This manual enables users to handle the F300K compact flame scanner system safely and
The manual is valid for all F300K systems in any configuration.
The information in this document applies to software version F300K V1.3.0.0 and User Inter-
face V1.4.0.0. If you have a different version of the software, you may find that some of the
functions described are not available or that not all of the available functions are described.
The F300K system complies with the following standards and directives:
•DIN EN 298:2012
•DIN EN 60730-2-5:2015
•DIN EN 50156:2016, Section 10.5
•DIN EN 746-2:201 1 (Industrial thermoprocessing equipment – Part 2: Safety requirements
for combustion and fuel handling systems)
•2014/68/EU (Pressure Equipment Directive)
•2009/142/EC (Gas Appliances Directive)
•EU/2016/426 Gas Appliance Regulation (GAR)
•2014/35/EU (Low Voltage Directive)
•2014/30/EU (EMC Directive)
•DIN EN 61508:2011, parts 1-7 (SIL 3 requirements)
•ISO/IEC 80079-34:201 1 Potentially explosive areas - Quality Management System (QAR)
•2011/65/EU (RoHS2 Directive)
In single-burner and multiple-burner furnaces, the flame scanner performs a high-safety monitoring of the burner flame. When the flame goes out, the safe control state’ Flame ’ is reached.
The flame scanner is mainly used in large-scale power plants, thermal power stations and
chemical plants as well as for monitoring furnaces which are operated from.
–dust coal
–chemicals and other waste products
1 Important Information about the Manual
1.3Target Group
These instructions must have been read carefully and completely before commencing with
any work. The basic prerequisite for working safely is compliance with all the specified safety
All assembly , commissioning, troubleshooting and maintenance work may only be carried
out by authorised and trained personnel.
The device may be operated and maintained only by those who are capable of doing so
in terms of their level of knowledge and training.
For F200K, the covers must be removed for commissioning, but then only by authorised
personnel. Any further opening or disassembly is not permitted.
The open flame scanner must be protected from ingress of dust and moisture.
Contact with the electronics is only permitted if ESD measures are observed.
Opening the devices is not permitted under any circumstances except for commissioning
For safety reasons, access to parameterisation must be restricted to authorised
1.4Safekeeping of the Manual
Look after the manual and all the associated documents carefully.
The manual is part of the product and must be kept safe and be accessible to personnel at all
Moreover, it is important that the manual:
•Is available when required.
•Is kept for the entire service life of the device.
•Is available to its next operator.
2 General Safety Instructions
2General Safety Instructions
2.1Classification of the Safety Instructions and Warnings
The following symbols are used in this document to draw the user's attention to important safety information. They are located at points where the information is required. It is essential that
the safety information is observed and followed, and that applies particularly to the warnings.
This draws the user's attention to imminent danger. If it is not avoided, it will result in death or
very serious injury. The plant including its surroundings could be damaged.
This draws the user's attention to the possibility of imminent danger. If it is not avoided, it may
result in death or very serious injury. The plant including its surroundings could be damaged.
This draws the user's attention to the possibility of imminent danger. If it is not avoided, it may
result in minor injuries. The plant including its surroundings could be damaged.
This draws the user's attention to important additional information about the system or system
components and offers further tips.
The safety information described above is incorporated into the instructions.
Thus, the operator is requested to:
1Comply with the accident prevention regulations whenever work is being carried out.
2Do everything possible within his control to prevent personal injury and damage to prop-
2 General Safety Instructions
2.2Product Safety
This product is state-of-the-art technology and complies with the generally accepted
safety-related rules and regulations.
Every device is tested before delivery to ensure that it is working properly and safely.
Only use this product when it is perfect condition and in accordance with the manual, the
prevailing regulations and guidelines and the applicable safety and accident prevention
The risk of danger in the event of external fire, traffic and wind, flood waves and earthquakes
depend on the installation situation and the installation site to be assessed separately where
2.3Product-specific Dangers
The F300K is not designed to switch off the fuel valves.
The subsequent signal processing must be carried out in the control system, which is
adapted to suit the combustion plant.
The F300K is a safety device. Only specialist staff of the manufacturer or people approved by
the manufacturer may intervene. No interventions by anyone else are permissible. This applies, in particular, in the event of a defective fuse.
