Larson Davis HVM100 User Manual

Model HVM100
Human Vibration Meter
Larson Davis HVM100
IHVM100.01 Rev K
Copyright 2006-2015 by PCB Piezotronics, Inc. This manual is copyrighted, with all rights reserved.
The manual may not be copied in whole or in part for any use without prior written consent of PCB Piezotronics, Inc.
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Even though PCB Piezotronics, Inc. has reviewed its documentation, PCB Piezotronics Inc. makes no
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This publication may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. PCB Piezotronics, Inc. will
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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1
About This Manual.................................................................................................1-1
Accessories .............................................................................................................1-3
Standard Accessories .........................................................................................1-3
Optional Accessories..........................................................................................1-3
Transducers ...................................................................................................1-3
Power Supply ................................................................................................1-4
Software ........................................................................................................1-4
Selecting the Proper Transducer...................... .................................. .....................1-5
Triaxial Accelerometers................................................................................1-7
Single Axis Accelerometers..........................................................................1-9
Modes of Operation..............................................................................................1-10
Frequency Weighting Selections ..........................................................................1-10
Band Limiting Filters.......................................................................................1-11
Chapter 2 Getting Started 2-1
Switching HVM100 On..........................................................................................2-1
Menu Navigation ....................................................................................................2-1
Alpha Numeric Menu Function .........................................................................2-2
Indexed Menu Function.....................................................................................2-3
Key Board Functions ..............................................................................................2-4
Setup Key................................................................................................................2-4
Mode Selection ..................................................................................................2-5
Averaging Time .................................................................................................2-5
Time History Settings....................................................................................2-6
Store Time..........................................................................................................2-7
Auto Store ..........................................................................................................2-7
2nd History.................................................. .......................................................2-8
Vibration Mode Weighting.....................................................................................2-8
Hand Arm Mode Weighting ...................................................................................2-9
Whole Body Weighting Mode........................................ ........................................2-9
HVM100 Manual ii-i
Chapter 3 Tools Menu 3-1
Tools Key................................................................................................................3-1
Display Units......................................................................................................3-2
Sum Factor X,Y, Z.............................................................................................3-4
AC/DC Output ...................................................................................................3-4
AC/DC Output Settings.................................................................................3-7
Baud Rate...........................................................................................................3-8
Print History Selection.................................................... ...................................3-8
Erase All Files........................................... .................................. .......................3-9
Erase Setups............................. ........................................................................3-10
Header 1,2,3............................................................ .........................................3-11
Date and Time..................................................................................................3-13
Chapter 4 Range Menu 4-1
Range Key...............................................................................................................4-1
Auto Range ........................................................................................................4-1
Gain X, Y, Z.......................................................................................................4-2
Cal Level............................................................................................................4-2
Calibrate X, Y, Z................................................................................................4-3
Sensitivity X, Y, Z .............................................................................................4-4
Reference Acceleration......................................................................................4-5
Hand Arm Exposure Action Value ....................................................................4-5
Chapter 5 Printing 5-1
Printing to a Windows Hyperterminal....................................................................5-1
Chapter 6 Storing and Recalling Data Files and Setups 6-1
STORE Key............................................................................................................6-1
Storing a Setup...................................................................................................6-1
Storing a File......................................................................................................6-3
Temporary Data Storage - File Register 00 .......................................................6-4
Data Storage - File Registers 01 thru 99............................................................6-5
Preserving the File Counter At Power-Off ........................................................6-5
Recall Key...............................................................................................................6-6
Recalling a Setup ...............................................................................................6-6
ii-ii HVM100 Manual
Recalling Setup Register S0 at Power-On .........................................................6-7
Recalling a File ..................................................................................................6-8
Chapter 7 Taking Measurements/ Viewing Data on the HVM100 7-1
Run/Stop Key..........................................................................................................7-1
Overload Detection ............................................................................................7-1
Under-Range Indicator (?) .................................................................................7-2
Run-Interrupted Indicator (!) .............................................................................7-2
History Key............................................................ .................................................7-3
Viewing Time History with 2nd History turned on ...........................................7-5
Data Key .................................................................................................................7-6
Chapter 8 Powering the HVM100 8-1
Checking the Remaining Battery Voltage .........................................................8-1
Installing New Batteries..........................................................................................8-1
Using External Power.............................. .................................. .............................8-4
Chapter 9 Connections on the HVM100 9-1
Serial Interface Port ................................................................................................9-2
Cables Used........................................................................................................9-3
