Larcan MX30V, MX30VX User Manual

PHONE: (905) 564-9222 FAX: (905) 564-9244
Rev 0: November 26, 1998
MX30V series - 30 Watt VHF AMPLIFIER Section Title Page
NOTICES, ETC.................................................................3
SAFETY AND HEALTH WARNINGS.....................................4&5
1) Parts Lists Explained...................................5
2) Interpreting LARCAN Drawing Numbers.....................5
3) The LARCAN Assembly Prefix Numbering System.............6
4) List of Prefix Numbers for the 10 W Transmitter .........7
5) Production Changes......................................7
GENERAL DESCRIPTION..............................................8
ABOUT THIS MANUAL...............................................11
PUBLICATIONS LIST for MX30V series VHF Amplifier:
PUB98-29 Installation:
1. General Information ..............................29-1
2. Grounding and Ground Loops .......................29-2
3. Lightning and other Transient Protection .........29-4
4. Power Wiring .....................................29-9
5. Ventilation and Air Conditioning ................29-10
6. Fire Protection .................................29-11
7. Unpacking .......................................29-12
8. Transmitter External Interlock Connections ......29-12
9. On Site: First Time Startup .....................29-13
PUB98-30 Amplifier Chassis (Prefix 1):
1. Amplifier Chassis Description ....................30-1
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MX30V series - 30 Watt VHF AMPLIFIER
PUB98-31 RF Output System: Filter and Directional Coupler (Prefixes 6 & 7):
1. HB Helical Resonator Bandpass Filter Description........31-1
2. HB Low Power Bandpass Filter Description................31-3
3. LB Low Pass & Notch Filter Description..................31-4
4. RF Directional Coupler Description......................31-5
PUB98-32 RF Power Amplifier (Prefix 2):
1. Introduction and General Description....................32-1
2. Preamplifier Circuit Board Assembly.....................32-2
3. RF Power Amplifier......................................32-2
PUB98-33 Amplifier Control Board & Metering Panel (Prefix 4):
1. Control Board & Metering Panel Description ..............33-1
2. Amplifier Control Circuit Board Description.............33-2
PUB98-34 Transmitter Output RF Metering Detector Board (Prefix 5) :
1. RF Metering & AGC Board Description.....................34-1
2. RF Metering Board Test and Calibration..................34-2
PUB98-34a Pin Attenuator Board (Prefix 9):
1. Pin Attenuator Board Description.......................34a-1
2. Pin Attenuator Board Setup.............................34a-1
This manual describes the LARCAN 30 watt VHF amplifier designed for NTSC channels 2 through 13. Models 40D2232G1 is for channels 7 through 13, 40D2232 G2 for channels 2, 3, and 4, and model 40D2232 G3 is for channels 5 and 6. These amplifiers are used in the LARCAN-USA MX30V series transmitters and translators.
LARCAN all-solid-state 30 W VHF amplifier were designe d to operate conservatively at 30 W peak sync visual RF power and 3 W average aural single carrier RF power, with superb performance, reliability and operating economy. This amplifier accepts an on-channel internally diplexed (in a 10:1 ratio vis to aur) composite driving signal of about 1mW peak visual RF, as input to its RF chain.
The 30 W amplifier and channel processor chassis' are designed to fit in a single 19" customer-provided cabinet rack, and require 7" (4RU) of vertical panel space for a complete transmitter or translator system. Alternatively, a 19" customer-provided tabletop cabinet could be substituted if the site requires it.
The RF amplifier heatsink has its own integral cooling fan, and other sub­assemblies are convection cooled. The simplicity of design, the deployment of all modular and other subassemblies, and the use of standard readily available components, also enhances serviceability.
Peak forward and reflected power are displayed on an analog percent power meter located on the front panel of the unit.
The internally diplexed composite RF output of the channel processor is fed to a conservatively designed broadband solid-state amplifier. This amplifier requires no tuning or adjustment. Simplicity of operation, reduced maintenance costs and increased reliability are a few of the major benefits derived from this amplifier.
The amplifier chain consists of two stages of amplification for low band and three stages for high band.
For amplifiers having somewhat more gain than usual, and especially for 10 watt output applications, the exciter driving the preamplifier may be padded down with an inline attenuator to avoid overdrive to the preamplifier, because exciters generally perform better at higher output levels.
The preamplifier uses high gain, broadband, integrated circuit amplifier(s) operating class A. This preamplifier has two stages in high band models, while a single stage suffices for low band.