Radio interference suppression of the output contacts
In the interests of safety, ensure when installing the output contacts that:
The user suppresses radio interference in such a way that the contacts of the safety relay
contact output cannot be shorted by defective components of the suppressor circuitry.
The power supply of the flame scanner and the user interface with 24 VDC must be ensured
by an external power supply unit, which supplies SELV or PELV.
3 Product Description
3Product Description
3.1Structure of the F300K
1 Lens holder
2 F300K housing
3 Cover with operating unit
UI (user interface) or
LED display
4 Device connector
5 Connecting cable
Fig. 3-1 The components of the F300K
3 Product Description
3.2Basic variants
There are two basic variants of the F300K
The basic functions of the variants are identical. The differences lie merely in how they are
operated and their displays.
F300K with LED display
Fig. 3-2 F300K display unit with LED display
1LEDs in the display strip show the intensity of the flame: a series of two yellow and three
green LEDs; point display for intensity, flashing for a warning
2Green LED: mode 3
3Green LED: mode 2
4Green LED: mode 1
5Red LED: Flame OFF/stand-by – flashes in the event of a fault
For operation of F300K (with LED display) you need an external User Interface UI or the
F300K Remote Software.
3 Product Description
F300K with user interface
Fig. 3-3 F300K operating and display unit with UI
2LED shines red: Flame OFF/ready for
LED flashes red: fault
3LED shines green: flame ON
LED flashes green: warning
4ENTER key
5UP key
6DOWN key
3.3Life Cycle
The device is designed to have a service life of 10 years or 250,000 cycles. The functional
safety calculations are based on these values.
The actual service life of the F300K depends on the ambient temperature among other factors.
In particular, operation at high temperatures reduces the actual service life.
3.4Proper Use - Conditions of Use
The F300K is designed to monitor the safety of burner flames in single- and multi-burner combustion plants and in combustion chambers for dust- and grate-fired systems.
As an explosion-proof device, the flame scanner can be used in potentially explosive atmospheres (up to Zone 2).
Any other usage going beyond this is considered to be improper use. The plant operating company is liable for any damages that resulting from this.
The table in Section 3.6 Selection Criteriashows the applications to which the various device
types are suited.
Please heed the following information when operating the F300K:
•The safety information in this manual
•Section 14.1 Technical Data in this manual
3.4.1UL Listed
In preparation
For applications within the scope of the UL Listed certification procedure, it must be ensured
that the components used are "Listed" certified. That is, in addition to the flame detector used
must also be the connection cable and if used the power supply "Listed" certified.
The applicable installation rules according to NFPA70 (NEC) must be observed.
3 Product Description
3.5Rating Plate
Fig. 3-4 Position of the rating plate
T = position of the type plate
On the rating plate you will find information on the configuration of your flame sensor:
Rating plate example:
3 Product Description
3.6Selection Criteria
The spectral sensitivity of the flame scanners determines their suitability for specific fuels.
LAMTEC guarantees that the flame sensor is in perfect working order but cannot offer any
guarantees if it is used improperly.
Note the specific requirements of your plant when selecting the flame sensors. We will be
pleased to answer any questions you may have in relation to LAMTEC products.
*in preparation, use may only be made with LAMTEC IR fiber optic system
The suitability of the device types may differ from that indicated in the table depending on particular circumstances.
++ 215 ... 360
in nm
215 ... 360
1000 ... 2200
Preferred area of application/fuels
•Special gases such as refi nery gases,
blast furnace gases and hydrogen
furnaces with a high level of flue-gas
•Yellowish waste gases without UV radiation or with shielding of the UV spectrum by water vapour and dust
•as F300K UV-4
•as F300K IR-3(double sensor) ++1000 ... 1700
Fig. 3-5 Spectrum of the flame
3 Product Description
When installing electrical accessories you must ensure that the necessary protection class is
3.7.1FB30 External User Interface
The FB30 external operating unit offers the same range of functionality as the internal UI built
into the F300K. It can be used with an F300K (without an integrated operating unit) or a F300K
UI (with an integrated operating unit).
Y ou can connect the FB30 directly to the FG30 connection housing using its plug-in connector .
The FB30 is then supplied with 24 VDC from the power supply of the F300K.
You will find the technical specifications for this device in section 14.1.2 FB30 External User Interface.
