Lanier 5685, 5705 User Manual

Operator Guide
your document management partner
Digital Copier
When ordering supplies or requesting service for your copier, you will need to provide the model and serial number of your machine.
Please take a moment to enter your model and serial numbers here.
MODEL NUMBER: __________________________
SERIAL NUMBER: __________________________
To order supplies, call: ( )
To request service, call: ( )
Customer Vision® -
Our commitment to your
complete satisfaction
As an Energy Star Partner, Lanier Worldwide, Inc. has determined that this product meets the Energy Star guidelines for energy efficiency.
Lanier Worldwide, Inc. 2000
This manual contains detailed instructions on the operation and maintenance of this machine. To get maximum versatil ity from this ma chine all opera tors sho uld careful ly read an d follow the ins tructi ons in this manual. Please keep this manual in a handy place near the machine.
Please read the Safety Information before using this machine. It contains important information related to USER SAFETY and PREVENTING EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS.
Some illustrations may be slightly different from your machine. Certain options may not be available in some countries. For details, please contact your local dealer.
Operator Safety
This machine is considered a CDRH Class l laser device, safe for office/EDP use. The mac hine con­tains a 10-milliwatt, 770-810 nanometer wavelength, GaAIAs laser diode. Direct (or indirect reflected) eye contact with the laser beam might cause serious eye damage. Safety precautions and interlock mechanism have been designed to prevent any possible laser beam exposure to the operator.
Laser Safety:
The Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) prohibits the repair of laser-based optical unit in the field. The optical housing unit can only be repaired in a factory or at a location with the requisite equipment. The laser subsystem is replaceable in the field by a qualified Customer Engineer. The laser chassis is not repairable in the field. Customer engineers are therefore directed to return all chassis and laser subsystems to the fac tory or se rvice d epot when replace ment or the op tical subsyste m is re­quired.
Use of controls or adjustment or performance of procedures other than those specified in this manual might result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Two kinds of size notation are employed in this manual. With this machine refer to the inch version. For good copy quality, Lanier recommends that you use genuine Lanier toner.
Lanier shall not be responsible for any damage or expense that might result from the use of parts other
than genuine Lanier parts in your Lanier office product.
Power Source
240V, 60Hz, 20 A or more Please be sure to c onnect the power c ord to a po wer sour ce as abo ve. For d etails a bout power source,
see P.335
“Power Connection”
In accordance with IEC 60417, this machine uses the following symbols for the main power switch:
means POWER ON.
means STAND BY.
Copyright © 1999
Safety Information
When using your equipment, the following safety precautions should always be followed.
Safety During Operation
In this manual, the following important symbols are used:
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if instructions are not followed, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a poten tially hazar dous situation which, if inst ructions are n ot followed, may result in minor or moderate injury or damage to property.
Connect the power cord directly into a wall outlet and never use an ex­tension cord.
Disconnect the power plug (by pulling the plug, not the cable) if the power cable or plug becom es frayed or otherwise damaged.
To avoid hazardous electric shock or laser radiation exposure, do not remove any covers or screws other than those specified in this manu­al.
Turn off the powe r and disconnect the power plug (by pu lling the plug, not the cable) if any of the following conditions exists:
You spill something into the equipment.
You suspect that your equipment needs service or repair.
Your equipment's cover has been damaged.
Do not incinerate spilled tone r or used toner. Toner dust might ignite when exposed to an open flame.
Disposal can take place at our authorized dealer or at appropriate col­lection sites.
Dispose of the used toner bottle in accordance with the local regula­tion.
Protect the equipment from dampness or wet weather, such as rain, snow, and so on.
Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet before you move the equipment. While moving the equipment, you should take care that the power cord will not be damaged under the equipment.
When you disconnect the power plug from the wall outlet, always pull the plug (not the cable).
Do not allow paper clips, staples, or other small metallic objects to fall inside the equipment.
Keep toner (used or unused) and toner bottle out of the reach of children.
For environmental reasons, do not dispose of the equipment or expended supply waste at household waste collection points. Disposal can take place at an authorized dealer or at appropriate collection sites.
The inside of the machine could be very hot. Do not touch the parts with a label indicating the “hot surface”. Otherwise it could cause a personal burn.
Our products are engineered to meet high standards of quality and function­ality, and we recommend that you only use the expendable supplies avail­able at an authorized dealer.
How to Read this Manual
In this manual, the following symbols are used:
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation that might result in death or serious injury when you misuse the machine without following the in­structions under this symbol. Be sure to read the instructions, all of which are in­cluded in the Safety Information section.
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation that might result in mi­nor or moderate injury or property damage that does not involve personal injury when you misuse the machine without following the instructions under this symbol. Be sure to read the instructions, all of which are included in the Safety Information section.
• WARNINGS and CAUTIONS are notes for your safety.
If this instruction is not followed, paper might be misfeed, originals might be damaged, or data might be lost. Be sure to read this.
This symbol indicates the prior knowledge or preparations required before op­erating.
This symbol indicates precautions for operation or actions to take after misoper­ation.
This symbol indicates numerical limits, functions that cannot be used together, or conditions in which a particular function cannot be used.
This symbol indicates a reference.
Keys that appear on the machine's display panel.
Keys built into the machine's control panel.
What You Can Do with this Machine (Copy Mode)................................. 2
Guide to Components............................................................................... 4
