Laser Products LT-2D3D User Manual

User Manual v2.12
Edited: August 19, 2016
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Table of Contents
1.0 Jobsite Setup .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 LT-2D3D Setup ............................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 LT-2D3D Jobsite Setup ................................................................................................................ 6
2.0 Using The Laser Templator Software ............................................................................................. 7
2.1 Help ............................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1.1 Check for Updates ..................................................................................................................................7
2.1.2 Import/Export Settings...........................................................................................................................7
2.1.3 Manual ...................................................................................................................................................7
2.1.4 About......................................................................................................................................................7
2.1.5 View Changes .........................................................................................................................................7
2.1.6 Tips .........................................................................................................................................................8
2.1.7 Setup Device ..........................................................................................................................................8
2.2 New ............................................................................................................................................. 8
2.3 Open ............................................................................................................................................ 8
2.3.1 Hard Drive ..............................................................................................................................................8
2.3.2 Drop-In ...................................................................................................................................................8
2.3.3 Auto Save ...............................................................................................................................................8
2.3.4 Other (Advanced) ...................................................................................................................................9
2.3.5 Drive Info ................................................................................................................................................9
2.4 Import/Export ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.4.1 Estimate .................................................................................................................................................9
2.4.2 PDF (Print) ............................................................................................................................................ 10
2.4.3 Shop Sheet ........................................................................................................................................... 11
2.4.4 Email ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.4.5 Upload to Job Tracker .......................................................................................................................... 11
2.4.6 Import Job Tracker Data ....................................................................................................................... 12
2.5 Save ........................................................................................................................................... 12
2.6 Save As ...................................................................................................................................... 12
2.6.1 Hard Drive ............................................................................................................................................ 12
2.6.2 Drop-In ................................................................................................................................................. 12
2.6.3 Other (Advanced) ................................................................................................................................. 13
2.6.4 Drive Info .............................................................................................................................................. 13
2.7 Exit ............................................................................................................................................. 13
2.8 Connect To Laser ....................................................................................................................... 13
2.9 Options ...................................................................................................................................... 14
2.9.1 General Settings ................................................................................................................................... 14
Save Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
Print Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Drawing Display Settings .................................................................................................................................... 15
Job Details Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 15
Miscellaneous Settings ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ....... 16
Job Tracker Settings............................................................................................................................................ 16
2.9.2 Estimate Settings .................................................................................................................................. 16
2.9.3 Quick Actions ....................................................................................................................................... 17
2.9.4 E-Mail Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 17
2.9.5 Advanced.............................................................................................................................................. 19
2.9.6 Shortcuts .............................................................................................................................................. 19
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2.10 Job Info / Pages ......................................................................................................................... 19
2.10.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 19
2.10.2 Address ............................................................................................................................................ 19
2.10.3 Dates ............................................................................................................................................... 19
2.10.4 Additional Items .............................................................................................................................. 20
2.10.5 Pages ............................................................................................................................................... 20
2.10.6 Notes ............................................................................................................................................... 21
2.10.7 Agreement ....................................................................................................................................... 21
2.11 Move Circle................................................................................................................................ 21
2.12 Split Line .................................................................................................................................... 21
2.13 Flip / Scale ................................................................................................................................. 22
2.14 Add Photo .................................................................................................................................. 22
2.15 Erase Segment ........................................................................................................................... 22
2.16 Erase All On Page ...................................................................................................................... 23
2.17 Split Object On Point................................................................................................................. 23
2.18 Units .......................................................................................................................................... 23
2.18 Rotate Drawing ......................................................................................................................... 24
2.19 Mirror ........................................................................................................................................ 24
2.20 Object Info ................................................................................................................................. 24
2.21 Circle Diameter.......................................................................................................................... 24
2.22 Display Measured Points .......................................................................................................... 24
2.23 Display Contiguous Breaks ....................................................................................................... 25
2.24 Display Polylines ....................................................................................................................... 25
2.25 Display Color Names ................................................................................................................. 26
2.26 Display Area Legend .................................................................................................................. 26
2.27 Re-Position Laser ....................................................................................................................... 27
2.28 Set Plane .................................................................................................................................... 27
2.29 Offset ......................................................................................................................................... 28
2.29.1 Offset Scribed Wall .......................................................................................................................... 28
2.29.2 Offset Polygon ................................................................................................ ................................ . 28
2.30 Define (0,0) ................................................................................................................................ 28
