DICHIARAZIONE DI PRESTAZIONE In base al regolamento (UE) n. 305/2011
1. Codice identicativo unico del prodotto-tipo:
Unique identier code for product-type
Eindeutiger Identikationscode des Produktes
Typ - Code d’identication unique du produit-type
DECLARATION OF PERFORMANCE According to Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011
LEISTUNGSERKLÄRUNG Gemäß der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 305/2011
DÉCLARATION DE PERFORMANCE Selon le règlement (UE) n° 305/2011
2. Modello e/o n. lotto e/o n. serie (Art.11-4) :
Model and/or batch no. and/or series no. (Article 11-4)
Modell und/oder Losnr. und/oder Serien nr. (Art.11-4)
Modèle et/ou n° de lot et/ou n° de série (Art. 11-4)
N. 044
3. Usi previsti del prodotto conformemente alla relativa specica tecnica armonizzata:
Intended uses of the product in accordance with the applicable harmonised technical specication
Vorgesehene Verwendung des Produkts in Übereinstimmung mit der geltenden harmonisierten technischen Spezikation
Utilisation prévue du produit conformément aux spécications techniques harmonisées correspondantes
Apparecchio per il riscaldamento domestico alimentato con combustibile solido, senza la produzione di acqua calda.
4. Nome o marchio registrato del fabbricante (Art 11-5):
Name or trademark of the manufacturer (Article 11-5)
Name oder registriertes Warenzeichen des Herstellers (Art 11-5)
Nom ou marque enregistrée du fabricant (Art. 11-5)
5. Nome e indirizzo del mandatario (Art 12-2)
Name and address of the agent (Article 12-2)
Name und Adresse des Auftragnehmers (Art 12-2)
Nom et adresse du mandataire (Art. 12-2)
6. Sistema di valutazione e verica della costanza della prestazione (Allegato 5):
Assessment and verication system for constancy of performance (Annex 5)
System zur Bewertung und Überprüfung der Leistungsbeständigkeit (Anlage 5)
Système d’évaluation et contrôle de la constance de performance (Annexe 5)
7. Laboratorio noticato :
Laboratory notied
RRF 1625
Benanntes Labor
Laboratoire notié
8. Prestazioni dichiarate - Services declare - Erklärte Leistungen - Performance déclarée
Specica tecnica armonizzata Harmonised technical specications - Harmonisierte technische Spezikation -
Spécications techniques harmonisées
Caratteristiche essenziali - Essential features - Wesentliche Merkmale - Caractéristiques essentielles
Resistenza al fuoco - Resistance to re - Feuerbeständigkeit - Résistance au feu
Distanza da materiali Combustibili
Distance from combustible material
Abstand von brennbarem Material
Distance de sécurité aux matériaux
Rischio fuoriuscita combustibile - Fuel leakage risk - Gefahr Brennstoffaustritt - Risque de fuite de combustible Conforme - Compliant - Konform - Conforme
Temperatura superciale - Surface temperature - Oberächentemperatur - Température de surface Conforme - Compliant - Konform - Conforme
Sicurezza elettrica - Electrical safety - Elektrische Sicherheit - Sécurité électrique Conforme - Compliant - Konform - Conforme
Accessibilità e pulizia - Accessibility and cleaning - Zugänglichkeit und Reinigung - Facilité d’accès et nettoyage Conforme - Compliant - Konform - Conforme
Emissioni prodotti combustione (CO) - Combustion products emissions (CO) - Emission von Verbrennungsprodukten (CO) - Émission des produits de
combustion (CO)
Massima pressione di esercizio - Maximum operating pressure - Maximaler Betriebsdruck - Pression maximale de service
Resistenza meccanica (per supportare il camino) - Mechanical strength (to support the replace) - Mechanische Festigkeit (um den Kamin zu tragen) -
Résistance mécanique (pour soutenir la cheminée)
Prestazioni termiche
Thermal performance
Thermische Leistungen
Performance thermique
Rendimento - Yield - Wirkungsgrad - Rendement
Temperatura fumi - Fume temperature - Rauchgastemperatur - Température des fumées
Potenza nominale - Rated power - Nennleistung - Puissance nominale
Potenza resa all’ambiente - Power output to the environment - Der Umgebung gelieferte Leistung - Puissance rendue au milieu
Potenza ceduta all’acqua - Power transferred to water - DemWasser gelieferte Leistung - Puissance rendue à l’eau
9. La prestazione del prodotto di cui ai punti 1 e 2 è conforme alla prestazione dichiarata di cui al punto 8.
The performance of the product referred to in points 1 and 2 is consistent with the declared performance in point 8.
