LandPrideprovidesthispublication “as is” withoutwarrantyofanykind,either expressed or implied.While every precaution hasbeentaken in thepreparationof this manual,
Land Pride assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Land
Pride reserves the right to revise and improve its products as it sees fit. This publication describes the state of this product at the time of its publication, and may not reflect
the product in the future. The illustrations in this manual are not intended for safe and proper assembly or disassembly of equipment. The illustrations are intended for
ordering parts only.
All other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
4200ATR Light Utility Vehicle 710-040M
Weather Pro G is a registered trademark of Spartech Plastic
Land Pride is a registered trademark.
Printed in the United States of America.
Table of Contents
Section 1 Introduction
Section 1 Introduction
Land Pride welcomes you to its growing family of new
product owners. This All Terrain Runabout is a light utility
vehicle that has been designed withcare and built by
skilled workers usingquality materials. Proper set-up,
maintenance and safe operating practices will help you
get years of satisfactory use from this vehicle.
Right-hand and left-hand as used in this manual are
determined by facingthe direction the vehicle will travel
while in use unless otherwise stated.
The following terms are used throughout this manual.
Safety First
Land Pride is fully aware ofthe need for safe operating
procedures around all of our equipment. We hope you will
make a sincere effort to put safety above all other
priorities. The 4200ATR was designed and built for work,
recreation, and enjoyment; however, improper and
irresponsible operation could result in serious injury or
death. Since this is an off-road vehicle, operators will
seldom see the road safety and warning signs theyare
accustomed to seeing on highways and publicstreets.
This places additional responsibility on the driver to
operate this vehicle well within the safeoperational limits
and capabilities of the unit.
This manual has been prepared to instruct you in the safe
and responsible operation of your 4200ATR. Pleaseread
andabide by all safety alert information about this vehicle.
If you do not understand any part of this manual, contact
your local dealer for additional information and
clarification. As the operator of this piece of equipment,
you are in complete control. Only you can preventan
accident from happening!
Using This Manual
Prior to any vehicle operation it is absolutely essential
that you read and comprehend each section in this
manualto develop an understanding of your vehicle and
for your safety. Afterreviewing thismanual, storeit ina
dry and easily accessible place for future reference.
• The Operator’s Section isdesigned to help familiarize
you with safety, assembly, operation, adjustments,
troubleshooting, and maintenance. Read this manual
and follow the recommendations to help ensure safe
and efficient operation.
• The information contained withinthis manual was
current at the time of printing. Some parts may change
slightly to assure you of the best performance.
• To order a new Operator’s or Parts Manual contact your
authorized dealer. Manuals can also be downloaded,
free-of-charge from our website at
orprinted fromthe LandPride Service& Support Center
by your dealer.
IMPORTANT: A specialpoint of information related to
its preceding topic. Land Pride’s intention is that this
information should be read and noted before
NOTE:Aspecial point of information that the operator
must be aware of before continuing.
Models Covered
Getting Acquainted with your ATR
This (ATR) All Terrain Runabout is a very unique vehicle
designed exclusively for off-road use. It is not designed,
properly equipped, or licensed to be safely operated on
public streets andhighways. This vehicle is designed to
carry twopeople and a limited amount of gear or cargo
comfortably and safely over rough terrain that was only
accessible by ATV’s in the past.
Unlike ATV’s that have handlebarsteering, the 4200ATR
has a steering wheel with easy handling rack-and pinion
steering. The steering’stight turning radius makes this
vehicle more maneuverable than most ATV’s. Its four
wheeled independent suspension, large diameter hiflotation tires and high center-frame ground clearance
addsup to excellentstability and a smooth rideover rough
terrain. Outstanding twowheeled rear traction drive is
achievedby using premium off-road ATV type tires in
tandem with the engine mounted directly over the rear
Also unlike an ATV’sone person “straddle saddle” seat,
the 4200ATR sports dual high-back cushioned bucket
seats with seat belts mounted in a highly styled and
protective full length body. Two passengers can ride
comfortably in this vehicle protected from splashing water
and mud. A Four-Post Accessory Bar mounted to the
vehicle’s frame provides protection against low hanging
limbs and briars.
