Land Pride Backhoe BH1560, BH1575 Parts Manual

Table of Contents Part Number Index
BH1560 & BH1575
Parts Manual
Read the Operator's manual entirely. When you see this symbol, the subsequent instructions and warnings are serious - follow without exception. Your life and the lives of others depend on it!
© Copyright 2008 Printed 05/02/08
Cover photo may show optional equipment not supplied with standard unit.
Table of Contents Part Number Index
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction.................................................4
Using This Manual...............................................................4
Manual Replacement Information.......................................4
Manual Revisions................................................................4
Touch-up Paint....................................................................4
Hardware Legend................................................................5
Replacement Hardware......................................................5
Serial Numbers...................................................................5
Part Number Service Coding..............................................5
Section 2: Frame............................................................6
Boom & Swing (BH1560 Shown)........................................6
Bucket & Dipper Stick (BH1560 Shown).............................8
Frame & Stabilizer Arms (BH1560 Shown).......................10
Section 3: Stabilizer....................................................12
Stabilizer Assembly...........................................................12
Section 4: Hydraulics..................................................14
Hydraulic Control Assembly (BH1560 Shown)..................14
Hydraulic Cylinder Boom (839-682C) Shown &
Hydraulic Cylinder Bucket (839-684C) Shown &
Hydraulic Cylinder Dipper Stick (839-683C) Shown &
Hydraulic Cylinder Stabilizers (839-709C) Shown &
Hydraulic Cylinder Swing (839-681C) Shown & (839-507C)
Hydraulics Boom & Swing.................................................26
Hydraulics Boom & Swing (BH1560)................................28
Hydraulics Bucket & Pressure Hose (BH1560 Shown).....30
Hydraulics Dipper Stick & Stabilizers (BH1560 Shown).....32
Section 6: Label Placement........................................34
Label Placement...............................................................34
Part Number Index.......................................................36
© Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.
Land Pride provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, Land Pride assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Land Pride reserves the right to revise and improve its products as it sees fit. This publication describes the state of this product at the time of its publication, and may not reflect the product in the future. The illustrations in this manual are not intended for safe and proper assembly or disassembly of equipment. The illustrations are intended for ordering parts only.
All other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
2 BH1560 & BH1575 Backhoes 340-036P 05/02/08
Land Pride is registered trademark.
Printed in the United States of America.
Table of Contents Part Number Index
Boom & Swing (BH1560 Shown)...................................6
Bucket & Dipper Stick (BH1560 Shown)........................8
Frame & Stabilizer Arms (BH1560 Shown)..................10
Hydraulic Control Assembly (BH1560 Shown).............14
Hydraulic Cylinder Boom (839-682C) Shown &
Hydraulic Cylinder Bucket (839-684C) Shown &
Hydraulic Cylinder Dipper Stick (839-683C) Shown &
Hydraulic Cylinder Stabilizers (839-709C) Shown &
Hydraulic Cylinder Swing (839-681C) Shown & (839-507C)
Hydraulics Boom & Swing............................................26
Hydraulics Boom & Swing (BH1560)............................28
Hydraulics Bucket & Pressure Hose (BH1560
Hydraulics Dipper Stick & Stabilizers (BH1560
Alphabetized Table of Contents
Label Placement..........................................................34
Stabilizer Assembly......................................................12
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Table of Contents Part Number Index
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Table of Contents Part Number Index
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Land Pride Section 2: Frame BH15 SERIES
Table of Contents Part Number Index
Boom & Swing (BH1560 Shown)
Applies to BH1560, BH1575
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Section 2: Frame Land Pride
Table of Contents Part Number Index
Boom & Swing (BH1560 Shown)
Applies to BH1560, BH1575
RevisionCommentsPart DescriptionPart No.Ref.
Drawing Image Numberdwg20535 FRAME WELDMENT BH1560340-011H1. FRAME WELDMENT BH1575340-024H1. BOOM WELDMENT BH1560340-012H2. BOOM WELDMENT BH1575340-025H2. BOOM SAFETY LOCK BAR BH15600-0340-014D3. BOOM LOCK BH1575340-008D3. SWING WELDMENT BH1560340-014H4. SWING WELDMENT BH1575340-027H4. GREASE ZERK STRAIGHT 1/4-28800-001C5. GREASE ZERK 1/4-28 X 90-DEG800-073C6. HHCS 5/16-18X2 GR5802-115C7. NUT LOCK 5/16-18 PLT803-011C8. PIN ROLL 5/16 X 2 LG.PLT805-053C9. CYL SWING BH1560839-681C10. CYL.,SWING LH BH1575839-507C10. CYL.,SWING RH BH1575839-508C10. CYL BOOM BH1560839-682C11. CYL.,BOOM BH1575839-504C11. BUSHING STEEL 1"IDX1 BH1560839-686C12. BUSHING,1 1/4 X 1 BH839-500C12. PIN 1"X 6 3/8 BH1560839-688C13. PIN, 1X7 SWG CYL BASE BH1575839-510C13. PIN 1"X 5 3/8 BH1560839-689C14. PIN, 1X6 3/8 SWG CYL ROD 1575839-511C14. PIN 1"X 4 7/8 BH1560839-690C15. PIN.1 1/4X5 1/4SWG PIVOT 1575839-512C15. PIN 1"X 8 1/8 BH1560839-691C16. PIN,1 1/4X8 1/8 BOOM PIVT 1575839-513C16. PIN 1"X 6 1/2 BH1560839-692C17. PIN,1X7 1/8 BOOM CYL ROD 1575839-514C17. RUBBER SWING BUMPER BH1560839-697C18.