Die Leistung des Produktes gemäß den Punkten 1 und 2 entspricht der erklärten Leistung nach Punkt 8.
La performance du produit citée aux points 1 et 2 est conforme à la performance déclarée au point 8
Si rilascia la presente dichiarazione di prestazione sotto la responsabilità esclusiva del fabbricante di cui al punto 4.
This declaration of performance is issued under the manufacturer’s sole responsibility referred to in point 4.
Die vorliegende Leistungserklärung wird unter ausschließlicher Verantwortung des Herstellers erlassen, siehe Punkt 4.
Cette déclaration de performance est délivrée sous la responsabilité exclusive du fabricant cité au point 4.
Apparatus for domestic heating, fuelled with solid fuel, without hot water production.
Wärmeerzeuger für Raumheizung für feste Brennstoffe / ohne Warmwasserbereitung.
Appareil de chauffage domestique alimenté au combustible solide , sans production d’eau chaude.
Via Summano,104 - 36030 Montecchio Precalcino (VICENZA)
- RRF Rhein-Ruhr Feuerstätten
Prüfstelle GmbH
Am Technologie Park 1 D-45307 ESSEN
Distanza minima, in mm - Minimum distance, in mm - Mindestabstand, in mm - Distance minimum, en mm
spessore di isolamento retro - Insulation thickness back – Dämmstärke Rückseite - Épaisseur d’isolement arrière =
spessore di isolamento softto
spessore di isolamento lato - Insulation thickness side - Dämmstärke Seite - Épaisseur d’isolement côté =
- Insulation thickness bottom - Dämmstärke Unterseite - Épaisseur d’isolement fond =
Numero rapporto di prova (in base al System 3)
Test report number (based on System 3)
Nummer des Prüfberichts (gemäß System 3)
Numéro du rapport d’essai (selon le System 3)
+39 0445 804000 - Fax +39 0445 804040
EN 13229:2001/A2:2004/AC:2007
Prestazione - Services - Leistungen
fronte – front – Vorderseite - avant =
suolo - ground - Boden - sol =
29 06 1143
- Performance
CO [0,11%]
- bar
15 kW
15 kW
- kW
η [78,5%]
T [334 °C]
Montecchio Precalcino (VICENZA)
(Data e luogo di emissione - Place and date of issue -
Ort und Datum der Ausstellung - Date et lieu d’émission )
La NORDICA S.p.A. Via Summano,104 – 36030 MONTECCHIO PRECALCINO (VICENZA) – Tel. 0445 804000 – Fax 0445 804040 Capitale Sociale Euro 8.000.000 I.v. – R.E.A. n.
104860/VI – Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA e Registro Imprese 0182840249 M. VI 007364
http://www.lanordica-extraame.com – e-mail:info@lanordica.com
Amministratore delegato - Managing Director
Geschäftsführer - Administrateur délégué
(nome, posizione e rma - Name, function and signature -
Positionsbezeichnung - Nom, Fonction et signature)
DICHIARAZIONE DI PRESTAZIONE In base al regolamento (UE) n. 305/2011
DECLARACIÓN DE PRESTACIÓN Conforme al reglamento (UE) n. 305/2011
DECLARAÇÃO DE DESEMPENHO Em base com o regulamento (UE) n° 305/2011
1. Codice identicativo unico del prodotto-tipo:
Código de identicación único del producto-tipo
Código de identicação único do produto-tipo
2. Modello e/o n. lotto e/o n. serie (Art.11-4) :
Modelo y/o n. º de lote y/o n. º de serie (Art.11-4)
Modelo e/ou nº. lote e/ou nº. série (Art.11-4)
3. Usi previsti del prodotto conformemente alla relativa specica tecnica armonizzata:
Usos previstos del producto de conformidad con las especicaciones técnicas armonizadas correspondientes
Utilização prevista do produto em conformidade com a respectiva técnica especica harmonizada
Apparecchio per il riscaldamento domestico alimentato con combustibile solido, senza la produzione di acqua calda.
Aparato para calefacción doméstica, alimentado con combustible sólido, sin producción de agua caliente.