4200ATR Light Utility Vehicle 710-040M
Section 1 Introduction
Table of Contents
The Four-Post Accessory Bar also provides a mounting
and weather enclosures.It also serves as a mounting
base for Land Pride’soptional cargo racks, gun and bow
racks,and back screenfor transporting accessories such
as camping equipment, tree stands, hunting gear, and
fishing gear. A standard receiver-type receiverhitch
enables quick installation of a rear hitch for pulling small
trailers full of supplies, tools, gear, and game.
The 4200ATR does have some similarities to an ATV.
Like an ATVthe 4200ATR does have ashort wheelbase,
narrow stance, and high center clearance all which
provide for narrow anddifficult trail access. This
combination of short wheelbase and narrow stance also
enablesthis vehicle to be loaded in the backof most full to
mid-sized pickups for transport.
The ATR has very low ground compaction and is very
gentle on the ground and surrounding vegetation. The
highly energized four wheeled independent suspension
system provides anincredibly soft ride and outstanding
stability over difficult terrain. The engine is EPA certified
and meets California Air Resources Board (CARB)
certification standards.When you also consider the fact
that it takestwo ATV’s to safely haul two people that one
ATRcan haul, the 4200ATR is downright “Environmentally
Friendly”. Remember, when trying to get to that off-road
site with or without a companion for either work or
recreation, Land Pride’s 4200ATR makes getting there
and back safely “the best part ofthe trip”.
Owner Assistance
The safety video should be viewed by the owner and the
Warranty Registration card should be filled out by the
dealer at the time of purchase. The owner should also
receive a copy of the safety video upon purchasing the
vehicle as well as have participated in a short drivers
training course with the dealer. This information is
necessary to provide youwith quality customer service.
Thepartson your4200ATR LightUtility Vehiclehavebeen
specially designed and should only be replaced with
genuine Land Pride parts.
If customer service or repair parts are required contact a
Land Pride dealer. They have trainedpersonnel, genuine
repair parts and equipment specially designed to repair
Land Pride products.
Serial Number Plate
Refer to Figure 1
Always use the serial and model number when ordering
parts from your Land Pride dealer. The serial-number
plate is located on the passenger’s side just below the
engine serial number on the engine mounting plate as
shown in figure1 below.
Serial Number Plate Location
Figure 1
Record your ATR model number and serial number here
for quick reference:
Model Number:__________________________
Serial Number: ___________________________
YourLand Pride dealer wants you to be satisfied with your
new vehicle. If you do not understand any part of this
manual or are not satisfied with theservice received,
please take the followingactions.
1. Discuss the matter with your dealership service
manager.Make surethey areaware of any problems
so they can assist you.
2. If you are still unsatisfied, seekout the owner or
general manager of the dealership.
3. For further assistance write to:
Product Support
Land Pride Service Department
1525 East North Street
P.O. Box 5060
Salina, Ks. 67402-5060
4200ATR Light Utility Vehicle 710-040M
E-Mail Address
Table of Contents
Section 2 Important Safety Information
Section 2 Important Safety Information
IMPORTANT: Read and understand all pages in this manual thoroughly before operating your ATR.
These are common practices that may or may not be applicable to the products described in
this manual.
Look For The Safety Alert Symbol
The SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL indicates there is a
potential hazard to personal safety involved and extra
safety precaution must be taken. When you see this
symbol, be alert and carefully read the message that
follows it. In addition to design and configuration of
equipment, hazard control and accident prevention are
dependent upon the awareness, concer n, prudence
and proper training of personnel involved in the
operation, transport, maintenance and storage of
Be Aware of Signal Words
A signal words designate a degree or level of
hazard ser iousness. The signal words are:
DANGERindicates an imminently hazardoussituation
which, if not avoided, will result in serious or death
injury.This signal word is limited to themost extreme
situations, typically for vehicle components that, for
functional purposes, cannot be guarded.
