Lawnbott 9L3EL, 9L3LL User Manual

User’s manual
MD-CT-RO-04 - XX - REV 2.0 - EN - 12 -2009 (9L3)
Congratulazioni per aver acquistato questo prodotto, che potrà soddisfare le vostre esigenze ed aspettative. Questo progetto nasce da ZUCCHETTI CENTRO SISTEMI S.p.A. (Azienda certifi cata UNI EN ISO
9001) software house che, dal 1982, ha consolidato la propria attività e la propria presenza sul mercato internazionale. Applicare soluzioni informatiche avanzate al settore dell’automazione industriale signifi ca ottimizzare le attività produttive e semplifi care le procedure di lavoro. E’ proprio sulla base della costante attività di ricerca dei laboratori ZUCCHETTI che nasce questo prodotto
Congratulations on having purchased this product, which we are sure will satisfy your requirements and meet your expectations. This is a ZUCCHETTI CENTRO SISTEMI S.p.A. project. Zucchetti (a UNI EN ISO 9001 certifi ed company) is a software house which, since 1982, has consolidated its activity and presence on the international market. Applying advanced informatics solutions for the industrial automation means optimizing production activities and simplifying work procedures. This product derives from the constant research activity of the ZUCCHETTI laboratories
Nous vous félicitons pour avoir acheté ce produit qui pourra satisfaire vos exigences et vos attentes. Ce projet a vu le jour chez ZUCCHETTI CENTRO SISTEMI S.p.A. (Entreprise certifi ée UNI EN ISO 9001) maison de logiciel qui, à partir 1982, a consolidé son activité et sa présence sur le marché international. Appliquer des solutions informatiques évoluées au secteur de l’automatisation industrielle signifi e optimiser les activités productives et simplifi er les procédures de travail. C’est justement sur la base de la constante activité de recherche des laboratoires ZUCCHETTI que ce produit a vu le jour.
Wir gratulieren Ihnen zum Kauf dieses Produktes, das Ihre Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen mit Sicherheit erfüllen kann. Dieses Projekt wurde von der Firma ZUCCHETTI CENTRO SISTEMI S.p.A. (zertifi ziert nach UNI EN ISO 9001) Software House entwickelt, die seit 1982 ihre Produktion und damit auch ihre Stellung auf dem internationalen Markt immer weiter ausbaut. Durch die Anwendung zukunftsweisender Software-Lösungen in der industriellen Automation werden die Produktion optimiert und die Arbeitsprozesse vereinfacht. Die Entwicklung dieses Produktes basiert auf den stetigen Forschungsakti­vitäten der ZUCCHETTI-Labore
Gracias por haber comprado este producto que podrá satisfacer sus exigencias y expectativas. Este proyecto nace de la experiencia de ZUCCHETTI CENTRO SISTEMI S.p.A. (empresa certifi cada de conformidad con la norma UNI EN ISO 9001), empresa de software que desde el año 1982 ha consolidado su propia actividad y presencia en el mercado internacional. Aplicar soluciones informáticas avanzadas al sector de la automatización industrial signifi ca optimizar las actividades productivas y simplifi car los procedimientos de trabajo. Este producto es fruto de la constante actividad de investigación de los laboratorios ZUCCHETTI.
Van harte gefeliciteerd met uw aankoop van dit product dat aan al uw eisen en verwachtingen zal voldoen. Dit project werd ontwikkeld door ZUCCHETTI CENTRO SISTEMI S.p.A. (UNI EN ISO 9001 gecertifi ceerd bedrijf) software house, sinds 1982 actief op de internationale markt waar het een sterke positie verworven heeft. Het toepassen van innoverende computeroplossingen in de sector van industriële automatisering leidt tot optimalisering van de productiewerkzaamheden en werkprocedures. Dit product is vrucht van de continu inspanningen van de vorsers van de ZUCCHETTI laboratoria.
