PC Lock
PC Lock
User Guide
h t t p : / / w w w . l a p l i n k . c o m / h e l p
E-mail us at CustomerService@laplink.com
Tel (USA): +1 (425) 952-6001
Fax (USA): +1 (425) 952-6002
Tel (UK): +44 (0) 870-2410-983
Fax (UK): +44 (0) 870-2410-984
Laplink Software, Inc.
For technical support issues or questions, please visit:
For other inquiries, please see contact details below:
User Guide
E-mail: CustomerService
Tel (USA): +1 (425) 952-6001
Fax (USA): +1 (425) 952-6002
Tel (UK): +44 (0) 870-2410-983
Fax (UK): +44 (0) 870-2410-984
Laplink Software, Inc.
14335 NE 24th Street, Suite 201
Bellevue, WA 98007
Copyright / Trademark Notice
© Copyright 2011 Laplink Software, Inc. All rights
reserved. Laplink, the Laplink logo, Connect Your
World, and PC Lock are either registered trademarks
or trademarks of Laplink Software, Inc. in the United
States and/or other countries. Other trademarks,
product names, company names, and logos are the
property of their respective holder(s).
MN-PCLOCK-EN-01 (REV. 1/2011)

PC Lock
User Guide
h t t p : / / w w w . l a p l i n k . c o m / h e l p
E-mail us at CustomerService@laplink.com
Tel (USA): +1 (425) 952-6001
Fax (USA): +1 (425) 952-6002
Tel (UK): +44 (0) 870-2410-983
Fax (UK): +44 (0) 870-2410-984
Over 1,700 laptops are stolen every day and someone’s identity is stolen every two
seconds! If files on your PC are not encrypted you are risking identity theft, privacy
invasion and significant financial loss. PC Lock secures your privacy with powerful
and sophisticated encryption that automatically protects personal and sensitive data
keeping you safe from hackers and thieves.
Laplink recommends you make a complete backup image of your PC using Laplink
DiskImage before installing PC Lock. For more information or to purchase, go to:
Pre-Installation Checklist
System requirements:
• CPU: Intel
• RAM: Same as minimum required by operating system.
• Windows 7/Vista/XP.
• A working Internet connection.
• A valid e-mail account.
• Administrative rights.
IMPORTANT: When you purchase PC Lock, you are purchasing a single license. This
license is a 12 month subscription to PC Lock. For complete details, refer to the End
User License Agreement (EULA).
If you would like to uninstall PC Lock, you must be running PC Lock and logged on. If
your subscription ends and you have not uninstalled the program, all your files will
remain encrypted. You must extend your subscription to PC Lock or contact customer
service to gain access to your encrypted files.
To extend your subscription to PC Lock, please visit the Web Management Console at
PClock.laplink.com or contact our sales department at (800) LAPLINK (527-5465) or
(425) 952-6001.
or compatible Pentium® or higher processor.
Installing PC Lock
IMPORTANT: Before installing or running PC Lock, exit all other applications
running on your PC.
Screen savers, hibernation protocols, and power-saving options on the computer
should be turned OFF (i.e., all power management options in the Control Panel should
be set to “Never” so they are completely disabled). The computer needs to remain on
and completely “awake” during the installation and must not go into screensaver or
sleep/hibernation mode.
If you are installing PC Lock on a laptop, keep the computer plugged in for the
duration of the installation.
To Install PC Lock from a downloaded file, follow these steps on your PC:
1. Double-click on pclock_en.exe and continue to Setup and Registration on page 2.
To install PC Lock from a CD, follow these steps on your PC:
1. Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. If the autorun feature is enabled, the installation begins automatically. Please continue
to Setup and Registration
If autorun is disabled, use Windows Explorer or another file management program to
dispay the cont
find this file on the CD, click on Start, then Search, and type pclock_en.exe, making sure
that the search is centered on your CD-ROM drive.
ents of the CD. Browse to the file to begin the installation. If you cannot
on page 2.

PC Lock
User Guide
h t t p : / / w w w . l a p l i n k . c o m / h e l p
E-mail us at CustomerService@laplink.com
Tel (USA): +1 (425) 952-6001
Fax (USA): +1 (425) 952-6002
Tel (UK): +44 (0) 870-2410-983
Fax (UK): +44 (0) 870-2410-984
Setup and Registration
1. Welcome to the PC Lock Setup Wizard
Click Next to proceed with installation. Continue to follow the on-screen prompts.
2. License Agreement
Review the license agreement, select “I accept the agreement and acknowledge
the importance of a backup” and click Next to continue.