Larson Davis SoundAdvisor 831C, 831C Reference Manual

Model 831C Sound Level Meter
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Larson Davis
Model 831C
Reference Manual
Copyright 2017, by PCB Piezotronics, Inc. This manual is copyrighted, with all rights reserved. The manual may not be copied in whole or in part for any use without prior written consent of PCB Piezotronics, Inc.
The following paragraph does not apply in any state or country where such statements are not agreeable with local law:
Even though PCB Piezotronics, Inc. has reviewed its documentation, PCB Piezotronics Inc. makes no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, with respect to this instrument and documentation, its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. This documentation is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment or representation by PCB Piezotronics, Inc.
This publication may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. PCB Piezotronics, Inc. will periodically update the material for inclusion in new editions. Changes and improvements to the information described in this manual may be made at any time.
If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by Larson Davis, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
Record of Serial Number and Purchase Date
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Serial Number: ___________
Preamplifier Model: _________ Serial Number: ___________
Microphone Model: _________ Serial Number: ___________
PCB Piezotronics, Inc. is an environmentally friendly organization and encourages our customers to be environmentally conscious. When this product reaches its end of life, please recycle the product through a local recycling center or return the product to: PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Attn: Recycling Coordinator 1681 West 820 North Provo, Utah, USA 84601-1341 where it will be accepted for disposal
For warranty information, refer to our Terms and Conditions of Sale on our website,
i.1 Contact Larson Davis
Worldwide Corporate Headquarters
Larson Davis - a PCB Piezotronics division 3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043-2495 USA
Toll-free (in the US): 888-258-3222 Phone: 716-926-8243 USA fax: 716-926-8215
SoundAdvisor Model 831C i-2
i.2 Download G4 LD Utility
G4 LD Utility (G4) software enhances the features, flexibility, and ease-of-use of Larson Davis instruments by providing setup utilities, instrument calibration, computer-based control of the instrument, data download and manipulation, printing, and export of data to third-party software for post processing and analysis.
When you insert the G4 LD Utility software CD, it will start automatically. If it does not, access the CD drive and click LDsetup.exe. Alternatively you can download G4 at
The install program prompts for any additional required information. A PCB Piezotronics menu item will be created under the Program menu item in the Start menu and a shortcut will be placed on the desktop.
i.2.1 Connecting SoundAdvisor to G4
After installing G4 LD Utility, make your initial connection via USB cable from your instrument to PC. Press the power button 0 on SoundAdvisor to turn the instrument on. Launch the G4 software and click Connect.
FIGURE I-1 G4 LD Utility Connect
In the Connect to Meter dialog box, select the device and connection type. Instruments that are detectable via USB connection appear automatically in the list. When your instrument appears, select it and click Connect when the instruments appear. G4 can be connected to multiple instruments through both TCP/IP address and USB connection. For more information about G4 see the G4 LD Utility Manual.
FIGURE I-2 Connection To Meter
SoundAdvisor Model 831C i-3
i.3 Using A Digital Reference Manual
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Larson Davis is committed to the green practices of limited paper waste. In this effort, we only offer reference manuals in a digital PDF format. Digital notes and comments can be made in certain readers, and you are encouraged to print any procedures or sections for quick references that fit your needs. Each page is drafted on A4 size, and can be easily scaled to fit most printers. When printing set scaling to “Fit to Printable Area”.
FIGURE I-3 PDF View on Adobe Acrobat Pro
SoundAdvisor Model 831C i-4
Table of Contents
Module 1 SoundAdvisor Features 1-1
1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Basic Operations ............................................................................................................1-1
1.3 Applications .................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.4 Hardware Features ......................................................................................................... 1-2
1.5 Performance Features .................................................................................................... 1-3
1.6 Available Options ...........................................................................................................1-3
1.7 Accessories ....................................................................................................................1-4
Module 2 Instrument Overview 2-1
2.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 Instrument ...................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.3 Keypad ...........................................................................................................................2-4
2.4 Microphones and Preamplifiers ...................................................................................... 2-6
2.5 Displays and Icons .........................................................................................................2-6
Module 3 Getting Started 3-1
3.1 Unpacking & Inspecting .................................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Connecting the Microphone & Preamplifier ....................................................................3-3
3.3 Connecting the Preamplifier to SoundAdvisor ................................................................ 3-4
3.4 Disconnecting the Preamplifier .......................................................................................3-4
3.5 Powering the SoundAdvisor ...........................................................................................3-4
3.6 Turn the SoundAdvisor ON ............................................................................................ 3-8
3.7 Long Term Storage of SoundAdvisor ........................................................................... 3-10
Module 4 Data Display 4-1
4.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Data Labels ....................................................................................................................4-2
4.3 Live Displays .................................................................................................................. 4-2
4.4 Overall Displays ............................................................................................................. 4-6
4.5 Session Log Tab .......................................................................................................... 4-16
4.6 Adjust Graph Scale ...................................................................................................... 4-17
Module 5 Calibration 5-1
5.1 Calibration Overview ...................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Calibration Displays ........................................................................................................5-2
5.3 Choosing a Calibrator ..................................................................................................... 5-5
5.4 Performing a Calibration ................................................................................................. 5-6
Module 6 Measurement Setup 6-1
6.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................6-1
6.2 Setup Manager ...............................................................................................................6-2
6.3 Default to LD Default Setup ............................................................................................6-9
6.4 User Defined Setup ........................................................................................................ 6-9
6.5 Exiting the Setup Manager ...........................................................................................6-10
Module 7 Making a Measurement 7-1
7.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................7-1
7.2 Before You Start ............................................................................................................. 7-2
7.3 Performing the Measurement ......................................................................................... 7-4
7.4 Storing the Measurement ............................................................................................... 7-7
7.5 Low Level Sound Fields ................................................................................................. 7-8
Module 8 Measurement Data Files 8-1
8.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................8-1
I831C.01 Rev C Supporting Firmware Version 3.0.2 ii-1
8.2 Data Storage Preferences .............................................................................................. 8-1
8.3 Data File Manager ..........................................................................................................8-2
8.4 USB Drive Storage ......................................................................................................... 8-4
8.5 File Naming System ....................................................................................................... 8-6