Tillykke med dit nye produkt, som vi er overbevist om, vil tilfredsstille alle dine behov og forventninger. Dette projekt blev født hos ZUCCHETTI CENTRO SISTEMI S.p.A. (som er et selskab med UNI EN ISO 9001 certifi cering) og deres softwarehouse, som siden 1982 har konsolideret sine aktiviteter og sin tilstedeværelse på det internationale marked. Anvendelsen af avancerede it-løsninger indenfor industriel automatisering betyder en optimering af produktionsaktiviteterne og en forenkling af arbejdsprocedurerne. Det er netop på grund af en konstant forskningsaktivitet hos ZUCCHETTI-laboratorierne, at dette produkt er blevet til.
Onnittelemme sinua tämän tuotteen hankkimisen johdosta. Olemme varmoja, että tuote täyttää tarpeesi ja odotuksesi. Tämän tuotteen on kehittänyt ZUCCHETTI CENTRO SISTEMI S.p.A (sertifi oitu UNI EN ISO 9001), ohjelmistoalan yritys, joka on perustamisvuodestaan 1982 lähtien vahvistanut toimintaansa ja rooliaan kansainvälisillä markkinoilla. Pitkälle kehitettyjen ohjelmistoratkaisujen käyttö tehdasautomaatiossa tarkoittaa tuotantotoimintojen optimointia sekä työprosessin yksinkertaistamista. Tämä tuote on kehitetty ZUCCHETTIN tutkimuslaboratorioiden jatkuvan tutkimustyön tuloksena.
Tack för att ni har köpt denna produkt som kan tillfredsställa era behov och förväntningar. Detta projekt kommer ursprungligen från ZUCCHETTI CENTRO SISTEMI S.p.A.(AB) programvaruhus (företag certifi erat enligt UNI EN ISO 9001) som, sedan 1982, har befäst sin verksamhet och närvaro på den internationella marknaden. Tillämpning av avancerade IT-lösningar inom den industriella automationssektorn innebär en optimering av den produktiva verksamheten och en förenkling av arbetsprocedurerna. Det är just till följd av den konstanta forskningen som pågår i ZUCCHETTI’s laboratorier som denna produkt har tillkommit.
User’s manual
IT: Dichiarazione di conformità / GB: Declaration of conformity / FR: Déclaration de conformité DE: Konformitätsbestätigung / ES: Declaración de conformidad / NL: Verklaring van overeenstemming DA: Overensstemmelseserklæring / FI: Vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutus / SV: Konformitetsdeklaration
ZUCCHETTI Centro Sistemi S.p.A. Via Lungarno 305/A Terranuova (AR) ITALY
Dichiara sotto la propria responsabilità che il prodotto modello 9L3BL, 9L3LL è conforme alle seguenti norme europee : Sicurezza: CEI EN (50338: 2007-06) ­(60335-1: 2008-07) Compatibilità Elettromagnetica : CEI EN (55014-1: 2008 -01) - (55014-2: 1998 -10) ­(55014-2/A1: 2002 -08) - (55014-2/A2: 2008
-12) CEI EN (61000-3-2: 2007-04) - (61000-3-3: 1997-06) - (61000-3-3/A1: 2002-05)
E’ conforme ai requisiti essenziali delle seguenti Direttive :
Direttiva Bassa Tensione 2006/95 CE - Compatibilità Elettromagnetica 2004/108 CE - Rumore Aereo 2006/42 CE
Erklärung in eigener Verantwortung: dieses Produkt der Modelle 9L3BL, 9L3LL entspricht folgenden europäischen Normen: Sicherheit: CEI EN (50338: 2007-06) - (60335-1: 2008-07) Elektromagnetische Konformität: CEI EN (55014-1: 2008 -01) - (55014-2: 1998 -10) ­(55014-2/A1: 2002 -08) - (55014-2/A2: 2008
-12) CEI EN (61000-3-2: 2007-04) - (61000-3-3: 1997-06) - (61000-3-3/A1: 2002-05)
Es entspricht im wesentlichen den Anforderungen folgender Richtlinien: Niederspannungsrichtlinie 2006/95 EG – Elektromagnetische Kompatibilität 2004/108 EG – Luftschall 2006/42 EG
Erklærer på eget ansvar, at produktet model 9L3BL, 9L3LL, er i overensstemmelse med følgende europæiske standarder : Sikkerhed : IEC EN (50338: 2007-06) ­(60335-1: 2008-07) Elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet : IEC EN (55014-1: 2008 -01) - (55014-2: 1998