WARNINGindicates a potentially hazardoussituation
which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious
injury, and includes hazards that are exposed when
guards are removed. It may also be used to alert
against unsafe practices.
CAUTIONindicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, may resultin minor or moderate
injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe
For Your Protection
▲ Thoroughly read and understand
the instructions given in this
manual before operation. Refer to
the “Safety Label” section, read all
instructions noted on the decals.
▲ Do not allow anyone to operate
this equipment who has not fully
read and comprehended this
manual and who has not been
properly trained in the safe
operation of the equipment.
Before Operating
▲ This All Terrain Runabout Light
Utility Vehicle is not to be driven
on public roads.
▲ Do not operate this vehicle under
the influence of alcohol or drugs.
▲ Alwaysinspect thevehicle before
operating it. See "Pre-Start
Check List" on page 14.
▲ Do not operate this machine
unless all safety shields are in
place and all badly worn, broken
or missing parts have been
properly replaced.
▲ Wearappropriate protective gear
and clothing such as safety
helmet, goggles, gloves,
coveralls, etc., when conditions
▲ No driver under age of 16.
4200ATR Light Utility Vehicle 710-040M
Table of Contents
Section 2 Important Safety Information
These are common practices that may or may not be applicable to the products described in
this manual.
Practice Safe
▲ Understand procedure before
doing work. Use proper tools and
equipment. Refer to this manual
for additional information.
▲ Work in a clean, dry area.
▲ Place the vehicle in neutral, set
parking brake, turn off engine,
and remove key before
performing maintenance. Chock
wheels if you must perform
maintenance on a slope.
▲ Make sure all moving parts have
stopped and all system pressure
is relieved.
▲ Allow the engine to cool
▲ Disconnect battery ground cable
(-) before servicing or adjusting
electrical systems or before
▲ Inspect all parts. Make sure
parts are in good condition and
installed properly.
▲ Remove buildup of grease, oil or
▲ Remove all tools and unused
parts from the All Terrain
Runabout before operation.
Prepare for
▲ Be prepared if a fire starts.
▲ Keep a first aid kit and fire
extinguisher handy.
▲ Keep emergency numbers for
doctor, ambulance, hospital and
fire department near phone.
Wear Pr otective
▲ Wear protective clothing and
▲ Wear clothing and equipment
appropriate for the job. Avoid
loose-fitting clothing.
▲ Because prolonged exposure to
loud noise can cause hearing
impairment or hearing loss, it is
best to wear suitable hearing
protection such as earmuffs or
▲ Because operating equipment
safelyrequires your full attention,
avoid wearing radio headphones
while operating machinery.
▲ It is thediscretion of theoperator
and passenger to wear Seat
Tire Safety
Tire changing can be dangerous
and should be performed by trained
personnel using correct tools and
▲ When inflating tires,use a clip-on
chuck and extension hose long
enough for you to stand to one
side–not in front of or over tire
assembly. Use a safety cage if
▲ When removing and installing
wheels, use wheel-handling
equipment adequate for weight
4200ATR Light Utility Vehicle 710-040M
Table of Contents
Section 2 Important Safety Information
Safe Operating Procedures
Thesafeoperation of any machinery is abig concern to all
consumers. Your 4200ATRhas been designed with many
built-in safety features. However, no one should operate
this vehicle before carefully reading this Operator’s
Manual. Also read all instructions noted on the safety
Mostaccidents with offroadvehicles occur when traveling up,
down, or across the face of a slope. Refer to operation
instructions and safety video for proper operation procedures.
▲ Be familiar with all functions of this vehicle.
▲ Keep all bystanders away from this vehicle during
▲ Do not allow anyone to operate this vehicle who has
not fully read and comprehended this manual andwho
has not been properly trained in the safe operation of
this vehicle.
▲ Do not operate a vehicle with damaged or defective
parts. Repair all damages and defective parts before
putting vehicle back in to service.