Transducer Connection...........................................................................................9-4
External Power Connection ....................................................................................9-5
Larson Davis Adapter ........................................................................................9-5
AC/DC Output Connector..................................................................................9-6
Chapter 10 Chapter 10 Adaptor Resonances 10-1
Conclusion ............................................................................................................10-1
Frequency Response Measurements................................................................10-3
ADP080A + SEN041.......................................................................................10-3
ADP081A + SEN041.......................................................................................10-5
ADP082A + SEN041.......................................................................................10-6
HVM100 Manual ii-iii
Appendix A Specifications A-1
General Characteristics..........................................................................................A-1
Type Precision..............................................................................................A-1
Effects of Temperature.................................................................................A-2
Effects of Humidity................................... ...................................................A-2
Limits of Temperature and Humidity...........................................................A-2
Effects of Magnetic Fields ..................................................... ......................A-2
Effects of Mechanical Vibrations.................................................................A-2
Stabilization Time........................................................................................A-2
Data Storage.................................................................................................A-3
Data Communications..................................................................................A-3
Digital Display .............................................................................................A-3
Real-time Clock/Calendar............................................................................A-3
Run-time Clock............................................................................................A-3
Power Supply ...............................................................................................A-3
Declaration of Conformity................................................................................A-4
Transducer Electrical Impedance......................................................................A-5
Direct Input ..................................................................................................A-5
Charge Input.................................................................................................A-6
Functions Measured..........................................................................................A-6
Reference Acceleration..................................................................................... A-6
Reference Calibration Frequency......................................................................A-7
Reference Calibration Vibration.......................................................................A-7
Frequency Weighting Curves ................................................................................A-8
Fa (Flat 0.4 Hz to 100 Hz)............................................................................A-8
Fb (Flat 0.4 Hz to 1260 Hz) Frequency Weighting......................................A-9
Fc (Flat 6.3 Hz to 1260 Hz), Wh, and Ws Frequency Weighting..............A-12
Wm, Wc, and Wd Frequency Weightings..................................................A-13
We, Wj, and Wk Frequency Weighting.....................................................A-15
Wg Frequency Weighting (Defined in BS6841:1987)...............................A-17
Wm (Whole Body) Frequency Weighting.................................................A-18
Typical Measurements Ranges ..................................................... ..................A-20
Vibration - Fa.............................................................................................A-20
Vibration - Fb, Fc, Ws................................................................................A-21
Hand Arm - Wh............................................................. .............................A-22
ii-iv HVM100 Manual
Whole Body - Wm .....................................................................................A-23
Whole Body - Wc.................................................. ................................. ....A-24
Whole Body - Wd, We....................................... .................................. ......A-25
Whole Body - Wg ................................ ......................................................A-26
Whole Body - Wb, Wj, Wk.......................... ..............................................A-27
Appendix B Glossary B-1
Table of equations..................................................................................................B-1
RMS Acceleration............................................................................. ...........B-1
RMS Acceleration in Decibels.....................................................................B-1
Allowed Exposure Time...............................................................................B-2
Energy Equivalent RMS Acceleration.........................................................B-2
Running RMS Acceleration LINEAR..........................................................B-2
Running RMS Acceleration EXPONENTIAL ............................................B-3
Vibration Dose Value...................................................................................B-3
Maximum Transient Vibration Value..........................................................B-3
Minimum Transient Vibration Value...........................................................B-3
Long Term Maximum Peak .........................................................................B-3
Short Term Maximum Peak.........................................................................B-4
Long Term Crest Factor...............................................................................B-4
Short Term Crest Factor...............................................................................B-4
Summed Instantaneous Acceleration...........................................................B-4
Appendix C Serial Interface Commands C-1
Setup and Query Commands .................................................................................C-1
Syntax for setup commands................................. .............................................C-1
Syntax for Query commands.............................................................................C-2
System Parameters (Q’s and S’s)...........................................................................C-2
Mode Specific Parameters ................................................................................C-3
Read Data Commands ...........................................................................................C-9
Read Time History Commands............................................................................C-10
Control Commands..............................................................................................C-12
Appendix D Frequency Response Curves D-1 Appendix E Miscellaneous Information E-1
DC Output Calibration ...........................................................................................E-1
AC/DC Outputs......................................................................................................E-3
DC Output.........................................................................................................E-3
AC Output.........................................................................................................E-4
HVM100 Manual ii-v
Typical Measurement Ranges for Hand-Arm and Whole Body Measurements ... E-5
Accelerometers ........................................................................................ E-5
Typical Measurement Ranges for General Purpose Vibration Measurements...... E-7
ICP Accelerometers .......................................................................................... E-7
Appendix F Serial Number Backup F-1
Setting Serial Number Backup..........................................................................F-1
Serial Number Reset ......................................................................................... F-1
Failure of Serial Number Reset......................................................................... F-2
ii-vi HVM100 Manual