-10) - (55014-2/A1: 2002 -08) - (55014-2/ A2: 2008 -12) IEC EN (61000-3-2: 2007-04) - (61000-3-3: 1997-06) - (61000-3-3/A1: 2002-05)
Er i overensstemmelse med de væsentligste krav i følgende direktiver :
Lavstrømsdirektiv 2006/95 EC - Direktiv for eletromagnetisk kompatibilitet
2004/108 EC - Direktiv for luftbåren støj 2006/42 EC
Hereby declares under their full responsibility that the products, models 9L3BL, 9L3LL, conform to the following European standards: Safety: CEI EN (50338: 2007-06) – (60335-1: 2008-07). Electromagnetic compatibility: CEI EN (55014-1: 2008-01) – (55014-2: 1998-10) – (55014-2/A: 2002-08) – (55014-2/A2: 2008-12) – CEI EN (61000-3-2: 2007-04) – (61000-3-3: 1997-06) – (61000-3-/A1: 2002-05)
They conform to the essential requirements of the following Directives:
Low Voltage Directive 2006/95 EC – Electromagnetic Compatibility 2004/108 EC – Aerial Noise 2006/42 EC
Declara bajo su propia responsabilidad que el producto modelo 9L3BL, 9L3LL, es conforme a las siguientes normas europeas: Seguridad: CEI EN (50338: 2007-06) ­(60335-1: 2008-07) Compatibilidad electromagnética: CEI EN (55014-1: 2008 -01) - (55014-2: 1998
-10) - (55014-2/A1: 2002 -08) - (55014-2/ A2: 2008 -12) CEI EN (61000-3-2: 2007-04) - (61000-3-3: 1997-06) - (61000-3-3/A1: 2002-05)
Es conforme a los requisitos esenciales de las siguientes Directivas: Directiva de baja tensión 2006/95 CE
- Compatibilidad electromagnética 2004/108 CE - Ruido aéreo 2006/42 CE
Vakuuttaa omalla vastuullaan, että tuote mallia 9L3BL, 9L3LL, vastaa seuraavien eurooppalaisten standardien vaatimuksia: Turvallisuus : CEI EN (50338: 2007-06) ­(60335-1: 2008-07)
Sähkömagneettinen yhteensopivuus :
CEI EN (55014-1: 2008 -01) - (55014-2: 1998 -10) - (55014-2/A1: 2002 -08) ­(55014-2/A2: 2008 -12) CEI EN (61000-3-2: 2007-04) - (61000-3-3: 1997-06) - (61000-3-3/A1: 2002-05)
Vastaa seuraavien direktiivien oleellisia vaatimuksia :
Pienjännitedirektiivi 2006/95/EY - Sähkömagneettinen yhteensopivuus
2004/108/EY - Konedirektiivi 2006/42/ EY
Déclare sous sa responsabilité
que le produit modèle 9L3BL, 9L3LL, est conforme aux normes européennes suivantes : Sécurité : CEI EN (50338: 2007-06) ­(60335-1: 2008-07) Compatibilité électromagnétique : CEI EN (55014-1: 2008 -01) - (55014-2: 1998
-10) - (55014-2/A1 : 2002 -08) - (55014-2/ A2 : 2008 -12) CEI EN (61000-3-2: 2007-04) - (61000-3-3: 1997-06) - (61000-3-3/A1 : 2002-05)
Est conforme aux conditions requises essentielles des Directives suivantes : Directive Basse Tension 2006/95 CE
- Compatibilité Électromagnétique 2004/108 CE - Bruit Aérien 2006/42 CE
Verklaart onder zijn verantwoor­delijkheid dat het product model 9L3BL, 9L3LL, conform de volgende Europese normen is: Veiligheid: CEI EN (50338: 2007-06) ­(60335-1: 2008-07) Elektromagnetische Compatibiliteit: CEI EN (55014-1: 2008 -01) - (55014-2: 1998
-10) - (55014-2/A1: 2002 -08) - (55014-2/ A2: 2008 -12) CEI EN (61000-3-2: 2007-04) - (61000-3-3: 1997-06) - (61000-3-3/A1: 2002-05)
En conform de essentiële vereisten van de volgende Richtlijnen is: Richtlijn Laagspanning 2006/95 EG
- Elektromagnetische Compatibiliteit 2004/108 EG - Lawaai 2006/42 EG
Förklarar under eget ansvar att produktmodellerna 9L3BL, 9L3LL, överensstämmer med följande europeiska standarder: Säkerhet: CEI EN (50338: 2007-06) ­(60335-1: 2008-07) Elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet: CEI EN (55014-1: 2008 -01) - (55014-2: 1998 -10)
- (55014-2/A1: 2002 -08) - (55014-2/A2: 2008 -12) CEI EN (61000-3-2: 2007-04) - (61000-3-3: 1997-06) - (61000-3-3/A1: 2002-05)
