* Bluet ooth® f uncti on
*NFC co nnect ivity
*Play s MP3 Fil es stor ed in your micro SD Ca rd or USB D rive or e xtern al audio device.
*FM Rad io
*Twin Ka raoke j acks.
*One Wi reles s MIC inc luded
*With I nfrar ed remo te control for con venie nce
*Trolley for easy p ortab ility
*Buil t in rech argea ble battery.
*Dual An tenna f or FM and W ireless MIC.
Feat ur es
Play in g MP3 Files throu gh the Speaker us ing the
micr o SD C ard or the USB St ic k
*To selec t Aux use “” M ODE” bu tton on unit main pa nel or fr om remo te cont rol “LINE” will
show on d ispla y
*Disc onnec t USB,m icro SD Micropho ne whil e using Au x.
*To selec t Bluet ooth us e” MODE” button on u nit mai n panel o r from re mote control,
“BLUE ” will sh ow on dis play.
*Scan f rom you r phone , tablet, notebo ok for “L AX-MA X” and pa ir the device to lis ten
Audio f iles th rough s peaker.
* Unpai r from sp eaker w hen finished lis tenin g.
Usin g Aux( LINE IN 3 .5 mm)
*Conn ect DC 15 V. Turn o n volum e knob to s witch on unit , loca ted on th e back si de of
the uni t. Th is unit is manufac tured t o use on DC 1 5V.
*To charg e batte ry, plug in to the DC 1 5V . When b atter y is char ging Red LED light w ill
be on, Wh en comp letel y charged, green L ED ligh t will be o n. If plu gged in to DC 15V,
inter nal bat tery wi ll charge even if un it is swi tched o ff.
*Spea ker bat tery ca n also be charged us ing 12V e xtern al car ba ttery(connec ting ca ble
not inc luded ) throu gh the point “ DC 12V in put” Wh en conn ectin g cable please mak e
sure of “ +” and “- ” point s.
* “FM Ante nna” to b e used fo r better recepti on of FM st ation s.
*Wire less Mi c Antenn a” to be used for bett er rece ption o f wirel ess microphone w hile
using k araok e.
Conn ec ting Unit.
Usin g Bl uetooth
* Use “Mo de” but ton on th e unit or remote con trol to s witch b etwee n USB/ /FM/
AUX/B lueto oth or fr om remote contro l can pre ss “ USB/ SD” but ton to switch betw een
USB or mi cro SD
*Plug i n your US B disk an d /or micro SD card in t he slot s provi ded. Pl ease make sure you
use the c orrec t file fo rmat in your media d evice s-MP3 Files o nly. Ple ase ens ure tha t your
media i s prope rly con nected and that yo ur file s are MP3 f ormat , or that the MODE but ton
is on the c orrec t sourc e.
*Turn up the volume t o the des ired le vel, either from the unit 's volu me cont rol knob on the
contr ol pane l or from t he remote by press ing Vol- f or Down o r Vol+fo r up. The s ound ou tput
quali ty off the speakers wil l depen d on the qu ality of the MP3 files. Volu me from r emote
will be m aximu m to the le vel set manually t hroug h unit vo lume kn ob.
*Pres s to list en to the p revio us track and to skip t o the nex t track f rom unit control
panel o r remot e contr ol.
*To pause o r relea se paus e, press the butto n from th e contr ol pane l or remote contro l.
*Disc onnec t AUX (LIN E IN ) while using oth er audi o devic es thro ugh speaker.
*Plea se reme mber to t urn off t he powe r of the sp eaker b efore removing t he USB Di sk or
micro S D card.
micro S D
NFC co nn ectivity
*On the s peake r, be sure y ou turn on the Bluet ooth mo de.
*Swit ch on the B lueto oth and NFC featur e on your p hone.
*Touch th e speak er with y our phone to conne ct to NFC . Phone w ill be pa ired with
speak er thro ugh the N FC.
*To disco nnect t ouch th e speaker with you r phone a gain.
List en ing to the FM Radio f rom the Speaker.
*To selec t FM use “M ODE”b utton on unit main p anel or f rom rem ote con trol or from
remot e contr ol pres s “FM”
*From t he unit c ontro l panel. Long pres s to scan f or stat ion or pr ess to manually ac cess
prese t stati ons up or d own.
*From r emote c ontro l press “SCAN” to scan for FM f reque ncy or pr ess to manually
selec t prese t stati on up or down.
* “FM Ante nna” to b e used fo r better recepti on for FM s tatio n.
Usin g Mi crophone
*When u sing Mi croph one-plug your mi croph one int o the microphone j ack on un it
main co ntrol p anel .
*Use th e MIC VOL knob t o contr ol the vo ice lev el of the micropho ne
*Use th e “ECHO ” knob to c ontrol microph one ech o.
*When U sing in clude d wireless Micro phone , switc h on microphone, make sur e unit
power i s on.
*Micr ophon e is desi gned to be used toge ther wi th this u nit onl y.
*Wire less mi croph one uses “AA”*2 ba tteri es (not i nclud ed), make sure bat terie s are
charg ed.
*Wire less MI C Antenn a” to be used for bett er rece ption o f wirel ess microphone w hile
using k araok e.
Usin g WI RELESS Micr op hone
Usin g Gu itar Jack.
*When u sing Gu itar- plug your guitar i nto the g uitar j ack on un it main control pa nel.
*Use th e Guita r VOL knob to co ntrol t he volu me level of the Guit ar.
“BASS ” & “TREB LE” on un it control panel c an be use d to adju st soun d when using
micro S D, USB, F M. “EQ” b utton o n unit control pan el or rem ote con trol can be used
to adju st soun d effect to pres et leve ls.
Pleas e keep th is manu al in a safe place for f uture r efere nce
1. US B/SD
sel ect key
num ber sel ect key
USB /SD pla y/pau se cont rol key
Inp ut sele ct USB/ SD; FM ; LI NE; BLU E
4. US B/SD pl ay
5. EQ c ontro l key
6. US B/SD pl ay repe at sele ct key
7. Pl ay cont rol & FM CH - or CH+ & vo lume + or -
8. Li ne AUX inp ut sele ct key
9. Ra dio FM in put sel ect key
10. R adio FM s can con trol ke y