About This Manual

Thank you for purchasing the Human Vibration Meter from Larson Davis. The HVM100 is a powerful but small vibra­tion measurement tool. This Handheld vibration analyzer will allow a variety of applications to be performed includ­ing; Whole Body Vibration analysis, Hand-Arm Vibration analysis, and general purpose vibration analysis.
This full featured vibration analyzer features 3 input channels, a sum channel, a variety of frequency weighting and band limiting settings, single and double integration, displayed data in a variety of units, and independent AC or DC outputs for all 3 channels simultaneously.
We invite you to read this manual to obtain the best results from your HVM100.
This manual has 9 chapters and 5 appendices covering the following topics:
Chapter 1 - Introduction
In this chapter we will discuss the functionality and capabilities of your HVM100. We will also go into detail with regards to frequency weightings and screen and menu functionality.
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
This chapter will describe in detail the functionality and selections contained in the Setup menu.
Chapter 3 - The Tools Menu
This chapter will describe in detail the functionality and selections contained in the Tools menu.
HVM100 Manual Introduction 1-1
Chapter 4 - The Range Menu
This chapter will describe in detail the functionality and selections contained in the Range menu. This includes calibration of the HVM100.
Chapter 5 - Printing
This chapter will describe how to download data from the HVM100.
Chapter 6 - Storing and Recalling Data File s and Setups
This chapter will describe in detail how to store data and setup information in the HVM100’s on-board memory.
Chapter 7 - Taking Measurements/Viewing Data on the HVM100
This chapter will describe in detail how to use the Run/Stop key to take measurements, and how to view that data on the display of the HVM100.
Chapter 8 - Powering the HVM100
This chapter will describe the two ways in which to power the HVM100.
Chapter 9 - Connections on the HVM100
This chapter will describe all of the external connectors on the HVM100.
Chapter 10- Adaptor Resonances
This chapter will describe the frequency response function data for the ADP08XA Adaptors.
Appendix A - Specifications Appendix B - Glossary Appendix C - I/O Commands Appendix D - Frequency Response Curves Appendix E - Miscellaneous Information Appendix F - Serial Number Backup
1-2 HVM100 Manual