Options....................................................................................................... 6
Control Panel............................... .... ............................ ..... ..... .... ................ 7
Display Panel............................................................................................. 9
Common Displays and Keys......................................................................... 9
Starting the Machine............................................................................... 13
Turning On the Main Power........................................................................ 13
Starting the Machine................................................................................... 14
Shutting Down the Machine........................................................................ 14
Turning Off the Main Power........................................................................ 14
Originals................................................................................................... 15
Sizes and Weights of Recommended Originals.......................................... 15
Sizes Detectable by Auto Paper Select ...................................................... 16
Scannable Area from the Exposure Glass.................................................. 17
Copy Paper............................................................................................... 18
Recommended Paper Sizes and Types...................................................... 18
Non-recommended Paper........................................................................... 20
Paper Storage............................................................................................. 20
Toner......................................................................................................... 21
Handling Toner............. ..................................... .................. .................. ...... 21
Toner Storage..................................................................... ........................ 21
Used Toner ................................................................................................. 21
Basic Procedure...................................................................................... 23
Setting Originals...................................................................................... 26
Setting Originals on the Exposure Glass .................................................... 26
Setting Originals in the Document Feeder.................................................. 27
Original Orientation................... .................................................................. 28
Setting Special Originals............................................................................. 31
Basic Functions....................................................................................... 34
Adjusting Copy Image Density......................................................... ........... 34
Choosing the Original Type......................................................................... 36
Selecting Copy Paper ............................................................ ..................... 37
Auto Reduce/Enlarge........... ....................................................................... 40
Copying onto OHP Transparencies ............................................................ 41
Copying onto Tab Stock.............................................................................. 42
Sort ........................................................................................................... 44
To stop scanning temporarily...................................................................... 45
If memory reaches 0 %............................................................................... 45
Stack......................................................................................................... 47
Staple........................................................................................................ 49
Punch........................................................................................................ 52
Programs.................................................................................................. 55
Storing a Program....................................................................................... 55
Changing Stored Program .......................................................................... 57
Deleting a Program..................................................................................... 58
Recalling a Program.................................................................................... 59
Job Preset................................................................................................ 60
Editing Job Preset....................................................................................... 61
Changing the Order of the Job Preset ........................................................ 64
Deleting Job Preset..................................................................................... 66
Other Functions....................................................................................... 68
Energy Saver Mode .................................................................................... 68
Interrupt Copy ............................................................................................. 68
User Codes ................................................................................................. 70
Auto Start.................................................................................................... 70
Original Tone........................ ....................................................................... 71
Sample Copy............................................................................................... 71
Preset Reduce/Enlarge........................................................................... 72
Zoom......................................................................................................... 75
Size Magnification................................................................................... 77
Directional Magnification (%)................................................................. 79
Directional Size Magnification (inch)..................................................... 82
Duplex....................................................................................................... 84
1 Sided → 2 Sided...................................................................................... 84
2 Sided → 2 Sided...................................................................................... 88
Combine................................................................................................... 90
1 Sided 2 Pages → Combine 1 Side........................................................... 92
1 Sided 4 Pages → Combine 1 Side........................................................... 94
