Lastec Articulator 325D, Articulator 425D Owner's Manual

Lastec Articulator
Model 325D/425D
Owner's Manual
Manual Part Number : Man-325D
A Division of Wood-Mizer Products, Inc.
7865 N County Rd 100E
Phone (317) 892-4444 Fax (317) 892-4188
Table of Contents Page
Table of Contents 325D/425D/Odoc082800 iii
1.1 Read This Manual In Its Entirety BEFORE Operating The Articulator.........1-1
1.2 Product Registration........................... ............... ............... .............. ..............1-1
1.3 LasTec Product Warranty.............................................................................1-3
1.4 Component Manufacturers’ Warranties........................................................1-4
1.5 Servicing The Articulator..............................................................................1-4
1.6 Warranty Registration...................................................................................1-5
2.1 Warning Symbols.........................................................................................2-1
2.2 About This Manual .......................................................................................2-1
2.3 Safety Guards And Covers.............. .............. ............... ............... .............. ...2-2
2.4 Preparational Safety Rules...........................................................................2-3
2.5 Operational Safety Rules .............................................................................2-4
2.6 Maintenance Safety Rules ...........................................................................2-5
2.7 Storage Safety Rules ...................................................................................2-6
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Table of Contents Section-Page
iv 325D/425D/Odoc082800 Table of Contents
3.1 Assembly ......................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Parking Brake...............................................................................................3-2
3.3 Fuel ..............................................................................................................3-3
3.4 Engine Cover/Operator Seat Pan.................................................................3-3
3.5 Fuel Shut-Off Valve ...................................................................................... 3-4
3.6 Engine Oil.....................................................................................................3-4
3.7 Air Cleaner ..... .............. ............... ............... .............. ............... ............... ......3-5
3.8 Coolant.........................................................................................................3-5
3.9 Hydraulic Fluid........... .............. ............... ............... .............. ............... ..........3-6
3.10 Hydraulic Pump Adjustment................... ............... .............. ............... ..........3-7
3.11 Hydraulic Pump Belts....... ............... .............. ............... ............... .............. ...3-7
3.12 Gearbox........................................................................................................3-8
3.13 Gearbox Belts...............................................................................................3-8
3.14 Mower Deck Drive Belt.................................................................................3-9
3.15 Mower Deck Belts ......................................................................................3-10
3.16 Weight Transfer Springs.............................................................................3-11
3.17 Jack Stand..................................................................................................3 -11
3.18 Blades ........................................................................................................3-12
3.19 Operator Seat............................................................................................. 3 -12
3.20 Steering Control Arms................................................................................3-13
3.21 Lights..........................................................................................................3-13
3.22 Mower Deck Height....................................................................................3-13
3.23 Mower Deck Height Cable Calibration .......................................................3-14
3.24 Tires & Wheels...........................................................................................3-15
3.25 General.......................................................................................................3-15
3.26 Battery........................................................................................................3-16
3.27 Engine........................................................................................................3-17
3.28 Mower Deck Lift..........................................................................................3-17
3.29 Hour Meter ................................................................................................3-18
3.30 Maintenance Checklist...............................................................................3-18
3.31 Pre-Operation Equipment Inspection Checklist..........................................3-19
4.1 Starting The Engine.......... ............... .............. ............... ............... .............. ...4-1
4.2 Stopping The Engine....................................................................................4-2
4.3 Motion Control..............................................................................................4-2
4.4 Ground Speed..............................................................................................4-3
4.5 Mower Deck Lift............................................................................................4-4
4.6 Mower Deck Operation.................................................................................4-4
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Table of Contents Section-Page
v 325D/425D/Odoc082800 Table of Contents
5.1 Every 8 Operating Hours..............................................................................5-1
5.2 First 25 Operating Hours..............................................................................5-2
5.3 First 50 Operating Hours..............................................................................5-2
5.4 Every 50 Operating Hours............................................................................5-2
5.5 Every 100 Operating Hours..........................................................................5-2
5.6 Every 200 Operating Hours..........................................................................5-2
5.7 Every 400 Operating Hours..........................................................................5-2
5.8 Every 500 Hours...........................................................................................5-3
5.9 Every 800 Hours...........................................................................................5-3
5.10 Annual..........................................................................................................5-3
5.11 Bi-Annual......................................................................................................5-3
5.12 Model 325D/425D Articulator Specifications................................................5-5
5.13 Model 325D/425D Articulator Maintenance Chart........................................5-7
5.14 325D/425D Electrical Schematic..................................................................5-9
5.15 425D Hydraulic System Diagram ...............................................................5-11
4.7 325D Hydraulic System Diagram ...............................................................5-13
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To The Owner
Read This Manual In Its Entirety BEFORE Operating The Articulator
To The Owner 325D/425D/Odoc082200 1-1
SECTION 1 To The Owner
1.1 Read This Manual In Its Entirety BEFORE Operating The Articulator
Do not allow anyone to operate t he Articulat or wit hout f irst r eading and unde rstan ding this
operators manu al in its entiret y. Never a llow children to operat e the Articu lator. Never operate th e Articulato r w hen children are pres ent.