2.31 Slab Layout ................................................................................................................................ 28
2.32 Backsplash ................................................................................................................................. 30
2.33 Angle .......................................................................................................................................... 30
2.34 Radius ........................................................................................................................................ 30
2.35 Dimensions ................................................................................................................................ 30
2.36 Maximum Dimensions .............................................................................................................. 30
2.37 Text ............................................................................................................................................ 30
2.38 Center Line ................................................................................................................................ 30
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2.39 Line ............................................................................................................................................ 31
2.40 Arc .............................................................................................................................................. 31
2.41 Circle .......................................................................................................................................... 31
2.42 Circle .......................................................................................................................................... 32
2.43 Ellipse ........................................................................................................................................ 32
2.44 Cross .......................................................................................................................................... 32
2.45 Custom Box ............................................................................................................................... 32
2.46 Menu Bar Functions .................................................................................................................. 33
2.46.1 Laser On ........................................................................................................................................... 33
2.46.2 Start New Line ................................................................................................................................. 33
2.46.3 Laser Off .......................................................................................................................................... 33
2.46.4 Zoom ............................................................................................................................................... 33
2.46.5 Best Fit ............................................................................................................................................. 33
2.47 Laser Mode ................................................................................................................................ 34
2.48 Erase .......................................................................................................................................... 34
2.49 Distance ..................................................................................................................................... 34
2.50 Auto Fillet .................................................................................................................................. 34
2.51 Fillet ........................................................................................................................................... 34
2.52 Offset ......................................................................................................................................... 35
2.53 Rotate ........................................................................................................................................ 35
2.54 Extend ........................................................................................................................................ 36
2.55 Draw Segment ........................................................................................................................... 36
2.56 Dimensions ................................................................................................................................ 36
2.57 Color .......................................................................................................................................... 36
2.58 Drop-In ...................................................................................................................................... 37
2.59 Quick Action .............................................................................................................................. 37
2.60 Undo .......................................................................................................................................... 37
2.61 Redo ................................................................................................................................ 37
3.0 Bluetooth Pairing ................................................................................................................. 38
3.1 Pair Laser to the Tablet PC (Pre-February, 2016) ............................................................... 38
3.2 Setting Comports (Purchased Pre-February, 2016) ............................................................ 39
3.3 Pair Laser to the Tablet PC (Purchased Post-February, 2016) ............................................. 39
3.4 Setting Comports (Purchased Post-February, 2016) ........................................................... 40
4.0 Methods of Use .................................................................................................................... 41
4.1 Tripod Setup / Mounting .................................................................................................. 41
4.2 Jobsite Placement ............................................................................................................ 41
4.3 Targets ....................................................................................................................................... 41
4.3.1 Pin Targets............................................................................................................................................ 41
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4.3.2 “T” Targets ........................................................................................................................................... 41
4.3.3 Clamp Targets ...................................................................................................................................... 41
4.3.4 Black Shields ......................................................................................................................................... 41
4.4 Causes of Bad Measurements .................................................................................................. 41
4.4.1 Reflection ............................................................................................................................................. 41
4.4.2 Drastic Angles ....................................................................................................................................... 42
4.4.3 Dirty Lens ............................................................................................................................................. 42
4.5 Micro Adjust .............................................................................................................................. 42
4.5.1 Mounting on Tripod ............................................................................................................................. 42
4.5.2 Usage .................................................................................................................................................... 42
4.5.3 Adjusting Tension ................................................................................................................................. 42
4.6 Micro Adjust .............................................................................................................................. 42
5.0 Power Information ........................................................................................................................ 43
5.1 Battery Life ...................................................................................................................... 43
5.2 Battery Indication LEDs (Pre-February, 2016) .................................................................... 43
5.3 Battery Indication LEDs (Purchased Post-February, 2016) .................................................. 43
5.4 Charging at Home and in a Car.......................................................................................... 43
5.5 Normal Power Off Procedure ........................................................................................... 44
6.0 General Information ...................................................................................................................... 45
6.1 Warranty Information............................................................................................................... 45
6.2 Laser Safety Guidelines ............................................................................................................. 45
6.3 Using the Computer with Other Programs .............................................................................. 46
6.4 Cleaning / General Care and Storage ....................................................................................... 46
6.5 LT-2D3D Laser Templator Specifications .................................................................................. 46
6.6 Training Videos ......................................................................................................................... 47
7.0 Technical Information ................................................................................................................... 48
7.1 Accuracy and Distance Specifications ...................................................................................... 48
7.2 Storage and Operating Temperatures ...................................................................................... 48
7.3 Laser Specifications ................................................................................................................... 48
8.0 Contact Information ...................................................................................................................... 49
9.0 Registration ................................................................................................................................... 50
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1.1 LT-2D3D Setup (Purchased Pre-February, 2016)
