The hydro pneumatic trolley is properly packed in a wooden ballet.
In order to start up, unpack the equipment and read the instruction manual.
The manual must be accessible to the operators, familiarize with the equipment and your co-workers, do not loose it.
1- Release the lever (2) and the cylinder (5).
2- Introduce the lever in the hole provided to it, located in the chassis (7), and put the fastening socket with the pin, checking that there are tighten, using if is
necessary any drop of auto blocking.
3- Connect the two tubes of air, between the lever and the chassis using the connections provided in the lever in accordance with the tubes which have the same
Connection with the installation of compressed air.
The compressed air goes into the circuit by means of the rapid coupler located in the superior right side of the lever; is necessary to have a connection tube with a rapid
coupler compatible with the Hydro pneumatic Trolley’s junction.
Check that the hoses have an interior diameter of 8 mm and that there is no throttled.
Never introduce in the compressed air circuit, hydraulic oil, Vaseline oil, break liquid, petrol or other liquids.
Cut in the installation of air with a dehumidification machine.
If you wish lubricate the circuit, use only:
The hydropneumatic Trolley runs in normal environmental conditions, being the minimum and maximum temperatures that supported respectively: -20ºC and +50ºC.
1- Enforce the security rules of this manual.
2- Support the Hydro pneumatic Trolley in a stable and safety surface.
3- To elevate the load, turn to the right (respect the operator) the command (1).
4- Block the load once is elevated.
5- To descend the load, turn the command (1) to the left (respect the operator’s position)
6- The chief of the operator must be responsible of provide to the personnel, the needed information and the necessary training about the pumping and
translation forces.
7- In case of distributor’s break during the use, close the security faucet, located in the command (1) between the rapid coupler of air connection, and the
proper distributor.
The jack is provided with a lever with 3 positions and with a distributor valve 4/3 mono-stable.
In case of break or disconnection of the air tube, the jack blocks immediately.
To make longer the life of the jack, is recommended to clean the pistons externally fortnightly.
Check two a year unless, the oil level in the tank, this control must being done with the pistons fully retracted. It is necessary to check the oil level unscrewing the pin.
- In case of being necessary refill the tank with oil, check that you are using recommended oil, and compatible, in opposite case the equipment
could result damaged.
- If the oil level is higher than anticipate, or the jack has been dumped, the oil is expulsed by means of depressor in way of fog.
This phenomenon disappears itself when the oil level is the correct, if the level is very higher is recommended to retract it until reaching the correct level, and follow
the rules of residues treatment.
- If the motor starts but the load do not elevate, check the oil level, if is a lack, add oil and purge the circuit.
To do this operation, with the piston fully extended, put the jack in vertical position and close the faucet, continue placing the command in descend position until the
piston retracts fully and when is only the oil which goes out, check again the oil level and open the faucet.
Any other fault or damage, consult with your authorized service dealer or with LARZEP, S.A., those are provided of specialist personnel necessary in order to do other
kinds of maintenance operation and the necessary repairs. Do no doubt in consult us; we are to your disposition.
LARZEP, S.A. guarantees its products against all design and manufacturing defects for the durations of two years from the date of purchase. This guarantee does not
include the ordinary wear of both metal and non-metal parts, abuse, using the equipment beyond its rated capacity and any wear or damage incurred as a result of using
a hydraulic fluid which is not recommended by LARZEP, S.A.
Please note that if the equipment is disassembled or serviced by anyone other than an authorized service dealer or by LARZEP, S.A., this guarantee is rendered null
and void.
In the event of a warranty claim, return the equipment, to LARZEP, S.A. or the authorized dealer which sold you the hydraulic equipment, LARZEP, S.A. will repair
or replace the faulty equipment, whichever is deemed most appropriate. LARZEP, S.A. shall not be held liable for any consequential damages or losses, which may
occur as a result of faulty equipment.