8.6 Out Of Memory ...............................................................................................................8-7
8.7 Access Limited ...............................................................................................................8-7
Module 9 System Properties 9-1
9.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................9-1
9.2 Device ............................................................................................................................9-2
9.3 Time ...............................................................................................................................9-2
9.4 NTP ................................................................................................................................ 9-3
9.5 Power .............................................................................................................................9-3
9.6 Preferences .................................................................................................................... 9-6
9.7 Localization .................................................................................................................... 9-9
9.8 Displays ........................................................................................................................9-10
9.9 Options .........................................................................................................................9-11
9.10 Network ........................................................................................................................9-11
9.11 Email ............................................................................................................................9-12
9.12 Other ............................................................................................................................9-13
9.13 Set Reference Spectra .................................................................................................9-14
Module 10 About System 10-1
Module 11 Lock 11-1
11.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................11-1
11.2 Lock Meter .................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.3 Lock Modes .................................................................................................................. 11-2
11.4 Allow Calibration When Locked .................................................................................... 11-3
11.5 Constraints ................................................................................................................... 11-4
11.6 Unlock ..........................................................................................................................11-4
Module 12 System Utilities 12-1
12.1 Bad Flash Blocks ..........................................................................................................12-1
Module 13 Communications & WiFi 13-1
13.1 Communication ............................................................................................................ 13-1
13.2 Connecting to an Ethernet Port .................................................................................... 13-2
13.3 WiFi ..............................................................................................................................13-2
Module 14 Upgrade Firmware 14-1
14.1 G4 LD Utility .................................................................................................................14-1
14.2 Upgrading SoundAdvisor Firmware ............................................................................. 14-1
14.3 Upgrading Options ....................................................................................................... 14-3
14.4 Enabling/Disabling Optional Firmware ......................................................................... 14-4
Module 15 Measurement History 15-1
15.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................15-1
15.2 Enabling Measurement History .................................................................................... 15-1
15.3 Setting up the Measurement ........................................................................................ 15-1
15.4 Making a Measurement ................................................................................................ 15-4
15.5 Viewing Measurement Data ......................................................................................... 15-5
15.6 Storing Measurement History ....................................................................................... 15-6
Module 16 Time History 16-1
16.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................16-1
16.2 Metrics Logged .............................................................................................................16-1
16.3 Enabling Time History .................................................................................................. 16-3
SoundAdvisor Model 831C ii-2
16.4 Setting up the Measurement ........................................................................................ 16-3
16.5 Making a Time History Measurement ........................................................................... 16-5
16.6 Markers ........................................................................................................................16-5
16.7 Viewing Time History Data ........................................................................................... 16-6
16.8 Storing Time History ..................................................................................................... 16-8
Module 17 Event History 17-1
17.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................17-1
17.2 Enabling Event History ................................................................................................. 17-1
17.3 Setting up the Measurement ........................................................................................ 17-2
17.4 Making an Event History Measurement ....................................................................... 17-5
17.5 Viewing Event History Data .......................................................................................... 17-5
17.6 Storing Event History .................................................................................................... 17-7
17.7 Triggering Method ........................................................................................................ 17-7
Module 18 Sound Recording 18-1
18.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................18-1
18.2 Enabling Sound Recording Option ............................................................................... 18-1
18.3 Create Setup File ......................................................................................................... 18-1
18.4 Manual Sound Recording ............................................................................................. 18-2
18.5 Marker Sound Recording ............................................................................................. 18-3
18.6 Event Sound Recording ............................................................................................... 18-4
18.7 Sound Recording Playback .......................................................................................... 18-7
18.8 Storing Sound Recordings ........................................................................................... 18-8
Appendix A Technical Specifications A-1
A.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................... A-1
A.2 SoundAdvisor Model 831C Instrument Platform ........................................................... A-1
A.3 SoundAdvisor Model 831C Base Software ................................................................... A-4
A.4 SoundAdvisor Model 831C Octave Band Analysis Software – Option 831C-OB3 ........ A-7
A.5 SoundAdvisor Model 831C Event Logging Software – Option 831C-ELA .................. A-13
A.6 SoundAdvisor Model 831C Time History Software – Option 831C-LOG .................... A-14
A.7 Frequency Response .................................................................................................. A-15
Appendix B Measuring IEC61672-1 B-1
B.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................... B-1
B.2 Section 9.3 .................................................................................................................... B-1
Appendix C Glossary C-1
C.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................... C-1
C.2 Glossary of Terms ......................................................................................................... C-1
SoundAdvisor Model 831C ii-3
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Basic Operations ................................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Applications ...........................................................................................................1-2
1.4 Hardware Features ...............................................................................................1-2
1.5 Performance Features ..........................................................................................1-3
1.6 Available Options .................................................................................................. 1-3
1.6.1 Purchase-Required Options .....................................................................1-3
1.7 Accessories ...........................................................................................................1-4
1.7.1 Optional Accessories ...............................................................................1-4