Det överensstämmer med de nödvändiga kraven i följande direktiv: Lågspänningsdirektivet 2006/95/ EG - Elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet 2004/108/EG - Luftburet buller 2006/42/ EG
Bernini Fabrizio - Terranuova 22/07/2009
(Amministratore delegato) - (Chief executive offi cer) - (Administrateur délegué) - (Geschäftsführer)
(Director general) - (Diracteur) - (Administrerende direktør) - (Pääjohtaja) - (Styrelseordförande)
User’s manual
General information ....................................................................................... 5
Technical Information .................................................................................... 7
Safety information ....................................................................................... 11
Installation .................................................................................................. 15
Adjustments ................................................................................................. 28
Use and operation ....................................................................................... 30
Maintenance ................................................................................................ 47
Troubleshooting guide ................................................................................. 49
Parts Replacement ...................................................................................... 55
Adjustment of the cutting height, 28 Adjustment of the rain sensor, 29 Adjustment recommendations, 28 Automatic re-entry to the charging station, 41
Battery charging after prolonged inactivity, 46 Battery charging on fi rst use, 27 Battery replacement, 55 Blade replacement, 55 D Defi ning the path of the perimeter wire, 18 Description of robot commands, 30
General description of the appliance, 7
Identifi cation of manufacturer and appliance, 6 Initial start up – automatic mode, 40 Installation of charging station and power supply-transmitter unit, 25 Installation of perimeter wire, 22
Language options – programming mode, 39
Main components, 8 Maintenance recommendations, 47 Menu Access, 31
Navigation, 32
Operating tips, 30, 46
Packing and unpacking, 15 Password entry, 44 Planning and installation of the plant, 16 Preparation and marking the boundaries of the work areas, 19 Preparation of the robot’s quick re-entry to the charging station, 24
User’s manual
Prolonged inactivity and restarting, 45 Purpose of the manual, 5
Recommendations for parts replacement, 55 Replacement of remote control batteries, 56 Requesting technical assistance, 6 Robot cleaning, 48 Robot disposal, 56 Robot safety stop, 40 Robot start-up without the perimeter wire, 43 Routine maintenance table, 47
Safety devices, 13 Safety for man and the environment during disposal, 13 Safety information, 11 Safety – programming mode, 38 Safety regulations, 11 Safety signals, 14 Secondary Areas – programming mode, 37 Settings – programming mode, 34 Shedules – method, 35
Technical specifi cations, 9 Troubleshooting, 49
Use of the robot in closed areas with no charging station, 41
Visualisation of the display during the work phase, 44
Work mode – programming mode, 3
Reproduction, even partial, of this document without the written authorisation of the manufacturer is strictly forbidden. The manufacturer implements a policy of continual improvement and reserves the right to modify this document without prior notice on condition that the modifi cations do not constitute a health and safety risk. © 2008 – Text, illustrations and page layout by Tipolito La Zecca. The text can be reproduced, in whole or in part, on condition that the author is mentioned.
