Larson Davis EPS044, NMS044 Reference Manual

EPS044 & NMS044
Noise Monitoring System
Reference Manual
Larson Davis
Reference Manual
NMS044 Reference Manual i-2
Copyright 2018, by PCB Piezotronics, Inc. This manual is copyrighted, with all rights reserved. The manual may not be copied in whole or in part for any use without prior written consent of PCB Piezotronics, Inc.
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Even though PCB Piezotronics, Inc. has reviewed its documentation, PCB Piezotronics Inc. makes no warranty or representa­tion, either expressed or implied, with respect to this instrument and documentation, its quality, performance, merchantabil­ity, or fitness for a particular purpose. This documentation is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment or representation by PCB Piezotronics, Inc.
This publication may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. PCB Piezotronics, Inc. will periodically update the material for inclusion in new editions. Changes and improvements to the information described in this manual may be made at any time.
If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by Larson Davis, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
Record of Serial Number
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Serial Number: ___________
Preamplifier PRM 2103 Serial Number: ___________
Microphone 377B02 Serial Number: ___________
RV50 Cellular Gateway Serial Number: ___________
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Contact Larson Davis
Larson Davis - a PCB Piezotronics division Provo, UT, USA
Toll-free (in the US):888-258-3222 Phone:716-926-8243 USA fax:716-926-8215
NMS044 Reference Manual i-3
i.1 Install G4 LD Utility
G4 LD Utility (G4) software enhances the features, flexibility, and ease-of-use of Larson Davis instruments by providing setup utilities, instrument calibration, computer-based control of the instrument, data download and manipulation, printing, and export of data to third-party software for post processing and analysis.
You can download G4 at or find the software on the supplied USB drive. Run LDsetup.exe to begin the download process. The install program prompts for any additional required information. A PCB Piezotronics menu item will be created under the Program menu item in the Start menu and a shortcut will be placed on the desktop.
i.2 Using A Digital Reference Manual
Larson Davis is committed to the green practices of limited paper waste. In this effort, we only offer reference manuals in a digital PDF format. Digital notes and comments can be made in certain readers, and you are encouraged to print any procedures or sections for quick references that fit your needs. Each page is drafted on A4 size, and can be easily scaled to fit most printers.
INMS044.01 Rev D ii-1
Table of Contents
Module 1 System Overview 1-1
1.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 EPS/NMS044 Features .....................................................................................................................1-2
1.3 Components .....................................................................................................................................1-2
1.4 Optional Accessories ....................................................................................................................... 1-7
1.5 Wiring Diagrams ............................................................................................................................... 1-7
Module 2 Get Started 2-1
2.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 Ready Battery ................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Configure the RV50 Gateway ...........................................................................................................2-3
2.4 Model 831C SLM Settings .................................................................................................................2-8
Module 3 Deployment 3-1
3.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Travel Packs .....................................................................................................................................3-2
3.3 Assemble EPS2116 and Preamplifier .............................................................................................. 3-2
3.4 Install Pole and EPS2116 to System ...............................................................................................3-4
3.5 Connect Solar Panel ........................................................................................................................3-6
3.6 Turn System ON ............................................................................................................................... 3-7
3.7 Calibrate ...........................................................................................................................................3-8
3.8 Due Diligence ...................................................................................................................................3-9
Module 4 Making Measurements 4-1
4.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Connect to G4 LD Utility ..................................................................................................................4-1
4.3 Default NMS044 Setup File ..............................................................................................................4-2
4.4 Email/Text Alerts .............................................................................................................................. 4-5
Appendix A Additional Features 1
A.1 Physical Characteristics ..................................................................................................................A-1
A.2 NMS044 Power Draw .......................................................................................................................A-2
A.3 Long Term Storage ..........................................................................................................................A-2
A.4 Shipping Information ......................................................................................................................A-2
A.5 LED Indicators ..................................................................................................................................A-3
A.6 Removing Cables from Case ............................................................................................................ A-6
A.7 Configuring LD Settings for the RV50 ..............................................................................................A-7
A.8 Declaration of Conformity .............................................................................................................A-15
NMS044 Reference Manual Overview 1-1
Module 1 System Overview
1.1 Overview .............................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 EPS/NMS044 Features .........................................................................................................1-2
1.3 Components ........................................................................................................................ 1-2
1.4 Optional Accessories ........................................................................................................... 1-7
1.5 Wiring Diagrams ..................................................................................................................1-7
1.1 Overview
The SoundAdvisor Model NMS044 noise monitoring system (NMS044, system) is the practical solution to long-term or short-term, unattended sound level monitoring. Power is supplied by a 12 V battery, and the system is charged by a solar panel, chosen specifically for the area sunlight availability. It is lightweight, as little as 50 lbs, so one person can carry to a site and setup within a few minutes.
FIGURE 1-1 NMS044 Overview
Environmentally protected microphone and preamplifier
Telescoping pole keeps the microphone away from any sound reflections in the area. Do not place near trees or other large elements.