Standard Accessories

Optional Accessories

Selection of the proper accessories for use with your HVM100 is one of the most important functions you can perform. The transducer is especially critical to obtaining good results.
The HVM100 is delivered with the following standard accessories:
•User Manual
Batteries, 2 x AA, IEC Type LR6
Transducers SEN020 to SEN022 (Accel e rometers, 3 axis ICP
SEN023 to SEN025 (Accel erometers, single axis ICP)
SEN026 (3 axis ICP, palm accelerometer)
SEN027 (Accelerometer, seat pad)
SEN040F (Accelerometer, 3 axis, 2 - 5 kHz, ICP)
SEN041F (Accelerometer, 3 axis, 2 - 5 kHz, ICP)
Calibrator 394C06 (Hand-held accelerometer calibrator)
Cables SEN020-CBL to SEN022-CBL (3 axis accelerometers
including cables)
SEN023-CBL to SEN025-CBL (single axis accelerometers including cables)
SEN026-CBL (3 axis ICP, cable)
SEN027-CBL (Cable and seat pad accelerometer)
SEN040F-CBL (Accelerometers, 3 axis, 2 - 5 kHz, ICP, including cables)
SEN041F-CBL (Accelerometers, 3 axis, 2 - 5 kHz, ICP, including cables)
CBL006 (Cable, serial computer, DB9S-mDIN08)
palm accelerometer including
HVM100 Manual 1-3
CBL120 (Cable, 3 x 10-32 male to 4-pin LEMO female)
CBL121 (cable, 3 x BNC male to 4-pin LEMO female)
CBL124 (Cable, AC/DC Output, 3 X BNC to Switchcraft
CBL125 (Cable, Mini 4-pin to 4-pin LEMO female)
CBL158 (Cable, 4-pin Microtech to 4-pin LEMO
Adaptors ADP060 (Adapter, hand accelerometer)
ADP061 (Adapter, handle accelerometer)
ADP062 (Adapter, clamp accelerometer)
ADP063 (Adaptor, palm accelerometer)
ADP064 (HVM100 adapter kit)
ADP080A (Adapter, hand accelerometer)
ADP081A (Adapter, handle accelerometer)
ADP082A (Adapter, clamp accelerometer)
ADP084A (Vibration adaptor kit including ADP080A, ADP081A, ADP082A and ADP063)
080A09 (Adapt or, probe tip with 10-32 connector)
080A17 (Adapt or, triaxial mounting)
080B16 (Adaptor, triaxial mounting, for SEN024 and SEN025 with 5-40 thread)
Cases CCS020 (HVM100 hard shell carrying case)
CCS028 (Soft case with belt clip fo r HVM100
Power Supply PSA027 (Power supply, 90-264 VAC to 12 VDC)
Software Blaze
software (SWW-BLAZE-HVM) for setup,
control and high speed data download
HVManager software permits both users and manufacturers of vibrating equipment to create PC-based vibration data bases containing data measured using an HVM100 Human Vibration Meter
DNA (Data, Navigation and Analysis) software for instrument control, high speed data download, data streaming with real-time data display on PC, advanced data graphic presentations and powerful report generation features
1-4 HVM100 Manual
HVM Programmer software, available from Larson Davis, can be used to programs the languages and update the firmware when new versions are available for the HVM100.

Selecting the Proper Transducer

There are several important considerations when selecting a transducer to perform your measurements. The first decision that must be made is what type of transducer to use.
NOTE: The HVM100 has built-in ICP power supplies and charge amplifiers. This will allow the HVM100 to interface directly with ICP or charge transducers, and eliminates the need for external sig­nal conditioning.
There are two general categories of accelerometers, ICP and Charge.
accelerometers are also called “Voltage Mode” or “Low impedance” and may be known by various other vendor trade names. ICP is PCB’s registered trademark which stands for “Integrated Circuit Piezoelectric” and identifies PCB sensors which incorporate built-in, signal conditioning electronics. The built-in electronics serve to convert the high impedance charge signal that is generated by the piezoelectric sensing element to a usable low impedance voltage signal which can be readily transmitted over ordinary 2 wire or coaxial cables to any voltage readout or recording device. The low impedance signal can be transmitted over long cable distances and used in dirty field or factory environments with little signal degradation.
Charge mode sensors output a high impedance, electrical charge signal that is generated by the piezoelectric sensing element. This signal is extremely sensitive to corruption from environmental influences. To conduct accurate measurements, it is necessary to condition this signal to a a low impedance voltage before it can be input to a readout or recording device. A charge amplifier or in-line charge converter is generally used for this purpose.
The final way to use the input of the HVM100 is through the direct input. This would require the use of some kind of external signal conditioning unit such as an external source of ICP power, or an external charge amplifier.
HVM100 Manual 1-5
The next item to consider is the sensitivity of the transducer. The sensitivity of the accelerometer will depend on the application being performed. If the application is a high vibration level application, a low sensitivity should be selected. For low vibration level applications a high sensitivity accelerometer should be used.
NOTE: Transverse sensitivity is also something to be considered. Transverse sensitivity is defined as: The unwanted output signal of a motion sensor when subjected to motion perpendicular to the sensitive axis-usually expressed as a per­cent of the normal axis sensitivity. For example if you are using a tri-axial accelerometer and place an input signal on the Z axis, your X axis could also be reading a level even though there is really no x-axis signal present.
The resonant frequency of the transducer should also be considered. The resonant frequency is defined as the frequency at which the structure will readily vibrate. For accelerometers, there is one frequency where the accelerometer will vibrate much easier than at other frequencies. At this point, the reading will be very high, and could overload the input of the HVM100. However, for most of the recommended accelerometers, the resonant frequency is well above the upper limit of the HVM100, and will subsequently be masked out by the low pass filter on the HVM100. If the resonant frequency becomes an issue, it is recommended that an external mechanical filter be used.
Frequency range is the next thing to take into consideration. Most recommended accelerometers will have a frequency range sufficient for use with the HVM100. See the frequency response tables (appendix A) and graphs (appendix D) for more information on the HVM100’s frequency response.
The last thing to consider is temperature, humidity, and other physical agents, such as mounting surface, mass and environment. The mass of the accelerometer should ideally be no more that 1/50 of the mass of the object being measured. A ratio of as little as 1/10 is acceptable in extreme circumstances. The affect of these elements should always be considered when choosing a transducer. Please also be aware of the different methods of mounting an accelerometer and the effects of each of those methods on the measured data.
The following is a selection from the PCB catalog listing the characteristics of a transducer. Please note the items that we have discussed and note where they appear in a transducer specification
1-6 HVM100 Manual

