHT STATEMENT..............................................................................2
Table of Contents ...........................................................................................3
1. Description Of IP Outdoor camera................................................................5
1.1 Feature(Please take actual model as quasi).............................................5
1.2 Specifications.......................................................................................5
1.3 Fitting of the IP Outdoor Camera.............................................................6
1.4 Wiring Diagram of the IP Outdoor Camera................................................6
1.5 Installation process of Outdoor Units.......................................................7
2. Device Connect--
3. Soft AP Function.........................................................................................8
4. Mobile Phone Software Visit ......................................................................10
4.1 Iphone Mobile or Ipad ..........................................................................10
4.2 Andro id Mo bil e ....................................................................................14
5. Web Browser Operation For IP Outdoor Camera...........................................18
5.1 Running Environment ..........................................................................19
5.2 Network S ecu rit y Set tin g.. ... .................................................................19
5.3 Connection Settings ............................................................................20
5.4 Quick Setting.......................................................................................21
5.5 System Login ......................................................................................23
5.6 Port Forwarding ..................................................................................25
5.7 Functio n Set tin gs. ... ... ... .......... ............................................................26
5.7.1 Home. .........................................................................................26
5.7.2 Media .........................................................................................27 Med ia- -Vi deo ....................................................................27 Med ia- -OS D ... ..................................................................28
5.7.3 Param ete rs .. ... ... ... ... .......... ... ......................................................28 Net work--Basic Settings ...................................................29 Net work--DDNS ...............................................................30 Net work--Wifi(
5.7.4 System...................................................................................... 32
5.7.5 Logout.........................................................................................35
Through wired network or wireless network(optional)............................8
Optional, please take actual machine as quasi) ............30 Event--Record(Optional)...................................................31 System-User.................................................................... 32 System-Time Setting.........................................................32 System-Initialize .............................................................. 33 System-Device Info...........................................................34 System-Storage Device.....................................................34 System-System Log..........................................................35
3 4
Appendix 1. Accessing the IP outdoor camera via Mozilla Firefox .....................35
Appendix 2. Acc ess ing t he IP o utd oor camera via G oogle Chrome ....................36
Appendix 3.
How to ensure reliable remote viewing of the IP outdoor camera throug h IE brow ser on Wi n 7/Win 8 6 4bit OS ..38
1. Description Of IP Outdoor camera
1.3 Fitting of the IP Outdoor Camera
1.1 Feature(Please take actual model as quasi)
1 Weath er shield Affix and pr otect out door came ra from rai n or snow.
2 IR LEDs P rovides i llumina tion with I R LEDs for be tter visi bility.
3 Camer a Capture i mage to tra nsmit to di splay
4 Speaker Sound from smart-phone
5 Call bu tton Visi tor call fo r interco mmunica tion
6 Microphone Tra nsmit voice to smart-phone
Syste m port
Volume regulator
For the models with wired function, connect the doorbell to external
switc hing powe r supply( DC 12V), et hernet ca ble and do or lock. For the models with wireless function, connect the doorbell to exte rnal switc hing powe r supply( DC 12V), do or lock and i ndoor an tenna or outdoor antenna, and antenna can be optional.
To be used to adjust the speaker volume.
1.2 Specifications
Network Interface
1/4 CMO S
IR LEDs (60 )
300mA max.
External switching power supply DC 12V.
-40~+ 50 C
Affixation screw
Installation CD(with full manual and
User Manual
Indoor antenna
(option al)
android mobile phone software
External Switching Power Adapter
Antenna (optional)
User quick guide
Indoor antenna(optional)
Outdoor antenna(optional)
3 pcs
1 pcs
1 pcs
1 pcs
1pcs(6 dBi or 3dBi)
1.4 Wiring Diagram of the IP Outdoor Camera
Antenna connector (optional)
If the speaker volume is too low, how to increase it?
At the ba ckside of o utdoor un it, you can f ind out a reg ulator (M arked as ) wh ich is use d to adjust the speaker volume, turn the regulator with the screwdriver to decrease/increase the speaker volume.