The information presented herein will prepare you to operate the Articulator in a safe and knowled geable ma nner. Proper op eration of t he Articula tor will p rovide a saf er working environm ent, and prom ote higher quality, more efficient res ults.
Keep this manual at hand at all times for ready reference. The designed and tested safety o f the Art iculator is depe nden t upon its operat ion wi thin the g uidel ines an d limita­tions as o utlined in t his manua l. Always adhere to all the saf ety rules p resented in this manual.
1.2 Product R egistration
Immediat ely record the mo del and s erial num bers of y our Articula tor in th e spaces pro ­vided belo w. These numbe rs can b e found o n the serial number pl ate which is perma ­nently a ffixed to t he mower. The serial n umber pl ate is l ocated on the righ t side o f the frame, in fr ont of t he c ontrol panel.
You should pr ovide this informat ion to your dea ler any ti me you are ord ering parts. This will assist them in supplying you the correct and most current parts available for your Articulator.
You shoul d now fill o ut the war ran ty reg istr atio n for m (lo cated in th e b ack of thi s sec tion ) and mail or fax it to LasTe c. This form must be co mpleted and r eturned to the factory within thirt y (30) d ays of pu rchase in order to validat e the warr anty. Please do n ot hesi­tate!
Model Number: Serial Number:
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To The Owner
LasTec Product Warranty
1.3 LasTec Product Warranty
LasTec, A Division of Wood-Mizer Products, Inc. warrants its new products to be free of defects in material or workmanship. This warranty is applicable only for the normal ser­vice life expectancy of the machine or components, not to exceed twelve consecutive months from the date of delivery of the new LasTec product to the original purchaser.
LasTec, A Division of Wood-Mizer Products, Inc. warrants any new products supplied to a rental yard, or any other situation involving the rental, lease, or other temporary use of the product by a third party, to be free of defects in material or workmanship, not to exceed 90 days from the date of delivery of the new LasTec product to the original purchaser.
Under no circumstances will it cover any merchandise or components thereof, which, in the opinion of the company has been subjected to negligent handling, misuse, alteration, accident, or repairs made with any parts other than those obtainable through LasTec.
Warranty on all normal wear items such as bearings, belts, and bushings is 90 days from date of delivery. Any claim received after 90 days will not be accepted. All warranty items must be filed with your distributor. The distributor will then file the warranty claim with LasTec.
Our obligation under this warranty shall be limited to repairing or replacing, free of charge to the original purchaser, any part that in our judgement shall show evidence of such defect, provided further that such part shall be returned within thirty (30) days from date of failure to LasTec, routed through the dealer and distributor from whom the purchase was made, with transportation charges prepaid.
This warranty shall not be interpreted to render us liable for injury or damages of any kind or nature, direct, consequential, or contingent to person or property. This warranty does not extend to loss of any expense or loss incurred for labor, supplies, substitute machin­ery, rental or for any other reason.
There are no warranties, either expressed or implied, of merchantability or fitness for par­ticular purpose intended or fitness for any other reason.
This warranty is subject to any existing conditions of supply which may directly affect our ability to obtain materials or manufacture replacement parts.
LasTec reserves the right to make improvements in design or changes in specifications at any time, without incurring any obligations to owners of units previously sold.
