Lavry DA11 User Manual

LavryBlack Series Model DA11 Digital to Analog Converter
Lavry Engineering, Inc.
P.O. Box 4602
Rolling Bay, WA 98061
Patent Pending >PiC< Playback Image Control™
May 20, 2009
Rev 1.1
DA11 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Quickstart Guide- Basic Settings 1
Quickstart Guide- Diagram 1, Settings and Operation 2
Quickstart Guide- Diagram 1 Sections, Setting Mode 2
Quickstart Guide- Diagram 1 Sections, Operation Mode 4
Quickstart Guide- Infrared Remote 5
Operation- Features and Connections 6
Operation- USB input 7
Operation- Configuring the XLR Outputs 9
Operation- Front Panel and Setting Mode 10
Operation- Setting Mode- Input selection, Output, & Invert 11
Operation- Setting Mode- Invert, Unbalanced Output, Dim 12
Operation- Operating Mode- >PiC< Playback Image Control 12
Operation- Volume & Determining the Correct Level Setting 13
Operation- Optional Infrared Remote Control 16
Operation- Disabling IR Remote Safe Mode 17
Specifications 17
Limited Warranty 18
DA11 Table of Contents
DA11 Quickstart Guide
Quickstart Guide- Basic Settings
To familiarize yourself with the operation of the front panel controls of the DA11, it is advisable to connect the DA11 to AC power before making any other connections, and try the suggested settings in this guide.
The two switches under the SELECT legend are used to change settings.
- The left switch marked moves the cursor left or right as indicated by the arrows.
- The right switch turns the setting “On” or “Off” each time the switch is clicked down in the “set” direction.
- Click the
switch down to enter the Setting mode.
- Click the right switch up towards “exit” to exit the Setting mode.
- Setting example- USB input, output “On,” Pin 2 Hot for RCA connection
(change from the factory default setting*).
1) Turn the DA11 power “on” and wait for the two IMAGE LED’s to appear.
2) Enter Setting mode by clicking the
3) The rapidly flashing cursor will appear at the first position on the left (xlr).
4) Click the
switch down twice so the flashing cursor appears above the “usb”
5) Click the right switch down towards “set” and the cursor will flash rapidly to indicate the usb input has been selected. The LED above “xlr” will go dark.
6) Click the
switch down five times to position the flashing cursor above the pin
3 legend. The LED above “usb” will stop flashing and stay illuminated.
7) Click the right switch down towards “set” and the cursor will change from flashing rapidly to flashing slowly to indicate that Pin 3 has been grounded (is “off”).
The display should look like this (were
switch in the down direction.
symbolizes the slowly flashing cursor):
10.) Click the right switch up towards exit to exit the Setting mode. After about ten seconds, the “LE” symbol will appear in the VOLUME display to indicate the settings have been stored in memory and the DA11 is in Operating mode.
11.) Please reduce the DA11’s Volume setting to a low value (“00” to “05”), wait for the “LE” symbol to re-appear before turning the power “Off,” and see the CONNECTIONS section of the manual.
* The factory default settings are: xlr input, output “on,” invert “off,” pin2 “on,” pin 3 “on,” & dim “off.” The default setting display looks like this (were
symbolizes a rapidly
flashing cursor):
DA11 Quickstart Guide
Quickstart Guide- Settings and Operation
The DA11 front panel has three sections: (Diagram 1)
There are two main modes for the DA11- the Operating Mode and the Setting Mode.
- In Operating mode, the front panel displays the status of the
in the IMAGE section. The VOLUME display indicates the setting of the
>PiC< Playback Image
volume control when the volume is adjusted and for approximately 10 seconds afterwards. The VOLUME display then reverts to displaying “LE.”