The preamplifier uses the same circuit board that is an integral part of the "phase quadrature control" that is a required part of paralleled amplifier configurations. The 30 W transmitter uses a single RF chain, consequently quadrature phasing is not needed nor used, but some low cost components for it may remain in place on the board. Removal entails far greater overall expense than simply leaving them in place.
The PA stage consists of a pair of push-pull FETs in a single case, operating in
class AB as a linear amplifier. This amplifier is capable of more than 50 watts RF output when driven by the preamplifier in the present system, but uses the identical dual FET device that is used in higher powered LARCAN transmitters.
The Sound/Aural signal of the transmitter is internally diplexed and corrected at IF with the visual/vision signal within the exciter, and is amplified in common with the visual/vision signal in the amplifier chain. Internal diplexing offers the distinct advantage of lower cost.
The amplifier output is fed through the bandpass filter and the directional coupler, which provides a small sample of forward and reflected output power for AGC and VSWR supervisory functions. The transmitter output then passes to the antenna.
The control circuitry in this solid state transmitter is simple. Interlocking in the 30 W simply consists of jumpers (marked EXT1 and EXT2) but external patch panel link switches, or RF switching auxiliary contacts, can be connected if desired. This low power level generally needs no interlocking.
All control wiring of the transmitter passes through a control circuit board (prefix 4), and facilities are provided on this board for telemetry, st atus, and control connections to and from a remote control system.
The transmitter interlock wiring is also brought out on terminal block TB2. External Interlocks 1 and 2 are all brought out on TB2 for connection as required. Interlock 1 is provided here only for consistency with other LARCAN transmitter designs in which this interlock is used with a fire alarm system to shut off blowers.
In the 10 W, the control is so simple (just a single contactor) that either Interlock 1 or 2 can be used. The cooling fan for the PA heatsink is wired across the power supply output, therefore will operate whenever the supply is energized. A thermostat is provided in the PA heatsink to open the interlock chain should an unlikely overheating condition occur.
On site it is necessary to ensure that AC mains voltage within ±10% of nominal is available, especially in sites where the voltage can often be extremely variable, and/or failures are common. It is a good idea to log all voltage excursions in such sites over a period of time, and then specify a suitable voltage regulator.
It may be necessary to specify a regulator capable of wide input range if site voltage variations are extreme.
The amplifier's 48Vdc linear power supply (power-one type HD48-3-A) is rated for 3A and is designed for operation from AC power line voltage variation of +10%, -13%. The amplifier takes less than 240 VA.
The control's 12Vdc linear power supply is rated for 0.9A and is powered upon application of AC into the unit.
Power Output: ................................................................Visual 30 W peak, Aural 3W
Diplexing: ........................................................................internal, 10:1 V to A
Frequency Range: ........................................................54-216 MHz (channels 2 thru 13)
Amplifier Output Impedance: ....................................................................... 50 Ù
Output Connector: ................................................................................type N
Amplifier Input Impedance : ....................................................................... 50 Ù
Output Regulation: .............................................................3% (black-white picture)
Output Variation: .....................................................................2% (over 1 frame)
Amplitude/Frequency Response
-0.75 MHz to +4.75 MHz (Relative to Visual Carrier).........................................+0.5/-1.0 dB
Harmonic Radiation: ..............................................................................-60 dB
Spurious Emission (fv-4.5MHz, fv+9.0 MHz): .......................................................-50 dB
Intermodulation Distortion (3-Tone Method): .......................................................-52 dB
AC Line Input: ..................................................................................120 VAC
Power Consumption (amplifier alone):
Black Picture and aural on (typical): ....................................................230 VA
Ambient Temperature: ........................................................................ 0° to +45°C
Humidity: .....................................................................................0% to 90%
Altitude: ...................................................................................... 7500 ft.
Cooling air enters through the front panel perforations from the room, and passes into the amplifier heatsink. The rear of this heatsink is fitted with a 4" fan that extracts the warmed air and exhausts it back into the room. Other parts of the amplifier are convection cooled.
Amplifier and exciter/translator chassis are standard 19" rack width; Amplifier depth is 19" including a 3" allowance for connectors. Amplifier height is 5¼" (3U).
The MX30V series amplifier is marketed on the assumption that the customer prefers to provide the cabinet or enclosure for it.
Part Topic Page
1 Chassis Description...........................................30-1
List of Figures:
Fig Title Drawing Reference
1 Chassis Assembly Diagram.............................40D2232 sht 1
2 Wiring Diagram, Amplifier, AC Line to Neutral........30C1987 sht 1
3 `power-one' Power Supply Data.....................................