User’s manual
This manual forms an integral part of the appliance and was produced by the Manufacturer to • provide the necessary information to people authorised to interact with it during its expected working life.
Operators of the appliance must adopt correct working techniques and must carefully read and • follow the instructions contained in this manual.
This information is provided by the Manufacturer in its original language of Italian and may be • translated into other languages for legal and/or commercial purposes.
Carefully read the instructions in this manual to avoid unnecessary risks relating to personal • health and safety and economic damages.
Keep this manual in a safe and easily accessible place for quick reference.
Some information and illustrations contained in this manual may not perfectly correspond to the • appliance in your possession, however, this does not compromise its functioning.
The Manufacturer has the right to make changes without notice.
The following systems are used throughout this manual to highlight particularly important • information or to indicate important specifi cations.
This symbol identifi es situations of imminent danger, which, if ignored, could lead to serious bodily injury or death.
This symbol identifi es situations where it is necessary to behave in a certain way to avoid serious serious bodily injury and to protect the robot.
This symbol identifi es particularly important technical information, , if not followed, could lead to damage to the robot.
Danger - Attention
Warning - Caution
User’s manual
The data plate shown is applied directly onto the appliance. It contains references to information which is essential for safely operating the robot.
A–Manufacturer Identifi cation.
B–EC conformity label.
C–Model / Serial number / Manufacturing
D–Technical specifi cations.
(A) Identifi cation of manufactur
(B) EC conformity label
(C) Model
(C) Serial number
(D) Technical specifi cations
(C) Manufacturing year
For any technical requirements, please contact the Manufacturer’s Technical Service Centre or an authorised centre. For technical assistance, indicate the data reported on the data plate, the approximate operating hours and the type of fault detected.
User’s manual
The appliance is a robot designed and built to automatically cut grass in gardens and lawns at any time of the day. It is small, compact, silent and easy to transport.
Depending on the characteristics of the surface to mow, the robot can be programmed to mow several areas: a primary area and then secondary areas (based on the model).
During operation, the robot mows the area delimited by the perimeter wire.
When the robot detects the perimeter wire or encounters an obstacle with a height above 10 cm (3.94 in.), it changes direction in a random manner and starts mowing again in a new direction.
Based on its operating principle (“random”), the robot automatically mows the entire delimited area of the lawn (see fi gure).
The lawn surfaces that the robot can mow depend on a series of factors, such as:
model of the robot and type of batteries • installed
characteristics of the area (irregular • perimeters, uneven surfaces, divided areas, etc.)
characteristics of the lawn (type and height • of the grass, moisture, etc.)
conditions of the blade (level of sharpness, • without residuals or encrustations, etc.)
All the models are equipped with a sensor that, in case of rain, stops the blade and returns the robot to the charging station. On request, the models can be equipped with upgraded transmit­ter, power supply safety box and electronic alarm. For more details, refer to the Technical Spe­cifi cations. Each robot comes with its own recognition password to prevent it from being used if stolen. At the time of purchase, the password entered by the manufacturer consists of four numbers (0000). To personalise the password see “Programming Mode” (Password function).
User’s manual
A-Battery: supplies power to the blade and wheel motors. The robot is supplied with one or two
lithium batteries which guarantee longer mowing times
B-Charging Station: this is needed to recharge or keep the batteries charged (A)
C-Mother board: controls the automatic functions of the robot.
D-Control keyboard: used to set and display the operating modes of the robot.
E-Cutting blade: mows the lawn
F-Electric motor: operates the cutting blade (E).
G-Electric motor: one operates the right-wheel transmission unit, while the other operates the
left wheel.
H-Transmitter: transmits the signal to the perimeter wire
L-Power supply unit: supplies power, in low voltage, to the batteries.
M-Bumper sensor: detects when the robot is about to hit an obstacle that is higher than 10 cm
(3.94 in.) and enables the random change of direction
P-Rain sensor: detects rain and commands the robot to return to the charging station (P).