1 SoundAdvisor Features

1.1 Overview

TAKE NOTE The “C” in 831C
stands for color.

1.2 Basic Operations

TRY THIS Explore the
interface, press buttons, change settings, and test the operations.
The SoundAdvisor Model 831C (the SoundAdvisor, 831C, or meter) is a
Class 1 acoustic monitoring instrument with a full-color touch screen that measures noise frequency, sound pressure level, and community and environmental sound.
G4 LD Utility (G4) software connects your meter through USB 2.0 high­speed and other wired and wireless methods to your PC. With G4 you can calibrate the meter, create setup files, download measurements, and analyze the results.
The SoundAdvisor performs the following operations:
Measures sound: stop, pause, and resume measurement
Display broadband and spectral sound values on a full-color display screen
View live and stored data while a measurement is in process
Log simultaneously to time, statistical measurement and event histories
Use markers to annotate portions of time histories, including voice annotation
Automatically back up data to prevent data loss on power failure
Calibrate using a Precision Acoustic Calibrator, and store calibration history
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Overview 1-1

1.3 Applications

Time stamping for L
Sync clock with PC, attached GPS, or Network Time Protocol (NTP)
Create multiple Setup configurations using the Setup Manager
Record audio in .wav and .ogg formats with event, manual, or time-based triggers
The SoundAdvisor monitors:
City noise
Construction noise
Airport noise
Nuisance noise
Noise ordinance compliance
, L
, L
single event metrics.

1.4 Hardware Features

The SoundAdvisor is a precision integrating sound level meter with the following hardware features:
memory can be purchased from Larson Davis as an option.
Wind farm noise
2 GB internal industrial grade data memory
240 x 320 full-color graphic LCD display with touchscreen user interface
Quiet Touch elastomeric keypad
4-AA batteries provide upwards of 8 hours operating time, usable with NiMH, photo-lithium, lithium-Ion, and alkaline cells
AC/DC output jack with full dynamic range option
Compatible with 61 m (200 ft.) microphone extension cable (full scale to 20 kHz)
Dust resistant durable plastic case with lanyard and tripod mount (tripod not included)
USB 2.0 high-speed host connector for mass storage, weather sensors, USB headset, and WiFi communication devices
USB 2.0 high-speed peripheral connector for control and data download by a PC
I/O connector for power, weather transducers, logic input/output, and preamplifier communications
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Applications 1-2