Aparelho para aquecimento doméstico, alimentado com combustível sólido, sem a produção de água quente.
4. Nome o marchio registrato del fabbricante (Art 11-5):
Nombre o marca registrada del fabricante (Arti 11-5)
Nome ou marca registada pelo fabricante (Art. 11-5)
5. Nome e indirizzo del mandatario (Art 12-2)
Nombre y dirección del mandatario (Art 12-2)
Nome e endereço do mandatário (Art. 12-2)
6. Sistema di valutazione e verica della costanza della prestazione (Allegato 5):
Sistema de valoración y vericación de la constancia de la prestación (Anexo 5)
Sistema de avaliação e vericação da regularidade do desempenho (Anexo 5)
7. Laboratorio noticato :
Laboratorio noticado
Laboratório noticado
Numero rapporto di prova (in base al System 3)
Número de informe de prueba (según el System3)
Número relação de prova (em base ao System 3)
8. Prestazioni dichiarate - Prestaciones declaradas - Desempenhos declarados
Specica tecnica armonizzata - Especicación técnica armonizada - Especíca técnica harmonizada
CARATTERISTICHE essenziali - Características esenciales - Características essenciais
PRESTAZIONE - Prestación -
Resistenza al fuoco - Resistencia al fuego - Resistência ao fogo
Distanza da materiali Combustibili
Distancia de mat. combustible
Distância de mat. comb.
Distanza minima, in mm - Distancia mínima, en mm - Distance minimum, en mm
spessore di isolamento retro - grosor del aislamiento revés – espessura de isolamento traseira =
spessore di isolamento lato - grosor del aislamiento lado - espessura de isolamento lado =
spessore di isolamento softto
- grosor del aislamiento fondo - espessura de isolamento fundo =
fronte – frente – frente =
suolo - suelo
- solo =
Rischio fuoriuscita combustibile - Riesgo de pérdida de combustible - Risco de vazamento de combustível Conforme - Conforme - Em conformidade
Temperatura superciale - Temperatura supercial - Temperatura supercial Conforme - Conforme - Em conformidade
Sicurezza elettrica - Seguridad eléctrica - Segurança elétrica Conforme - Conforme - Em conformidade
Accessibilità e pulizia - Accesibilidad y limpieza - Acessibilidade e limpeza Conforme - Conforme - Em conformidade
Emissioni prodotti combustione (CO) - Emisiones de productos de combustión (CO) - Emissões de produtos de combustão (CO)
Massima pressione di esercizio - Presión máxima de trabajo - Máxima pressão de exercício
Resistenza meccanica (per supportare il camino) - Resistencia mecánica (de soporte de la chimenea) - Resistência mecânica (para suportar a chaminé)
Prestazioni termiche
Prestaciones térmicas
Desempenho térmico
Potenza nominale - Potencia nominal - Potência nominal
Potenza resa all’ambiente - Potencia suministrada al entorno - Potência libertada no ambiente
Potenza ceduta all’acqua - Potencia cedida al agua - Potência cedida à água
Rendimento - Rendimiento - Temperatura fumos
Temperatura fumi - Temperatura de humos - Température des fumées
9. La prestazione del prodotto di cui ai punti 1 e 2 è conforme alla prestazione dichiarata di cui al punto 8.
La prestación del producto según se establece en los puntos 1 y 2 cumple con las prestaciones declaradas según el punto 8.
O desempenho do produto ao qual se referem os pontos 1 e 2 estão em conformidade com o desempenho declarado no ponto 8
Si rilascia la presente dichiarazione di prestazione sotto la responsabilità esclusiva del fabbricante di cui al punto 4.
Se expide esta declaración de prestación bajo la responsabilidad exclusiva del fabricante, según se establece en el punto 4.
É emitida a presente declaração de desempenho sob a responsabilidade exclusiva do fabricante referido no ponto 4.