▲ Do not allow anyone under 16 years of age to operate
this vehicle.
▲ Operator must always use both hands on the steering
▲ No riders allowed except in factory designed and
supplied seating. No more than one person in a seat.
Maximum vehicle occupancy including driver is 2.
▲ Operate this vehicle from the driver’s seat only.
▲ Do not leave this vehicle unattended with engine
▲ Do not dismount a moving vehicle as serious injury or
death could occur.
▲ Always operate vehicle with belt guard installed. Do
not leave pulleys and belts exposed.
▲ Do not touch engine, engine exhaust pipe and/or
muffler while they are hot.
▲ Keep hands, feet, long hair, clothing, andjewelry away
from moving parts and obvious pinch points to avoid
getting caught.
▲ Wear snug-fitting clothing to avoid entanglement with
moving parts.
▲ Some conditions may warrant extra safety gear to be
worn such as safety helments and/or goggles.
▲ Keep hands, arms, feet and all bodily appendages
safely inside the confines of the vehicle.
▲ Always be aware of and avoid tree limbs and brush
that havea potential of hitting and/or poking individuals
riding the vehicle. Serious body harm could result.
▲ Avoid sudden stops, starts and turns.
▲ Always operate your vehicle at a safe speed that will
allow you to maintain control.
▲ Operator and passenger are responsible for deciding if
their situation warrants using Seat Belts.
▲ Do not exceed total payload capacity of this vehicle.
▲ Do not pull a trailer or implement exceeding 400 pound
towing capacity or loss of control may result.
▲ Do not attach an implement, trailer or other device to
the hitch that will produce negative tongue weight.
▲ Follow all towing instructions in this manual when
towing the ATR behind another vehicle. Do not tow
vehicle faster than 25 MPH.
▲ Do not use the vehicle as an anchor device.
▲ Beware, tow ropes, cables andchains can breakwhen
pulling another vehicle or object causing serious injury
or death to anyone in line with the whipping action
created when they break. Never jerk when pulling,
always ease into a pull gently. Always stay clear of the
tow line. Never be in line with the tow line.
▲ Reduce speed when loaded with cargo. Heavy cargo
load takes longer to stop.
▲ Reduce speed and payload on hilly, rough, wet, slick
or unstable ground.
▲ Alwaysmake turns at a speed that will maintain control
of vehicle. Never make turns at full speed. Reduce
speed when turning empty and reduce speed even
more when turning loaded withcargo or when pullinga
cargo load. The heaver the cargo load, the slower the
turn should be.
▲ Make sure all gear or cargo is properly secured and
tied down.
▲ Do not exceed front cargo rack capacity of 160 lbs.
and rear cargo rack capacity of 40 lbs.
▲ Do not mount a receiver hitch type carrier platform to
the vehicle.
▲ Do not load the Four-Post Accessory Bar with heavy
equipment. Rollover could result from such loading.
▲ The Four-Post Accessory Bar is not certified ROPS
(Roll Over Protection System). Always avoid rollovers.
▲ Do not operate this vehicle on highways, public roads,
or where it may be a hazard to faster moving traffic.
▲ Do not operate this vehiclewhile drinking or under the
influence of alcohol and drugs.
4200ATR Light Utility Vehicle 710-040M
Table of Contents
Section 2 Important Safety Information
▲ Never attempt wheelies, jumps, or other stunts. Never
drive recklessly. Always operate your vehicle at a safe
speed that will allow you to maintain control.
▲ Never use vehicle for racing and never modify the
engine to exceed 25 MPH vehicle speed.
▲ Never modify any parts on the vehicle without
authorization. Unauthorized modifications will void
warranty to all parts directly and indirectly affected by
the modification.
▲ Always make sure the vehicle pathway is clear of all
objects when backing up. Know location of personnel
around vehicle and especially location of small
children. Take extra precautions when rear view is
hindered by cargo.
▲ Always park on level ground, stop engine, set park
brake (see “Park Brake Lever” on page 15) and remove
ignition key before leaving the vehicle. Chock tires if
condition warrants.