1.5 Performance Features

Large dynamic range > 120 dBA
RMS Detectors: Slow, Fast & Impulse
RMS Frequency Weighting: A, C & Z
Peak Frequency Weighting: A, C & Z
Any LevelTM Simultaneous measurement and display of Max and Min sound pressure levels (Slow, Fast and Impulse detectors), plus Leq and Peak levels, all with A, C and Z frequency weighting
Weather Measurements (Wind Speed and Direction, Temperature, and Humidity with SEN03x)
Multiple language support: English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish
Field-upgradeable firmware

1.6 Available Options

LEARN MORE To purchase
options, see “Contact Larson Davis” on page ii-2.
The SoundAdvisor is delivered with all firmware options available at the time of manufacture already installed. However, only those options which have been purchased are enabled. Any of the other firmware options can be enabled at a later date, following purchase, using a file delivered from Larson Davis.

1.6.1 Purchase-Required Options

Time History data logging with periods from 2.5 ms to 24 hours 831C-OB3 Real-time 1/1 & 1/3 Octave Frequency Analysis
Measurement History for the manual or timed storage of statistical data, and exceedance-based Logging Analysis with Events
Make event based and manual sound recordings that can be sent via email or SMS and stored in the measurement data.
Measurement History for the manual or timed storage of statistical data, and exceedance-based Logging Analysis with Events, with all sound recording capabilities
Make direct USB communication with Sierra Wireless RV50 gateway.
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Performance Features 1-3

1.7 Accessories

TAKE NOTE Some of these
options may not be provided with systems designed for specific applications.
Microphone Preamplifier
Software CD
Unless otherwise noted, the SoundAdvisor is delivered with these standard accessories:
PRM831 or PRM2103
377B02 1/2” free-field prepolarized microphone, 50 mV/Pa, providing performance conforming to Class 1 sound level meter standards or 377C20 1/2” random incidence prepolarized microphone, 50 mV/Pa, providing performance conforming to Class 1 sound level meter standards
G4 LD Utility Software for setup, measurement, download, and data viewing through CBL138 USB, TCP/IP, serial, or analog modem connections
Accessory Kit

1.7.1 Optional Accessories

831-ACC includes:
831-CCS Hard Shell Case
PSA029 Universal AC USB Power Adaptor
CBL138 USB to mini-B cable, 1.8 m
WS001 3 1/2” Windscreen
4 Rechargeable AA NiMH batteries
377C01 1/4” free-field prepolarized microphone, 2 mV/Pa, for higher level and/or higher frequency measurements (ADP043 adaptor required)
377C10 1/4” pressure prepolarized microphone, 1.0 mV/Pa, for higher level and/or higher frequency measurements (ADP043 adaptor required)
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Accessories 1-4
Microphone Preamplifiers
Environmental Protection
426E01 1/2” ICP Low Noise Microphone Preamplifier (requires adaptor ADP074)
PRM2103 Outdoor Microphone Preamplifier
PRM426A12 Outdoor Microphone Preamplifier
EPS2116 Environmental Shell
Protects microphone and preamplifier from rain and wind with mounting options for pipes, poles, and most tripods
Weather-proof enclosure for remote noise monitoring; includes battery
Weather proof enclosure for remote noise monitoring
Solar powered noise monitoring system for outdoor, long-term, and unattended sound monitoring
Weather Data Acquisition
831-INT 831 Interface Unit for use with 426A12 Outdoor Microphone Preamplifier and weather sensors
DVX012, 013, 014, 015
DVX008A USB to RS232, 9 Pin Adaptor
831-INT-ET 831-INT with integrated Ethernet capability
GPS001 GPS Receiver, USB Magnetic Mount
Equivalent Electrical Impedance Adaptor
An equivalent electrical impedance adapter can be used in place of the microphone when very high impedance measurements need to be made and the instrument is being tested electrically. The adapter is simply a series capacitor with the same capacitance as the microphone it is replacing. The following adapters are available. If square wave pulse measurement is to be performed, then the adapter must also be used with a 100 kHz, low pass, T filter.
ADP002 6.8pF BNC Input Adaptor for 1/4 in., 7pF microphone equivalent
ADP090 12pF BNC Input Adaptor for 1/2 in., 12pF microphone equivalent
ADP092 BNC In-Line Low Pass Filter 75kHz
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Accessories 1-5
Extension and Interface Cables
Microphone Extension Cable: EXCXXX (shielded), where XXX is the length in feet (XXX = 010, 020, 050, 100 and 200 available)
CBL138 USB Cable
CBL139 AC/DC Output Cable
Cables for Environmental Monitoring
CBL152 Cable; 426A12 to 831 Signal, 20’
CBL153 Cable; 426A12 to 831-INT Control, 20’
CBL154 Cable; 426A12 to 831C Control, 20’
CBL203 Cable; PRM2103 to 831Control, 20’
CBL208 Cable; PRM2103 to 831-INT Control, 20’
Cable for use with PSA027 Universal Input Power Supply AC Power Adaptor
CBL140 Cable; 831 Power, 2.5 mm JACK, 1’
Power Supply
PSA027 Universal 90-240 AC Power Adaptor providing power from electrical outlet, used to power the SoundAdvisor in conjunction with CBL140, CBL145 or CBL154. 1.25 A,
2.5X5.5X14 mm
BAT015 External battery holder for the 831, holding 4 or 8 D­sized alkaline 1.5 volt batteries to extend run time
TRP001 Instrument/Camera Tripod with ADP032 1/2 in. microphone clip used with EPS2116
TRP002 Microphone Stand with Boom
TRP003 Support Tripod, heavy duty, can be used with EPS029, EPS030 and EPS2116
ADP091 Mounting adapter, 426A12 TO TRP003
TRP019 Permanent 17' tilt down pole.
TRP020-06 Heavy duty 6' tripod
TRP020-10 Heavy duty 10' tripod
TRP020-15 Heavy duty 15' tripod
TRP020-20 Heavy duty 20' tripod
Other Hardware
CAL200 Class 1 Sound Level Calibrator, 94/114 dB @ 1 kHz
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Accessories 1-6
Optional Software
CAL250 Class 1 Sound Level Calibrator, 114 dB @ 250 Hz
Soft Case
CCS032 pouch with belt clip
DNA (Data Navigation and Analysis) software
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Accessories 1-7

