Lattice Semiconductor Corporation ISPLSI8840-60LB432, ISPLSI8840-110LB432 Datasheet

In-System Programmable
SuperBIG™ High Density PLD
• SuperBIG HIGH DENSITY IN-SYSTEM PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC — 5V Power Supply — 45,000 PLD Gates/840 Macrocells — Up to 312 I/O Pins Supporting 3.3V/5V I/O — 1152 Registers — High-Speed Global and Big Fast Megablock (BFM)
— Wide 20-Macrocell Generic Logic Block (GLB) for
High Performance
— Wide Input Gating (44 Inputs per GLB) for Fast
Counters, State Machines, Address Decoders, Etc.
— PCB-Efficient Ball Grid Array (BGA) Package
fmax = 110 MHz Maximum Operating Frequency tpd = 8.5 ns Propagation Delay
— — TTL Compatible Inputs and 3.3V/5V Outputs — PCI Compatible Inputs, Outputs and Speed Grades — Electrically Erasable and Reprogrammable — Non-Volatile — Programmable Speed/Power Logic Path
• IN-SYSTEM PROGRAMMABLE — Increased Manufacturing Yields, Reduced Time-to-
Market and Improved Product Quality
— Reprogram Soldered Devices for Faster Debugging
• ARCHITECTURE FEATURES — Enhanced Pin-Locking Architecture, Symmetrical
Generic Logic Blocks Connected by Hierarchical Big Fast Megablock and Global Routing Planes
— Product Term Sharing Array Supports up to 28
Product Terms per Macrocell Output
— Macrocells Support Concurrent Combinatorial and
Registered Functions
— Embedded Tristate Bus Can Be Used as an Internal
Tristate Bus or as an Extension of an External Tristate Bus
— Macrocell and I/O Registers Feature Multiple Control
Options, Including Set, Reset and Clock Enable
— I/O Pins Support Programmable Bus Hold, Pull-Up,
Open-Drain and Slew Rate Options
— Separate VCCIO Power Supply for Output Drivers
Supports 5V or 3.3V Outputs
— I/O Cell Register Programmable as Input Register for
Fast Setup Time or Output Register for Fast Clock to Output Time
— Superior Quality of Results — Tightly Integrated with Leading CAE Vendor Tools — Productivity Enhancing Timing Analyzer, Explore
Tools, Timing Simulator and ispANALYZER™
— PC and UNIX Platforms
Functional Block Diagram
12 I/O
12 I/O
12 I/O
12 I/O
12 I/O
12 I/O
12 I/O
12 I/O
12 I/O
Big Fast Megablock 0
Big Fast Megablock 1
Big Fast Megablock 2 Global Routing Plane Big Fast Megablock 3
Big Fast Megablock 4
Big Fast Megablock 5
Big Fast Megablock 6
12 I/O
12 I/O
12 I/O12I/O12I/O
12 I/O12I/O12I/O
8840 block
12 I/O
12 I/O
12 I/O
12 I/O
12 I/O
12 I/O
12 I/O
ispLSI 8000 Family Description
The ispLSI 8000 Family of Register-Intensive, SuperBIG In-System Programmable Logic Devices is based on Big Fast Megablocks of 120 registered macrocells and a Global Routing Plane (GRP) structure interconnecting the Big Fast Megablocks. Each Big Fast Megablock contains 120 registered macrocells arranged in six groups of 20, a group of 20 being referred to as a Generic Logic Block, or GLB. Within the Big Fast Megablock, a Big Fast Megablock Routing Pool (BRP) interconnects the six GLBs to each other and to 24 Big Fast Megablock I/O
Copyright © 2000 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.
January 2000
Tel. (503) 268-8000; 1-800-LATTICE; FAX (503) 268-8556;
8840_07 1
Functional Block Diagram
Figure 1. ispLSI 8840 Functional Block Diagram (Perspective)
Big Fast Megablock Routing Pool (BRP)
Big Fast Megablock Routing Pool (BRP)
Specifications ispLSI 8840
Big Fast Megablock Routing Pool (BRP)
Big Fast Megablock Routing Pool (BRP)
Global Routing Plane (GRP) with Tristate Bus Lines
ispLSI 8000 Family Description (Continued)
Specifications ispLSI 8840
cells with optional I/O registers. The Global Routing Plane which interconnects the Big Fast Megablocks has an additional 144 global I/Os with optional I/O registers.
Outputs from the GLBs in a Big Fast Megablock can drive both the Big Fast Megablock Routing Pool within the Big Fast Megablock and the Global Routing Plane between the Big Fast Megablocks. Switching resources are pro­vided to allow signals in the Global Routing Plane to drive any or all the Big Fast Megablocks in the device. This mechanism allows fast, efficient connections, both within the Big Fast Megablocks and between them.