3.7.2F300K Remote Software
LAMTEC provides a CAN/USB adapter with the F300K Remote Software. You can use this
with a specific adapter cable to connect your PC to the CAN bus of the F300K.
The F300K Remote Software allows you to do all the parameterisation of an F300K. In addition, it also offers analysis, data backup and recording functions.
In addition to the data of the F300K, you can also record external, analogue and/or digital data
by means of CAN modules. All of the data is synchronised.
Fig. 3-6 Remote PC software
You will find further information in a separate description F300K-Remote-Software
(DLT-No. 7652).
3 Product Description
3.7.3Power Supply Power Supplies
Y ou can use a commercially available power supply with an output voltage of 24 V that meets
the protective separation requirements. See section 6.1.2 Electrical Safety – Requirements to Be Met by Third-party Manufacturers. FN20, FN30-20 Power Supply
The FN20 (115 V) is UL Listed approofed.
The wires must be installed/attached in such a way that, if a wire is unintentionally loosened,
a sufficient distance is still maintained between SELV/PELV and the other voltages.
Secure output contact and secure indicator contact
Danger due to electric shock! This may result in personnel injury.
Basic insulation is used for protective separation, i.e. you may not use SEL V (safety extra
low voltage) and mains voltage at both of the contacts at the same time.
You can use the FN20 power supply to operate the F300K at mains AC voltage. The power
supply is designed for top-hat rail mounting (for F300K can be supplied as an option with built
in an IP65 housing).
Fig. 3-7 FN20 for top-hat rail mounting
Fig. 3-8 FN20 as a built-in unit
The power supply is equipped with safety output relays (to EN 298) for mains AC voltage. The
power supply complies with SIL 2 (Safety Integrity Level) to EN 61508.
When you connect the F300K to the FN20 power supply, you do not connect all of the wires
of the connecting cable to the terminals. You have to connect the surplus wires to separate
terminals. These terminals are part of the F300K's IP65 housing.
Y ou will find the technical specifications for this power supply in section FN20, FN30-20 Power Supply.
3 Product Description FN30 power supply
The power supply unit FN30 can only be used to operate the F300K on an AC mains voltage
within the scope of EN 60950 or UL 60950.
The power supply is available in two versions:
•For top-hat rail mounting
•As a built-in unit in a housing
Fig. 3-9 FN30-00 top-hat rail mounting
When connecting the F300K to the FN30-00 power supply , not all wires of the connection cable are connected to the power supply connections. Surplus wires must be connected to separate terminals. These terminals are part of the housing.
Technical data for this power supply unit can be found in section 14.1 Technical Data.
3.7.4Coupling relays
To connect the contact outputs of the F300K to voltages higher than 42 V or voltages without
protective separation, you have to use coupling relays. These must met the protective separation requirements. See section 6.1.2 Electrical Safety – Requirements to Be Met by Third-party Manufacturers.
In addition, you also require appropriate certification for the coupling relay with a safety contact output (flame signal) for the purpose for which it is to be used (e.g. to EN 298 and/or to
EN 61508 with SIL III or SIL II).
The LAMTEC FN20 and FN30-20 power supply has coupling relays for the flame signal.
These meet EN 298 und EN 61508-2 SIL 2 requirements.
If you want suitable coupling relays or have any questions, please contact our support staff at or on +49 (0) 6227 6052-33.
3.7.5Adjustable Holder, Cooling-air Housings
Fig. 3-10 FN30-10 as a built-in unit
You will find a complete overview of the holders and cooling-air housings for LAMTEC flame
scanners in the document "Flame Monitoring Systems and Accessories" (DLT7673).
3 Product Description
3.7.6FG30 connection housing
Regard the applicable rules and regulations for mounting and installation, note also the additional requirements described in section 6.1.1 Safety When Putting the Device Into Operation
Fig. 3-11 FG30-00 connection housing
LAMTEC offers two versions of the FG30 connection housing:
•FG30-00 with cable glands and an M12 circular connector for FSB
•FG30-20 Ex-II for use in potentially explosive atmospheres with cable glands and an M12
circular connector for FSB
Y ou will find technical specifications for the housings in section 14.1.4 FG30 connection hous-
ing and FG30-21 stainless steel.