Module 2 Instrument Overview

2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Instrument ............................................................................................................. 2-2
2.3 Keypad .................................................................................................................. 2-4
2.3.1 Navigating and Selecting ......................................................................... 2-4
2.3.2 Basic Run Function .................................................................................. 2-5
2.3.3 Entering Text ............................................................................................ 2-5
2.4 Microphones and Preamplifiers .............................................................................2-6
2.5 Displays and Icons ................................................................................................ 2-6
2.5.1 Measurement Data Tabs ..........................................................................2-7
2.5.2 Pages ....................................................................................................... 2-8
2.5.3 Status Bar Icons ....................................................................................... 2-9
2.5.4 Display Menus ........................................................................................ 2-13

2.1 Overview

The SoundAdvisor Model 831C accomplishes all tasks related to sound
monitoring. The SoundAdvisor is a reliable and diversely competent meter. With the SoundAdvisor, you can:
Measure all area sound
Stream and record audio continuously or for events using sample rates up to 51.2 ksps in compressed or uncompressed format
Communicate with via USB, Ethernet, cellular, or WiFi
Operate completely from the device itself, or remotely using G4 LD Utility software
Easily expand memory using USB memory
Automatically synchronize the clock with Network Time Protocol (NTP) or GPS for optimal accuracy
Select desired color theme on the full-color graphic LCD display with touchscreen user interface
This module describes the hardware and visual components that make up the SoundAdvisor.
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Overview 2-1

2.2 Instrument

Standard 1/2” free field or random incidence microphone
Release button to disconnect the preamp from the meter
240 x 320 full-color graphic LCD display with touchscreen user interface (shown with Dark color theme)
Display navigation softkeys
Multicolor back­lit keypad
Tools button leads to system set-up information
On/Off button is also a one-touch power control access
Reset/Clear Measurement
USB Auxiliary port, AC/DC output jack, and I/O connectors
PRM831 Preamplifier
FIGURE 2-1 SoundAdvisor Instrument Overview (front)
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Instrument 2-2
FIGURE 2-2 Instrument Overview (bottom)
hardware power switch to turn the SoundAdvisor ON or OFF. This may cause data to be lost. The purpose of this switch is to disconnect the batteries for storage (1 to 2 weeks). If any longer, then remove the batteries from the meter.
CAUTION The AC/DC jack is not a
headphone jack.
1. AUX connector intended for use with USB mass storage, cellular & dial-up modems, GPS, headphones, speakers, and future devices.
2. Hardware Power Switch when set to “ 0 ” completely powers down the SoundAdvisor for storage. Set to “ | ” for instrument operation.
3. USB Interface 2.0 peripheral full-speed port used for communication, full control, and downloading of data to PC. The PSA029 external power supply may be connected here. The maximum USB cable length is 1m and the cable is part number CBL138.
4. AC/DC 2.5 mm Output jack for analog AC/DC output signals.
5. The I/O Connector for peripherals and external power is typically used for external devices.
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Instrument 2-3