▲ Use extreme caution when cresting hills or when
visibility is limited. Proceed slowly until you are sure
trail conditions immediately ahead are safe.
▲ Keep front wheels straight when cresting hills or going
over bumps.
▲ Do not stop, start suddenly or over accelerate on hills.
Loss of control and rollover could result.
▲ Use extreme caution whendescending hillsor running
on loose slippery surfaces. Towing, braking, and
tractive capabilities are greatly diminished.
▲ Do not operate vehicle on 15 degree slopes or
▲ Avoid changing direction or making sharp steering
corrections on slopes or rollover may occur.
▲ If this vehicle begins to tip when crossing a slope, turn
the front wheels downhill to regain stability andcontrol.
▲ When crossing a slope on soft terrain, turn the front
wheels slightly uphill andmaintain aconstant speed to
maintain a straight line of travel.
▲ When descending hills or slopes apply steady
pressure to the foot brake to avoid potential of
freewheeling or runaway.
▲ Never allow vehicle to coast or free wheel in neutralor
loss of control may result.
▲ If your vehicle loses power and stops on a hill,
immediately engage the foot brake and back slowly
down the hill maintaining a straight downhill line of
travel. Do not attempt to turn the vehicle sideways on
the hill or a rollover could result.
▲ When travelling at night always use your headlights
and reduce speed according to visibility, trail and
terrain conditions.
▲ Avoid water crossings when possible and never cross
a body of water where depth is unknown. Loss of
power will occur if the drive belt becomes submerged
or wet. Unnecessary crossing of streams and
waterwayserodes shore line and damages water-born
habitat. If you must cross, do it at a point where banks
are not steep and proceed at aslow and steady speed.
▲ Front bumper and brush guards are not designed as
pusher bars. Do not attempt to push other vehicles or
implements or damage may result.
▲ When refueling use an (UL) approved non-metallic
container that hasno screen or filter. Set the container
on the ground before fueling to eliminate static
discharge and do not use Methanol fuel.
▲ Do not smoke or use electrical devices including cell
phones while refueling.
▲ Always maintain proper tire inflation. See "Tire
Maintenance" on page 19.
▲ Alwaysdisconnect the negative battery terminal before
making adjustments to the vehicle electrical system or
welding on this vehicle.
▲ Battery fumes are explosive. A spark will ignite battery
fumes. Wear a face shield when charging or jumpinga
battery. Follow all battery safety rules outlined in this
▲ Avoid battery acid spills. Do not get battery acid on
eyes, face, or other body parts. Flush eyes and other
body parts immediately with water for at least 15
minutes if battery acid has gotten on them.
▲ Always check wheel lug nut torque values two hours
after initial operation and two hours after each tire
repair and/or replacement. Routinely check lug nut
torque valves every 100 hours of operation. See
"Wheel Lug Nuts" on page 19.
▲ Support this vehicle securely before working beneath.
Chock the wheels to prevent the vehicle from rolling.
▲ Do not shift transfer case unless this vehicle is fully
stopped and the engine is at idle or damage may
4200ATR Light Utility Vehicle 710-040M
Table of Contents
Section 2 Important Safety Information
Safety Decals
1. Your 4200 All Terrain Light Utility Vehicle comes equipped
with all safety decals in place. They were designed to help
you safely operate this vehicle and to serve as a reminder to
keep safety uppermost in your mind. Read and follow decal
2. Keep all safety decals clean and legible.
3. Replace all damaged or missing decals. Order new safety
decals through your Land Pride dealer.
4. Some new equipment installed during repair requires safety
labels to be affixed to the replaced component as specified
by Land Pride. When ordering new parts or components,
also request corresponding safety decals.
5. Refer to this section for proper label placement. Install new
decals as follows
a.Clean the area on whichthe decal is to be placed.
b.Spray soapy water on the surface where the decal is to
be placed.
c.Peel backing from decal. Press firmly on surface,
being careful not to causeair bubbles under decal.
d.Squeeze out air bubbles with the edge of acredit card.