1 Sided 8 Pages → Combine 1 Side........................................................... 95
1 Sided 4 Pages → Combine 2 Side........................................................... 97
1 Sided 8 Pages → Combine 2 Side........................................................... 99
1 Sided 16 Pages → Combine 2 Side....................................................... 101
2 Sided 1 Page → Combine 1 Side .......................................................... 103
2 Sided 2 Pages → Combine 1 Side......................................................... 105
2 Sided 4 Pages → Combine 1 Side......................................................... 107
2 Sided 2 Pages → Combine 2 Side......................................................... 109
2 Sided 4 Pages → Combine 2 Side......................................................... 111
2 Sided 8 Pages → Combine 2 Side......................................................... 113
Series Copies......................................................................................... 116
2 Sided→1 Sided...................................................................................... 116
Book → 1 Sided........................................................................................ 118
Copying Book Originals........................................................................ 120
Book→2 Sided.......................................................................................... 120
Multi → 2 Sided......................................................................................... 123
Booklet...................................................................................................... 125
Magazine................................................................................................... 127
Margin Adjustment................................................................................ 130
Border Erase.......................................................................................... 132
Center/Border Erase.............................................................................. 135
Delete Area............................................................................................. 138
Delete Inside............................................................................................. 138
Delete Outside .......................................................................................... 140
Additional............................................................................................... 142
3 Side Full Bleed....................................................................................... 142
Double Copies........................................................................................... 143
Image Repeat............................................................................................ 145
Centering................................................................................................... 146
Front Cover........................ ..... ..... ............................ .... ..... ..... ................ 149
Back Covers........................................................................................... 151
Designate/Chapters............................................................................... 153
Designate: Copy........................................................................................ 154
Designate: Blank....................................................................................... 156
Chapters.................................................................................................... 158
Slip Sheet Copy ........................................................................................ 160
Slip Sheets......................... ............................ ..... ..... ............................ .. 163
Background Numbering........................................................................ 165
Preset Stamp.......................................................................................... 167
User Stamp............................................................................................. 171
Program/Delete User Stamp..................................................................... 174
Date Stamp............................................................................................. 180
Page Numbering.................................................................................... 183
Choosing How Copies Are Delivered.................................................. 190
Shift Tray Off In Sort/Stack ....................................................................... 190
Separation................................................................................................. 191
Copy Face Up........................................................................................... 192
Combination Chart................................................................................ 193
3.Document Server
Overview................................................................................................. 195
Document Server Features....................................................................... 195
Document Server Editor Features............................................................. 196
Features and Benefits........................................................................... 197
On Demand Printing ................................................................................. 197
Scanned File Printing ......................................................... .................. .... 198
Scanning Originals................................................................................ 199
Printing Saved Documents................................................................... 204
Sample Printing ......................................................................................... 209
Print First Page ......................................................................................... 210
Changing File Names............................................................................ 211
Merging Documents.............................................................................. 214
Inserting Files........................................................................................ 217
Deleting Pages...................................... ..... .... ..... ............................ ..... .. 220
Deleting Saved Documents.................................................................. 224
Deleting Saved Documents in HDD.......................................................... 224
Deleting Saved Documents on the CD-ROM............................................ 226
Moving/Copying Files ............ ..... ............................ .... ..... ..................... 229
Moving/Copying files from HDD to CD-ROM............................................ 229
Moving/Copying files from CD-ROM to HDD............................................ 234