GN--Green, WH--White, OG--Orange, RD--Red, BK--Black, BN--Brown
The terminal is defined functionality as below:
1.GN& WH: To network wi re GN&WH 2. GN: To ne twork wir e GN
3.OG& WH: To network wi re OG&WH 4. OG: To ne twork wir e OG
5.RD: D C 12V 6.BK: G ND 7/8.BN : To door l ock.
In the st andard de livery th e system su pport loc ks with Nor mally Op en(N.O. ) door unlo cking method. It means that in the normal state the dry contact(marked as ) is op ened, so th e lock is kept u nder cons tant clos ed state. I f the unloc king butt on is pres sed and the d ry contac t is chang ed to close d, then the l ock is rele ased.
To Internet
Network Cable
5.RD:DC 12V
External switching power supply
DC 12V
1.5 Installation process of Outdoor Units
* Avoid installation of the device near strong radiation e.g. AC motor and l ift. * Maint enance sh ould be com plied wit h qualifi ed technician. * Avoid hard shake, beating and collision, otherwise the internal exac t compone nts maybe be damaged. * Do not ex pose the ou tdoor cam era under s trong lig ht or sunsh ine. * Do not in stall the o utdoor camera in the environment e.g. direct sunlight, contact rain, High te mperature, high humidity, full of dust and chemistry corrosive. * Selec t the most su itable po sition wh ere the cam era is located at user’s eye level. * Switch off power supply before installation. * Keep mo re than 30c m away from AC p ower supp ly to avoid e xternal interference. * Keep it away from the water and magnetic field.
Please follow these steps as reference:
1.Select the most suitable position where the outdoor camera is loc ated at use r’s eye le vel, then drill 2 holes according the weather shield, embed 2 plas tic ancho rs into the h oles.
2.Use a s crewdriver to affix the weather shield with the installation screws.
3.Drag the connection cable through the hatch at the bottom side.
4.Emb ed the outd oor unit in to the weat her shiel d and affix w ith the supplied screws.
7 8
2. Device Connect--Through wired network or wireless network(optional)
A. Us er can co nnect t he outd oor cam era thr ough ne twork c able, o peration steps:
1. Co nnect t he netw ork cab le to the o utdoo r camer a accor ding to s ectio n
the I P o utdo or ca mera
2. Co nnect t he powe r adapt er to the e lectr ical ou tlet of t he outd oor cam era and p ower on .
3. Wa it for a w hil e unti l hearing a b eep, t his tim e the out door ca mera st arts co mplet ely.
Network connection diagram through wired network as Figure 1.
B. The de vice with W IFI funct ion can be al so work wit h WIFI wireless network.
1. If use r connect s a network c able to the o utdoor ca mera, the p aramete rs for WIF I can be set up via web b rowser, ple ase see sec tion for mor e informa tion, network connection diagram please refer to on the ab ove.
2.2 Tool Bar
2. If user doesn’t want to connect a wir ed cable to t he device , and user ne eds to prep are a wirel ess route r and a smart -phone or a p ad with IOS o r Android system. The parameters for WIFI can be se t up via a smar t-phone or a pad with IOS o r Android sys tem, plea se see sect ion
AP function
Netwo rk connec tion diag ram via wir eless net work as Fig ure 2.
AC/DC po wer
(not Included)
(not Included)
for mor e informa tion.
AC/DC power
(not Included)
Figure 1 Network--WIFI(optional) Figure 1
(not Included)
Antenna connector (optional)
Antenna (optional)
Figure 2
AP mode
1.4 w iring d iagra m of
3. Soft
3. Soft AP Function
The outdoor camera with wifi function can be worked in wireless mod e. If user doesn ’t want to conne ct a wired cable to the device, and user need prepare a wire less router an d a smart-phone or a pad with IOS or And roid system. The network connection diagram via wireless network please refe r to on section
2.Device Connect.
1) Firs t user must in stall a mobi le operating system specific program onto his mobile or pad. The Android m obile
Figure 2
progr am is locate d on the inclu ded CD or down loaded via “Pl ay Store”, and the iPhone or iPad program should be downloaded via “APP Store”. In “Play Store” or “APP Store”, please search for “MobileEyeDoor+” and install it onto u ser’s mobile or Pad. Please see the instruction manual for user’s mobile to install the program.