Triaxial Accelerometers .

Specification Unit SEN020 SEN21F SEN026
Voltage Sensitivity mV/g 1 10 10 Frequency Range (+/-5%) Hz 0.5 to 5,000 0.5 to 2,500 1 to 9,000 Frequency Range (+/-10%) Hz 0.3 to 6,000 0.5 to 12,000 Mounted Resonant Frequency kHz 25 25 25 Measurement Range +/-g pk 1,500 500 500 Broadband Resolution (1 Hz to 10
kHz) Shock Limit +/-g pk 7,000 7,000 10,000 Operating Temperature Range
Amplitude Linearity % +/1 +/1 +/1 Transverse Sensitivity % 5 5 5 Strain Sensitivity g/ 0.001 0.001 Excitation Voltage VDC 20 to 30 20 to 30 18 to 30 Constant Current mA 2 to 20 2 to 20 2 to 20 Output Impedance ohms <100 <100 <200 Output Bias VDC 8 to 12 8 to 12 7 to 11 Discharge Time Constant sec 1.0 to 2.0 .4 to 1.2 1.0 to 3.5 Sensing Element Type Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Element Configuration Structure Shear Shear Shear Electrical Connector type/location 4-Pin/side 4-Pin/side 4-Pin/side Housing material/sealing Titanium/Hermetic Titanium/Hermetic Titanium/Hermetic Mounting Thread size 10-32 Female 5-40 Male 10-32 Female
g rms 0.005 0.0005 0.0002
F [oC] -65 to +250 [-54 to
-65 to +250 [-54 to +121]
-65 to +250 [-54 to +121]
HVM100 Manual 1-7
Specification Unit SEN027 SEN040F SEN041F
Voltage Sensitivity mV/g 100 1 10 Frequency Range (+/-5%) Hz 0.5 to 1,000 2 to 4,000 2 to 4,000 Frequency Range (+/-10%) Hz Mounted Resonant Frequency kHz 27 55 55 Measurement Range +/-g pk 10 5,000 500 Broadband Resolution (1 Hz to 10
kHz) Shock Limit +/-g pk 2,000 10,000 10,000 Operating Temperature Range
Amplitude Linearity % +/1 +/2.5 +/1 Transverse Sensitivity % 5 5 5 Strain Sensitivity g/ Excitation Voltage VDC 6.5 to 30 18 to 30 18 to 30 Constant Current mA 0.3 to 10 2 to 20 2 to 20 Output Impedance ohms <500 <200 <200 Output Bias VDC 2.8 to 4.5 7 to 11 7 to 11 Discharge Time Constant sec 1.0 to 3.0 1.5 to 3.0 .3 to 1.0 Sensing Element Type Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Element Configuration Structure Shear Shear Shear Electrical Connector type/location Integral cable/side 1/4-28 4-Pin/side 1/4-28 4-Pin/side Housing material/sealing Titanium/Hermetic Titanium/Hermetic Titanium/Hermetic Mounting Thread size 10-32 Female 5-40 Female 5-40 Female
g rms 0.002 0.03 0.008
F [oC] +14 to +122 [-10 to
-65 to +250 [-54 to +121]
-65 to +250 [-54 to +121]
1-8 HVM100 Manual

Single Axis Accelerometers .

