Lava Mobiles Spark 248 Operation Manual

Spark 248 User Manual
User Manual
PPlleeaassee rreeaadd tthhee ccoonntteennttss ooff tthhiiss mmaannuuaall ttoo ffuullllyy uuttiilliizzee tthhee ffeeaattuurreess ooff
tthhiiss pphhoonnee..
PPlleeaassee rreeaadd tthhee GGuuiiddeelliinneess sseeccttiioonn pprroovviiddeedd wwiitthh tthhiiss RReeffeerreennccee
Thank you for purchasing Lava Spark 248. Your Spark 248 is packaged with the following state of the art features:
1.3MP+VGA Camera
2.4 Inch screen Audio Player FM Radio Video and FM Recording Dual SIM (GSM + GSM) T-Flash Card support (up to 16 GB) Hindi Language Support
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User Manual
Table of Contents
1 Welcome ................................................................................... 2
2 Know Your Phone ..................................................................... 6
2.1 Keys and Parts 6
2.2 Insert SIM Card 7
2.3 Insert Memory Card 7
3 Basic Operations ...................................................................... 8
3.1 Switch Phone ON/OFF 8
3.2 Unlock the phone 8
3.3 Make a call 8
4 Notable Features ...................................................................... 9
4.1 Secure your Phone 9
5 Contacts Features ..................................................................... 9
5.1 Add New Contact 9
5.2 Send SMS 10
5.3 Call a Contact 10
5.4 Delete a Contact 10
5.5 Delete multiple contacts 10
5.6 Import/Export Contacts 10
5.7 Send vCard 11
5.8 Others 11
5.9 Groups 11
6 Call Logs ................................................................................. 12
6.1 View Call Logs 12
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User Manual
7 Settings .................................................................................. 12
7.1 Profiles 12
7.2 Call settings 13
7.3 Phone settings 13
7.4 Display settings 13
7.5 Security settings 14
7.6 Connections Error!
Bookmark not defined.
8 Gallery .................................................................................... 14
9 Messages ................................................................................ 14
9.1 Write message 14
9.2 Use message Templates 14
9.3 Broadcast message 15
9.4 Voice mail server 15
9.5 Settings 15
9.6 Delete all Error!
Bookmark not defined.
9.7 Message capacity 15
10 Media ..................................................................................... 16
10.1 Video Recorder Error! Bookmark not defined.
10.2 Video Player 16
10.3 FM Radio 16
10.5 Sound Recorder 17
11 Camera ................................................................................... 17
12 Music ...................................................................................... 18
13 Organizer ................................................................................ 18
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User Manual
13.1 World clock 18
13.2 Calendar Error!
Bookmark not defined.
13.3 Alarm 18
13.4 Bluetooth Error!
Bookmark not defined.
13.5 Calculator 19
13.6 Torch 19
14 Tools ....................................................................................... 19
14.1 My files Error! Bookmark not defined.
14.2 SIM tool kit Error! Bookmark not defined.
15 Fun ......................................................................................... 20
15.1 Lava Zone 20
15.2 Pack the Man Error!
Bookmark not defined.
15.3 Lock D Block Error! Bookmark not defined.
16 Web ........................................................................................ 21
17 Health and Safety Precautions ............................................... 21
18 Taking Care of Your Device ..................................................... 24
19 LAVA WARRANTY CERTIFICATE ............................................... 28
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User Manual
KKnnooww YYoouurr PPhhoonnee
KKeeyyss aanndd PPaarrttss
Important keys and parts are listed here for you to use the phone better.
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User Manual
IInnsseerrtt SSIIMM CCaarrdd
IInnsseerrtt MMeemmoorryy CCaarrdd
The Spark 248 is a Dual SIM mobile phone allowing you to use two SIM Cards.
1. Switch off the mobile phone and remove the rear cover and battery.
2. Insert the SIM card correctly in the SIM slot(s).
3. Finally, insert the battery and place the rear cover of the mobile phone.
1. Switch off the phone and remove the rear cover and the battery.
2. Insert the memory card into the slot.
3. Finally, insert the battery and the rear cover of the mobile phone.
Note: Use only compatible memory cards approved for Spark 248. Incompatible cards may damage the slot or corrupt the data stored in the card.
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User Manual
BBaassiicc OOppeerraattiioonnss
SSwwiittcchh PPhhoonnee OONN//OOFFFF
UUnnlloocckk tthhee pphhoonnee
MMaakkee aa ccaallll
To switch ON/OFF your phone, press and hold the End key for a few seconds.
If you do not use the phone for a while, the screen is replaced with a locked screen.
1. Press any key to activate the screen.
2. Press Left key, and then press * key.
You can make a call in the following ways:
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Enter the desired number in standby mode and press the
Call key to make the call.
Go to Menu > Phonebook and then select and dial the
desired number.
Just press the Call key to dial the contacts listed in Call
User Manual
NNoottaabbllee FFeeaattuurreess
SSeeccuurree yyoouurr PPhhoonnee
MMeennuu >> SSeettttiinnggss >> SSeeccuurriittyy >> PPhhoonnee LLoocckkeedd
CCoonnttaaccttss FFeeaattuurreess
MMeennuu >> CCoonnttaaccttss
AAdddd NNeeww CCoonnttaacctt
MMeennuu >> CCoonnttaaccttss >> LLeefftt KKeeyy >>CCrreeaattee CCoonnttaacctt
You can also dial a contact from the messages.
Let you lock/unlock your phone via a security password which you can change anytime.
The default security code to unlock the phone is 4321.
Note: After you activate the phone lock, you would be asked for a password when you power on your phone next time.
Your phonebook stores all your saved contacts for anytime use. Your phonebook data can be stored in your SIM card or your phone memory. You can manage your contacts from here.
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