4.Connect Copy (Option)
What is Connect Copy?........................................................................ 239
How Connect Copy Works.................................................................... 241
Connectable Copier Models...................................................................... 241
Functions Not Available with Connect Copy............................................. 242
Interrupt Functions.................................................................................... 242
Before You Start........................................................................................ 242
Connect Copy Display Panel................................................................ 243
Using Connect Copy............................................................................. 246
Exiting Connect Copy Mode...................................................................... 251
Relationship between Master Unit and Sub-unit System Settings... 252 Relationship between Master Unit and Sub-Unit Copier/
Document Server Features............................................................... 255
5.What to do if Something Goes Wrong
If Your Machine Does Not Operate as You Want................................ 261
General ..................................................................................................... 261
Display ...................................................................................................... 265
If Connect Copy is Cleared....................................................................... 268
If You Cannot Exit Connect Copy ............................................................. 269
If You Cannot Make Clear Copies........................................................ 271
If You Cannot Make Copies As You Want........................................... 272
Adjust Image............................................................................................. 272
Combine.................................................................................................... 273
Duplex....................................................................................................... 274
Stamp........................................................................................................ 275
Document Server...................................................................................... 275
Connect Copy ........................................................................................... 276
When Memory is Full ................................................................................ 276
Loading Paper................................................................................... 277
To load paper in tray 1 (Tandem Tray) ..................................................... 277
Loading paper in Tray 2 or 3..................................................................... 279
Loading Paper in the Large Capacity Tray................................................ 280
Loading Paper in the Optional A3/11" × 17" Tray Kit................................ 281
Changing the Toner Bottle .............................................................. 283
Clearing Misfeeds............................................................................. 286
Changing the Paper Size...................................................................... 294
Changing the paper size in Tray 1............................................................ 294
Changing the paper size in Tray 2 and Tray 3.......................................... 294
Changing The Paper Size Of The Optional Large Capacity Tray
(Tray 4 and Tray 5)................................................................................ 296
Changing The Paper Size Of The Optional Large Capacity Tray (Tray 6)
Adding Staples ................................................................................. 299
Removing Jammed Staples............................................................. 302
... 298
Removing Punch Waste................................................................... 305
6.User Tools (Copier/Document Server Features)
Accessing User Tools (Copier/Document Server Features)............. 307
Exiting User Tools..................................................................................... 309
User Tools Menu (Copier/Document Server Features)...................... 310
Settings You Can Change with the User Tools .................................. 312
General Features...................................................................................... 312
Adjust Image............................................................................................. 318
Stamp........................................................................................................ 323
Input/Output........................................................................................... 328
Document Server................................................................................... 330
Key Operator Tools............................................................................... 331
Do's And Don'ts..................................................................................... 333
Where to Put Your Machine.................................................................. 334
Machine Environment ............................................................................... 334
Power Connection..................................................................................... 335
Access to Machine.................................................................................... 336
Maintaining Your Machine.................................................................... 337
Cleaning the Exposure Glass.................................................................... 337
Cleaning the Document Feeder ................................................................ 337
Stapling Position.................... ............................ ..... .... .......................... 338
Mainframe............................................................................................... 339
Document Feeder.................................................................................. 343
Finisher................................................................................................... 344
CD-RW (Option)..................................................................................... 345
A3/11" × 17" Tray Kit (Option).............................................................. 346
Punch Kit (Option)................................................... .... .......................... 347
Large Capacity Tray (LCT) (Option)..................................................... 348
Copy Connector Cable (Option)................... ............................ ..... ..... .. 349
INDEX...................................................................................................... 350
This page is intentionally blank.