2) Seco nd turn on use r’s phone WL AN function, t hen click the “M obileEyeDoor+” icon to run the program, click “ ” to select add mode, here must select “ ” to the nex t interface to a dd wireless device.
3) Then long-press the “call” button on the outdoor camera, don’t loosen the button until hearing a beep, t his means t he device wi ll reboot au tomatica lly and go int o AP mode . Wai t for a moment, when hearing another beep it m eans the dev ice starts s uccessfu lly and goes i nto AP mode.
4) On “WI FI setting ” interfac e, wait for a mo ment and pho ne with android system can be connected to the device WIFI su ccessful ly automat ically. For the p hone with IOS sy stem user need t o connect devi ce WIFI functi on manually. Click “ ” to enter WLAN i nterface o f user’s ph one to see ava ilable net works, and U ID numbe r of the devic e(the UID is a ttached to t he machine) will be shown on the available networks list. Select it and connected successfully means the mobile will be connected to the outdoor camera directly(shown as follows).
5) On this i nterface , Retur n to the “WIFI s etting” in terface an d go to the next s tep. available wireless devices will be shown on the list. Choose one and click it, if the wireless password o f the wireless r outer is enabl ed, it will pop-u p a window to enter the password of the wireless router, input the correct pas sword and sett ing ok, the outdoor device will reboot automatically, it will be connected to the wireles s router aft er startin g when heari ng a beep again.
6) Clic k “Next Step ” to add outdo or device, i nput the cor rect passwor d of the devic e, default as “8 88888", and th en save.
7) Retu rn to the WLAN s ettings on t he mobile an d choose the w ireless rout er which the out door device ha s been connected to. Now the wireless function of the outdoor camera has been activation and works normally(Shown as follows).
For more details of “MobileEyeDoor+”, please refer to Section .4. Mobi le Phone Sof tware Visit
1. If the d evice has we nt into AP mode, b ut the wirel ess functi on of the devi ce hasn’t be en activat ion via “MobileEyeDoor+” on the phone or user doesn’t do any operate about the device , after 10 minut es the devic e will automatically exit AP mode and returns to the previous connection mode.
2. When t he device we nt into AP mode, l ong-pres s the “Call” b utton again, don’t loosen the button until heari ng a beep, thi s means the de vice will re boot autom atically a nd will retu rn to the prev ious connection mode.
In the following diagram, we use a smart-phone with android system to an outdoor camera. The usage o f an iPhone /iPad with I OS system i s similar.
UID: zz0280a1cb
4. Mobile Phone Software Visit
Thi s IP vide o doo r phon e can t rans mit l ive fe ed to y our mo bil e phon e, an d supp ort P2P f or mob ile mon itori ng, so th at you ca n have 'o n the go' a ccess t o your surveillance system from virtually anywhere. To view, you mu st ins tall a mo bile op erati ng syst em spec ific pr ogram i nto you r mobil e. Curr ently, t her e are a li mit ed num ber o f phon es th at are s upp orte d: Go ogle And roid an d Ap ple iP hone or i Pad. Th e Andr oid mo bil e prog ram i s loca ted o n the in clu ded CD or do wnloa ded via “ Play St ore”, a nd an iPh one mob ile pro gram or an iPad program is dow nload ed via “A PP Stor e”. I n “APP S tore ” or “P lay St ore”, p lease search for “MobileEyeDoor+”. Ple ase see t he inst ructi on manu al for yo ur mobi le to ins tall th e program.
4.1 Iphone Mobile or Ipad
The iPhone or iPad application, like all iPhone or iPad applicati ons , need s to be d ownl oad ed dir ectly f rom the Ap p Store . Open APP s tor e, sea rch f or “Mo bil eEye Doo r+”, i t's a f ree ap plication. The a pplic ation o n the iPa d could b e searc hed for “ iPad On ly” or “i Phone O nly”.
(1) “MobileEyeDoor+” installation
According to the following method, open the App store “ ”, t ouch “ ” a nd se arch f or “MobileEyeDoor+”. Install it on the mobile phone or the iPad. After installing “MobileEyeDoor+”, it wi ll appe ar a “ Mobi leEye Door+ ” icon on t he appl icati on software.