No one is authorized to alter, modify or enlarge this warranty nor the exclusion, limitations and reservation.
All LasTec warranty work will be done at a distributors facility. FOB responsibility is the customers.
1-2 LasTec Warranty/Odoc100600 To The Owner
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To The Owner
Component Manufacturers’ Warranties
1-4 325D/425D/Odoc082200 To The Owner
1.4 Component Manufacturers’ Warranties
Some of the com pon en t parts of th e Mo del 32 5D/ 425D Art icula tor a re wa rrant ed by thei r respectiv e m anufactu rers. Thes e parts include:
Kubota Diesel Engine
Warner Electric Cl ut ch
Hydro- Gear Hydraulic Pum ps
Ross Hydraulic Motors
Curtis Gearbox
The complete manufacturers warranty information for these component s is locate d in the back of this manual. Contact your LasTec dealer if you have questions concerning war­ranties on th es e c omponen t parts.
1.5 Servicing The Articulator
The Articulator is carefully engineered and manufactured to provide safe, dependable, and satisfactory service. As with all other mechanical equipment, the Articulator requires routine ins pection, cleaning a nd maintenance.
When se rvicing the Articulato r, be su re to use o nly genuin e LasTec parts. Ut ilization of substitu te pa rts wi ll not on ly v oid the wa rra nty, but may also ca use u nsafe o r uns ati sfac ­tory operation of the Articulator due to their substandard quality or incorrect application.
In order to handle all of your service needs, your authorized LasTec dealer stocks genu­ine LasTec parts, and has trained mechanics on hand.
Be sure to complete the following LasTec Warranty Registration Form and return to LasTec within 30 da ys of the pu rcha se of y our A rtic ulat or. This will ai d you , La sTec, and your LasTec dealer in the war ranting and se rv ic ing of your Art ic ulator.
ALWAYS use only genuine LasTec parts wh en servicing the Articulator! Utilization of substitute parts will void the warranty and may cause unsafe operation or unsatisfactory performance of the Articulator!
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Authorized Company
Lastec Warranty Registration Form
fifteen (15) days of purchase!
Please help us to better serve you by completing the following survey
Please list the features and/or benefits which
IMPORTANT! To validate the warranty, this registration form must be completed in full and returned to Lastec within
Company Name
Company Contact
Mailing Address
Shipping Address
I have read and understand the warranty policy
Representative Signature:
Articulator Model:
Serial Number:
Distributor/Dealer Purchased From:
Date Purchased:
Purchase Price:
and maintenance sections of the operators
manual for the machine described below.
Customer Profile Information
Please check the box that most accurately describes your business:
Golf Course Municipal
Sod Farm Government
Total Acreage Cut:
Average Operating Hours:
Schools College Landscaping Company
Sports Complex
Weekly Weekly Monthly
Monthly Annually
How Did You Hear About Us? The Articulator
Do you own an Aritculator, and if so what model?
How did you hear about Lastec?
Detatch Here Detatch Here Detach Here
Who referred you to the Articulator?
Who was the salesman that assisted you?
Please check the box to your left if you would not allow Lastec to use your company's name for marketing purposes.
helped you to choose the articulator:
Light Agriculture Other
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Safety Information
Warning Symbols
Safety Information 325D/425D/Odoc082200 2-1
SECTION 2 Safety Information
2.1 Warning Symbols
Following is a legend describing the warning symbols utilized throughout this manual, and the potential types of hazards which they indicate:
The abov e illustrat ed symbo ls are displa yed thro ughout this manual in order to indicate important safety information. When coming upon one of these symbols in this manual, be aware of a po tential haz ard bein g discu ssed in the accompan ying parag raphs. Ha zards such as damage to equipment, serious personal injury, or even fatal injury are possible, perhaps ev en likely, if the accompanyi ng instruct ions or procedures are not heed ed.
2.2 About This Manual
The purpose of this manual is to assist you in properly and safely operating and maintain­ing the Articulator. Read and understand this entire manual before attempting to set-up, operate, adjust, perform any maintenance on, or store the Articulator. This manual pro­vides essential information and instructions which will help you enjoy years of dependable performa nc e from the A rt ic ulator.