Fig. 3-12 FG30-20 Ex-II connection housing
3 Product Description
3.7.7Flame Scanner Testing Device
Fig. 3-13 Toggle switch UV/IR
Fig. 3-15 Positions of the internal jumper UV + IR
You can use the FFP30 to test that your flame scanner is working properly.
The testing device simulates a variable flame frequency.
If the internal jumper(1) is plugged on IR, UV or IR can be chosen via the toggle switch.
If the internal jumper is plugged on IR+UV, the switch position IR as well as UV rays can be
detected simultaneously. The latter can be interesting for flame scanner with dual sensor.
Flame scanner testing device is off in the average position of the toggle switch. The flame
scanner testing device switches off automatically after a preset time of approximately 4 min to
reserve the battery resource.
The testing device is screwed onto the flame scanner.
For the recognition of the flame simulation, the F300K must be set to sufficiently sensitive (increase, trigger threshold and frequency).
To change the battery, see chapter 8.1.1 Flame Scanner Testing Device replace Battery
Fig. 3-14 FFP30 flame-scanner testing device
After a possibly necessary modification of the F300K setting for the test, the original
settings must be set back and controlled through the CRC manual of the operating
mode parameter.
Explosion hazard!
Flame sensors must not be tested in a potentially explosive atmosphere.
You will find the technical specifications for this device in section Fig. 14-27 Dimensioned drawing of the FB30.
3 Product Description
3.7.8Connection Cable AK05
The Connection Cable are approved for use with SELV or PELV only.
For special requirements it may be necessary to protect cable additionally.
The specific installation rules are to be observed.
Only the Connection Cable AK05-51 is UL Listed approofed. For the use of the Flame scanner as UL Recognized approofed, the other Connection Cable can be used.
Devices shall be wired in accordance with NEC field wiring requirements for the
Fig. 3-16 Connection Cable AK05-51
3 Product Description
3.7.9Fiber Optic
The LAMTEC Fiber Optic System is available with 2 spectral sensitivities and 2 basic
mechanical constructions.The spectral sensitivity is matched to the LAMTEC flame detector.
F300K IR-x FO
The flame detector F300K FO in the IR version (IR-2..4) may only be used with the
LAMTEC Fiber Optic in the IR version. The Fiber Optic IR version includes the required
spectral sensitivity limitation.
Visible is the Fiber Optic IR version on the process optics (see Fig. below).
The viewing port to the flame is not a lens, but covered with a black filter.
Fig. 3-17 Fiber optic with Flame scanner
1 Component Group Process Optics3 Component Group rigid housing
1.1 Optic UV4 Component Group burner mounting assembly
1.2 Optic IR5 Component Group Flamescanner holder
assembly FV30-FO
2 Fiber bundle (customer-specific length)
Fiber Optic with enclosure - Type key: FOabb-cc-dd
a- enclosure type: R - starr, F - flexibel
b- enclosure series: e.g. 10
c- lenght: e.g. 25 - (2,5 m)
d- optic: UV - uv/vis/nir, IR - nir
3 Product Description
Fig. 3-18 Fiber optic rigid, FOR10-XX-XX
1 Minimum total length 1000 mm / 3,28 ft3 Adjustment length 740 mm / 2,43 ft
2 Mounting flange positionable
Fig. 3-19 Fiber optic flexible, FOF10-XX-XX, in preparation
1 Minimum total length 1500 mm / 4,92 ft
4 Design and Functions
4Design and Functions
The compact flame scanner consists of a cylindrical housing with an axial aperture and an
LED status display at the back or an integrated operating unit with an UI (user interface).
The connection is made via the serial connector on the F300K and the required connecting
cable (14-pin with static shielding) with coupling.
The cable offers the following connections:
•Supply of auxiliary power
•Flame contact
•Ready contact
•Measuring output for intensity
•FSB (Bus)
4 Design and Functions
4.2Functional Description
1Semiconductor sensor5 Measuring output for intensity9 FSB bus for parameterisation and mes-
2Amplifiers6 Flame relay10 LED status display
3Power supply7 Integrated operating unit (UI)11 Mode selector
4Microcontrollers8 Ready
The F300K analyses the flickering of the flame in the UV or IR range. For preparation for signal
processing there is a semiconductor sensor (1) on a button strip. For each sensor signal,
the level is adjusted by means of two adjustable amplifiers (2). These two amplifiers are located on the main board, as are the two microcontrollers (4). Due to the amplitude and the
course taken by the signal to be evaluated over time, both microcontrollers detect the existence of the flame.