Q-Sensor: detects the perimeter wire and enables the robot to change its direction in a random
R-Handle: used to lift and carry the robot.
User’s manual
Maximum recommended surface that can be mowed
Robot equipped with one
13.8Ah lithium battery
m2 (sq ft)
Robot equipped with one
13.8Ah lithium battery and two 6.9Ah lithium batteries
m2 (sq ft)
Size (W x H x D) mm
670 x 294 x 488
(26,8 x 11,57 x 19,21 in.)
Robot weight (incl. battery) kg
(1x13Ah Lithium)
(1x13,8Ah+2x6,9Ah Lithium)
Cutting height (Min-Max)
mm (in.) 24-64 (0,95-2,52 in)
Diameter of blade with 4 cutting edges
(14,17 in)
Electric motors V
cc (25.2V) with
cc (25.2V) without
Cutting blade speed
4000 Cut
2200 Maintenance
Ground speed
(98 ft.)
Maximum slope Recommended
° 27° depending on the condition of the lawn
Ambient operating temperature
Max° -10°(14 F.) (Min) +50° (122 f.) (Max)
Measured noise level dB(A) 80 (Max) - 73 (lawn maintenance)
Water protection class IP
Electrical features
Power Supply unit (for lithium battery)
Class 1 (Vin 115-230 Vac 50Hz) fuse 5x20
4A F (internal) 29.3 Vac Fuse 5x20 10A F
(replaceable) Switch 115-230 Vac
Battery type and charger
Rechargeable battery Lithium-Ion
25,2V - 1x13,8Ah
25,2V - 1x13,8Ah + 2x6,9Ah
User’s manual
Battery charger
V-A 29,3 Vcc - 4,0 Ah
Minimum charging time and method
4.0 hours - automatic
Average operating time
4 (1x13Ah Lithium)
8 (1x13,8Ah+2x6,9Ah Lithium)
Blade safety stop
Rollover sensor standard
Lifting sensor standard
Emergency button standard
Equipment and accessories
Perimeter wire m (ft)
200 (656 ft)
ø1,5 mm
Maximum length of peri­meter wire (indicative, cal­culated based on a regular perimeter)
600 (1000 with upgraded transmitter,
not supplied)
( 1968 – 3280 ft)
Fastening nails
Areas managed, including the primary one
Sinusoid perimeter signal (patented)
Rain sensor standard
Blade modulation and smart spiral
Mowed lawn recognition sensor – Auto Setup (patented)
Acoustic alarm
Bluetooth receiver
Upgraded perimeter wire transmitter
Necessary in case of long perimeter wire or in
the presence of a disturbed or weak signal
User’s manual
Power supply safety box
External box for holding the battery charger and
the signal transmitter
Battery recharging kit
Useful for recharging the batteries in winter or
after prolonged inactivity
Wheel claw
Improves the robot’s grip in case of slopes or
slippery surfaces
8-edged blade
Specifi cally for early season rapid growth and
for lawns that require greater cutting power.
During design and construction, the Manufacturer carefully considered the personal health and • safety risks of those operating with the robot. In addition to respecting the applicable current laws, the Manufacturer adopted all the “regulations of good manufacturing techniques.” The purpose of this information is to advise users on placing special attention to prevent risks of injury. However, prudence and caution is irreplaceable. Safety is also in the hands of operators who interact with the appliance.
When using the robot for the fi rst time, it is recommended to carefully read the entire • manual and to fully understand it, particularly any and all safety information.
Carefully read the instructions in this manual and those that apply directly to the machine, • especially the safety information. Carefully study this manual to prevent injuries or accidents. It is always too late to remember what you should have done after the fact.
Lift and move the robot according to the information reported directly on the packaging, on the • appliance and in the user instructions provided by the Manufacturer.
Pay attention to the symbols that appear on the robot and in this manual; their shape and colour • are important for safety purposes. Keep them legible and follow the instructions.
The lawn mower can only be used by people who know how to operate it and who have read • and understood the instructions in this manual.