The outdoor case protects and securely fits the battery, charge controller, antennas, modem, and sound level meter
Place the solar panel unobstructively facing the sun’s main trajectory.
Environmentally protected microphone and preamplifier
NMS044 Reference Manual EPS/NMS044 Features 1-2
1.2 EPS/NMS044 Features
Acoustic Measurement
The area sound is measured with a prepolarized microphone and preamplifier that are environmentally protected in a shroud on a telescoping pole, which is mounted to the case.
The NMS044 can be deployed, before, during, or after you setup the 831C to make your measurements.
Low Power Consumption
LEARN MORE To learn more
about power consumption, see “NMS044 Power Draw” on page A-2.
A 12 V battery powers the system, which is charged by a solar panel through a charge controller. The system can run, without recharging, for about a week. Sunlight needed to reboot the system after a power loss is minimal and full charge is reached in only a few hours.
Continuous Sound Measurements
If the batteries are ever completely depleted, the system will shut off safely. When the battery is recharged sufficiently, it will power on and the measurement will continue. This feature runs without any prompting from the user.
Connect to a cellular network using the RV50 and access the 831C to view/download data from a PC at anytime. Control the system from a web browser from wherever you are.
1.3 Components
Environmentally protected case with foam inserts, attachment bracket, and cable gaskets
Metal Case Plate
Power distribution block
Rubber Stoppers - Depending on which preamplifier is used, one is used for CBL222-08 or CBL222-20, and one is used for EXC cables.
Silicon grease for cable glands
NMS044 Reference Manual Components 1-3
All that is included in the CCS051
BAT019 45 Ah 12 V LiFePo Battery or BAT020 35 Ah 12 V SLA Bat­tery
Telescoping pole with guy wire ring
PSA038 Genasun Solar Charge Controller
Controls the charge of the solar panel to the battery and indicates if the battery is charging or fully charged with the LED light. See A.5.3 "PSA038 Genasun Solar Charge Controller" on page A-5
Safe to use with BAT019 and BAT020
CBL226-02 Charge controller to power block cable
CBL225-01 Fused battery cable
CBL228-03 Solar connectors to solar charger cable
CBL224-02 831C to power block cable
•Canvas bag
Metal plate with attached power distribution block (underneath)
Rubber Stoppers
NMS044 Reference Manual Components 1-4
FIGURE 1-3 EPS044 Hardware
FIGURE 1-4 EPS044 Cables
EPS044-SLA includes the 35 Ah 12 V SLA Battery (BAT020)
EPS044-LFP includes the 45 Ah 12 V LiFePo Battery (BAT019)
PSA038 Solar Charge Controller
Telescoping pole with guy wire ring
NMS044 Reference Manual Components 1-5
All items listed above for CCS051 and EPS044 (either the EPS044-SLA or EPS044-LFP, see Figure 1-3 EPS044 Hardware).
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Sound Level Meter (831C, SLM, meter)
Firmware options 831C-LOG, 831C-ELA and 831C-SW
Default NMS044 measurement setup
Four NiMH AA batteries
COM-RV50-DC Cellular Gateway with dual antennas
TAKE NOTE A SIM card for the
RV50 cellular gateway is not included and will need to be purchased through a cellular provider. See “Configure the RV50 Gateway” on page 2-3.
SLP001 60 W or SLP002 100 W Solar Panel
EPS2116 Environmental protection system for microphone and preamplifier
PRM2103-FF Preamplifier
377B02 Microphone
PSA039 120 AC Battery Charger Adapter
CBL222-08 Cable from PRM2103 to 831C
CBL223-02 RV50 to power block cable
CBL138 USB to a Mini B used for system setup
DVX015 2 port USB adapter
Phillips #2 screwdriver
Phillips #0 screw driver
NMS044 Reference Manual Components 1-6
FIGURE 1-5 NMS044 Hardware
FIGURE 1-6 NMS044 Cables and Accessories
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Sound Level Meter
COM-RV50-DC Cellular Gateway
NMS044-SLP60 & NMS044-LFP60 includes the SLP001 60 W Solar Panel
EPS2116 Environmental Protection Shroud
PRM2103 preamplifier and 377B02 microphone
NMS044-SLP100 & NMS044-LFP100 includes the SLP002 100 W Solar Panel
CBL222-08 Velcro Ties for the
CBL222-08 and pole
NMS044 Reference Manual Optional Accessories 1-7
1.4 Optional Accessories
831-MEM32G USB Flash Storage
CAL200 Precision Acoustic Calibrator
CAL250 Precision Acoustic Calibrator
1.5 Wiring Diagrams
FIGURE 1-7 System Wiring Diagram
Cellular Antennas
PRM2103-FF Preamplifier and Microphone
Sound Level Meter
PSA038 Solar Charge Controller
COM-RV50-DC Cellular Gateway
GPS Antenna
Power Distribution Block
Solar Panel
Terminal Lug (ground to plate in case)
DVX015 2-port USB Hub
NMS044 Reference Manual Wiring Diagrams 1-8
The following diagram shows the wiring details for the PRM2103 outdoor preamplifier, CBL222 cable, and the 831C.