1. When you walk into the job site, turn on the tablet and set up the tripod while the tablet is booting.
2. Place the laser on the tripod and make sure it is in plane with the countertops.
3. Plug in the USB cable into the tablet after Windows has fully started.
4. Once the USB cable is connected, press the power button on the side of the laser.
5. After the laser shows a green LED on the side next to Power, start the program by double clicking on it on the
desktop. You should wait at least 5 seconds between turning on the laser and opening the program to allow the laser enough time to turn on and start the Bluetooth Service.
6. You will be prompted with a window that tells you to make sure the laser is locked before proceeding.
7. You will see in the top bar “LT Connected a. If the top bar shows “LT Disconnected”
i. Exit the program.
ii. Unplug the USB cable and plug it back in. iii. Make sure the laser is on indicated by the green light on the side of the laser next to Power. iv. Start the program by double clicking on program on the desktop.
v. If it is still not connected, check for any pending Windows Updates that need to be installed.
8. After connected, press Laser On or Start New Line and you can begin templating.
1.2 LT-2D3D Jobsite Setup (Purchased Post-February, 2016, marked R4.1 on the bottom label)
1. When you walk into the job site, turn on the tablet and set up the tripod while the tablet is booting.
2. Place the laser on the tripod.
3. Plug in the USB cable into the tablet after Windows has fully started.
4. Once the USB cable is connected, press the power button on the side of the laser.
5. After the laser shows a green LED on the side below Power, start the program by double clicking on it on the
desktop. You should wait at least 5 seconds between turning on the laser and opening the program to allow the laser enough time to turn on and start the Bluetooth Service.
6. You will be prompted with a window that tells you to make sure the laser is locked before proceeding.
7. You will see in the top bar “LT Connected a. If the top bar shows “LT Disconnected”
i. Exit the program.
ii. Unplug the USB cable and plug it back in. iii. Make sure the laser is on indicated by the green light on the side of the laser below Power. iv. Start the program by double clicking on program on the desktop.
v. If it is still not connected, check for any pending Windows Updates that need to be installed.
8. Set the plane you are going to measure by capture three points. a. You will be prompted to set a plane before capturing any points with the laser. If you are not going to
template immediately, you can ignore the following steps and use other functions.
b. Points should be at least 12” apart and should not be in a straight line. c. Clicking the “Show Example” button in the software will bring up an image showing where to position
the three points. The points only need to generally be in a left, right, back/top orientation to one another
9. After connected, press Laser On or Start New Line and you can begin templating.
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File Menu
The File menu is where you will find the most basic actions that will be performed when starting a new job, saving a job, opening previous jobs and adding information of a job.
2.1 Help
The Help menu is where you will find a comprehensive source of information on the Laser Templator software. Please use this resource if you have any questions about the software. If your question is not answered here, contact us at our main office. We are open Monday through Friday, 9:00 am through 5pm, Central Standard Time.
Laser Products Industries 1344 Enterprise Dr. Romeoville, IL 60446 877-679-1300
2.1.1 Check for Updates
Every time you open our software, if there is an active internet connection, it will check to see if there are updates available for it. However, if none are found because you have a slower connection, you can also use this function to check as well.
2.1.2 Import/Export Settings
We allow you to import and export your program settings so easily set up both your tablet and your office computer (second seat) the same way.
