ML62Q1722 Reference B oar d
User's Manual
Issue Date: January 21, 2019
ML62Q1722 Reference Board User’s Manual
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ML62Q1722 Reference Board User’s Manual
This manual describes about the ML62Q1722 Reference Board : RB-D62Q1722GA64.
Refer to following documents when necessary.
– ML62Q1000 Series User’s Manual
Provides the detailed information about the microcontroller ML62Q1000 Series.
– EASE1000 User’s Manual
Provides the information on how to use the On-chip emulator EASE1000.
ML62Q1722 Reference Board User’s Manual
Table of Contents
1. Overview .............................................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Features .......................................................................................................................................................1
1.2. ML62Q1722 Reference Board Outline Diagram .......................................................................................2
2. Function of ML62Q1722 Reference Board ........................................................................................................3
2.1. Power Circuit ...............................................................................................................................................3
2.2. Connection for EASE1000 (CNE) ...............................................................................................................4
2.3. LED (P20, P21, P22) ...................................................................................................................................5
2.4. XT0/PIO0,XT1/PIO1 ..................................................................................................................................5
2.5. C1, C2, VL1, VL2, VL3 ...............................................................................................................................6
3. User Interface .....................................................................................................................................................7
4. Precaution for usage ...........................................................................................................................................8
5. PCB specification, BO M an d Sche matic ...........................................................................................................9
5.1. ML62Q1722 Reference Board PCB specification ......................................................................................9
5.2. ML62Q1722 Reference Board BOM ........................................................................................................ 10
5.3. ML62Q1722 Reference Board Schematic ............................................................................................... 10
Revision History ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
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ML62Q1722 Reference Board User’s Manual
R1-R3: Resistors for LEDs by P20 to P22
J3-J5: Jumper Chip for connecting LEDs
Pads (or/and)
mounting components
1. Overview
1.1. Features
The ML62Q1722 Reference Board can be used for learning ‘how to use’ the ML62Q1722, on which the user needs to
provide additional external compo nents if necessary. By using the ML62Q1722 Reference Board together with the LAPIS
Semiconductor’s on-chip emulator EASE1000 and the provided software development environment, the user can develop
software, debug and pro gram the Flash.
1.1.1. ML62Q1722 Reference Board features
– The board is provided with ML62Q1722 64pin QFP.
– Mounted with the linked connector to EASE1000.
– Through-holes for connecting the pins of LSI to external pheripheral boards.
– Power supply is selectable; supplied from the on-chip emulator EASE1000 or CN1_3pin /CN2_2pin.
– Mounted with LED (P20,P21,P22).
– Mounted with Crystal (3 2.768KHz)
1.1.2. ML62Q1722 Reference Board Hardware specifications
Table 1 shows the hardware specifications of ML62Q1722 Reference Board.
Table 1 ML62Q1722 Reference Board Hardware specifications
Mounted LSI U1 : ML62Q1722 64pin QFP
PWR: Jumper for selecting the power supply input (3pin pin-header and short pin)
J1: Jumper for selecting RESET_N pin (3pin pin-header and short pin)
J2: Jumper for selecting P00/TEST0 pin (3pin pin-header and short pin)
P20-P22: LEDs
Mounted components
Through holes for
Power check pin VDD, VSS, UVDD: φ0.8mm
Operating voltage +1.6V to +5.5V (Supply the VDD with up to 1.8V or higher during power up.)
Board size 55.88 mm x 93.98 mm
X1, C3, C4: Crystal Oscillator (32.768kHz) and capacitors
C5-C8: Capacitors for C1, C2, VL1, VL2, and VL3
CNE: Connector for EASE1000 (14pin connector)
C1, C2: Capacitors for VDD and VDDL
R4: Pull-up resistor for RESET_N
CN1-CN2: Connectors for user application system (25pin, 2.54mm pitch, φ0.8mm )
For more information about the connection of the mounted components, see the schematic.
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