Poofer/holding cabinet Start-Up
1) Verify the condition of the cord and plug
2) Verify the connections at elements
3) Verify water pan sits flat on element
4) Verify door condition and closes securely
Use a dollar bill to verify the tolerance
The dollar bill should have some resistance
5) Incoming Volt - Single Phase L1-L2______
6) Full amp draw = 13.0 A L1______
Humidity element = 4.2 A E1______
Heating element = 8.6 A E2______
7) Verify that the motor spins freely
8) Verify motor direction. Fan blows downward
9) Verify actual temperature at 150 °F ________ °F.
Install thermocouple next to the probe/sensor.
Turn the humidity switch to off.
Let oven cycle off and on 3 times before recording temperature.
Set proofer temperature for 150 °F
Model #_______ Date_______ Serial #________
Store #___________ Tech Name___________________
Contact_______________ Company _________________________
Store Phone #___________ Service Company Phone #______________
Address_____________________ Lang Mfg technical hot line 800-224-5264