(Data e luogo di emissione - Lugar y fecha de emisión
Data e local de emissão )
(nome, posizione e rma - Nombre, cargo en la empresa y rma
- Nome, Cargo na empresa e assinatura)
N. 044
Via Summano,104 - 36030 Montecchio Precalcino (VICENZA)
+39 0445 804000 - Fax +39 0445 804040
RRF 1625
Am Technologie Park 1 D-45307 ESSEN
- RRF Rhein-Ruhr Feuerstätten
Prüfstelle GmbH
29 06 1143
EN 13229:2001/A2:2004/AC:2007
CO [0,11%]
- bar
15 kW
15 kW
- kW
η [78,5%]
T [334 °C]
La NORDICA S.p.A. Via Summano,104 – 36030 MONTECCHIO PRECALCINO (VICENZA) – Tel. 0445 804000 – Fax 0445 804040 Capitale Sociale Euro 8.000.000 I.v. – R.E.A. n.
Montecchio Precalcino (VICENZA)
104860/VI – Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA e Registro Imprese 0182840249 M. VI 007364
http://www.lanordica-extraame.com – e-mail:info@lanordica.com
Amministratore delegato - Managing Director
Geschäftsführer - Administrateur délégué
PROHLÁŠENÍ O VLASTNOSTECH Podle nařízení (EU) č. 305/2011
DECLARATION OF PERFORMANCE According to Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011
1. Jedinečný identikační kód výrobku - typu:
Unique identier code for product-type
2. Model a/nebo č. šarže a/nebo č. série (Čl.11-4) :
Model and/or batch no. and/or series no. (Article 11-4)
3. Zamýšlené použití výrobku v souladu s příslušnými harmonizovanými technickými normami :
Intended uses of the product in accordance with the applicable harmonised technical specication
Přístroj pro domácí vytápění na tuhé palivo, bez produkce teplé užitkové vody.
Apparatus for domestic heating, fuelled with solid fuel, without hot water production.
4. Jméno nebo obchodní značka výrobce (Čl. 11-5):
Name or trademark of the manufacturer (Article 11-5)
5. Jméno a adresa zástupce (Čl. 12-2)
Name and address of the agent (Article 12-2)
6. Systém posuzování a ověřování stálosti vlastností (Příloha 5):
Assessment and verication system for constancy of performance (Annex 5)
7. Registrovaná laboratoř:
Laboratory notied
Číslo zkušebního protokolu (podle Systém 3)
Test report number (based on System 3)
8. Prohlášené vlastnosti - Services declare
Harmonizovaná technická norma - Harmonised technical specications
Základní CHARAKTERISTIKY - Essential features VLASTNOST - Services
Odolnost proti ohni - Resistance to re
Vzdálenost od hořl. materiálů -
Distance from combustible material
Minimální vzdálenost, v mm - Minimum distance mm
Tloušťka izolace vzadu - Insulation thickness back =
Tloušťka izolace na boku - Insulation thickness side =
Tloušťka izolace zespodu - Insulation thickness bottom
zepředu - front =
podlaha - ground =
Riziko rozlití paliva - Fuel leakage risk V souladu - Compliant
Teplota povrchu - Surface temperature V souladu - Compliant
Elektrická bezpečnost - Electrical safety V souladu - Compliant
Dostupnost a čištění - Accessibility and cleaning V souladu - Compliant
Emise spalin (CO) - Combustion products emissions (CO)
Maximální provozní tlak - Maximum operating pressure
Mechanická pevnost (na podporu komínu) - Mechanical strength (to support the replace)
Tepelné vlastnosti
Thermal performance
Jmenovitý výkon - Rated power
Výkon přenášený do prostředí - Power output to the environment
Výkon přenášený do vody - Power transferred to water
Výkon - Yield
Teplota spalin - Fume temperature
9. Výkon výrobku uvedeného v bodech 1 a 2 je v souladu s vlastnostmi uvedenými v prohlášení v bodě 8.
The performance of the product referred to in points 1 and 2 is consistent with the declared performance in point 8.
Toto prohlášení o vlastnostech se vydává na výhradní odpovědnost výrobce uvedeného v bodě 4.
This declaration of performance is issued under the manufacturer’s sole responsibility referred to in point 4.
(Místo a datum vydání - Place and date of issue)
(Podepsáno jménem výrobce, Jméno a funkce - Name,
function and signature)
N. 044
Via Summano,104 - 36030 Montecchio Precalcino (VICENZA)
+39 0445 804000 - Fax +39 0445 804040
RRF 1625
- RRF Rhein-Ruhr Feuerstätten
Prüfstelle GmbH
Am Technologie Park 1 D-45307 ESSEN
EN 13229:2001/A2:2004/AC:2007
29 06 1143
CO [0,11%]
- bar
15 kW
15 kW
- kW
η [78,5%]
T [334 °C]
La NORDICA S.p.A. Via Summano,104 – 36030 MONTECCHIO PRECALCINO (VICENZA) – Tel. 0445 804000 – Fax 0445 804040 Capitale Sociale Euro 8.000.000 I.v. – R.E.A. n.