Each GLB contains 20 macrocells and a fully populated, programmable AND-array with 82 logic product terms. The GLB has 44 inputs from the Big Fast Megablock Routing Pool which are available in both true and comple­ment form for every product term. Up to 20 of these inputs can be switched to provide local feedback into the GLB for logic functions that require it. The 80 general-purpose product terms can be grouped into 20 sets of four and sent into a Product Term Sharing Array (PTSA) which allows sharing up to a maximum of 28 product terms for a single function. Alternatively, the PTSA can be by­passed for functions of four product terms or less.
The 20 registered macrocells in the GLB are driven by the 20 outputs from the PTSA or the PTSA bypass. Each macrocell contains a programmable XOR gate, a pro­grammable register/latch/toggle flip-flop and the necessary clocks and control logic to allow combinatorial or registered operation. Each macrocell has two outputs, one output can be fed back inside the GLB to the AND­array, while the other output drives both the Big Fast Megablock Routing Pool and the Global Routing Plane. This dual output capability from the macrocell allows efficient use of the hardware resources. One output can be a registered function for example, while the other output can be an unrelated combinatorial function.
Macrocell registers can be clocked from one of several global, local or product term clocks available on the device. A global, local and product term clock enable is also provided, eliminating the need to gate the clock to the macrocell registers. Reset and preset for the macrocell register is provided from both global and product term signals. The polarity of all of these control signals is selectable on an individual macrocell basis. The macro­cell register can be programmed to operate as a D-type register, a D-type flow-through latch or a T-type flip flop.
The 20 outputs from the GLB can drive both the Big Fast Megablock Routing Pool within the Big Fast Megablock
and the Global Routing Plane between the Big Fast Megablocks. The Big Fast Megablock Routing Pool con­tains general purpose tracks which interconnect the six GLBs within the Big Fast Megablock and dedicated tracks for the signals from the Big Fast Megablock I/O cells. The Global Routing Plane contains general pur­pose tracks that interconnect the Big Fast Megablocks and also carry the signals from the I/Os connected to the Global Routing Plane.
Control signals for the I/O cell registers are generated using an extra product term within each GLB, or using dedicated input pins. Each GLB has two extra product terms beyond the 80 available for the macrocell logic. The first additional product term is used as an optional shared product term clock for all the macrocells within the GLB. The second additional product term is then routed to an I/O Control Bus using a separate routing structure from the Big Fast Megablock Routing Pool and Global Routing Plane. Use of a separate control bus routing structure allows the I/O registers to have many control signals with no impact on the interconnection of the GLBs and Big Fast Megablocks. The I/O Control Bus is split into four quadrants, each servicing the I/O cell control re­quirements for one edge of the device. Signals in the control bus can be independently selected by any or all I/O cells to act as clock, clock enable, output enable, reset or preset.
Each Big Fast Megablock has 24 I/O cells. The Global Routing Pool has 144 I/O cells. Each I/O cell can be configured as a combinatorial input, combinatorial out­put, registered input, registered output or bidirectional I/O. I/O cell registers can be clocked from one of several global, local or product term clocks which are selected from the I/O control bus. A global and product term clock enable is also provided, eliminating the need for the user to gate the clock to the I/O cell registers. Reset and preset for the I/O cell register is provided from both global and product term signals. The polarity of all of these control signals is selectable on an individual I/O cell basis. The I/O cell register can be programmed to operate as a D­type register or a D-type latch.
Inputs and outputs are PCI compatible. The input thresh­old is fixed at TTL levels. The output driver can source 4mA and sink 8mA. The output drivers have a separate VCCIO power supply which is independent of the main VCC supply for the device. This feature allows the output drivers to run from either 5V or 3.3V while the device logic is always powered from 5V. The output drivers also provide individually programmable edge rates and open
Specifications ispLSI 8840
ispLSI 8000 Family Description (Continued)
drain capability. A programmable pullup resistor is pro­vided to tie off unused inputs and a programmable bus-hold latch is available to hold tristate outputs in their last valid state until the bus is driven again by another device.
The ispLSI 8000 Family features 5V, non-volatile in­system programmability for both the logic and the interconnect structures, providing the means to develop truly reconfigurable systems. Programming is achieved through the industry standard IEEE 1149.1-compliant Boundary Scan interface using either the JTAG protocol or Lattice proprietary ISP protocol. Boundary Scan test is also supported through the same interface.
An enhanced, multiple cell security scheme is provided that prevents reading of the JEDEC programming file when secured. After the device has been secured using this mechanism, the only way to clear the security is to execute a bulk-erase instruction.
ispLSI 8840 Description
The ispLSI 8840 device has seven Big Fast Megablocks for a total of 7 x 120 = 840 macrocells.