Specification Unit SEN022 SEN024 SEN025
Voltage Sensitivity mV/g 100 10 10 Frequency Range (+/-5%) Hz 0.5 to 5,000 1 to12,000 1 to 10,000 Frequency Range (+/-10%) Hz 0.3 to 6,000 0.7 to 18,000 0.3 to 12,000 Mounted Resonant Frequency kHz 25 50 35 Measurement Range +/-g pk 50 500 50 Broadband Resolution (1 Hz to 10
kHz) Shock Limit +/-g pk 7,000 10,000 5000 Operating Temperature Range
Amplitude Linearity % +/1 +/1 +/1 Transverse Sensitivity % 5 5 5 Strain Sensitivity g/ 0.001 0.006 0.005 Excitation Voltage VDC 20 to 30 1 to 30 1 to 30 Constant Current mA 2 to 20 2 to 20 2 to 20 Output Impedance ohms <200 <100 <300 Output Bias VDC 8 to 12 8 to 12 8 to 12 Discharge Time Constant sec 1 to 3 .4 to 1.2 .4 to 1.2 Sensing Element Type Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Element Configuration Structure Shear Shear Shear Electrical Connector type/location 4-Pin/side 10-32 10-32 Housing material/sealing Aluminum/Epoxy Titanium/Hermetic Titanium/Hermetic Mounting Thread size 10-32 Male 5-40 Male 5-40 Male
g rms 0.0001 0.0005 .00016
F [oC] -65 to +176 [-54 to
-65 to +250 [-54 to +121]
-65 to +200 [-54 to +93]
About the HVM100
The HVM100 is a powerful, all digital, vibration analyzer. It features simultaneous 3 channel measurements, small lightweight design, easy to read display, portability utilizing 2 AA batteries, 115.2 kbps RS-232 interface, three modes of
HVM100 Manual 1-9
operation: Hand-Arm, Whole Body, and Vibration, and the capability to display and print text in a variety of languages.

Modes of Operation

The HVM100 is divided into three modes of operation. The standard mode is the vibration mode. This is the mode included with the instrument. The other two modes are optional modes. The Optional modes are Hand-Arm and Whole Body. Each of these modes feature different frequency weighting selections as outlined later in this chapter.

Frequency Weighting Selections

NOTE: The Hand-Arm and Whole body modes are separately purchased options. These options and the frequency weight­ings associated with these options will not be available unless they are pur­chased.
Mode Frequency Weighting
Vibration Ws (Severity)
Hand Arm W Whole Body W
To accommodate the multiple operating modes of the HVM100, 13 different frequency weighting filters are available. The following table describes the frequency weighting options available in each of the operating modes. To select the frequency w eighting for a particular m ode, see the section in this manual titled Setup Key.
Fa (0.4 Hz to 100 Hz) Fb (0.4 Hz to 1250 Hz) Fc (6.3 Hz to 1250 Hz)
The Hand-Arm mode and the Whole body mode frequency weighting curves are defined in ISO 8041:2005. The W
1-10 HVM100 Manual

Band Limiting Filters

frequency weighting curve is defined in British Standard 6841:1987.
In addition to defining the frequency weightings for Hand­Arm and Whole Body, ISO 8041:2005 also defines a band­limiting filter to be used with each of the frequency weightings. Each band-limiting filter is a combination of a high-pass and low-pass 2nd order Butterworth filter, 12 dB per octave attenuation, with - 3 dB corner frequencies at the frequencies listed in table 3 below. When a frequency weighting is selected in the HVM100 Hand-Arm mode, or Whole Body mode, the HVM100 automatically places both the weighting filter and the appropriate band-limiting filter in the signal path.
Weighting Band-Limiting Filter
m,Wc, Wd, We, Wj, Wk
, Wg 0.8 to 100 Hz
6.3 to 1250 Hz
0.4 to 100 Hz
HVM100 Manual 1-11
1-12 HVM100 Manual
On Key

Getting Started


Switching HVM100 On

This section will introduce you to the keypad and functionality of the HVM100.
If any displays appear during the boot process which refer to Serial Number or SN, see section "Serial Number Backup" on page F-1.