Montecchio Precalcino (VICENZA)
104860/VI – Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA e Registro Imprese 0182840249 M. VI 007364
http://www.lanordica-extraame.com – e-mail:info@lanordica.com
Amministratore delegato - Managing Director
Geschäftsführer - Administrateur délégué
SUORITUSTASOILMOITUS Asetuksen (EU) nro 305/2011 mukaisesti
DECLARATION OF PERFORMANCE According to Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011
1. Tuotetyypinyksilöllinentunniste:
Unique identier code for product-type
2. Mallija/taieränroja/taisarjanro(Art.11-4) :
Model and/or batch no. and/or series no. (Article 11-4)
3. Sovellettavanyhdenmukaistetuntekniseneritelmänmukainentuotteenaiottukäyttötarkoitustai-tarkoitukset:
Intended uses of the product in accordance with the applicable harmonised technical specication
Kiinteän polttoaineen laite kodin lämmitykseen, ilman lämmitysveden tuottoa.
Apparatus for domestic heating, fuelled with solid fuel, without hot water production.
4. Valmistajannimi,rekisteröitykauppanimitaitavaramerkki (Art. 11-5):
Name or trademark of the manufacturer (Article 11-5)
5. Valtuutetunedustajannimijaosoite(Art.12-2)
Name and address of the agent (Article 12-2)
6. Tuotteensuoritustasonpysyvyydenarviointi-javarmennusjärjestelmä(Liite 5) :
Assessment and verication system for constancy of performance (Annex 5)
7. Ilmoitettulaitos:
Laboratory notied
Arvioinninnumero(System 3 perusteella)
Test report number (based on System 3)
8. Ilmoitetutsuoritustasot - Services declare
Yhdenmukaistettutekninenerittely - Harmonised technical specications
PERUSOMINAISUUDET - Essential features SUORITUSTASO - Services
Palonkestävyys - Resistance to re
Etäisyyspal.mater -
Distance from combustible material
Minimietäisyys mm -Minimum distancemm
Eristyspaksuus takaosa - Insulation thickness back =
Eristyspaksuus sivu - Insulation thickness side =
Eristyspaksuus pohja - Insulation thickness bottom
etuosa - front =
lattia - ground =
Riskipolttoaineenvalumiselle- Fuel leakage risk Laadunmukainen - Compliant
Pinnanlämpötila- Surface temperature Laadunmukainen - Compliant
Sähköturvallisuus - Electrical safety Laadunmukainen - Compliant
Pääsyjapuhdistus - Accessibility and cleaning Laadunmukainen - Compliant
Palamistuotteidenpäästöt(CO) - Combustion products emissions (CO)
Toiminnanmaksimipaine - Maximum operating pressure
Mekaaninenkestävyys (kestää uunin painon) - Mechanical strength (to support the replace)
Thermal performance
Nimellisteho - Rated power
Ympäristöönkohdistuvateho - Power output to the environment
Veteensiirtyväteho - Power transferred to water
Hyötysuhde - Yield
Savujenlämpötila - Fume temperature
9. Edellä1ja2kohdassayksilöidyntuotteensuoritustasotovat8kohdassailmoitettujensuoritustasojenmukaiset.
The performance of the product referred to in points 1 and 2 is consistent with the declared performance in point 8.
This declaration of performance is issued under the manufacturer’s sole responsibility referred to in point 4.
(Paikkajapäivämäärä - Place and date of issue) (Nimi,tehtävä,allekirjoitus - Name, function and signature)
N. 044
Via Summano,104 - 36030 Montecchio Precalcino (VICENZA)
+39 0445 804000 - Fax +39 0445 804040
RRF 1625
- RRF Rhein-Ruhr Feuerstätten
Prüfstelle GmbH
Am Technologie Park 1 D-45307 ESSEN
EN 13229:2001/A2:2004/AC:2007
29 06 1143
CO [0,11%]
- bar
15 kW
15 kW
- kW
η [78,5%]
T [334 °C]
La NORDICA S.p.A. Via Summano,104 – 36030 MONTECCHIO PRECALCINO (VICENZA) – Tel. 0445 804000 – Fax 0445 804040 Capitale Sociale Euro 8.000.000 I.v. – R.E.A. n.