Only use the robot for the intended purposes specifi ed by the manufacturer. Improper use of • the robot may lead to serious injury or death.
Before using the lawn mower, make sure there are no objects on the lawn (toys, branches, • clothing items, etc.).
When using the robot, make sure the work area is clear of people (in particular children, the • elderly or disabled people) and domestic animals to prevent safety risks. To prevent this risk, it is recommended to operate the production activity of the robot at suitable times of the day.
User’s manual
Never allow people to sit on the robot.
Never lift the robot to inspect the blade during operation.
Do not place hands and feet under the robot at any time.
Do not tamper with, sidestep, eliminate or bypass the safety devices installed. The • non-observance of this requirement may cause serious personal injury or death.
Keep the lawn mower in conditions of maximum effi ciency by carrying out the maintenance • operations provided for by the Manufacturer. Proper maintenance will allow obtaining the best performances and longer operating times.
Before carrying out any maintenance and adjustments disconnect the electric power supply. • The user must ensure that all the necessary safety conditions are in place, especially when working on the lower part of the lawn mower, and must follow the Manufacturer’s procedures and instructions.
Use the personal protection devices prescribed for by the Manufacturer, in particular, always • wear protective gloves when working on the cutting blade.
Before replacing the batteries, always remove the blade.
Make sure the air openings of the power supply unit are free and clear of residuals.
In order to not irreversibly damage the electric and electronic parts, do not wash the robot with • high-pressurised water and do not immerse it in water, partially or completely, since it is not watertight.
Only qualifi ed persons, having the necessary technical expertise and skill, should attempt to work • on or repair this robot. Failure to observe these requirements could result in serious injury.
Any work to be performed on the charging station must be carried out with the plug of the • power cord disconnected.
Replace any worn or deteriorated parts with original spare parts to ensure proper functionality • and safety.
The robot cannot be used without the upper cover; if the mechanical parts of the robot are • damaged, they must be replaced.
Any routine or extraordinary maintenance (e.g. battery replacement) must be performed by an • authorised service centre.
The Manufacturer shall not be held liable if non-original spare parts are used.
Never use and recharge the robot in explosive and/or fl ammable environments.
User’s manual
The bumper sensor is enabled if the robot strikes a solid object higher than 10 cm (3.94 in.). This sensor will stop the movement in that direction and move backwards to avoid the obstacle.
2. Inclinometer
If the robot works on a slope which is steeper than the maximum limit, or tips over, this safety device will stop the cutting blade.
3. Emergency stop switch
Located on the control panel, red in colour. Pressing this button at any time during operation will immediately stop the movement of the mower and the rotation of the blade will stop within 2 seconds.
4. Over-current protection
The motors (blade and wheels) are monitored continuously during operation for any situation that may cause them to overheat. If this occurs in the wheel motor, the robot will attempt to move in the opposite direction. If the over-current persists, the robot will stop and signal an error. If the cutting motor overheats, then there are two types of intervention. If the parameters fall within the fi rst range, the robot will perform the manoeuvres to unblock the cutting blade. If the over-current is below the protection range, the robot will stop and signal a motor error.
5. No signal of the sensor
If there is no signal on the perimeter cable, the robot will automatically stop.
6. Lifting sensor.
In the event that the robot is lifted from the ground by the central handle, the cutting blade will stop rotating.
Do not disregard any polluting material into the environment. Dispose of the robot according to the • applicable laws.
In reference to the WEEE Directive (Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment), during the phasing • out of the machine, the user must separate the electrical and electronic components and dispose of them in special authorised waste collection centres, or take them back to the retailer when purchasing a new one.
All the parts, which must be collected separately or disposed of in a specifi c manner, are marked with • a special label.
Unauthorised disposal of Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) is punishable with • sanctions regulated by the laws in force in the country where the infraction took place.
For example, to implement the European directives (2002/95/CE, 2002/96/CE, 2003/108/CE) in Italy, • a legislative decree was issued (No. 151 of 25 July 2005) which provides for an administrative fi ne of 2000÷5000.