To Export:
1. Click the browse button (…)
2. Type in a file name
3. Choose the location you want to save it to and press Save
4. Press Export
To Import:
1. Click the browse button (…)
2. Select the file you want to import
3. Click Open
4. Click Import
2.1.3 Manual
This is the Manual you are looking at right now. It has been compiled up to version 2.1.
2.1.4 About
Located in the About section, you will be presented with current information about the software version you are currently running as well as copyright information on our software.
2.1.5 View Changes
This section of the Help menu simply lists what is changed from the previous version. New features, bug fixes and other general information on new releases are all shown.
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2.1.6 Tips
This section of the Help menu offers tips for the user of the laser. As tips are submitted by our customers, they will be added to this menu. If you wish to submit a tip, please email with the subject of Tip.
2.1.7 Setup Device
Setup Device allows you to choose what COM port both the Laser and Encoder are communicating to the tablet PC on. This will not show up on non-Bluetooth versions of the laser and will be already set up when your laser arrives. If we send you a loaner tablet PC while yours is being repaired, this will need to be set up. See Section 4.0 Bluetooth Pairing.
2.2 New
Selecting New will give you a blank canvas to start a new job.
2.3 Open
In the Open section, you will be presented with 4 different options to opening files. You can open files from the Hard Drive, Drop-Ins, Auto Save files and you can use an Advanced open menu.
2.3.1 Hard Drive
Open Opening files from the 3THard Drive3T will show you all of the templated jobs you have saved on the hard drive of the tablet/computer. These templates are located in the 3TMy Documents3T folder of the tablet/computer.
2.3.2 Drop-In
If you create a 3TDrop-In3T like a special corner, bump out or a sink bowl and you want to save it for future use, this is where it will be located. The templates that are located here are the ones you will see when you choose the 3TDrop-
In3T feature.
2.3.3 Auto Save
An 3TAuto Save3T occurs while the tablet is sitting idle and more frequently when being used. This is done as a backup if you make a mistake and need to go back to a previous version of the template or you forget to save your job. If you finish a job and forget to save the template, you can look in the 3TAuto Save3T area and open the most recent one.
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You should not rely on these files because if you close the program out before an auto save occurs, only the most recent action made before the previous auto save will be saved and be available. Anything made after the last auto save will not be recorded.
2.3.4 Other (Advanced)
The 3TOther (Advanced)3T option for opening jobs should be used if you do not save your templates in the 3TMy Documents3T folder or on your SD memory card. By using this option, you can open up and job files that are located
anywhere on the tablet.
2.3.5 Drive Info
Drive Info simply shows you how much memory is currently being used and is available on your system.
2.4 Import/Export
We offer the ability to import and export data from our software in a multitude of formats.
2.4.1 Estimate
Using the Estimate function will open up an Excel based spreadsheet showing you common estimate values like sq. footage, perimeter, costs based on different edge treatments as well as a total cost of the job. These numbers can be used for customer quotes or just for internal estimations of cost per job.
First you will see the Estimate/Print Details page where you can set up your Estimate. You can choose to print the basic Estimate or you can add the Summary, Estimate and Pages.
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A .csv estimate file will be saved to the job folder where the templated .dxf file is as well as the photographs of the job if you choose to use them.
2.4.2 PDF (Print)
You will need to have a printer installed on the tablet or on your computer to print these out. If you do not have a printer, you can save the .pdf file to later transfer it to a computer that has printing capabilities if you just want to save the digital file for your records.
If you wish to store a database of material (type of stone) you have in inventory, click on Area. You will be presented with a window that will allow you to add the material of your choice.
1. To add materials, click the green plus sign.
2. Click in the Material box and type in the name of the material.
3. Click in the Cost box and type in a cost of the material.
4. Add a Thickness and Color.
5. To remove a material, click on the material and click on the red x.
6. To choose your material click on the material name and click OK.
Use the check boxes on the bottom half of the screen and check the boxes if you want this to be included in your print out. If you uncheck a box, it will not be included.