05/02/08 BH1560 & BH1575 Backhoes 340-036P 7
Land Pride Section 2: Frame BH15 SERIES
Table of Contents Part Number Index
Bucket & Dipper Stick (BH1560 Shown)
Applies to BH1560, BH1575
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Section 2: Frame Land Pride
Table of Contents Part Number Index
Bucket & Dipper Stick (BH1560 Shown)
Applies to BH1560, BH1575
RevisionCommentsPart DescriptionPart No.Ref.
Drawing Image Numberdwg20538 BUCKET 9" WELDED TOOTH BH1560340-005A1. BUCKET 9" REPL TOOTH BH1560340-006A1. BUCKET 12" WELDED TOOTH BH1560340-007A1. BUCKET 12" REPL TOOTH BH1560340-008A1. BUCKET 15" WELDED TOOTH BH1560340-009A1. BUCKET 15" REPL TOOTH BH1560340-010A1. BUCKET 9" REPL. TOOTH BH1575340-045A1. BUCKET 12" REPL. TOOTH BH1575340-047A1. BUCKET 15" REPL. TOOTH BH1575340-049A1. BUCKET 18" REPL. TOOTH BH1575340-051A1. BOOM WELDMENT BH1560340-012H2. BOOM WELDMENT BH1575340-025H2. STICK WELDMENT BH1560340-013H3. STICK WELDMENT BH1575340-026H3. BUCKET LINK WLDMT REAR BH1560340-015H4. BUCKET LINK REAR BH1575340-028H4. BUCKET LINK WLDMT TOPRH BH1560340-016H5. BUCKET LINK TOP BH1575340-029H5. BUCKET LINK WLDMT TOPLH BH1560340-017H6. BUCKET LINK TOP BH1575340-029H6. REPLACEABLE POINT TOOTH839-747C7. GREASE ZERK STRAIGHT 1/4-28800-001C8. HHCS 5/16-18X2 GR5802-115C9. NUT LOCK 5/16-18 PLT803-011C10. PIN ROLL 5/16 X 2 LG.PLT805-053C11. CYL DIPPER BH1560839-683C12. CYL.,DIPPER BH1575839-506C12. CYL BUCKET BH1560839-684C13. CYL.,BUCKET BH1575839-505C13. BUSHING STEEL 1"IDX1 BH1560839-686C14. BUSHING,1 1/4 X 1 BH839-500C14. PIN 1"X 7 3/8 BH1560839-693C15. PIN.1 1/4X7 3/8 DIP PIVOT 1575839-515C15. PIN 1"X 6 3/8 BH1560839-694C16. PIN, 1X7 SWG CYL BASE BH1575839-510C16. PIN 1"X 5 3/8 BH1560839-695C17. PIN, 1X7 SWG CYL BASE BH1575839-510C17. PIN 1"X 6 1/8 BH1560839-696C18. PIN,1X8 1/8 BUCKET LINK 1575839-516C18. PIN 1"X 6 1/8 BH1560839-696C19. PIN,1 1/4X8 1/8 BUCK PIVT 1575839-517C19.
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Land Pride Section 2: Frame BH15 SERIES
Table of Contents Part Number Index
Frame & Stabilizer Arms (BH1560 Shown)
Applies to BH1560, BH1575
10 BH1560 & BH1575 Backhoes 340-036P 05/02/08
Section 2: Frame Land Pride
Table of Contents Part Number Index
Frame & Stabilizer Arms (BH1560 Shown)
Applies to BH1560, BH1575
RevisionCommentsPart DescriptionPart No.Ref.
Drawing Image Numberdwg19383 SEAT BH1575839-502C1. HHCS 1/2-13X3 GR5802-039C2. SEAT BASE WELD BH1575340-039H3. HHCS 3/8-16X3/4 GR5802-014C4. WASHER LOCK SPRING 3/8 PLT804-013C5. NUT LOCK 1/2-13 PLT803-019C6. PIN ROLL 5/16 X 2 LG.PLT805-053C7. PIN 1"X 4 7/8 BH1560839-699C8. PIN, 1X7 SWG CYL BASE BH1575839-510C8. CYL STABILIZER BH1560839-709C9. CYL.,STABILIZER BH1575839-503C9. PIN 1"X 4 BH1560839-698C10. PIN,3/4X4 1/2 STABCYL ROD1575839-518C10. STABILIZER WELDMENT BH1560340-068H11. STABILIZER ARM WELD BH1575340-037H11. STABILIZER PAD WELDMT BH1560340-069H12. STABILIZER PAD WELD BH1575340-038H12. PIN LOWER HITCH 7/8X3 1/2 1560839-659C13. HHCS 5/8-11X2 GR5802-055C14. LOWER BRKT LH BH1560340-065H15. 1/4" LYNCH PIN BH STABILIZER839-526C16. WASHER FLAT 5/8 USS PLT804-019C17. NUT LOCK 5/8-11 PLT803-024C18. LOWER BRKT RH BH1560340-064H19. PIN 1"X 5 5/8 BH1560839-700C20. PIN, 1X7 SWG CYL BASE BH1575839-510C20. NUT LOCK 5/16-18 PLT803-011C21. HHCS 5/16-18X2 GR5802-115C22. FRAME WELDMENT BH1560340-011H23. FRAME WELDMENT BH1575340-024H23. SELF TAPPING SCREW BH839-634C24. PLASTIC CONTROL COVER BH1560839-818C25. PLASTIC CONTROL COVER BH1575839-938C25. COVER BH1560839-685C26. VALVE COVER BH1575839-522C26.
Includes items 13 through 20LOWER HITCH BRKT KIT BH1560340-063K27.
GREASE ZERK STRAIGHT 1/4-28800-001C28.
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Land Pride Section 3: Stabilizer BH15 SERIES
Table of Contents Part Number Index
Stabilizer Assembly
Applies to BH1560, BH1575
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+ 26 hidden pages