2.3 Keypad

Arrow Keys Up, Down, Right, Left
Reset a measurement
Power Control
Tools menu
Stop or Store a measurement Run or Pause a
Select or Enter
The SoundAdvisor has 13 buttons that are used to start, stop, or pause measurement, navigate display, and safely power the meter off.
FIGURE 2-3 SoundAdvisor Keypad
Softkeys: Left, Center, Right

2.3.1 Navigating and Selecting

To navigate the display on the meter, you can utilize the touch-screen feature and simply press your selection directly on the screen using the tip of your finger, or use the keypad.
Table 2.1 Navigating and Selecting
Action Key(s) Description
Navigate to tabs
Navigate to pages
/ /
8 2
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Keypad 2-4
Top left & right softkeys
Up & down arrow keys
Table 2.1 Navigating and Selecting
Action Key(s) Description
Navigate within display (e.g.,
move highlighted octave band)
Access content specific menu
Exit a menu
Navigate up & down in a display
Make a selection

2.3.2 Basic Run Function

Table 2.2 Basic Run
4 6
The basic run measurement functions can be executed using the following keys:
There are times when a content specific menu appear on the screen. The associated top soft key will access
The top middle soft key can be used to close or save. If you don’t want to save, press it, and then select no
The enter key can be used to move up and down on
The enter key can be used to make a selection
Left & right arrow keys
that menu.
to exit.
certain pages
Action Key(s) Description
Initiate a run
Pause a run
Stop measurement
Store data file
Reset measurement

2.3.3 Entering Text

9 9
7 7
The SoundAdvisor allows for complete operation from the meter itself. In instances where a text field will need to be edited, a keyboard will appear. Navigate the keyboard using the arrow keys 2 8 up & down and 4 6 left & right. Use the 5 key to make a selection.
While the SoundAdvisor is running, press this
End a measurement during a run or pause
Pressing the stop/store button while the meter is
stopped will store the measurement data
Press the reset key to clear measurement
Start a measurement
button to pause
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Keypad 2-5
FIGURE 2-4 Keyboard

2.4 Microphones and Preamplifiers

The following microphone preamplifier is used with the SoundAdvisor:
LEARN MORE For information
on using the SoundAdvisor with the PRM2103 preamplifier, see the PRM2103 Manual.
The following microphone are the most commonly used with the SoundAdvisor:

2.5 Displays and Icons

The SoundAdvisor has a full-color, back-lit LCD touchscreen. The color theme can be changed to dark or light from System Properties. See “System Properties” on page 9-1.
PRM831 1/2” Microphone Preamplifier
377B02 1/2” Free Field Microphone with nominal sensitivity of
50 mV/Pa
377C20 1/2” Random Incidence Microphone with nominal sensi-
tivity of 50 mV/Pa
377C01 1/4” Free Field Microphone with nominal sensitivity of
2.16 mV/Pa (ADP043 adaptor required)
377C10 1/4” Pressure Microphone with nominal sensitivity of 1
mV/Pa (ADP043 adaptor required).
When the SoundAdvisor is first powered ON, the Live screen is displayed. When a measurement is in progress, the display is similar to Figure 2-5 Live Main Screen.
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Microphones and Preamplifiers 2-6
FIGURE 2-5 Live Main Screen
OBA Overload or Under Range icon
Tools menu icon
Run time of current measurement
Measurement status
Pages can be accessed using the up and down arrows
Measurement name of current running measurement
Data display
Session log, Overall, and other tabs can be accessed using the right and left softkeys