What You Can Do with this Machine (Copy Mode)


Guide to Components

1. Exposure glass
Position single-page originals here face down for copying. See ⇒ P.15
2. Document feeder (ARDF)
The document feeder automatically feeds a stack of originals one by one.
3. Control panel
See ⇒ P.7
“Control Panel”
4. On indicator
This indicator lights after you press the operation switch.
5. Operation switch
Press this switch when you wish to use the machine. The On indicator lights when this switch is pressed.
6. Front cover
Open to remove misfed paper.
7. Paper tray
Set copy paper here. Tray 1 is a tandem tray where the paper
on the left side automatically moves to the right when paper on the right has run out. See ⇒ P.277
Loading Paper”
8. Main power switch
Press to turn the main power on or off. We recommend you only turn this switch off when the machine is not going to be used for an extended period of time (e.g. over a vacation).
If the On indicator does not light
when you press the operation switch, make sure the main power switch is set to on.
9. Toner cover
Open to change the toner bottle.
1. Ventilation hole
Prevents overheating. Do not obstruct the ventilation hole by placing or leaning an object near it. If the machine over­heats, a fault might occur.
2. Circuit breaker
Do not touch this breaker.


1. Finisher
Sorts, stacks, staples and punches copies (optional punch kit required.)
• A: Finisher proof tray
• B: Finisher shift tray
2. A3/11"
Holds A3/11" × 17" size papers.
Other options:
•Punch kit
• Connect Copy cable
17" Tray Kit
If you install the A3/11" × 17" Tray kit
to your machine, you cannot use it as a tandem tray.
3. CD-RW
Store your documents.
4. Large Capacity Tray (LCT)
Holds 4,550 sheets of paper.

Control Panel

1. Status indicator
Color Status
Off Ready to make
copies Flashing green Scanning originals Lit green Copying (You can
scan originals.) Flashing red Toner has nearly
run out
Screen Contrast
Adjusts the brightness of the display pan­el.
Language Selection
Press to change the display language.
Press to make interrupt copies during a copy run. See ⇒ P.68
“Interrupt Copy”
Energy Saver
Press to switch to and from Energy Saver mode. See ⇒ P.68
Clear Mo des
Press to clear any previously entered copy job settings.
Press to register or recall a program. See
Press to stop a copy job in progress.
Press to start copying. If pressed just after the machine is turned on, the job will start after the warm-up period. See P.70
Use this key to make a single sample copy set before starting a long copy run.
“Auto Start”
Sample Copy
“Energy Saver Mode”
By checking the finished set and making any necessary changes to the image qual­ity settings before you make multiple copies, you can save time and paper. See
“Sample Copy”
You can adjust the angle of control
Press to delete a number entered.
Press to enter a value or confirm a setting.
13. Number keys
Use to enter the number of copies you wish to make. Also use to enter values for various features.
14. Feature keys
Press the appropriate key to choose any of the following features:
• Document Server
• Document Server Editor
15. Application Status indicators
These show the status of the above fea­tures:
• Green: the feature is active.
• Red: the feature has been interrupted.
16. Indicators
These indicators show errors or the status of the machine.
See ⇒ P.261
Press to check the total number of copies made.
Press to access the User Tools menu where you can customize the default set­tings to your preference.
“What to do if Something Goes
User Tools
19. Display panel
Shows operation status, error messages, and function menus. See ⇒ P.9

Display Panel

The display panel shows the status of the machine, error messages and function menus.
To select items shown on the display, lightly press the item with your finger. When an item is selected, it is highlighted e.g. . Items that are not available are shown grayed out e.g. .
Do not apply a strong shock or force of more than about 30 N (about 3 kgf) to the display panel or it may be damaged.

Common Displays and Keys

The following example illustrations show the machine with the finisher unit and Large Capacity Tray (LCT) installed.
Initial Copy Display
1. Original mode, Image Density
and Special Original mode.
2. Operational messages.
3. Operational status.
4. The number of originals scanned
into memory, number of copies set, and number of copies made.
5. You can register up to two fre-
quently used reduction/enlargement ratios other than the fixed reduction/ enlargement ratios.
6. Sort, Stack, Staple or Punch
e.g. press the bring up the Reduce/Enlarge menu.
key to
7. Functions you can select. Press an
item to bring up its function menu
Function Menu
8. This indicator shows when toner
has nearly run out.
1. The currently selected paper tray
is shown highlighted.
2. Items you can select.
3. The
when you have selected one or more functions. Press this key to view the functions currently selected.
Check Modes
key appears
Copy Server Display
1. Operational messages.
2. Display titles.
3. The number of originals scanned
into memory, number of copies set, and number of copies made.
4. Operational keys.

