MMooddeell AA SSeerriieess
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
Please follow these instructions carefully. Failure to follow these instructions can result in a
very dangerous situation and possibly void your warranty.
• This barbecue MUST BE installed in masonry or cinder block construction! Any wood
construction MUST BE at least 24” away and NEVER locate this barbecue under
overhead structures. Failure to follow these instructions can result in a very dangerous
situation and possibly void your warranty.
• Before installation, be sure to check the type of fuel - Propane or Natural Gas. Units are
set for each specific fuel and are not interchangeable. Units not set for the type of gas
being used WILL NOT WORK and could cause damage. Propane units require the
use of a low pressure regulator.
• Fuel delivery system must be black pipe or copper tubing. Hose CANNOT be used
through masonry or cinder block construction, nor can a hose be used for the final
connection to the barbecue.
• Any gas connection should be made by a QUALIFIED GAS SERVICE TECHNICIAN!
Always safety check all gas connections before lighting any barbecue. REMEMBER -
GAS BURNS AND SO DO LEAKS! Safety is up to you.
• Upon completion of installation and safety checks, place lava rocks around burners.
Coal support grates are NOT used in this type of gas barbecue. Place stainless steel
cooking grates on top. Ignition of the gas-fired barbecue is accomplished by lighting
a long fireplace match and inserting it through the cooking grate and ONLY THEN
turning on the gas valve. The second burner will be ignited by the first. This MUST be
done for each section. If barbecue does not light, wait five (5) minutes for gas to
disperse and repeat above instructions.
• Cooking is the same as any gas-fired barbecue. Any sauces should be applied toward
the end of cooking to eliminate unwanted flare-ups.
• Cleaning the barbecue should be done with oven cleaner or with a mild abrasive soap.
Once a year the burners should be removed and cleaned.
P. O.Box 327, 616 Hardwick St. • Belvidere, NJ 07823
800-475-1950 • 908-475-5315 • Fax: 908-475-3165
www.LazyMan.com • e-mail: LazyManGrills@yahoo.com

MMooddeell AA SSeerriieess
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
P. O.Box 327, 616 Hardwick St. • Belvidere, NJ 07823
800-475-1950 • 908-475-5315 • Fax: 908-475-3165
www.LazyMan.com • e-mail: LazyManGrills@yahoo.com