Menu Navigation

To swit ch the HVM100 On, press the On key.
Navigating through the HVM100 menus is similar to navigating through other Larson Davis instruments. The menus are arranged in lists. The appropriate menu key is used to enter the menu, and then the u Up and d Down arrow keys are used to scroll through the menu. When you come to a setting you want to change, press the c Check key to enter the modify section of the menu. You can now use the r Right and l Left arrow keys to scroll th rough the options for that item. After the appropriate selection is in the window, use the c Check key to select that setting. This will place you back into the main menu where once again the u Up and d Down arrow keys can be used to navigate.
HVM100 Manual Getting Started 2-1

Alpha Numeric Menu Function

The alpha numeric menu screens include the Header screens and the Calibrator sensitivity screen. These are settings that require the user to enter letters of the alphabet or numerals into the field. To change an alpha numeric menu setting,
Step 1 Go to the menu item you wish to change.
Header 1
Step 2 Press the c key to place the HVM100 into the
modify mode. The selection will begin to blink.
Header 1
Step 3 Use the r and l arrow keys to select a posi-
tion to modify.
Header 1
Step 4 Use the u and d arrow keys to select the char-
acter you want in that position.
Header 1 Wi
Step 5 Use the rand l arrow keys again to move to
the next position. When you move to the next position, the HVM100 will start you from where you left off. (i.e. if you entered an ‘F’ in the first position, when you move to the next position, you will be starting from the ‘F’ on that position.
Header 1 Wil
Step 6 Hit the c key or move to the next menu item to
accept the change. Anytime you have made a change, the change will automatically be accepted
2-2 Menu Navigation HVM100 Manual

Indexed Menu Function

even if you don’t hit the check key . You can accept the change just by moving to another section of the HVM100.
Header 1 Wilson Processin
The following is an example of how to make a change to an indexed menu item. (An item that has a specific list of choices.)
Step 1 Go to the setting you wish to change.
Operating Mode Vibration
Step 2 Press the c key to place the HVM100 in the mod-
ify mode. The selection will begin to blink.
Operating Mode Vibration
Step 3 Use the l and r arrow keys to scroll through
the selections in the menu.
Operating Mode Vibration
Operating Mode Hand Arm
Operating Mode whole Body
Step 4 When you come to the selection you desire, stop
Operating Mode Whole Body
HVM100 Manual Menu Navigation 2-3

Key Board Functions

Step 5 To accept the change, either hit the c key or move
to the next menu item or to another part of the HVM100.
Operating Mode Whole Body
The keyboard on the front of the HVM100 is the main interface to the instrument. The keyboard consists of 11 dedicated function keys, 4 arrow keys and the check key.
In the following section, we will describe the functionality and selections associated with each key.

Setup Key

The SETUP key places you into the Setup menu. This menu is used to set general system parameters such as operating mode and frequency weighting. The selections available in the Setup menu are described below. The Setup menu is a
2-4 Key Board Functions HVM100 Manual

Mode Selection

Hint: This setting is in the Setup menu. To access the Setup menu press the
SETUP key and then use the u and d arrow keys to navigate
through the menu items.
NOTE: To view each selection, first pr ess
c key, and then press the r or l
the arrow key to scroll through each selec­tion.
circular menu. You can scroll through and return to the top by continuously pressing the d or u arrow key.
NOTE: T he Hand-Arm and Whole body modes are separate purchased options. These options and the frequency weight­ings associated with those options will not be available unless they are pur­chased.

Averaging Ti me

Hint: This setting is in the Setup menu. To access the Setup menu press the
SETUP key and then use the u and d arrow keys to navigate
through the menu items.
This section is used to set the operating mode. The selections are Whole body, Hand Arm or Vibration.
Operating Mode Vibration
Operating Mode Hand Arm
Operating Mode Whole Body
HVM100 Manual Setup Key 2-5
NOTE: An exponential detector is defined as a detector that maintains a moving average of the signal. The only exponential detector in the HVM100 is the Slow detector. This detector will begin by taking a 1 second average. As time moves, the exponential detector will discard the first part of the average, as the next part is collected. A linear detec­tor will take the signal and average over the averaging time, and then start over. All previously collected samples are dis­regar ded in the new linear average.
Time History Settings The Averaging time is also used to determine the rate of
The averaging time refers to the amount of time data is collected and averaged before a new average is started. The selections are Slow, 1 sec, 2 sec, 5 sec, 10 sec, 20 sec, 30 sec, and 60 sec. The Slow response is a 1 second exponential detector, while the others are linear repeat type averages. The averaging is the same for all Operating modes.
storage for the Time History. The Time History will store the Arms value along with the Peak value if the user desires, for the X, Y, Z, and Sum channels. The Time History buffer is limited to 240 samples, 120 samples if the Peak value is selected. To setup Time History Peak storage, see the 2nd History menu section below.
NOTE: T o view each selection, first press the c key, and then press the r or l arrow key to scroll through each selec­tion.
The following are the selections you would encounter when changing the Averaging Time:
Averaging Slow
Averaging 1 sec
Averaging 2sec
Averaging 5 sec
Averaging 10 sec
Averaging 20 sec
2-6 Setup Key HVM100 Manual