The des igned a nd tes ted saf ety of the A rticulat or is d ependen t upon its ope ration within the parame ters and limitatio ns explained in this manual. B e familiar with an d follow all safety rules in this manual as well all safety rules for any related equipment.
This symbol ind icates a potential equipment hazard .
Failing to properly adhere to the instructions, rules, or procedures may result in equipment malfunction, damage, or destruction.
This symbo l in dicates a poten tial perso n a l in jury hazard. Failing t o
properly adhere to the instructions, rules, or procedures may result in personal injury.
This sym bo l ind icates a pote ntial se rious in jury o r fatal injury hazard.
Failing to properly adhere to the instructions, rules, or procedures may result in serious injury or even fatal injury.
Safety instructions are imp ortant! Read al l safety rul es in thi s manual as well as all safety rules in any related equipm ent manu al s!
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Safety Informa tion
Safety Guards And Covers
2-2 325D/425D/Odoc082200 Safety Information
Although t hese instr uctions have been com piled throu gh extensi ve field expe rience and enginee ring data, some in formation pres ented herein may be general in nature due to unknown and/or varying operating conditions. However, these instructions, combined with your increasing experience with the Articulator, will enable you to develop proce­dures suitable to your part ic ular applica tion.
The illus t rat ions and data used in this m anual we re current at the t im e of printing, but t he Articulato r may vary slightly due to ong oing engin eering cha nges. L asTec reserves the right to imp lement en gineering a nd design c hanges to t he Articula tor as may be neces­sary without prior notification.
Througho ut this manual , we make refere nces to right and lef t directions. We det ermine right and left while sit t ing in the op erator se at and facing in the direction of fo rw ard travel. Blade rotation is clockwise as viewed from the top of the Articulator.
2.3 Safety Guards And Covers
Some illustrations in this manual show the Articulator with safety covers removed in order to provid e improved viewing of the parti cular com ponents bein g discuss ed. This is for
informational purposes only -- ne ver ope rate the A rticulat or with any of the safety covers removed!
Safety is a primary concern in the design and manufacture of all LasT ec products. Unfor­tunately, our extensive efforts to provide safe equipment can be negated by a single care­less act of an operator. In addition to the design and configuration of the Articulator, hazard control and accident prevention are also dependent upon the awareness, con­cern, pr udenc e a nd prope r tra in ing of all pe rson nel in volv ed in the o perat ion, tra nspo rta­tion, maintenance, and storage of the Articulator. The Best Safety Device is an
informed, careful Operator! We ask yo u t o be that kind of o perator.
NEVER operate the Articulator with any safety covers removed!! Work safely! Follow all safety rules! A careful operator is the best insurance against accidents!
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Safety Information
Preparational Safety Rules
Safety Information 325D/425D/Odoc082200 2-3
2.4 Prepa ra ti onal Safety Rules
Never o perate the Art ic ulator wh en children are present.
Always wear relatively tight and belted clothing to avoid entanglement in moving parts. Wear sturdy rough-so led work shoe s, as well as protec t iv e equipmen t for the eyes, hands, hearing an d head. Nev er operate t he Articul at or or relate d equipment in bare feet, sandal s , or sn eakers.
Clear the cut area of any stones, branches or other debris that may be thrown and cause in jury or damage.
Verify that all safe ty decals are properly installed, vis ible, and intelligible.
Always remove accumulated debris, fuel, or excess grease and oil from the Articula­tor engine area to avoid a fire hazard.
Always perform the pre-operation equipment inspection (Section 3) and the appro- priate maintenance schedule (Section 5) before operating the Articulator.
Do not change the e ngine governor setti ngs or over-s peed the eng ine.
Know your controls and how to stop the Articulator quickly in an emergency! Read th is ent ire manual befo re at tempting to operate the Articulator!
NEVER allow anyone to operate the Articulator without proper instruction! Any and all operators must be instructed in and c apable of the safe operation of the Articulator, its attachments, and controls!
NEVER allow children to operate the Articulator! NEVER allow children on or near the Articulator! NEVER operate the Articulator when children are present! ALWAYS clear area of all personnel before operating the Articulator!