Montecchio Precalcino (VICENZA)
104860/VI – Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA e Registro Imprese 0182840249 M. VI 007364
http://www.lanordica-extraame.com – e-mail:info@lanordica.com
Amministratore delegato - Managing Director
Geschäftsführer - Administrateur délégué
YTELSESERKLÆRING Etter forordning (UE) n° 305/2011
DECLARATION OF PERFORMANCE According to Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011
1. Entydig identikasjonskode for produkttypen:
Unique identier code for product-type
2. Modell og/eller parti nr. og/eller serie nr (Art.11-4):
Model and/or batch no. and/or series no. (Article 11-4)
3. Tilsiktede bruksområder for produktet, i samsvar med den relevante harmoniserte tekniske spesikasjonen :
Intended uses of the product in accordance with the applicable harmonised technical specication
Apparat for oppvarming av bolig, matet med fast brensel uten produksjon av varmtvann.
Apparatus for domestic heating, fuelled with solid fuel, without hot water production.
4. Navn eller registrert varemerke til produsenten (Art. 11-5):
Name or trademark of the manufacturer (Article 11-5)
5. Navn og adresse til representant (Art. 12-2)
Name and address of the agent (Article 12-2)
6. System for vurdering og kontroll av byggevarens konstante ytelse (Vedlegg 5) :
Assessment and verication system for constancy of performance (Annex 5)
7. Teknisk kontrollorgan :
Laboratory notied
Testrapport (på grunnlag av System 3)
Test report number (based on System 3)
8. Erklærte ytelser - Services declare
Harmonisert teknisk spesikasjon - Harmonised technical specications
VESENTLIGE EGENSKAPER - Essential features YTELSE - Services
Brannmotstand - Resistance to re
Udaljenost od goriva -
Distance from combustible material
Minimums avstand, i mm - Minimum distance mm
Isolasjonstykkelse bakside - Insulation thickness back =
Isolasjonstykkelse side - Insulation thickness side =
Isolasjonstykkelse bunn - Insulation thickness bottom
framside - front =
sokkel - ground =
Fare for utslipp av brensel - Fuel leakage risk Konform - Compliant
Overatetemperatur - Surface temperature Konform - Compliant
Elektrisk sikkerhet - Electrical safety Konform - Compliant
Tilgangsmulighet og rengjøring - Accessibility and cleaning Konform - Compliant
Forbrenningsutslipp (CO) - Combustion products emissions (CO)
Maksimalt driftstrykk - Maximum operating pressure
Mekanisk motstand (for å støtte skorsteinen) - Mechanical strength (to support the replace)
Termiske ytelser
Thermal performance
Nominell ytelse - Rated power
Varmeavgivelse til rom - Power output to the environment
Varmeavgivelse til vann - Power transferred to water
Ytelse - Yield
Røykgasstemperatur - Fume temperature
9. Produktets ytelse som angitt i nr. 1 og 2, er i samsvar med ytelsen angitt i nr. 8.
The performance of the product referred to in points 1 and 2 is consistent with the declared performance in point 8.
Denne ytelseserklæringen er utstedt på eget ansvar av produsenten, som angitt i nr. 4.
This declaration of performance is issued under the manufacturer’s sole responsibility referred to in point 4.
(Sted og utstedelsesdato - Place and date of issue)
(Undertegnet for og på vegne av produsenten av - Name,
function and signature)
N. 044
Via Summano,104 - 36030 Montecchio Precalcino (VICENZA)
+39 0445 804000 - Fax +39 0445 804040
RRF 1625
- RRF Rhein-Ruhr Feuerstätten
Prüfstelle GmbH
Am Technologie Park 1 D-45307 ESSEN
EN 13229:2001/A2:2004/AC:2007
29 06 1143
CO [0,11%]
- bar
15 kW
15 kW
- kW
η [78,5%]
T [334 °C]
La NORDICA S.p.A. Via Summano,104 – 36030 MONTECCHIO PRECALCINO (VICENZA) – Tel. 0445 804000 – Fax 0445 804040 Capitale Sociale Euro 8.000.000 I.v. – R.E.A. n.