Each Big Fast Megablock has a total of 24 I/O cells and the Global Routing Plane has a total of 144 I/O cells. This gives (7 x 24) + 144 = 312 I/Os.
participate in driving the embedded tristate bus. The remaining two macrocells per GLB are used to generate the internal tristate driver control signals on each data byte (with parity). The embedded tristate bus can also be configured as an extension of an external tristate bus using the bidirectional capability of the I/O cells con­nected to the Global Routing Plane. The Global Routing Plane I/Os 0-8 and 15-23 from each group (I/OGx as defined in the I/O Pin Location Table) can connect to the internal tristate bus as well as the unidirectional/non­tristate global routing channels. I/Os 9-14 connect only to the global routing channel.
The embedded tristate bus has internal bus hold and arbitration features in order to make the function more “user friendly”. The bus hold feature keeps the internal bus at the previously driven logic state when the bus is not driven to eliminate bus float. The bus arbitration is performed on a “first come, first served” priority. In other words, once a logic block drives the bus, other logic blocks cannot drive the bus until the first releases the bus. This arbitration feature prevents internal bus contention when there is an overlap between two bus enable sig­nals. Typically, it takes about 3ns to resolve one bus signal coming off the bus to another bus signal driving the bus. The arbitration feature combined with the predict­ability of CPLD, makes the embedded tristate bus the most practical for the real world bus implementations.
The total registers in the device is the sum of macrocells plus I/O cells, 840 + 312 = 1152 registers.
Embedded Tristate Bus
There is a 108-line embedded internal tristate bus as part of the Global Routing Plane (GRP), enabling multiple GLBs to drive the same tracks. This bus can be parti­tioned into various bus widths such as twelve 9-line buses, six 18-line buses or three 36-line buses. The GLBs can dynamically share a subset of the Global Routing Plane tracks. This feature eliminates the need to convert tristate buses to wide multiplexers on the pro­grammable device. Up to 18 macrocells per GLB can
Figure 2. ispLSI 8000 GLB Overview
I/O Big Fast Megablock Input Tracks
Specifications ispLSI 8840
PT 0 PT 1 PT 2 PT 3
PT 4 PT 5 PT 6 PT 7
PT 8
PT 9 PT 10 PT 11
AND Array Input
Fully Populated
AND Array
General Purpose Big Fast Megablock Input Tracks
Feedback Inputs
Product Term Sharing Array
Macrocell 0
From PTSA PTSA Bypass Single PT PT Clock PT Preset PT Reset Shared PT Clock Bus Input
Macrocell 1
From PTSA PTSA Bypass Single PT PT Clock PT Preset PT Reset Shared PT Clock Bus Input
Macrocell 2
From PTSA PTSA Bypass Single PT PT Clock PT Preset PT Reset Shared PT Clock Bus Input
To Interconnect
From Tristate Bus Track
To Interconnect
From Tristate Bus Track
To Interconnect
PT 12 PT 13 PT 14 PT 15
PT 76 PT 77 PT 78 PT 79
PT 80
PT 81
Macrocell 3
From PTSA PTSA Bypass Single PT PT Clock PT Preset PT Reset Shared PT Clock Bus Input
Macrocell 19
From PTSA PTSA Bypass Single PT PT Clock PT Preset PT Reset Shared PT Clock Bus Input
Function Selector (E2 Cell Controlled)Note: Macrocells 9 and 10 do not support Tristate Bus Feedback.
From Tristate Bus Track
To interconnect
From Tristate Bus Track
To Interconnect
From Tristate Bus Track To Output Control MUX
Figure 3. ispLSI 8000 Macrocell Overview
Single PT
PTSA Bypass
PT Clock
Global Clock Enable
Global Clock 0 Global Clock 1 Global Clock 2
PT Reset
PT Preset
Specifications ispLSI 8840
Bus Input From Tristate Bus Track*
Feedback to AND Array
To Big Fast Megablock or Global Interconnect
Clk En
From Macrocell
9 or 10
To Specific Global Tristate Bus*
Macrocells 0-8
and 11-19
Reset pin
Preset/Reset Input has Global Polarity Control
To All Macrocells and I/O Cells
From PT80
: Function Selector (E2 Cell Controlled)*Not available for Macrocells 9 and 10.
Figure 4. ispLSI 8000 I/O Cell
Specifications ispLSI 8840
From Output
Control Bus
Multiplexed Output From
Big Fast Megablock or
Global Track
From Output
Control Bus
From Output
Control Bus
Slew Rate
Open Drain
Big Fast Megablock I/O Pad or Global I/O Pad
To Specific Big Fast Megablock or Global Tracks
To Specific Global Tristate Bus
From Output
Control Bus
Global I/O Cell
From Output
Control Bus
: Function Selector (E2 Cell Controlled)
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