Store Time

Averaging 30 sec
Averaging 60 sec
Hint: This setting is in the Setup menu. To access the Setup menu press the
SETUP key and then use the u and d arrow keys to navigate
through the menu items.
NOTE: To change the Store Time param­eters, press the
arrows to select the desired value,
and then use the r and l arrows to move to the next position. Once all positions are set press the move to any other part of the HVM100 to accept the entry.
c key, use the u and
c key or

Auto Store

Hint: This setting is in the Setup menu. To access the Setup menu press the
SETUP key and then use the u and d arrow keys to navigate
through the menu items.
NOTE: The data memory in the HVM100 is a non-volatile EEPROM chip. Even if the batteries go dead for an extended period of time, the stored setups and data will be retained.
The Store Time selection works in conjunction with the Auto Store setting. The Auto Store setting will allow you to automatically store measurement data at a rate indicated by the Store Time. The Store Time can be set from 1 minute to 99 hours.
Store Time hh:mm
The Auto Store function in the HVM100 will allow you to store data over time. The Store Time is the rate at which the data will be stored. At the end of the store time the Auto Store function will store any history data that has been collected, as well as the overall data from all three channels and the sum channel. The data will be stored as a file in the memory. After the data is stored, the instrument is reset automatically and a new set of data is collected. The limitation on the memory is 100 files. When the memory reaches the maximum number of files, it will stop storing data.
NOTE: To view each selection, first pr ess the c key, and then press the r or l arrow key to scroll through each selec­tion.
HVM100 Manual Setup Key 2-7
There are three selections in the Auto Store menu:
Auto Store Off

2nd History

The Auto Store is turned off with this setting.
Auto Store On
The Auto Store feature will store each time the Store T ime is reached. This will continue until all file registers are full.
Auto Store Autostop
The Auto Store-Autostop feature will allow you to take a fixed length measurement. The Autostop feature will stop the meter when the Store time is reached, just as if you had pressed the s key.
Hint: This setting is in the Setup menu. To access the Setup menu press the
SETUP key and then use the u and d arrow keys to navigate
through the menu items.
The 2nd History setting will allow you to store a Peak value along with the Arms value that is automatically stored in the Time History buffer. The Peak will be stored for all three channels and the Sum channel. Turning on the 2nd value will cut the number of sample storage space from 240 samples to 120 samples.
NOTE: T o view each selection, first press the c key, and then press the r or l arrow key to scroll through each selec­tion.
In the 2nd history selection menu you have the choice of None or Peak.
2nd history None
2nd History Peak

Vibration Mode Weighting

Hint: This setting is in the Setup menu. To access the Setup menu press the
SETUP key and then use the u and d arrow keys to navigate
through the menu items.
2-8 Vibration Mode W eighting HVM100 Manual
NOTE: To view each selection, first pr ess the c key, and then press the r or l arrow key to scroll through each selec­tion.
In the vibration mode you can select from the following weighting selections. Please see the appendix at the end of this manual for details on weighting curves. The weighting selection is independent for all channels. Here we only depict the X channel data, but the other channels screens would be the same:
Weighting X Fa 0.4-100 Hz
Weighting X Fb 0.4-1250 Hz
Weighting X Fc 6.3-1250 Hz
Weighting X Ws Severity

Hand Arm Mode Weighting

As required by ISO 8041:2005 the Hand Arm mode has only one weighting selection. Please see the appendix at the end of this manual for details on this weighting curve. The weighting curve is labeled as Wh. This weighting selection is for all channels and the sum channel. Because there is only one selection in the Hand Arm mode, the weighting selection is not present on the Setup menu.

Whole Body Weighting Mode

Hint: This setting is in the Setup menu. To access the Setup menu press the
SETUP key and then use the u and d arrow keys to navigate
through the menu items.
NOTE: To view each selection, first pr ess
c key, and then press the r or l
the arrow key to scroll through each selec­tion.
HVM100 Manual Hand Arm Mode Weighting 2-9
In the Whole Body mode you can select from the following weighting selections as required by ISO8041:2005. Please see the appendix at the end of this manual for details on the weighting curves. The weighting selection is independent
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