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2.4.3 Shop Sheet
The shop sheet is a .pdf file that is created specifically for the fabrication facility in your business. Information on this form is filled out in the Job Information Center and the individual Page information. One shop sheet is automatically created for each page in your job.
2.4.4 Email
If you want to E-Mail your job files back to your fabrication shop, you will first need to set up your email settings. To do so, follow the instructions in section 2.9.4 - E-Mail Settings.
To send an email, enter the address you want to send the job to, the Subject (usually the job name) and any comments in the Message field. Check the boxes on the right to include whatever files you want. Sending pictures and PDF’s will slow down the process of sending because of the file sizes. We suggest only sending the L55 and DXF files when emailing. Photos can be included if needed. All the PDF files can be recreated at the office by opening the job file and saving it again.
2.4.5 Upload to Job Tracker
In version 2 of the software, we have added Moraware’s Job Tracker integration. You can now import job information from Job Tracker’s website as well as export/upload the job files created with the laser. To use this
functionality, you will need to first set up your account in our Options menu.
1. Click Edit / Options
2. Scroll to the bottom of the General Setting tab where you will see Job Tracker Settings
3. Enter the API URL (which is https://<xyz><xyz>/api.aspx where <xyz> is your own
company information)
4. Enter your User Name
5. Enter your Password
6. Press OK
To upload data to Job Tracker
1. Have the job you want to upload open
2. Click File / Import/Export / Upload to Job Tracker
3. Click Search
4. Click on the Account and Job you want to upload the job files to
5. Check the boxes of the files you want to upload
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6. Click Ok.
2.4.6 Import Job Tracker Data
Now that you have your Job Tracker account settings ready in the program, you can import the job information.
1. Click File / Import/Export / Import Job Tracker Data
2. Select the Account that the job is saved under
3. Select the Job that you want to import the data from
4. Click Ok.
The job’s data will now be visible in the Job Information area of the software.
2.5 Save
Choosing to Save your project should be done frequently. The current version of the job will be saved when you press
3TSave3T. If this is the first time the job is being saved, it will ask you to enter a name for it. Once a name is associated with
the file, choosing save will just overwrite the older version with the current one.
The program saves files with .l55 extensions. This is the file that contains all measurement information and recorded date. From this file, .dxf, .dwg, .ord, .xml, .csv, .txt, and .pdf files can be recreated. The only files that are not recreated from the .l55 file are the .jpg files (images).
The .l55 file will have all points flattened to a horizontal 2D plane (if the 'Template Wall' function was used, the points will be flattened to a vertical 2D plane).
The 'INTERNAL 3D IMAGE.dxf' file located in the same job folder will have all the points saved in 3D space in a point cluster that can be opened and edited in a separate CAD program.
2.6 Save As
The first time you are saving a template, you should choose to Save As. This will bring up a box giving you the option to save the template on the Hard Drive, as a Drop-In or using the Advanced saving option (Other).
2.6.1 Hard Drive
Saving files to the Hard Drive will place the jobs in the My Documents folder of the tablet.
2.6.2 Drop-In
If you create a Drop-In like a special corner, bump out or a sink bowl and you want to save it for future use, this is where you will save it to. By saving here, the template will show up when you choose the 3TDrop-In3T feature.
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2.6.3 Other (Advanced)
The Other (Advanced) method for saving templates should be used if you do not want to save your templates in the My Documents folder or on your SD memory card. By using this option, you can save .dxf, .l55 (job files) or or both files anywhere on the tablet that you want to (i.e. the desktop or a projects folder you created).
2.6.4 Drive Info
Drive Info shows the current status of the drives/storage devices on the tablet PC. This includes the hard drive, as well as any SD cards and removable disk drives (flash drives).
2.7 Exit
Exiting the program will close the program and take you back to the Windows desktop. You should always make sure to save changes to any job file you were working on before you exit the program.
When Exiting the program in conjunction with using the laser, the laser will shut off on its own if it is a pre-February, 2016 model. If Purchased Post-February, 2016, marked R4.1 on the bottom label, the laser will continue to remain on for a couple more minutes. It will shut off on its own but if you wish to manually turn it off, hold the power button for 3 seconds.
