* I f th er e is any do ub t or disp ut ab le rega rd in g in fo rmati on i n t his
manua l, yo u c an c al l o ur compa ny fo r c larif ic at io n.
* In a ll c ases, f or m or e d et ai ls , pleas e re fe r to th e el ectro ni c us er ’s
ma nu al o n the i nc lu de d. Th an ks .
.... .. .. .. .. ..... ..

1 Safe ty In str uct ion s
※ Rea d thes e in struc tions and keep t hem in a sa fe p lace f or f uture ref erenc e.
※ Pl ea se refer al l w or k re la te d t o the i ns ta ll at io n o f th is pr od uc t to qu al if ie d
ser vice p ers onnel or s ystem techn ici an.
※ Do n ot ope rat e the a pplia nce beyon d it s spec ifi ed tem per ature , humidit y or
pow er sou rce ratin gs.
※ Sec urely ins tall t he dev ice s on ve rti cal su rfa ces(s oli d wall s/doors) not pr one
to v ibrat ion or imp act .
※ Ins tall t he d evice s away fro m heat sou rces s uch as rad iat ors, h eat regis ters
and stove s.
※ In st al la ti on o f t he te rminal n ea r c on su me r el ec tr on ic s d ev ic es, e. g. st er eo
receiver/ ampl ifie rs and televisions, i s perm itte d as lo ng as the air surroundi ng
the termi nal does n ot e xceed the above menti one d temp era ture r ang e.
※ Han dle th e ap plian ce wit h ca re. Do not strik e or shake , as this m ay d amage
the devic e.
※ The doorb ell /came ra uni ts s hould be f itted wit h an ap pro ved we ather shi eld
if t he cho sen posit ion is in dir ect su nli ght, o r in conta ct w ith ra in, snow o r
irr igati on s prink ler syste ms.
※ Do n ot use str ong or abras ive deter gen ts whe n cl eanin g th e appl iance bod y.
Whe n the d irt is har d to remov e, u se a mi ld det erg ent an d wi pe gen tly .
※ Do not overl oad outlets and exten sion cords as thi s may r esult in a ri sk of fire
or e lectr ic s hock. Dis tribu ting, cop ying, dis assem bli ng, re ver se com pil ing,
rev erse e ngi neeri ng, and al so exp ort ing in vio latio n of expor t la ws of t he
sof tware pro vided wit h this product, is exp res sly pr ohi bited .
Description Of IP Outdoor camera
2.1 Feature (Please take actual model as quasi)

No. Name Des criptions
1 Weath er shi eld Affi x and pr otect outdoor c amera from rain o r snow.
2 IR LEDs Provides i llumination w ith IR LEDs for bet ter vi sibilit y.
3 Camera Capture i mage to transmi t to display
4 Speaker Sound fr om smart-phon e
5 Call butto n Visitor call for i ntercommuni cation
6 Micropho ne Trans mit voice to smar t-phone
For the m odels w ith wir ed function, c onnect the doo rbell to exter nal
System por t
Volume regulator
2.2 Specifications
switc hing po wer supply(D C 12V), ethern et cable and doo r lock.
For the m odels w ith wir eless functi on, connect th e doorbell to ex ternal
switc hing po wer supply(D C 12V), door loc k and indoor ant enna or
outdo or ante nna, an d antenna can be o ptional.
To be used to adjust t he spe aker volu me.
2.3 Fitting of the IP Outdoor Camera
Outdoor ca mera
Plastic an chor
Installa tion s crews
Affix atio n screws
Weath er shi eld
Angle brac ket
Installa tion C D (with ful l manu al and
android mo bile p hone soft ware )
This quick g uide
External S witc hing Powe r Adapte r
(optiona l)
Indoor ant enna (option al)
outdoor an tenn a(optio nal)
1pcs (6dBi o r 3dBi )
1pcs (10dB i)
2.4 Wiring Diagram of the IP Outdoor Camera
Antenna(optio nal)
Outdo or
Indoo r anten na
anten na
(opti onal)
(optio nal)
View an gle
Definito n(Ho r.)
LEDs for nig ht
Power cons umpt ion
Power supp lier
Network In terf ace
Operatio n temp .
Installa tion
1/4 CMOS
IR LEDs(60 )
300mA max.
External s witc hing powe r supp ly DC12V.
Surface/ flus h mount
Anten na conn ector
(opti onal)
Note: G N--G reen, W H--W hite, O G--O range , RD-- Red, B K--Bl ack, B N--Br own.
The terminal is defined functiona lity as bel ow:
1.GN&WH: To netwo rk wire GN& WH 2.G N: To network wire G N
3.OG&WH: To netwo rk wire OG& WH 4.O G: To network wire O G
5.RD: DC 12V 6.BK: G ND 7/8 .BN: To door lock.
To Intern et
Netwo rk Cab le
1.GN&W H
3.OG&W H
5.RD:D C 12V
Extern al switching p ower supply
DC 12V