How to use “MobileEyeDoor+”
Click the “MobileEyeDoor+” icon to run the program. Click “ ” t o add a ne w dev ice, f irs t
cli ck “ ” to the i nterf ace t o choo se the ad ding ty pe, the re are th ree met hods to ad d devic e: “Sca n QR Code ”, “Man ually e nter” a nd “LAN S earch ”.
A. Ad ding b y “Sc an QR Co de”
Cli ck “ ” to the n ext int erfac e, user s can scan QR code attached to the machine through the mobile phone or the iPad, and the device UID will be sh own.
B. Adding by “Manually enter”
Cli ck “ ” to the n ext int erfac e, user s can add a n ew device by UID type or by IP type.
a.By UI D type
Aft er ente ring th e “UID Typ e” Se ttin gs me nu, th e fol lowi ng fi elds w ill n eed to b e com plet ed:
Name: Set na me for th e outdo or came ra, and s aves se tting s for fut ure usa ge. UID: The dev ice UID ( UID is at tache d to the ma chine ). User: The user name set for entering the IP outdoor device system. The de faul t is “A dmin ”. Password: The password set for entering the outdoor device system. The default is “888888". Channel Number: Se t the ma x chann els of th e devic e will be c onnec ted.
Click “ ” to sa ve.
b. By I P t ype
Click “IPType” to enter the Settings menu, the following fields wi ll ne ed to be c omp lete d:
Name: Set name for the outdoor device, and saves settings for future usag e. Address: The public IP address or dynamic domain name of the outdoor device. Port: The mobile port of the outdoor device for r emot e acces s viewi ng via mo bile ph one or
iPa d, the de fault i s “2051 0”.
User: The user name set for entering the outdoor device system. (Admin by d efau lt) Password: The password set for entering the outdoor device system. (88888 8 by def aul t) Channel Number: Selec t the max c hanne ls of the d evice w ill be co nnect ed.
Click “ ” to save.
C. Adding by “LAN Search”
On LA N, turn o n the WIF I of the Wi reles s Route r and the m obile p hone( or the ip ad). Cl ick “Local Search” and online devices will appear on the “Please choo se th e devi ce” l ist, c lic k one to add the device, the following fields will need to be completed:
2> After adding the device successfully, the device will appear on the main screen. Click the dev ice, an d all the c hanne ls of the d evice w ill be sh own on th e scree n. Clic k any cha nnel an d it will connect immediately. The background of the channel will be hi ghlig hted af ter con necti ng successfully(shown as follows).
IPDoor 2014-07-25 10:30:32
3> The fu nctions o f the other i cons on the l ive view: Unloc k.
Snaps hot .
of the ch annel has a n ormal rec ording video symbol “[REC]”. And click it again to stop manual record. Click i t to turn the s ound on or di sable. Click i t to start to t alk, and th e backgro und of the bu tton will be highlighted. Click it again to stop talking. Click i t to displa y or hide the b uttons “ ”. Click i t to enter th e device li st interf ace. Click i t to enter th e snapsho t file and re cord file . Click i t to enter th e local set ting inte rface. Click i t to enter us er guide interface. 4> On the l ive view, use rs can touc h a channel o n the screen and drag it to the other channel position directly. 5> On the i nterfac e of “Devic e”, user ca n edit the pa rameter s of one dev ice, clic k “ ” to the next inter face as bel ow. Click “ ” to en ter edit mo de to adjust the parameters. Click “ ” to save. And cli ck “ ” to remov e the infor mation of t he current device.
: to capt ure a frame o f the video s tream as a st ill photo
Recor d: Click it t o start man ual recor d video on th e curren t channel, and the right top corner
Name: Set n ame for t he outd oor dev ice, an d saves s ettin gs for fu ture us age. User: The user name set for entering the outdoor device system. (Admin by d efau lt) Password: The password set for entering the outdoor device system. (88888 8 by def aul t)
Channel Number: Se t the ma x chann els of th e devic e will be c onnec ted.
Click “ ” to sa ve.
[Video Push]: To access the interface about the parameters of one device, there is an o ption “vide o push” for a larm push f unction . When sele ct “On”, it i ndicat es that the a larm push f unction o f the cur rent devi ce is enabl ed. To enable ala rm push fun ction, us ers need to m ake sure th e outdoor
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