Acronyms in This Document .......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.Video Format ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.Video Resolution and Pixel Clock .................................................................................................................. 7
5.Bandwidth and Data Rate .................................................................................................................................... 15
5.1.Bandwidth and Data Rate Calculation ......................................................................................................... 15
5.1.2.Total Data Rate or Bandwidth ................................................................................................................. 15
5.1.3.Data Rate per Lane ................................................................................................................................. 15
6.1.Hardware Features ..................................................................................................................................... 16
7.MIPI Data Rate Calculation .................................................................................................................................. 18
Technical Support ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
Revision History .......................................................................................................................................................... 27
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Figure 1.1. CMOS Sensor Bridge Model .......................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2.1. Interlaced Mode Video Frame Format .......................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2.2. Most Common Display Resolutions ............................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3.4. Unidirectional Transmit HS Mode Only Implementation ............................................................................. 12
Figure 4.1. An Example of RAW10 Transmissions on CSI-2 Bus ..................................................................................... 13
Figure 7.1. MachXO2/MachXO3L Maximum Data Rate ................................................................................................. 18
Figure 7.2. LatticeECP3 Maximum Data Rate ................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 7.3. ECP5/ECP5-5G Maximum Data Rate ........................................................................................................... 20
Figure 7.4. CrossLink Maximum Data Rate ................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 7.5. MachXO2 Maximum Data Rate ................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 7.6. LatticeECP3 Maximum Data Rate ................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 7.7. ECP5/ECP5-5G Maximum Data Rate ........................................................................................................... 24
Table 2.1. Common Video Format .................................................................................................................................. 8
Table 7.1. tSU/tHD Window for Higher Data Rate ........................................................................................................... 21
Table 7.2. Tskew Window for Higher Data Rate ............................................................................................................ 24
Table 7.3. MIPI D-PHY Interface Lane Number and Line Rate Selection Example Matrix Table....................................... 25
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As we move from the world of standard-definition to the high-definition and ultra-high-definition, the common parallel
interfaces are difficult to expand, require many interconnects and consume relatively large amounts of power.
Emerging packet-based serial interfaces, such as MIPI CSI-2 and DSI address many of the shortcomings of the parallel
interfaces, while also introducing system complexity. Understanding the mathematics behind the parallel and serial
interface bandwidth estimation can prevent a lot of problems when choosing an FPGA device with the right number of
data lanes supporting the required data transfer rate. This document describes in details the methods of calculating the
bandwidth and data rate of the image sensor’s output of the RGB, YUV, or RAW data over a single or multi-lane MIPI
CSI-2 and DSI interface. The same calculation method can be applied to other video interface such as FPD-Link, HiSPI,
and HDMI.
Figure 1.1 shows a conceptual model of the CMOS Sensor Bridge Design. On the left, a CMOS sensor transfers image
data to the FPGA through 1 to 4 serial data lanes; the FPGA sensor bridge merges the image data from multiple lanes
and converts them into parallel data; on the right, the image data are sent out over the parallel bus in standard video
format. Based on the known video format information, we can calculate the required bandwidth. Because the FPGA
does not buffer the video frames, the peak transfer rate of CMOS sensor input must meet the bandwidth requirement
of the output. With this presumption, we can estimate the maximum data rate and bit clock frequency of the CMOS
sensor interface.
Figure 1.1. CMOS Sensor Bridge Model
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To estimate the data transfer rate, we need to understand the format of the video data transferred over the sensor
bridge. Video is composed of a series of still images. Each still image is composed of individual lines of pixel data. Figure
2.1 illustrates a conceptual interlaced video frame. The progressive video frame is similar to it except for only one field
per frame.
Figure 2.1. Interlaced Mode Video Frame Format
For digital video, either a separate Horizontal Sync (HS), Vertical Sync (VS) and Data Enable (DE) signals are used to
synchronize the video data transfer, or a special sequence embedded into the video data stream indicating the Start of
Active Video (SAV) or End of Active Video (EAV). For MIPI CSI-2, two packets structures are defined for Low Level
Protocol layer: Long packets to carry payload data, and the Short Packets for Frame Synchronization (that is Frame
Start and Frame End) and Line Synchronization (that is Line Start and Line End).
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There are many characteristics of the video streams such as frame rate, interlaced vs progressive, aspect ratio,
stereoscopic, color space and color depth. We will review the major parameters that will be used in the calculation of
the data transfer rate in the later sections of the document.
2.1. Video Resolution and Pixel Clock
The video resolution is quoted as Width x Height, with the unit in pixels: for example, 1920x1080 means the horizontal
width is 1920 pixels and the vertical height is 1080 lines. Figure 2.2 shows the chart of the common display resolutions.
There are two major types of video format standards: SMPTE/CEA defines video standards for the Television and broadcast;
VESA Display Monitor Timing (DMT) standard defines the video standards for the computer monitors. Table 2.1 lists the
most common video resolutions. Among them, we choose HD (1280x720p), FHD (1920x1080p) and UHD (3840x2160p) as
examples to calculate the bandwidth and data rate in the later sections.
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Some of the image sensors can output the standard video formats by cropping or binning the pixels, the others may
output non-standard resolutions. The important thing is to obtain the information of the Total Horizontal Samples,
Total Vertical Lines and frame Refresh Rate. We will discuss how to calculate the bandwidth based on the above
2.2. Color Depth
Color depth, also known as bit depth, can be either referred to as bits-per-pixel (bpp) which specifies the number of
bits used for a single pixel, or referred to as bits-per-component (bpc) which specifies the number of bits used to
represent each color component of a single pixel. Deep color supports 30/36/48-bit for three RGB colors. In this
document, the term Pixel Size is equivalent to the color depth in bits-per-pixel. For example, the pixel size of a 30-bit
deep color RGB is defined as 30 bits per pixel, or 10 bits per color component.
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MIPI Camera Serial Interface 2 (CSI-2) and Display serial Interface (DSI) are two of the serial interface protocols based
on MIPI D-PHY physical interface. MIPI D-PHY supports unidirectional HS (High Speed) mode and Bidirectional LP (Low
Power) mode. For the application of CMOS sensor bridge, we will only need the MIPI D-PHY receiver (RX) on the FPGA
receive interface, which allows the bridge to receive HS data on one clock lane and up to four data lanes. Figure 3.1
shows the block diagram of the Unidirectional Receive HS Mode and Bidirectional LP Mode interface. Figure 3.2 shows
the block diagram of the Unidirectional Receiver HS Mode Only interface. Figure 3.3 shows the block diagram of the
Unidirectional Transmit HS Mode and Bidirectional LP Mode interface. Figure 3.4 shows the block diagram of the
Unidirectional Transmit HS Mode Only interface.
Note:Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2do not apply to CrossLink since the CrossLink device uses dedicated MIPI D-PHY Input
buffers for both HS and LP mode to meet MIPI input voltage specfication. Figure 3.3 and Figure 3.4also do not apply to
CrossLink as CrossLink’s programmable I/Os can only be configured as a MIPI D-PHY receiver (soft MIPI D-PHY). Only
the hardened MIPI D-PHY blocks can be configured as a transmitter.
For details on both Receiver/Transmitter HS and LP modes interface implementation, please refer to Lattice reference
design document MIPI D-PHY Interface IP (RD1182).
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