Lanzar DCT104D User Manual

DisƟnct Series Subwoofers
If you’re looking for a unique, powerful, and versaƟle new sound, Lanzar has your subwoofer soluƟon. Lanzar’s DisƟnct Series Subwoofers add unbelievable quality and performance enhancements to your audio system. These rugged award­winning subs are capable of generaƟng rich, accurate and deep bass sounds that you only Įnd in higher-end audio setups. Along with adding depth and dimension to your music, the DisƟnct Subwoofer Series will give you professional sound with some serious aƫtude. These powerhouses are the driving force behind any great audio setup and will provide you with the sound quality and performance you’ve been missing. The DisƟnct Series High-Power Subwoofer features include Dual High-Temperature Aluminum Voice Coils, Dual High-Density Barium Ferrite Magnets, Silver Push-In Terminals, impressive power handling capabiliƟes -- along with plenty more techno­logically advanced, next-generaƟon features to give you that ‘DisƟnct’ sound you’ve been looking for!
In this booklet you will Įnd informaƟon and speciĮcaƟon to achieve the best performance of your subwoofer.
Key Subwoofer Terms:
FS: Free Air Resonance – The lowest audible frequency value of
the subwoofer (in HZ) Q: Describes the degree of control which the speaker exhibits, also known as ‘damping’ and is due to both mechanical character­isƟcs (QMS) and electrical characterisƟcs (QES). A speaker’s total damping value is referred to as QTS
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SPL: SensiƟvity of the speaker VAS: Describes (in cubic feet) the maximum amount of air which
is displaced by the speaker cone in a single excursion.
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