1. Amplifier Chassis Assembly 40D22328G1 through 40D2232G3: Figure 1.
The Amplifier Chassis consists of a standard 19" rack mounted 5¼" 3U enclosure containing 2 linear power supplies, the amplifier heatsink assembly, the output directional coupler, the bandpass filter (in most models), a cooling fan, a control panel (meter and control board), an RF metering board, a line filter, and an AC relay. Its basic part number is 40D2232 .
Three frequency ranges are required to cover the entire VHF television s pectrum, thus there are three fundamental models of RF amplifier assemblies: for channels 2, 3, 4; channels 5, 6; and channels 7 - 13.
AC power input for the three Amplifier/ models is connected for system operation from one line to neutral, most commonly from 115 volts AC single phase.
40D2232G1 is the chassis for a 30 watt amplifier for operation on channels 7
through 13 (174-216 MHz), it has a 150 watt power supply, and its AC is connected line to neutral.
40D2232G2 is the chassis for a 30 watt Amplifier for operation on channels 2,
3, and 4 (54-72 MHz), it has a 150 watt power supply, and its AC is connected line to neutral.
40D2232G3 is the chassis for a 30 watt Amplifier for operation on channels 5
and 6 (76-88 MHz), it has a 150 watt power supp ly, and its AC is connected line to neutral.
Although we indicate NTSC frequency ranges, the amplifiers are capable of frequency coverage outside the ranges cited, for CCIR systems B, D, etc. transmitter applications in other regions worldwide.
Figure 1 is the fundamental assembly drawing of the chassis.
The heatsink cooling fan is a 48 volt DC "Muffin" model from Comair -Rotron; it is
PUB98-30 rev 0: Dec. 12, 1998
30W VHF Amplifier
must be altered to agree with the revision date.
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powered from the 48 volt amplifier power supply. As built, the cooling fan pulls warmed air from the heatsink so the cooling air enters through the perforations in the chassis front panel. This may be more convenient for a desktop cabinet arrangement, but for cabinet racks fitted with ventilation filtering, the fan can be mechanically reversed end for end, and remounted so that the fan forces air through the heatsink, from which the warmed air exhaust leaves the chassis through the front panel perforations.
A thermostat is mounted on the heatsink where operating temperature can be sampled. If this temperature should increase past the trip point of the thermostat,which is 60°C, its contacts will open and break the interlocking circuit of the amplifier. The interlock circuit ultimately controls the power supply to the amplifier, and the power supply will therefore shut down and remain shut down until the heatsink cools and the contacts close again.
The chassis is wired according to one of the wiring diagram shown on Figures 2.
Chassis parts lists are provided on the last pages of this manual. The circled numbers on the assembly drawing correspond to the "symbol" item numbers on the parts list.
40D2168Gx means that the assembly can be any one of the 3 listed above, where "x" denotes the group.
PUB98-30 rev 0: Dec. 12, 1998
30W VHF Amplifier
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Sec Topic Page
1 HB Helical Resonator Bandpass Filter Description (50W HB only)31-1
2 HB Low Power Bandpass Filter Description......................31-3
3 LB Low Pass & Notch Filter Description........................31-4
4 RF Directional Coupler Description............................31-5
List of Figures:
Fig Title Drawing Reference
1 Bandpass Filter response...........................text, page 31-2
2 Bandpass Filter schematic..........................text, page 31-3
3 RF Directional Coupler schematic....................text, page 8-6
4 Generic Helical Resonator Bandpass Filter Assembly ...30C1064 sht 2
5 High Band Bandpass Filter Assembly....................20B704 sht 1
High Band Bandpass Filter Schematic...................10A769 sht 1
6 Low Band Bandpass & Notch Filter Assembly............20B1118 sht 1
Low Band Bandpass & Notch Filter Component locations .20B1120 sht 1
7 Low Band Bandpass & Notch Filt er Schematic...........20B1151 sht 1
8 RF Directional Coupler Assembly.......................20B534 sht 4
Low Band Coupler PC Board Assembly ...................10A1942 sht 1
1. 30C1064G1 Helical Resonator Bandpass Filter (used with 50 watt High Band):
The helical resonator was developed during the late 1950's and first described in "Proceedings of the IRE" magazine by W. W. McAlpine and R. O. Schildknecht,
"Coaxial Resonators with Helical Inner Conductor," Proceedings of the IRE, vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 2099-2105; December, 1959. The same authors later published another magazine article "Helical Resonator Design Chart," Electronics, p. 140; 12 August 1960.
