Lasmex HB65 User Manual

User Manual
Thank you for purchasing the LASMEX HB- 65 Ste reo Bluetooth Headset , we encourage you to read this qu ick installation guid e thoroughly to get the most of this innovative bluetooth headset.
- Wireless stereo listening to m usic;
- Wireless h ands- free phone;
- Rem ote control the m usic pl ay;
- High se nsiti vity Mi c. With c hat ting fu nctio n, and no ise reduct ion;
- Distance : up to 1 0m.
Button functions
Micro phone
LED lig ht
5V Char ging in put
Power / Pa ir / Play / Pa use
Volume - / Backw ard Volume + / Forwa rd
St ereo b luet ooth h eads et
Operation I nstruction s
Des ired Resul t Req uir ed Ac tio n
Pre ss th e ” but ton for 3 seconds when th e
Turn o n
Ent er th e
pai ring mo de
Pai rin g
Pla y / pau se
Pre vio us
Nex t
Volu me up
Volu me down
Turn o ff
Low b attery warning
Cha rging
Ans wer call
End c all
dev ice i s off. (Red L ED slow ly fl ashes a nd a ton e voi ce “p owe r on” ).
Whe n the dev ice i s off, for 6 s eco nds . (Bl ue LE D and Red L ED qu ick ly fla sh alte rna tel y wit h a “ par ing ” voic e).
In pa iring m ode use a B lueto oth f unc tion mob ile pho ne or oth er Blue too th Ma ster Dev ice a nd to per for m pai rin g act ion (De tai l refe r to th e cha pter ab out p air ing ).
Pre ss “ ” to p lay when t he de vic e is pa usi ng and P ress “ ” to paus e whe n the d vice is pla yin g.
Lon g press “ ” b utton for p revio us mu sic .
Lon g press “ ” b utton for n ext mus ic. Sho rt pres s the “ ” b utton for volu me up.
Sho rt pres s the “ ” b utton for volu me down .
Pre ss th e “ ” but ton for 3 seconds when th e dev ice i s on. (a to ne vo ice “ pow er of f” a nd all LED i s off).
(Th e Red LED f las h).
lug t he char ger to por t of th e dev ice .(R ed LE D
is on ).
Sho rt Pres s the com ing .
Sho rt Pres s the “ ” b utton wh ile o n goi ng ca ll.
Pre ss th e “ ” but ton s
“ ” but ton w hil e the c all i s
Des ired Resul t Required Actio n
To tran sfer t he call v oic e bet wee n the m obi le
Transfer call voice
Rej ect c all
pho ne and de vice, p lea se pres s but ton “ ” for t wo se cond the n releas e it wh ile a p hon e cal l is on g oin g.
Pre ss th e
“ ” but ton for 2 second to rej ect cal l
whe n the cal l is ri nging .
In ca se of low b att ery, the Head set will send a low batter y alert tone , pleas e charge up th e HB-65 i mmedi ately.
1. This h eadset
uses a recha rga ble Lit hium battery.
2. Please use th e equip ped USB c harging li ne to connec t for charging .
3. Charge ti me: we sugge st 3 hours for the fi rst t ime, th en 2.5 hours each t ime next, Re d LED wil l turn on w hen cha rgi ng , when fu lly cha rge d, the LE D indicator light turn s blue.
Para meter
Blu etoot h Spe cif icati on
Blu etoot h Profil e
Spe aker rated power
A2D P1.2/AVRCP1.4/H SP1 .2/ HFP 1.6
Valu e
Blu etoot h 4.1
20m W
Para meter
Fre que ncy R esp ons e
Spe aker diameter
Spe aker impedanc e
Dis tor tio n
Pla yba ck Ti me
Cha rging T ime
Dim ensio n (LxWx H)
Valu e
20H z– 20KH Z
40m m
32o hm
95d B
3. 0%
12 ho urs
2.5 h ours
147 x190 x73mm
1. If you canno t power on the headset, please check the battery state, Charge it before powering on.
2. Please remember to power off the headset wh en you don't use.
3. If you don't use the headset for a long time, please charge it firstly before the next time using.
4. Please do n't op en the headset or change the Li-battery by yourself.
5. Please do n't pu t the headset in wet place.
6. Please do n't store it where the temperature is beyond 45 degree Celsius . Don’ t put it in the fire, in order to prevent battery explosio n; ple ase do n’t di sassemble the heads et.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the by one or more of the following measures:
two conditions:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
RF warning statement:
The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement. The device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction.