Lark FreeAction 200HD User Manual

EN User manual 1 DE Benutzerhandbuch 1 CS Návod k obsluze 13 SK Návod na použitie 25
Instrukcja szybki start 37
Ďakujeme, že ste si kúpili FreeAction 200HD.
Pred prvým použitím si starostlivo prečítajte túto príručku, aby ste dosiahli čo najlepšie výsledky a predĺžili životnosť výrobku.
Děkujeme Vám za nakup FreeAction 200HD.
Prosíme, před použitím přečtěte si pečlivě tento manual pro dosahnuti co nejlepších výsledků a prodloužení životnosti výrobku.
Vielen Dank für den Kauf FreeAction 200HD.
Vor dem Gebrauch lesen Sie bitte sorgfältig dieses Handbuch, um die besten Ergebnisse zu erzielen und die Lebensdauer des Produkts zu verlängern.
Thank you for buying our FreeAction 200HD.
Before start using this product, please read this manual carefully to maximize its performance and extend the life of the product.
Dziękujemy za zakup FreeAction 200HD.
Przed rozpoczęciem użytkowania prosimy o staranne przeczytanie tego podręcznika, aby osiągnąć jak najlepsze wyniki oraz wydłużyć czas użytkowania wyrobu.
Přeškrtnutý symbol odpadkového koše znamená, že na území Evropské unie je třeba výrobekpo skončeníjeho životnostiodevzdat nazvláštním sběrném místě. Tytovýrobky senesmějí vyhazovat jako běžný netříděnýkomunálníodpad.
Die durchgestrichene Mülltonne bedeutet, dass innerhalb der Europäischen Union nach dem Gebrauch des Produktes muss in einem separaten verworfen werden, die speziell von diesem Punkt aus entwickelt. Sie diese Produkte entsorgenunsortierten Hausmüll.
Prečiarknutý symbol smetného koša označuje, že na území Európskej únie je potrebné výrobok po skončení používania zlikvidovať na zvláštnom mieste určenom špeciálne na tento účel. Tieto výrobky sa nesmú vyhadzovať spolu snetriedenýmkomunálnymodpadom.
Przekreślonysymbol pojemnika naśmieci oznacza, że naterenie UniiEuropejskiej po zakończeniu użytkowania produktu należy się go pozbyć w osobnym, specjalnie od tegoprzeznaczonym punkcie. Nie należy wyrzucać tych produktów razemzniesortowanymiodpadamikomunalnymi.
The symbol to the left means that according to European Union laws and regulations yourproduct and/or its battery shall be disposed of separately from household waste. When this product reaches its end of life, take it to a collection point designated by local authorities. The separate collection and recycling of your product and/orits battery at thetime ofdisposalwill help conserve natural resources and ensure that it is recycled in a manner that protects human health andtheenvironment.
Before you begin
Safety and handling
Prevent your device and accessories from getting wet. Getting electrical
equipment wet not only causes serious damage, but it is also a threat to the user (risk of electric shock).
Protect your device against shocks, falls and vibrations.Protect the device from high and low temperatures.Do not drop, bend, puncture, insert foreign objects, or place heavy objects
on your device.
Do not use unauthorized accessories, as the may damage the device and
void manufacturer's warranty.
Important safety instructions
Be sure to follow instructions bellow. Make sure that they are known to all
users of your device, including children.
Turn off the device in the plane for the whole ight or during take-off and
landing, according to the instructions given by the aircraft personnel.
Switch off the device near important electronic devices, which could be
disrupted by possible interference.
Do not attempt to disassemble, modify or repair the device. Always
entrust these tasks to authorized specialist.
Protect your device from strong magnetic elds. These elds can damage
magnetic storage media.
Do not use the device in very high temperatures or in areas at high risk of
re or explosion, such as petrol stations.
Supervise the use of the device by children, do not let them play with the
device unattended.
Appearance and Buttons
1. Shutter button
2. LCD display
3. Power button
4. Lens
5. Indicator Light for charging (Red)
6. Microphone
7. Working Indicator Light (Blue)
8. Mode Switch
9. Micro USB port
10. Micro SD card slot
11. Reset button
LCD Display
Turn on the Sport DV, the LCD will display the following status and settings:
1. Camera mode
2. Video recording mode
3. vehicle-mounted mode
4. TF card icon (display when loaded)
5. Resolution icon: In camera mode, stands for 3.1 Mega Pixels (2048×1536), and in videoHI
recording and vehicle-mounted mode, it stands for 720P. In camera mode, stands for 1.3 Mega Pixels (1280x1024), and in videoLO
recording and vehicle-mounted mode, it stands for 640P.
6. Battery icon: current battery level of the camera.
7. Counter, displays up to 9999.
8. Timer, displays minutes and second.
The above icons may vary according to the status of the DV.
Working Mode Flow Chart
When you use the DV for the rst time,please: Insert a micro SD or micro SDHC card, as shown in the following picture.
Vehicle-mounted mode Vehicle-mounted mode
Camera mode
Video recording mode Video recording mode
Camera mode
After turn on the DV, you can change the Power button/Mode switch to switch the following modes in turn:
In video recording and vehicle-mounted mode , press the Shutter button to start recording, Working Indicator Light ash .,and press it again to stop
In camera mode, press the Shutter button to take photo.
How insert microSD card?