2.5.1 Measurement Data Tabs

TAKE NOTE There are seven
(7) tabs of measurement data. Live, Overall, and Session Log are default. To learn more about additional tabs see “Measurement Setup” on page 6-1.
Measurement data is presented on three (3) main screens called “tabs” that can be navigated using the top left/right softkeys:
Data is continuously displayed on this tab whether there is a mea-
surement running or not. Data displayed on the Live tab is not stored in the meter.
Up to 13 pages of Live Measurement data
Represents data measured and averaged beginning from the time
the measurement was started until the elapsed time indicated at the top of the display. If the measurement is stopped, the elapsed time will stop. Pressing the run key again will continue the measure­ment. As long as there is no reset, the same measurement is con­tinued.
Up to 20 pages of Overall Measurement data
Session Log
LEARN MORE To learn more
about the Session Log, see “Session Log Tab” on page 4-
A record of actions during a measurement. A time-stamped record
is made for every Run, Pause, Resume, Stop, and Sound Record­ing action. The source responsible for each action is also recorded. Resetting and storing data will clear the session record.
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Displays and Icons 2-7
FIGURE 2-6 Measurement Data Tabs
Live Tab’s Pages
Overall Tab’s Pages

2.5.2 Pages

TAKE NOTE You may not have
all the pages available on the SoundAdvisor. Additional
The Live and Overall tabs each have data displays called “pages” that can be accessed using the up 8and down 2 arrow keys. Figure 2-7
shows all the pages available for these tabs. pages of measurement data can be purchased through Larson Davis. “Contact Larson Davis” on page i-2.
FIGURE 2-7 Live and Overall Pages
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Displays and Icons 2-8

2.5.3 Status Bar Icons

Power Indicator
USB Memory Status
WiFi Status
OBA Indicator
SLM Indicator
Measurement Runtime
Run Status
File Name
FIGURE 2-8 Status Bar
Power Indicators
TAKE NOTE The battery icon
animates through the battery state cycle while charging.
The top status bar will alert the user the status of the meter, measurement,
connection, and battery.
The battery icon indicates the state of the battery charge by color and
volume. Figure 2-9 Battery States indicates all the states of the battery
going from fully charged to depleted, if read left to right. The bolt symbol
appears over the battery icon if the battery is currently charging.
FIGURE 2-9 Battery States
External Power
The external power connection icon appears when the SoundAdvisor is
powered from an external power supply or via the USB port.
FIGURE 2-10 External Power Icon
Battery Status Pending
While the SoundAdvisor is checking the battery status, this pending icon
will appear until the battery percentage is determined.
FIGURE 2-11 Battery Status Pending Icon
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Displays and Icons 2-9
WiFi Status
USB Memory Status
Input Overload Icon
See “WiFi” on page 13-2.
See “USB Drive Storage” on page 8-4.
When a signal from the preamplifier exceeds the calibrated input range of
the SoundAdvisor, the Input Overload icon will appear. While the
overload is present, the icon will flash.
If a measurement is running and an overload occurs, the icon shown
below will flash during the overload.
FIGURE 2-12 SLM Overload Icon
When the overload has been removed, the icon will still be present (not
flashing) to indicate that an overload has occurred during the
measurement. A reset will clear the icon from the display.
When using a microphone having a sensitivity of 50 mV/Pa, the input
overload will occur approximately as shown in Table 2.3.
Under Range Icon
Table 2.3 Input Overload Levels
Input Gain, dB Overload Level, dB Peak
0 143
20 123
When the signal from the preamplifier drops to the point where the noise
level of the instrument and the preamplifier influence the measurement,
an under range condition exists. When this happens the Under Range Icon
will appear.
FIGURE 2-13 Under Range Icon
As long as the under range condition exists, the icon will flash. When the
measured level no longer produces an under range condition, the icon will
be removed from the display.
At any time when a measured parameter is in an under range condition, its
numeric display will alter in color, as shown in Figure 2-14.
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Displays and Icons 2-10
FIGURE 2-14 Under Range vs. Normal Range Data Display
Under Range Display Normal Range Display
OBA Overload Icon
If the input to the Octave Band Analyzer becomes overloaded, the OBA
Overload icon will appear to indicate the overload.
FIGURE 2-15 OBA Overload Icon
Table 2.4 OBA Overload Levels
Input Gain, dB OBA Range Overload Level, dB
0 Normal 143
20 Normal 123
0 Low 110
20 Low 90
OBA Under Range Icon
This icon operates similar to the Input Overload Icon shown in the above
section “Input Overload Icon”.
When the OBA Range property is set to Low, the OBA Overload Icon
will activate at a level 33 dB lower than it would had the OBA Range
been set to Normal.
When using a microphone having a sensitivity of 50 mV/Pa, the input
overload will occur approximately as shown in Table 2.4.
When the signal from the preamplifier drops to the point where the noise
level of the instrument and the preamplifier influence the measurement,
an under range condition exists.
When all filters of the OBA are “under range” the OBA Under Range
Icon appears.
FIGURE 2-16 OBA Under Range Icon
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Displays and Icons 2-11
As long as this under range condition exists, the icon will flash. When the
A measurement is currently running.
A measurement is stopped.
A measurement reset has occurred.
Run Pending
The meter is waiting for filters and detector initialization to complete and will automatically start the run when the system is stable (typically less than 10 seconds).
The present run is paused.
measured OBA levels no longer produces an under range condition, the
icon will be removed from the display.
Measurement Status
The state the meter is currently in will be indicated by a measurement
status icon. The measurement status is indicated by five icons for the five
states: run, stop, reset, pause, run pending.
FIGURE 2-17 Measurement Status Icons
If touch-screen is enabled, or you are operating the SoundAdvisor
remotely, touching the icon will change the status with the following
Table 2.5 Touch Icon Results
Measurement State Action
Measurement State
Run Press Once Stop
Run Double Tap Pause
Pause Press Once Run
Stop/Reset Press Once Run
Stop/Reset Double Tap Store
Run Pending N/A N/A
Power Save Press Once Run
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Displays and Icons 2-12
Analog Power Save Icon
LEARN MORE To learn more
about power saving options, see “Power” on page 9-3.
When the SoundAdvisor is not connected to a PC, it can be put in a power
saving mode that shuts down the analog circuitry, including the
preamplifier, to save battery power. The power save icon will be
displayed in the location where the measurement status icons appear.
FIGURE 2-18 Analog Power Save Icon
File Operation Icon
The file operation icon will appear on the status bar to indicate that a file
is currently being saved onto the USB, moved from the USB to meter, or
is being copied. All these operations are done in the Data File Manager,
see page 8-1. It is a standby icon that will disappear once the operation in
FIGURE 2-19 File Operation Icon

