Baffle and Shredder Kits
For RC(M)5020 Rotary Cutters
Before You Start
When you see this symbol, the subsequent
instructions and warnings are serious - follow
without exception. Your life and the lives of
others depend on it!
IMPORTANT: Before you begin, read these
instructions and check to be sure all parts and tools
are accounted for. Please retain these installation
instructions for future reference and parts ordering
The Baffle Kit and Shredder Kit are exclusively designed
for your 20’ Land Pride Rotary Cutter. Please read these
installation instructions and your Rotary Cutter
Operator’s Manual thoroughly before beginning.
Especially read information relating to safety concerns.
Also included in the Operator’s Manual is important
information on operation, adjustment, troubleshooting,
and maintenance for this attachment (some manual
sections do not apply to all accessories).
A separate Rotary Cutter Parts Manual is available free
of charge at www.landpride.com or can be purchased
from your nearest Land Pride dealer. Have the model
Manual Part Numbers:
• Operator’sManual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318-474M
• Parts Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318-474P
Manual No. 330-148M
Further Assistance
Your dealer wants you to be satisfied with your new
Baffle and Shredder Kits. If for any reason you do not
understand any part of this manual or are not satisfied
with the service received, the following actions are
1. Discuss the matter with your dealership ser vice
manager making sure he is aware of any problems
youmay haveand that he has had the opportunity to
assist you.
2. If you are still not satisfied, seek out the owner or
general manager of the dealership, explain the
problem and request assistance.
3. For further assistance write to:
Land Pride Service Department
1525 East North Street
P.O. Box 5060
Salina, Ks. 67402-5060
E-mail address
Safety Information
Always disconnect main driveline from tractor PTO before
servicing cutter deck. Cutter can be engaged if tractor is
started resulting in cutter damage, bodily injury and/or death.
General Information
These assembly instructions apply to the Baffle and
Shredder Kits listed below:
Tools required:
Safety Glasses
• Work Gloves
• Two 3/4" wrenches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Baffle Kit Only
• Two 1 1/2" wrenches . . . . . . . . . . . . Shredder Kit Only
• One 55mm wrench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shredder Kit Only
© Copyright 2010 Printed
Never work under equipment supported by hydraulics.
Hydraulics can drop equipment if controls are actuated or if
hydraulic lines burst. Either situation can drop the cutter
instantly even when power to the hydraulics is shut off.
Assembly Instructions
A detailed listing of parts for the Baffle and Shredder Kits
is provided on pages 10 & 11. Use the list as a checklist
to inventory parts received. Please contact your local
Land Pride dealer for any missing hardware.
IMPORTANT: Read all "Safety Information" above
before working on and around the cutter decks.
1. Cutters with Serial No. 536742 and lower:
Lower cutter and wings to the lowest position.
Cutters with Serial No. 536743 and above:
Raise wings fully up and lock into position with
transport locks.

Assembly Instructions
Manual No. 330-148M 3/11/10
Bolt Hole Pattern (Left Wing Shown)
Figure 1

Assembly Instructions
2. Place tractorgear selector in par k and/or set brakes,
shut engine off and remove ignition key.
3. Disconnect main driveline from tractor PTO.
Shredder/Fixed Blade/Baffle Kit
Kit No. 330-309A
This Kit consist of Kits 330-114A and 330-308A.
Therefore, see Kit No. 330-114A below for assembly
instructions of the front baffles and Kit No. 330-308A on
page 4 for assembly instructions of the shredder blades
and fixed blades.
Front Baffle Kit
Kit No. 330-114A
Adetailed listingof parts forthis accessory kitis provided
on page 10. Use the list as a checklist to inventory parts
received.Please contact your local Land Pridedealer for
any missing hardware.
NOTE: Drilling holes is not necessary on models
manufactured after Serial No. 536742. Skip to
step 2 below if cutter Serial No. is 536743 or higher.
Refer to Figure 1 on page 2:
1. Locate and drill twelve 9/16" dia. holes on each wing
deckas shownin Figure 1.If holes alreadyexist, skip
to step 2 below.
Refer to Figure 2:
2. The wings should be raised and locked into position
for the remainder of the assembly.
3. Attach four front baffles (#1) to the left-hand wing
deck with 1/2"-13 x 1 1/2" GR5 hex head bolts (#2),
1/2" flat washers (#4) and 1/2" hex whiz nut (#3).
4. Tighten nuts to 76 ft-lbs of torque.
5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 for the right-hand wing deck.
Baffle Installation (Left Wing Shown)
Figure 2
Manual No. 330-148M

Assembly Instructions
Shredder/Fixed Blade Kit
Kit No. 330-308A
Adetailed listingof parts forthis accessory kitis provided
on page 11. Use the list as a checklist to inventory parts
received.Please contact your local Land Pridedealer for
any missing hardware.
IMPORTANT: Read “Safety Information” on page 1
before installing shredder blades.
Refer to Figure 3 & Figure 4:
1. Remove all three existing blade carr ier assemblies
(not shown) from the gearbox output shafts (A & B).
Keepflatwashers (C), slottedhex nuts(D) and cotter
pins (E) for reuse.
Right Wing Shredder Assembly
(Part No. 330-228S)
Refer to Figure 3:
1. Attach right wing shredder assembly (#1) to gearbox
output shaft (A) with existing washer (C) and slotted
hex nut (D). Torqueslotted nut to 550 ft./lbs.
2. Install cotter pin (E) in the slotted nut and through
output shaft (A). Secure cotter pin (E) by bending its
legs around the nut.
Clockwise Rotation
Right Wing Shredder Assembly (P/N 330-228S)
Figure 3
Center Deck & Left Wing Shredder Assembly
(Part No’s. 330-302S)
Refer to Figure 4:
1. Attach center deck and left wing shredder
assemblies (#2) to gearbox output shafts (B) with
existing washer (C) and slotted hex nut (D). Torque
slotted nut to 550 ft./lbs.
2. Install cotter pin (E) in the slotted nut and through
output shaft (B). Secure cotter pin (E) by bending its
legs around the nut.
Counterclockwise Rotation
Center Deck Shredder Assembly (P/N 330-302S)
And Left Wing Shredder Assembly (P/N 330-302S)
Figure 4
Manual No. 330-148M 3/11/10