Danger: PD Guard Missing
Danger: Battery (Located behind front grill)
4200ATR Light Utility Vehicle 710-040M
Table of Contents
Section 2 Important Safety Information
Warning: General Utility Vehicle
Control Panel/Gear Shift
Control Panel/ Park Brake
4200ATR Light Utility Vehicle 710-040M
Table of Contents
Section 2 Important Safety Information
Warning: Rollover Hazard
Caution: Stop Engine
Warning: Improper Use
4200ATR Light Utility Vehicle 710-040M
Table of Contents
Section 2 Important Safety Information
Trailer Towing Information
Warning: (GVW) LoadRating
Warning: Before Filling Tank with Gasoline
4200ATR Light Utility Vehicle 710-040M
Table of Contents
Section 2 Important Safety Information
Muffler Warning!
Hotand a crossedout pictorial hand for donot touch
are embossed in engine muffler shield.
Warning Label Included with Seat
Warning: Check Seat mounting
4200ATR Light Utility Vehicle 710-040M
Table of Contents
Section 3 Pre-Delivery and Check List
Section 3 Pre-Delivery and Check List
Each vehicle must undergo a Pre-Delivery Inspection by the Dealer. Listed below is an example of the checklist that is
included with the Warranty Registration that is to be submitted toLand Pride upon Retail Sale. The Pre-Delivery
Certificate and Warranty Registration must be submitted to Land Pride in order to activate the vehicle warranty.
Pre-Delivery Certificate
The dealer is required to complete Land Pride’s
“Certificate of Light Utility Vehicle Pre-Delivery” form
before customer may take possession ofthe vehicle. The
form information mustbe filled in and check list checked
off or initialed by individuals performing the checks.
Dealership’s name, signatures of individuals filling in the
form,seller’s signature, customer’ssignature, and signing
datesare alsorequired beforetheform isreturnedto Land
Pride. Below isa list of the information found in the form
that is required to be completed and checked off.
Vehicle Information
Model No._________________
Serial No._________________
Engine Serial No._________________
Dealer Service and Inspection List
___Fully charge battery. Check battery voltage to verify
cableisdisconnected beforeleavingthe factory and is
tobedisconnected afterinitial dealer set-upto prevent
battery discharge while setting on the dealer lot.)
___Check fuel valve lever to make sure it is in thecorrect
position. See "Engine Fuel Valve Lever" on page 23
for additional information.
___Check Battery voltageand recharge if required.
___Check tire pressureto make sure front and reartires
have 7 psi.
___Make sure wheellug bolts/nuts are tightened to 90
Newton meters/(65ft. lbs.).
___Check Master Cylinderto make sure it is filled.
___Checkengine oil levelat thedipstick. Add SAE 10W30
oil if oil is below the full mark on the dipstick.
___Check engine for correct RPM. Set to factory
specification if needed.
___Check Tie Rodsfor tightness
___Check Choke Control. It should move and return
___Step on foot braketo make sure there is plenty of
pedal and that brakes hold pressureand do not bleed
off. Add brake fluidand bleed brakes if required.
___Make sure seats and seatbelts areproperly fastened
to the frame.
___Make sure allsafety decals are in place.
___Check headlights tomake sure they are working and
are properly mounted.
___Checktaillights and brakelightsto makesure theyare
working and are properly mounted.
___Inspect air cleaner element. Make certain it is clean
and in place.
___Inspect the fuel tank to makesure it is properly
installed and that there are no leaks.
___Check fuel level to makesure there isat least1/8 of a
tank of gas prior to performing initial starting
___Inspect fuel lines to make surethey are properly
installed and that there are no leaks.
___Check steering byexecuting a full lock to lock turn in
each direction.
___Checkpark brake to makesure itwill engage, holdand
___Make sure neutral start feature is working bytrying to
start the unitwhile the shifteris located in theforward
and reverse positions.
___Check throttle controlto make sure it moves and