2.8 Connect To Laser
The only time this will show up is if the tablet is not connected to the laser. If you look in the title bar of the program, you will see "LT Disconnected" and there will be no interaction between the tablet and the laser.
If the tablet is connected to the laser via the USB cable and the title bar is showing "LT Disconnected" you can select Connect To Laser. This will then establish a connection between the laser and the tablet. This process of connecting can take up to 10 seconds.
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Edit Menu
The Edit menu is where you will find the most basic editing options that will be performed when starting a new job, saving a job, opening previous jobs and adding information of a job.
2.9 Options
2.9.1 General Settings
Here you can change general settings and functions with the way the program is run. The General Settings are categorized by their purpose in the software.
Save Settings
HD Save Location is used to change the location job files will be saved on your Tablet PC or computer. Click on
the browse button “…” to the right of the dialogue box and choose the folder you want to save all job files in by default. Click Clear if you wish to revert back to the default location of My Documents.
Days to keep auto save files simply allows you to change how long auto save files are stored on the hard drive. These auto saved files are located in C:\Program Files\Laser Products\LT-55XL\auto_save. This defaults to 10 day but can be changed to however long you wish to save them.
Save with page names, if checked while saving a job the resulting .dxf files that are saved with it will be titled whatever the page name is for that drawing.
Default DXF Polylines, if checked will default all lines to Polylines instead of Line Segments. Some CNC/CAM machinery will only work with one or the other. Check with your machinery to see if this should be checked or unchecked for your specific shop setup.
Export PDF in black/white with edge treatments, if checked will export the drawings to a .pdf file in black and white with the edge types labeled on them.
Save Template Images, if checked will save a screen shot of the drawing as a .jpg file and can be used as a reference.
Use Color in DXF Layer, if checked the layer name within the .dxf file will be preceded with the name of the color. Some CAD/CAM systems need to have this checked.
Export DXF BYLAYER, if checked will export the BYLAYERS if your CNC machinery needs it.
Use DXF on advanced save, if checked will default to saving a .dxf file on the Advanced Save instead of the
default .l55.
Sync DXF files when opening LT55 file, if checked will import any modified .dxf files back into the job file (.l55) when opening. This is done if you have an employee that modified the files in another CAD program and you want update the .l55 file.
The line thickness within the exported DXF file is the default line thickness in .dxf files after exported.
Settings Save Location is the default location that settings files are saved to.
DXF File Name Format is the formatting scheme for naming .dxf files once saved.
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Create DWG files when saving a job is checked when your company wishes to use DWG instead of DXF
Create DXF files when saving a job is checked when your company wishes to use DXF instead of DWG
Print Settings
Print page details, if checked will include each individual page’s details on Estimates.
Prepend to PDF is where you can attached a company estimate sheet (or any other pdf document) in front of the Print Sheet we create.
Prepend to PDF Description just describes what the file is that is being prepended.
Company Info and the Customer Agreement will be presented on each printout they do. Clicking the Edit
button next to each will open up Windows Notepad. You can either write a customer agreement into the file or you can write you own and then save it.
Print Logo is the log that will be added to your Print sheet. This needs to be a .jpg image.
Shop Sheet Logo is the logo that will be added to your Shop Sheet. This needs to be a .jpg image.
Drawing Display Settings
Auto Scale Dimensions, if checked will automatically scale the dimensions when printed.
Dimension Font Size is default font size for dimensions and text.
Show Tips at Startup, if checked will present you with a tip when the LT-2D3D software opens.
Display Radii Text, allows you to specify how you want radii to be shown on the screen. The default is the
number for the radius and then “R” but if you want only the number you can delete the “R” after <radius>.
Display Area Legend, allows you to turn on or off the Area Legend in the bottom right corner of the drawing area.
Ignore mirror when drawing text, if checked will allow text to be read legibly (not mirrored) while you are drawing in Mirror Mode.
Use black background on drawing, if checked will make the default white screen black on the drawing canvas. We added this because many CAD/CAM programs use black and we wanted to allow users to have it be the same as they are used to.
Display Shortcut Text, if checked will show the text in the right menu. If unchecked, it will only show the icons.
Job Details Settings
Install Date Add will allow you to automatically add a set number of days to the Install Date based on the
Template Date.
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