IRE stood for the "Institute of Radio Engineers" which was responsible for some of the television transmission standards that remain in use today. IRE later merged with the "American Institute of Electrical Engineers" to become the "Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers" which is known to us as the "I-triple-E" and which continues publication of important electrical and electronic engineering research papers in the "Proceedings of the IEEE" and in the "IEEE Transactions" dealing with electrical and electronics interests.
We generally avoid such papers in our manuals except for the rare instance where critical information is involved, as the content of most of these publications are considered to be excessively arcane and esoteric for the beleaguered technician whose sole interest is to get the transmitter back on the air. Should you wish further information, we refer you to the above cited publications, to "Reference Data for Radio Engineers, sixth edition" published by Howard W. Sams & Co., and to the "ARRL Radio Amateur's Handbook" published annually by the
is frozen. Any later revisions made after the initial release must have the footer date agree with the revision date.
1. Bandpass Filter: (continued).
LARCAN bandpass filter implementations generally consist of a cascaded series of coupled resonators. Some use helical resonators; essentially a self supporting high Q coil (the helix) mounted inside a metallic shield enclosure. One end of the coil is solidly connected to the shield enclosure and the other end is open circuited except for a small trimmer capacitance to ground. The dimensions of the coil are critical to the frequency of operation; the assembly behaves as though it were a quarter wave coaxial transmission line resonator. Several sizes of coils and enclosures are necessary to cover the desired frequency ranges.
Fold-out Figure 4 indicates the generic assembly of a coupled helical resonator bandpass filter. The referenced drawing in Figure 4 happens to be a low band filter, but the high band unit is laid out identically and appears almost the same as Figure 4 except the high band helixes have fewer turns of coarser winding pitch, and their shield enclosure dimensions are somewhat smaller.
The desired response shape is presented as Figure 1 below, and the filter electrical equivalents are presented on the next page as Figure 2. When we examine the assembly, and take capacitances into account, the equivalent circuit of a helical resonator becomes simply a parallel resonant LC tank circuit having low (trimmer) capacitance and relatively high inductance. Adjustment of the trimmer produces a change of capacitance, and the trimmer's moveable slug is shaped to appear as a shorted turn, which alters the inductance of the helix.
Matching from and to 50 ohm transmission lines is accomplished with taps on the input and output helixes.
Coupling between sections is electrically a bridged T network of capacitors, and is made up of the small capacitance between the free ends of the coils, controllable by the amount of capacitance to ground that is introduced by the coupling adjustment screws; the coupling is maximum when the screws are backed out fully from the enclosure. Shielding partitions placed inside the enclosure between helixes, produce fixed area apertures which affect the coupling capacitance between helixes. Helix #3 in the Figure 4 drawing has taller partitions on both sides of it, giving lower capacitance and less coupling than the others.
For system use, the tuning and coupling is adjusted for a flat topped response with steep sides, and the desired shape is such that fV - 4.5 MHz and fV + 9.0 MHz are both 30 dB down, but the carriers must be fV < 0.6 dB and fA < 0.7 dB departure from flatness. Input and output return loss must be 20 dB or better over the full 6 MHz bandwidth. These idyllic sweep curves are shown below as Figure 1.
This is the electrical equivalent of a series of five coupled helical resonators. Similar lower power filters are built using conventional air wound coils and ceramic trimmer capacitors, and these will be described next:
2. 20B704G1 Low Power Bandpass Filter for High Band:
Please refer to Figure 5. The configuration of this filter is similar to the previously described helical resonator type in that it uses five LC resonant circuits, but it differs in that two of these resonant circuits behave as high Q traps for frequencies outside the band edge (_4.5 and +9 MHz), so that the overall response has a reasonably flat top and steep sides. Factory adjustment is made to achieve the same in-band response (carriers must be fV < 0.6 dB and fA < 0.7 dB departure from flatness) as described for the helical resonator filter. (We would have preferred to use this 20B704G1 filter for the 50 watt high band system as well, except that the ceramic trimmers overheated due to the higher RF currents at the 50 watt level, so the decision was made to go with the higher power helical resonator filter for 50 watt high band transmitters).
Like the helical resonator filter, there are nine screw adjustments and two I/O matching (with soldering iron) adjustments that need to be made simultaneously, and all of them are interactive. Accurate adjustment is impossible without the aid of a network analyzer, and because of the expense of this gear it is not as likely to be available in the field; for this reason we say the filter is not user-adjustable.
Sure, it is possible to use a sweep generator and detector for setting the response of either filter, but unless an accurate 50 ohm return loss bridge is
used with the sweep generator, there is no way to properly set up the input and output matching. Our recommendation: don't mess with the filter adjustments at all.
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