Lanier Toner for 1210, 1240, 1260, 1205 491-0282, 491-0282 Material Safety Data Sheet

Lanier Worldwide, Inc.
2300 Parklake Dr., N. E.
Atlanta, GA 30345-2979
Emergency Telephone: (800) 526-4371
Identity: Product ID: 491-0282 Issued: 02/06/2004
Synonyms & Common Names:
Chemical Formula:
Polyester resin > 85 Confidential Not listed n/a Carbon black 1 – 5 1333-86-4 3.5 mg/m3, 3.5 mg/m
Polyolefin wax 1 – 5 Confidential Not listed N/a Organic pigment 1 – 5 Confidential Not listed N/a Quaternary ammonium salt 1 – 5 Confidential Not listed N/a *PEL as the product: 15mg/m3 (total dust), 5mg/m3 (respirable dust) *TLV as the product: 10mg/m3 (total dust), 5mg/m3 (respirable dust)
Health Hazards (Acute, Chronic, Immediate and Potential): Minimum irritation to respiratory tract may occur as with exposure to any non­toxic dust. May cause gasping if inhaled. Inhalation should be avoided. May cause temporary eye discomfort. Health Hazards of Long Term exposure (Chronic): A manufacturer sponsored chronic inhalation study in rats using a special test toner revealed there were no lung changes at all in the lowest exposure level (1mg/m3), the most relevant level to potential human exposures. A very slight degree of fibrosis was noted in 25% of the animals at the middle exposure level (4mg/m3), while a slight degree of fibrosis was observed at the highest exposure level (16mg/m3) in all animals. These findings are attributed to “Lung Overloading”, a generic response to excessive amount of any dust retained in the lungs for a prolonged interval. The special test toner was ten times more respirable than commercially available toner to comply with EPA testing protocol and would not function properly in Xerographic equipment. Carbon Black is listed on the IARC Monograph and the Massachusetts Substance List. The IARC has evaluated the evidence for the carcinogenicity of Carbon Black as inadequate to determine a carcinogenic risk for humans. This product contains no known hazardous materials as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200.
Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. Ingestion: Dilute stomach contents with several glasses
Suitable extinguishing media: CO2, dry chemical, foam or water. Extinguishing media which may not be used for safety reasons: none
This material will burn in case of fire. The decomposition products are CO, CO2, and Nox. Avoid inhalation of smoke. Special protective equipment for fire fighters: none LEL: n/a UEL: n/a
Toner for 1210, 1240, 1260, 1205
Toner for Lanier 1210, 1240, 1260, 1205 Fax
Lanier 1210, 1240, 1260, 1205 Fax
Section 2: Composition / Information on Ingredients
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Remove to fresh air if effects occur. Get medical attention if needed.
Section 5: Fire Fighting Measures
Prepared by:
Approved by:
European Contact:
Eye Contact:
Explosion limits: n/a
02/06/2004 Lanier Worldwide, Inc. EH&S Department
(770) 496-9500 Larry Choskey, Manager, EH&S Lanier Worldwide, Inc., Manager, Safety & Environment, Walter Fricke, Im Taubental D-41468 Neuss, Germany +49-2131-387-177
6 mg/m3
In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with water for 5 minutes. Get medical attention if needed.
of water. Get medical attention.
for dealing with chemicals.
Page 2 of FX-071
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Spill / leak Procedures: If spilled, sweep up using an approved toner vacuum with a 0.5 micron filter or smaller, such as the Atrix AAA Toner Vacuum or 3M Toner Vacuum. Use of a vacuum cleaner not rated for toner particles, could result in a fire or personal injury. Remove residue with soap and cold water. Miscellaneous: Keep product out of sewers and watercourses. Personal protection: Avoid inhalation of dust.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Special Handling: Cleanse skin after contact before breaks or meals, and end of workday. Special Storage: Avoid direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place.
Section 8: Exposure Control and Personal Protection Information:
Ventilation: Local exhaust Respiratory Protection: Nuisance dust respirator. Hand Protection: none required under normal use.
Eye Protection: Safety goggles. Skin Protection: Gloves.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
CHARACTERISTICS: Appearance: Black Melting point: 120 - 130ºC Form: Powder Vapor pressure: n/a Odor: Faint odor Vapor density: n/a Solubility in Water: Negligible Evaporation rate: n/a Specific gravity: 1.2 Ignition temp. 450ºC
Section 10: Stability and Reactivi ty
Conditions to avoid: Electronic discharge or throwing into fire Materials to avoid: Oxidizing materials Stability: Stable Hazardous decomposition products: CO and CO2 and other decomposition products when burned.
Section 11: Toxicological Information:
Acute oral toxicity (rat) LD50: Over 5.0 g/kg Acute Inhalation: LC50 (4H) is in excess of 0.74 g/m3 (rat) Mutagenicity: Ames Test result: Negative Dermal: LD50 Over 2.0 g/kg (rat) Skin sensitizer: None indicated (Guinea-pig) Eye Irritation: Not an irritant (rabbit)
Section 12: Environmental / Ecological Information
Mobility: No data is available on the adverse effects of this material on the environment. Persistence/Degradability: No data is available on the adverse effects of this material on the environment. Bioaccumulation: No data is available on the adverse effects of this material on the environment. Ecotoxicity: Behavior in Sewage works: No data is available on the adverse effects of this material on the environment. Aquatic Toxicity: No data is available on the adverse effects of this material on the environment. Ecological Data (EC) Csb Value (EC): No data is available on the adverse effects of this material on the environment. AOX-Remark (EC): No data is available on the adverse effects of this material on the environment. BsB5 Value (EC): No data is available on the adverse effects of this material on the environment. Significant Components (EC): Not applicable
Section 13: Disposal Consideration
Used Toner should be disposed of under conditions that meet all federal, state and local environmental regulations. Disposal regulations vary from locality to locality; therefore consult your local Lanier office or the EPA to determine the proper method for disposal.
Section 14: Transportation Information
Special Precautions: None International Transport Information: UN Classification number: None DOT Identification number: None
Information on this data sheet represents our current data and best opinion as to the proper use in handling of this product under normal conditions.
On the basis of the data available to us, this product is not a dangerous substance. One should, however, observe the usual precautionary measures
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