Montecchio Precalcino (VICENZA)
104860/VI – Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA e Registro Imprese 0182840249 M. VI 007364
http://www.lanordica-extraame.com – e-mail:info@lanordica.com
Amministratore delegato - Managing Director
Geschäftsführer - Administrateur délégué
IZJAVA O UČINKOVITOSTI Prema uredbi (UE) n° 305/2011
DECLARATION OF PERFORMANCE According to Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011
1. Jedinstveni identikator proizvoda-tipa:
Unique identier code for product-type
2. Model i/ili br. grupe proizvoda i/ili br. serije (Art.11-4):
Model and/or batch no. and/or series no. (Article 11-4)
3. Namjenska uporaba proizvoda u skladu sa važećim tehničkim specikacijama :
Intended uses of the product in accordance with the applicable harmonised technical specication
Aparat za kućansko grijanje, napajan krutim gorivom, bez proizvođenja tople vode.
Apparatus for domestic heating, fuelled with solid fuel, without hot water production.
4. Ime ili zaštitni znak proizvođača (Art. 11-5):
Name or trademark of the manufacturer (Article 11-5)
5. Ime i adresa zastupnika (Art. 12-2)
Name and address of the agent (Article 12-2)
6. Sustav ocjenjivanja i provjere stalnosti performanse (Prilog 5) :
Assessment and verication system for constancy of performance (Annex 5)
7. Obaviješteni
Laboratory notied
Broj probnog izvješća (na osnovu Systema 3)
Test report number (based on System 3)
8. Izjavljene performanse - Services declare
Tehnička specikacija - Harmonised technical specications
OSNOVNE ZNAČAJKE - Essential features PERFORMANSE - Services
Otpornost na vatru - Resistance to re
Udaljenost od goriva -
Distance from combustible material
Minimalna udaljenost , izražena u mm - Minimum distance mm
debljina izolacije pozadi - Insulation thickness back =
debljina izolacije bočno - Insulation thickness side =
debljina izolacije dno - Insulation thickness bottom
sprijeda - front =
tlo - ground =
Rizik od ispuštanja goriva - Fuel leakage risk U skladu - Compliant
Površinska temperatura - Surface temperature U skladu - Compliant
Električna sigurnost - Electrical safety U skladu - Compliant
Pristupačnost i čišćenje - Accessibility and cleaning U skladu - Compliant
Ispuštanje produkata izgaranja (CO) - Combustion products emissions (CO)
Maksimalni radni tlak - Maximum operating pressure
Mehanička čvrstoća (da bi poduprijela kamin) - Mechanical strength (to support the replace)
Toplinska svojstva
Thermal performance
Nazivna snaga - Rated power
Izlazna snaga okruženja - Power output to the environment
Snaga prenesena na vodu - Power transferred to water
Performanse - Yield
Temperatura dima - Fume temperature
9. Performansa proizvoda iz točke 1. i 2. je u skladu s deklariranom performansom iz točke 8.
The performance of the product referred to in points 1 and 2 is consistent with the declared performance in point 8.
Ova izjava o performansama se izdaje u isključivoj odgovornosti proizvođača kao pod točkom 4.
This declaration of performance is issued under the manufacturer’s sole responsibility referred to in point 4.
(LuMjesto i datum izdavanja - Place and date of issue) (Ime i funkcija i Potpis - Name, function and signature)
N. 044
Via Summano,104 - 36030 Montecchio Precalcino (VICENZA)
+39 0445 804000 - Fax +39 0445 804040
RRF 1625
- RRF Rhein-Ruhr Feuerstätten
Prüfstelle GmbH
Am Technologie Park 1 D-45307 ESSEN
EN 13229:2001/A2:2004/AC:2007
29 06 1143
CO [0,11%]
- bar
15 kW
15 kW
- kW
η [78,5%]
T [334 °C]
La NORDICA S.p.A. Via Summano,104 – 36030 MONTECCHIO PRECALCINO (VICENZA) – Tel. 0445 804000 – Fax 0445 804040 Capitale Sociale Euro 8.000.000 I.v. – R.E.A. n.
Montecchio Precalcino (VICENZA)
104860/VI – Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA e Registro Imprese 0182840249 M. VI 007364
http://www.lanordica-extraame.com – e-mail:info@lanordica.com
Amministratore delegato - Managing Director
Geschäftsführer - Administrateur délégué