2.5.4 Display Menus

The SoundAdvisor features and functions are organized into three general
Main Menu
Accessed using the center softkey that indicates Menu
Setup Manager
Mark Sound Type
Any Level Menu - Access on profile display by pressing 5
Adjust Graph
Print Screens (only available with printer inserted)
Tools Menu
Accessed using 3 Tools or the menu icon on the display
Data File Manager
Setup Manager
System Properties
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Displays and Icons 2-13
Any Level Menu
FIGURE 2-20 Any Level Menu
System Utilities
Setup WiFi (if available)
Power Control
Accessed by pressing the 0 once
Battery Information
To select which sound level parameter is to be used for the 2nd numerical
value displayed, press the 5 to open the menu.
Setup Manager
TAKE NOTE A new setup file
can be created using G4 LD Utility and then moved on to the meter.
measurement file using the on screen keypad that appears once you select the measurement name.
The Setup Manager is a platform that allows for measurements to be
made with preset settings in what are called “setup files” or “setups”.
From any tab or page on the meter, press the Menu soft key, select Setup
Manager. The first display is a list of the setup files currently available on
the meter. The Active setup is the current setup for all runs made. The
Default setup can be made active, and it cannot be removed or deleted.
Select Active and navigate to the different settings using top left and right
Name a measurement file, and add description.
Define the weightings, filters, and integration type for the measurement
sound levels.
Set the parameters for the real-time octave band frequency analysis.
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Displays and Icons 2-14
Enabling some settings will open more pages under the tabs in the data display.
Define the Ln statistics.
Define the way a measurement is performed, the timing, and the storage of measurement history records.
information on the Measurement Settings tabs and pages, “Measurement Setup” on page 6-1.
System Properties
LEARN MORE To learn more,
see “System Properties” on page 9-1.
Time History
Enable the time history and select the metrics that are stored in the time history.
Define the levels at which noise exceedance events will be triggered
Event History
Define the timing and options for events.
Define the marker types and enable markers.
Define the time periods and level penalties for community noise metrics.
Set the quality of sound recording and enable its usage.
Set the weather station type and values of external transducers for the measurement of wind speed, wind direction, temperature and humidity.
Define battery type, if the external power source should charge the battery, and features like auto-off, power-save, backlights, keypad backlight, LCD brightness, and the external shutoff voltage.
Set mic correction, auto-store, the AC output, reset properties, data storage location, GPS mode, and the time zone correction.
Set language preference, decimal symbol, date format, and the units in which the measurement is displayed.
Define the default start display, and toggle between tabs to hide or show pages.
Hide or show purchased options on the meter.
View the 831 INT-ET IP address and the external Ethernet IP and MAC addresses. Enable Watchdog is also on this page.
SoundAdvisor Model 831C Displays and Icons 2-15
+ 170 hidden pages