- In Setting mode, status of the settings is displayed along with the position of the cursor in the IMAGE display section. The position of the cursor is denoted by the flashing LED. When an active input is selected, the VOLUME display will indicate the sample rate of the digital audio input. If the input is not “locked” or there is no signal present on the selected input, the VOLUME display shows the symbol “- -“
- Approximately 10 seconds after exiting Setting mode, the VOLUME display reverts to “LE” to indicate that the settings have been stored in non-volatile memory. This means the DA11 will retain the settings even if the power is turned “off.” Any time the VOLUME display reverts to the “LE” symbol, the settings are stored, including after any volume adjustment from the front panel or remote.
Diagram 1, Section 1- Setting Controls
The two toggle switches on the left side of the front panel under the SELECT legend control the Setting mode of the DA11.
The first switch labeled with the
- Clicking the switch down while in the operating mode causes the DA11 to enter Setting mode. A flashing cursor and the indicators for settings that are “on” will appear in the IMAGE display window
- While in Setting mode, clicking the switch down moves the cursor one position to the right and clicking the switch up moves the cursor one step to the left.
- The position of the cursor is retained when exiting Setting mode, so the cursor will appear at the same position it was in when Setting mode is re-entered (in other words, clicking “set” will turn the same function on and off). The exception occurs when AC power is first turned “on;” the cursor will always appear in the left-most position (xlr).
The second switch is labeled “exit” and “set.”
- Clicking the switch down (set) toggles the function On and Off. In the case of selecting an input, the input at the cursor position is enabled and all other inputs are disabled.
- Clicking the switch up (exit) immediately exits the Setting mode.
- After exiting the Setting mode, clicking the switch in either direction has no effect.
symbols has two functions:
DA11 Quickstart Guide
When in the Setting mode, the LED’s above each label indicate the status of each setting. The cursor position affects the way an LED indicates the status.
- At the cursor position, a rapidly blinking LED indicates “on” and slowly blinking cursor indicates “off.”
- At all other positions, a steadily illuminated LED indicates “on,” and an LED that is not illuminated indicates “off.”
Please note that in the following Setting mode function descriptions, the distinction between whether the LED is at the cursor position or not may be omitted for clarity
Diagram 1, Section 2- Setting Mode Display (only in Setting mode)
- Input selection. This consists of the xlr, opt (optical), usb, and rca labels and the LED’s above them. Only one input can be selected at any time.
- If the cursor is positioned at the selected input, the LED flashes rapidly.
- If the cursor is positioned at an input that is not selected, the cursor LED flashes slowly.
- When an input is selected, and the cursor is at a different position, the LED for the selected input is constantly illuminated. If the cursor is positioned at a different input, clicking the “Set” switch will enable the input at the cursor position and disable the previously selected input.
- Once an input is selected and the cursor is still at that input position, subsequent “set” clicks toggle the input on and off. !!! Please Note: there are settings in the computer that affect the operation of the USB input. Please see the “USB INPUT” section of the manual for details.
- Output muting. The main (XLR) outputs of the DA11 can be muted while the headphone output remains active.
- If the output setting is “on” as indicated by the LED, the outputs are “on.”
- If the output setting is “Off,” the main outputs are muted. This function operates differently than the Mute function controlled by the optional infrared remote. Like other functions in the Setting mode, if the cursor is positioned at the output LED, it will flash rapidly to indicate that the function is “On.” Clicking the set switch once will mute the outputs and this will be indicated by a slowly flashing LED. When the cursor is at another position, the LED is “off” (not illuminated) when the outputs are “off” (muted).
- Please use caution when turning the outputs “on;” it is a good idea to set the
volume to a low setting prior to turning the outputs “on.”
- Polarity Invert. This function changes the audio signal polarity of both the main outputs and the headphone output. The invert function is operational for all main output configurations- balanced or unbalanced.
- If the invert function is “on” as indicated by the LED, the polarity is inverted in the output audio for Pin 2 “+” operation and headphones.
- If the invert function is “off” as indicated by the LED, the polarity is not inverted in the output audio for Pin 2 “+” operation and headphones.
- The sense of the function is reversed for Pin 3 “+” operation. For example, if the invert function is “On,” the output audio signal is not inverted for Pin 3 “+” operation.
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