High speed card at least Class 4 is recommended. Turn off the DV before inserting or removing the card.
The DV uses built-in rechargeable lithium battery. When the DV is off, connect it to the PC via USB cable to charge the battery. During charging, indicator light for charging will light on, and the indicator off when charging completes.
When the DV is on, connecting it to the PC will not charge. It will not charge until the DV turn off.
Turn on/off
1. Turn on: Press and hold the button for about
2 seconds, LCD displays“ON” .
The DV will turn off automatically if it is idle for 5 minutes.
1. Turn off: Press and hold the button for about
2 seconds, LCD displays“OFF”.
Charging the battery
Start to Use
1. Video recording
To record a video, please check whether the DV is under Video mode. The icon is played on the screen .
Start recording: Press and release the button, the icon and [:] displayed in LCD will ash. At the same time the blue indicator will ash too, meaning the recording is in process. Stop recording: Press and release the button, the icon and [:] displayed in LCD will stop ashing. At the same time the blue indicator will stop ashing either, meaning the recording is stopped. When the TF card is full, or the battery runs out, the recording will stop
automatically, and the recorded video will be saved before the DV turns off.
2. Photo
To take a photo, please check whether the DV is under Camera mode. The icon is played on the screen. Press and release the button, the blue
indicator will ash, meaning a photo is taken.(If you take photos more than 9999 copies, the LCD screen display only 9999).
The DV provides different shooting modes. Conversion is available via the mode switch after startup:
Video recording
Picture taking
HI stands for 720P (1280x720,30 fps) video
Lo stands for 640P (640x480,60 fps) video
HI stands for 5M (2592 x 1944) resolution
Lo stands for 1M (1280x 960) resolution
HI stands for 720P (1280x720,30 fps) video
Lo stands for 640P (640x480,60 fps) video
3. Vehicle-mounted recording
To record a video, please check whether the DV is under Vehicle-mounted mode. The icon is played on the screen.
Start recording: Press and release the button, the icon and [:] displayed in LCD will ash. At the same time the blue indicator will ash too, meaning the recording is in process.
Stop recording: Press and release the button, the icon and [:] displayed in LCD will stop ashing. At the same time the blue indicator will stop ashing either, meaning the recording is stopped.
Press the shutter button once under the preview state to begin recording, save a segment for recording every 3 minutes, then start to record the next segment of video. When the storage card is full, the earliest segment of video will be deleted to release the corresponding space for continuous recording.
4. Connecting to PC
Turn on the DV and connect it to the USB port of the PC via the attached USB cable. The DV will enter U-disk mode and the LCD will display [PCO] after connection:
Now you can view the photos or videos taken by DV on PC.
In U-disk mode (PCO mode), press the Shutter button to switch to web cam mode (PCC mode), and the LCD will display [PCC].
Now you can start the web cam through application. To return to U-disk mode (PCO mode), press the button again.
Driver is not required for web cam mode (PCC mode) on Windows XP(SP3) version or above.
Schutz und Pflege der Ausrüstung
Schützen Sie Ihr Gerät und Zubehör von Begleit Wasser und Feuchtigkeit.
Dämpfung der elektrischen Ausrüstung können die schweren verursachen Schäden können auch eine Gefahr für den Benutzer (Risiko Stromschlag).
Schützen Sie das Gerät vor starken Erschütterungen, Stürzen, Vibrationen.Schützen Sie das Gerät vor hohen und niedrigen Temperaturen.Stürze vermeiden, das Gerät nicht werfen, Punktion das Gehäuse.
Das Gerät nicht verbiegen.
Verwenden Sie nicht das Zubehör unbekannter Herkunft kann zu
Beschädigungen Gerät ein und aus der Herstellergarantie.
Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise
Beachten Sie unbedingt die folgenden Regeln. Bezeichnen sie als ältere
Kinder, die dieVorrichtung verwenden kann.
In Krankenhäusern und anderen medizinischen Einrichtungen kann
untersagt werden Verwendung von elektronischen Geräten. Befolgen Sie immer diese Verbote.
Schalten Sie Ihr Gerät im Flugzeug für die Dauer des Fluges oder bei Start
und Landung, wzależności von Anweisungen des Service-Ebene ausgestellt.
Schalten Sie das Gerät in der Nähe wichtig für elektronische Geräte, die
den Betrieb stören könnten jegliche Einmischung.
Versuchen Sie nicht, zu zerlegen, zu modifizieren oder zu reparieren das
Gerät. Immer solche Aufgaben zu betrauen autorisierten Fach.
Schützen Sie das Gerät vor starken Magnetstrahlung. Ein solches Feld kann
magnetische Datenträger beschädigen.
Das Gerät an Orten verwenden, nicht mit extrem hohen Temperaturen
oder in besonders gefährdeten Gebieten von Brand oder Explosion, zum Beispiel an Tankstellen.
Überwachen die Verwendung der Geräte von den Kindern, lassen Sie sich
nicht mit dem Gerät spielen.
Aussehen und Tasten
1. Auslöser
2. LCD-Display
3. Power-Taste
4. Linse
5. Ladekontrollleuchte (rot)
6. Mikrofon
7. Arbeitskontrolleuchte (blau)
8. Modusschalter
9. Mikro-USB-Anschluss
10. Mikro-SD-Kartenslot
11. Reset-Taste
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