Lanzar OPTIXA6B User Manual

Congratulations on your purchase of LANZAR State of the art crossover. Your selection of a LANZAR car audio product indicates a true appreciation of fine musical reproduction. Whether adding to an existing system or including your LANZAR crossover in a new system, you are certain to notice im medi ate performance benefits .
Take the time to attach your sale receipt to the manual and put it in a safe place. In case of any unforeseen reason this product may need warranty service, your receipt will be necessary to establish the purchase date.
Crossover performance is only as good as its installation. Proper installation will maximize the system’s overall performance. It is recommended that you have our product installation by an authorized LANZAR dealer. However, if you decide to install it yourself, please carefully read through this manual and take your time to do a quality installation.
Before making any connection, disconnect the car’s battery until the installation is completed to avoid possible damage to the electrical system.
Exposure to high power sound systems can c ause hea ring l oss or dama ge. Li stening to your system at loud levels while driving will impair you日 ability to hear traffic sounds and emergency vehicles. Use common sense when listening to your system. Systems is plural you have it singular
The primary function of the crossover is to filter the audio signal. Basically, the OPTIXA6B divides the audio signal into six separate parts….Subwoofer, Mid Bass, Band Pass 3, Band Pass 2, Band Pass 1 and high.(See Figure #1).Although the OPTIXA6B has rather simple connections, it is important for you to have a general understanding of the operating range of your system to properly setup the system as well as to make the final adjustments.
Full Range Output Six-way Output
In order to reproduce the music in which it was recorded, your audio system should have the ability to recrea te all au dio i nfor mation from 20 Hz up to 20KHz (T his i s know n as hu man audi ble range).One of the most important factors in sound quality is the over all balance of the frequency reponse ,bett er k now n as the li near it y of th e sound. In a perfectly balance sys tem, the low to high frequencies are reproduced without missing information. Unfortunately there are many factors that can cause loss of frequencies in your system. Some loss may be caused due your speaker’s frequency response, crossover points, and level adjustment. Before you set up the system it is best to first layout your system maintaining the speakers operating range. The following graph will give a general idea the Subwoofer, Mid Bass, Mid range and High operating range for the OPTIXA6B crossovers.
Fuse crossover’s power wire at the battery
Be sure to fuse (1 amp) the power wire within 12’’ of the car’s battery. This will protect the car’s battery in case of a short circuit between the crossover and the battery. THIS IS A MUST.
Use high grade wire connectors
To ensure maximum power transfer and secure safe connections, it is recommended to use high grade barrier spades (for connections at crossover) and terminal rings (for connection at battery).
Do not run any wires undernea t h vehicle
Exposed wires have a chance of being cut or damaged. It is best to run all wires through the vehicle under th e carpet and / or si de panels. Thi s l ends to a cleaner i nstallation and les s r i s k o f damage.
Use caution when mounting the cr ossover
Remember t hat there are many electrical wires , gas lines , vacuum lines , brake lines as well as a gas tank in the automobile .Make sure you know where they are when mounting the crossover to avoid puncturing lines , shorting wires or drilling holes in the gas tank.
Run signal wires away from electrical w ire s
To avoid possibility of induced noise from the car’s electrical system (i.e.popping noises or engine noise), run signal wires away from the car’s electrical wiring.
Make all ground wires as short as possi ble and at the same point
In order to reduce the chance of ground loops (i.e. engine noise), make the grounding wire as short as possible to reduce the wire’s resistance .Also, when using multiple components, make sure all units are ground at the same point.
Avoid sharp edges w he n running the wires
To avoid the possibility of pow er, signal or speaker short s b e care ful not to al low the cr osso ver’s wires to come in contact with sharp edges .Use a grommet to protect the wire when running through the firewall.
Select the location in which you wish to mount the crossover , It is recommended to find a location that will allow easy adjustment .Use caution when mounting crossover …there are many wires ,gas lines, vacuum lines brake lines as well as a gas tank in the automobile .Make sure you know where they are when mounting the crossover to avoid puncturing lines ,shorting wires or drilling holes in the gas tank .Once you are ready use a pencil to mark the through holes in the bottom p a nel .After you have mar k ed the l ocations of the holes move crossover out of the way and drill small starter holes to make the taping screws easier to install .Use provided screws to tighten down the crossover (see Figure #3).
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