FIGURE 1-8 Wiring Diagram for PRM2103
The following diagram shows the wiring details for the PRM831 preamplifier, EXCXXX cable, CBL2224and the 831C. This is an optional wiring setup for the case that a PRM831 preamplifier is used instead of the PRM2103 outdoor preamplifier.
FIGURE 1-9 Wiring Diagram for PRM831
1/4” Ground Lug
Case wall
10-pin connector
Anderson connector to power block
5-pin connector
SoundAdvisor Model 831C
18-pin connector to I/O connector
Yellow On/Off Trigger
Case wall
5-pin connector
5-pin connector
SoundAdvisor Model 831C
Anderson connector to power block
Yellow on/off trigger
18-pin connector to I/O connector
NMS044 Reference Manual Overview 2-1
Module 2 Get Started
2.1 Overview .............................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Ready Battery ......................................................................................................................2-1
2.2.1 Install Battery ........................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2.2 Charge Battery ...................................................................................................... 2-2
2.3 Configure the RV50 Gateway ..............................................................................................2-3
2.3.1 Install SIM Card ..................................................................................................... 2-3
2.3.2 Configure for Remote Communication ...............................................................2-4
2.4 Model 831C SLM Settings ....................................................................................................2-8
2.4.1 Shutoff Voltage .....................................................................................................2-8
2.1 Overview
TAKE NOTE This module
assumes that you have the complete NMS044 and all its components. For EPS044 the setup is similar and the following modules can be adjusted to your equipment.
When you first receive the NMS044 system you will need to perform several “first use” procedures to get your system ready for deployment. While most steps can be done in the field or after deployment, these steps are recommended to do prior.
2.2 Ready Battery
2.2.1 Install Battery
TAKE NOTE Connect all wires
and devices prior to turning on the system.
Open case and carefully lift out the plate as to not pull any wires loose. Set on an angle away from case, to expose the back.
Step 1 If not already in place, insert the battery (BAT019 or
BAT020) in the case inside the guide lines, with terminal toward power block. See Figure 2-1 Battery Installation.
Step 2 Insert the connectors to the power distribution block - red
to red and black to black, side by side in any available connector.
NMS044 Reference Manual Ready Battery 2-2
Step 3 Place the mounting plate back into the case, over the
battery, until set all the way in.
Step 4 If installing a BAT020, insert foam block to fill empty space
by the terminals.
FIGURE 2-1 Battery Installation
TAKE NOTE The 831C power
button 0 controls the power in the whole system. It is used to turn off and on the NMS044. Additionally, connecting the battery will also turn the system on.
2.2.2 Charge Battery
It is recommended that you charge the battery prior to deployment. A PSA039 AC Battery Charger is included for this purpose. Connect the solar connectors together, and use the plug to connect to an external power source (wall outlet) until charged. You will know it is fully charged when the PSA038 Genasun Solar Charge Controller is green (blinking indicates it is charging, constantly on indicates charge is full), see A.5.3 "PSA038 Genasun Solar Charge Controller" on page A-5.
If there is no light, ensure the battery is properly installed and the system is turned on.
CAUTION The yellow
connector does not connect in the power block. Do not attempt to connect the yellow connector to a red or black connector.
NMS044 Reference Manual Configure the RV50 Gateway 2-3
2.3 Configure the RV50 Gateway
The RV50 gateway requires a SIM card for access and service.
TAKE NOTE The NMS044 does
not regulate data usage.
When purchasing a SIM card, you will need:
Adequate data plan. Significant charges may occur if the plan is exceeded.
Do not need messaging/voice on the plan
Public IP address
TAKE NOTE Cellular providers
may block incoming connection requests to a SIM with a dynamic IP address. Check with the cellular provider to assure that incoming connection requests are allowed.
A public IP address is needed in order to connect remotely with the 831C. If the plan does not have a public IP address you will not be able to access and control the system.
A static IP address or alternative dynamic IP with Dynamic Domain Name Service (DDNS) as an alternative can be used, however with this option you can not remotely access the system. You will still be able to upload files to SFTP or Dropbox.
Request the APN from your cellular provider. You will need this to configure for remote use.
2.3.1 Install SIM Card
With system powered off, install the SIM card by following these steps:
LEARN MORE To learn more
about the RV50 gateway, refer to the Sierra Wireless website.
Step 1 Using the provided #2 Phillips head screw driver, unscrew
the two screws located on the RV50, disconnecting the gateway from the case plate.
FIGURE 2-2 Removing RV50 from case plate
Step 2 Using the #0 screwdriver, unscrew the two screws holding
the front SIM card door closed. Insert your card into to
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