Electric and Electronic Equipment may contain hazardous substances having potentially harmful effects on the environment and on the health of people. It is recommended to correctly dispose of this waste.
Danger - Attention
User’s manual
Attention! Do not clean or wash the robot with water.
Carefully read the user instructions and ensure that you fully understand them before using the robot.
The warnings and safety instructions given in this manual must be followed. Failure to do so could lead to machine breakage and/or serious bodily injury.
Keep hands and feet away from the cutting blade. Never place your hands or feet underneath the body or close to the robot when it is working.
User’s manual
The robot is delivered suitably packed. When unpacking, carefully remove it and check the integrity of the parts. The contents contain all necessary equipment for operating the robot.
Packing contents:
A – Robot B – Power supply unit C – Power cord D – Charging Station E – Transmitter F – Perimeter wire coil G – Pegs for fastening wire H – User manual L – Lithium batteries: the number of batteries may vary depending on the purchase order. M –Cutting blade (already assembled in some models)
The list only includes standard parts. Check the quantity and integrity of any • optional accessories requested.
Keep the packing materials for future use.
User’s manual
The robot is not diffi cult to install, but requires some preliminary planning in order to defi ne the best area for installing the charging station, the power supply-transmitter unit and for tracing the path of the perimeter wire.
The charging station must be positioned on • the edge of the lawn, preferably in the lar­gest area where other areas of the lawn are easily accessible. The area with the char­ging station is hereinafter referred to as the “Primary Area.”
Power supply-transmitter unit
perimeter wire
charging station
Min. height. 160 cm /63 inc.
Min. width
200 cm
/78,74 inc
Position the power supply-transmitter unit in an area that cannot be accessed by children. For example, at a height above 160 cm (63 in.)
Operation of the robot. The robot must be able to easily fi nd the charging station at the • end of the work cycle, which will also be the departure point for a new work cycle and for reaching any other work areas (hereinafter referred to as the “Secondary Areas”).
Position the charging station according to these rules :
- On level ground
- On compact and stable ground with good drainage
- Preferably in the largest area of the lawn
- In case of sprinklers, make sure the water jets are not directed inside the charging station.
- Make sure the entrance of the charging station is positioned as shown in the fi gure so that the robot can enter it by following the perimeter wire in a clockwise direction.
- There must be a straight area of 200 cm (78.74 in.) in front of the base.
The charging station must be well fastened to the ground. To prevent a small step from for-• ming in front of the base, position a small piece of fake grass at its entrance as prevention. Alternatively, remove part of the grassy surface and install the base fl ush with the grass.
The charging station is connected to the power supply-transmitter unit via a cord that must move away from the charging station on the outside of the cutting area.
Warning - Caution
User’s manual
Position the power supply-transmitter unit • according to the following rules:
- In a well-ventilated area protected against atmospheric agents and direct sunlight.
- Preferably inside your home, a garage or shed.
- If positioned outdoors, make sure it is protected in a well-ventilated box away from direct sunlight and water. Do not position in direct contact with the ground or in humid environments.
- Position it on the outside of the lawn and not inside.
- Position it at least 200 cm (78.74 in.) from the charging station.
- Stretch out the excess cord going from the charging station to the power supply­transmitter unit. Do not shorten or leng­then the cord.
The incoming section of the wire must be • straight and aligned perpendicularly to the charging station by at least 200 cm (78.74 in.) and the outgoing section must move away from the charging station as shown in the fi gure; this allows the correct re-entry of the robot.
power supply-transmitter unit
charging station
new perimeter wire
min height 160 cm /63 inc.
min distance
200 cm
/78,74 inc.
min distance
200 cm
/78,74 inc.
When connecting the electricity, make sure there is a power outlet near the installation area. Make sure the connection to the mains power conforms to the applicable laws.
It is advisable to install the unit in a cabinet for electric components (for outdoor or indoor use) that is well-ventilated to maintain a correct air circulation and equipped with a key lock.
Make sure access to the power supply-transmitter unit is allowed only to authorised people.
Warning - Caution
Warning - Caution
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