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Safety Informa tion
Operational Safety Rules
2-4 325D/425D/Odoc082200 Safety Information
2.5 Operational Safety Rules
Never o perate the Art ic ulator wh en children are present.
Be sure th at t he parking bra ke is set befor e at t em pting to start the engin e.
Operate only in daylight or good artificial light.
Be sure that all auxiliary equipment swit ches ( blades, lights, etc.) are in the OFF position before attempting to start the engine.
If your Arti culator is equipped w ith a ROPS (Roll Over Protection System), be sure to wear your seat belt.
Never pe rmit any person other than the op erator to ride or board the Artic ulator at any time. Never allow riders!
Never allow anyone near the Articul ator while operating. Be su re that the area behind you is clear before operating in reverse!
Never a llow anyone in to th e pat h of discharg e.
Never d is ch arge in the di rec t ion of bystan ders, vehicles, or buildings.
Do not stop or start sud denly when going up or dow n a hill. Avoid operating on steep slopes.
Do not mow in reve rse unless abso lutely necessar y - and then only after caref ul observ at ion of entire area behi nd the Articu lat or.
Use extr em e care and m aintain minim um ground speed when transporting on a hill­side or ov er rough ground, and w hen operat ing close to d it ch es , fe nces, or wa t er.
Reduc e speed o n slopes an d in shar p turns to minimize potent ial tippin g or loss of control . Us e c aution wh en changin g directions on s lopes.
Be alert for holes in the terrain as well as any other hidden hazard. Always drive
ALWAYS wo rk safely! Follow all safety rules! A careful operator is the best insurance against accidents! ALWAY S clear area of all personnel before op erating the Articulator!
NEVER operate the Articulator withou t all safety covers properly installed and in good condition! ALWAYS stay we ll clear of all moving parts! ALWAY S stay clear of blades during op eration!
NEVER allow children to operate the Articulator! NEVER allow children on or near the Articulator! NEVER operate the Articulator when children are present! ALWAYS clear area of all personnel before operating the Articulator!
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Safety Information
Maintenance Safety Rules
Safety Information 325D/425D/Odoc082200 2-5
slowly ov er rough gr ound.
Diseng age the b lades, s top the eng ine, se t the parking brake, an d remov e the key before dismounting the Articulator or making any adjustments.
Stop the Articulator immediately upon striking any obstruction. Disengage the blades, turn o ff the en gine, set the pa rking b rake, rem ove th e key, and insp ect the Articula tor for a ny dam age. A lways repair any dama ge befo re resu ming op eration of the Articulator.
Never adjust the mower deck height or lift the deck into transport position while the blades are engaged.
Never engage the blades with the mower decks raised into transport position.
Never p lac e y our hands or f eet under the Articulato r w hile the eng ine is running.
Stay well clear of any and all mov ing parts.
Keep hands and feet away from the blades at all times during operation.
Take all pos sible precaution s when leaving the Art iculator unattend ed: disengage the blades, turn off the engine, set the parking brake, and remove the key anytime you leave the Articulator unattended.
If your Articulator is equipped with headlights and hazard lights, always activate them whenever crossing or accessing any roadways, driveways, or parking lots. Watch for oncoming traffic.
Handle fuel with caution - it is explosive! Always use approved fuel containers; never handle fuel near an open flame; never use fuel as a solvent; never fuel the Articulator while the engine is running or hot; never fuel the Articulator indoors; always c lean up any spilled fuel; never smoke aroun d f uel.
Do not all ow ex t ended running of engine indoors - exhaus t fumes are deadly.
2.6 Maintenance Safety Rules
Never p erf orm mainte nance on t he Articulat or w hen childr en are present.
Always perform th e appropr iat e m aintenan c e s c hedule(s) in a timely fas hion.
Never allow a nyone near a ny ope rator c ontrol s while perform ing ad justmen ts, ser ­vice or ma intenance.
Always use personal protection equipment such as eye, hand, head, and ear pro­tection w hen perfor m ing any ser vi c e or m aintenan c e.
ALWAYS disengage the blades, turn off the engine, set the parking brake, and remove the key before perf orming any service t o, maintenance on, or adjustments to the Articulator! NEVER allow children on or around the Artculato r
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