1. Basics

Starting the Machine

To turn the machine on, press the operation switch.
This machine automatically enters Energy Saver mode or turns itself off if you do not use the machine for a while. Please refer to “Energy Saver Mode—Sav­ing Energy” and “Auto Off Timer” in the System Settings manual.
Power Switches
This machine has two power switches:
Operation switch (right front side of the document feeder)
Press this switch when you wish to use the machine. When the machine has warmed up, you can make copies.
Main power switch (left side of the machine)
Turn off the main power switch when the machine is not to be used for an ex­tended period of time.

Turning On the Main Power

A Make sure that the power cord is plugged firmly into the wall outlet. B Turn on the main power switch.
Main power indicator lights up.

Starting the Machine

A Press the operation switch.
The On indicator lights and the display turns on.
If the machine does not start when the operation switch is pressed, make sure the main power switch is on.
The machine will take up to 360 seconds to warm up during which copying is not possible. However, you can set up a job during this period with the Auto Start function. See ⇒ P.70
You can set up a copy job and press the mode and press Start. Copying will start after warm up.” message is dis­played.
When “Enter user code, then press # key.” is displayed, enter your user code. See ⇒ P.70
“User Codes”
“Auto Start”
key while the “Select copy

Shutting Down the Machi ne

A Press the operation switch.
The On indicator goes out.

Turning Off the Main Power

A Press the Main Power switch.
The Main Power switch indicator goes out.
If you leave the Main Power switch off for more than 20 days, the date set­ting might be wrong. For how to set the date, see “Timer Settings” in the System Settings manual.



Sizes and Weights of Recommended Origi nals

Metric version
Where Original Is Set Original Size Original Weight
Exposure glass Up to A3 -­Document feeder 1-sided originals:
A3L – A5KL 2-sided originals:
A3L – A5KL Thin Paper mode:
A3L – A5K
Inch version
Where Original Is Set Original Size Original Weight
Exposure glass Up to 11" × 17" -­Document feeder 1-sided originals:
11" × 17"L – 5
/2" × 81/2"KL
52 – 156 g/m
52 – 128 g/m
40 – 156 g/m
14 – 42 lb. Bond
2-sided originals:
11" × 17"L – 5
Thin Paper mode: 11" × 17"L – 5
/2" × 81/2"KL
/2" × 81/2"KL
14 – 34 lb. Bond
11 – 42 lb. Bond
Non-recommended Originals for the Document Feeder
Setting the following types of originals in the document feeder can cause paper misfeeds or damage to the originals. Set these originals on the exposure glass in­stead.
• Originals of inappropriate weight or size see above.
• Stapled or clipped originals
• Perforated or torn originals
• Curled, folded, or creased originals
• Pasted originals
• Originals with any kind of coating, such as thermal fax paper, art paper, alu­minum foil, carbon paper, or conductive paper
• Originals with perforated lines
• Originals with indexes, tags, or other projecting parts
• Sticky originals, such as translucent paper
• Thin originals with low stiffness
• Bound originals, such as books
• Transparent or translucent originals, such as OHP transparencies or tracing paper
Sizes Difficult to Detect
It is difficult for the machine to automatically detect the sizes of the following types of originals, so select the paper size manually instead.
• Originals with indexes, tags, or other projecting parts
• Transparent or translucent originals, such as OHP transparencies or tracing paper
• Dark originals with many letters and drawings
• Originals which partially contain solid images
• Originals which have solid images running to their edges
• Originals other than those marked ❍ in the table that follows.

Sizes Detectable by Auto Paper Select

Metric version
Size A3LB4LA4
Where Origi­nal Is Set
Expo­sure glass
Docu­ment feeder
❍❍❍❍ ❍❍
A5KA5L11 "
11 "
❍❍❍ ❍
/2" ×
8 11"K
5 8
/2" × /2"
" L
+ 338 hidden pages