The safety of the device is monitored by means of both software and hardware diagnostics.
The ready contact (8) indicates that the flame scanner is ready for operation.
The mode selector (11) allows you to choose between three different sets of parameters.
These parameters are stored in the EEPROM and influence the analysis of the current sensor
signal of the flame to be monitored.
There is a FSB interface (9) available for operation. The F300K is operated by means of an
external or internal user interface (7) or the PC with F300K-Remote-Software. An LED dis-play (10) makes the status of the flame scanner visible. The flame intensity is provided as
non-failsafe information with a 4 (0) ... 20 mA current loop (5).
The circuit is supplied with 24 VDC (3) by an external power supply unit with safe separation
(e.g. FN20 or FN30).
An internal temperature sensor monitors the temperature in the device.
5 User Interface
5User Interface
5.1Operating and display elements
You can adjust and operate the F300K compact flame scanner by using either the user interface (integrated in the F300K or as an external device) or the F300K Remote Software.
You will find a description of the F300K Remote Software in a separate manual (publication
no. DLT7652).
2LED shines red: Flame OFF/ready for
LED flashes red: fault
3LED shines green: flame ON
LED flashes green: warning
4ENTER key
5UP key
6DOWN key
Fig. 5-1 F300K operating and display unit with UI
2ENTER key
3UP key
4DOWN key
Fig. 5-2 Keypad
To extend the service life of the display, it only remains switched on within a limited temperature range. If the temperature of the display rises to over 70 °C, it is deactivated. In this phase
it is not possible to carry out parameterisation or read out information using the display . In order to get information about the reason (C0013) of the deactivated display , it is activated briefly after pressing a key.. If the temperature of the display drops below 70 °C, it is activated
again. Alternatively, the F300K Remote Software or an external user interface FB30 can be
used to communicate with the F300K from a cooler place.
The accessibility and operation of the different displays depend on the current access level.
See section 7.2 Enter Password.
5 User Interface
5.2Menu tree
6 Commissioning
6.1.1Safety When Putting the Device Into Operation
Danger if shock protection is not provided
There is a risk of death or very serious injury from electric shock.
When installing the electrical accessories, do everything necessary to provide shock pro-
Y ou must comply with the requirements of protection class IP40 or IP54 (for use outdoors)
to EN 60529.
The fiber optic flame detector versions F300K.. IR-.. FO with IR sensors may only be used with
the LAMTEC IR Fiber optic FOR...-IR or FOF...-IR.
Exceeding the maximum permissible operating temperature
Ensure that the maximum permissible operating temperature (see the table in Section 14.1
Technical Data) is not exceeded at the installation location, in particular as a result of radiant
Take action to ensure sufficient cooling.
LAMTEC offers the FK30 cooling air housing.
Laying of cables
Warning to avoid damage to property
The cables are designed for a special temperature range see chapter 14.1 Technical Data Lay the connecting cable including its extension apart from the mains and control cables
(don't lay them parallel to each other).
Avoid laying cables near the following components:
- Ignition cables
- Ignition transformers and electric motors
- Contactors or switches and frequency converters that switch high inductive or capacitive
Although the device exceeds the requirements of the applicable EMC standards, in some
cases by a considerable amount, proper wiring is the prerequisite for ensuring that the device and thus the entire plant operates without problems in all cases.
6 Commissioning
Shielding/extension of connecting cables
Warning to avoid damage to property
Apply shielded cables directly (without any intermediate terminals if at all possible).
If intermediate terminals are necessary, take the shortest route to applying the shielding
to the terminal.
Avoid long connecting wires without shielding.
Use a separate, shielded extension cable to implement an extension on site.
High electromagnetic interference
Excessive electromagnetic interference can lead to sporadic problems with flame detection
and even prevent it.
Connect chassis earth (earthing bolt at the device) to functional earth (FPE).
It is a connection between the mass of the supply voltage and FPE prepared.
EMC emission testing
It was ascertained during the type test that the device meets the EMC emissions requirements. A separate EMC emissions test is not necessary after installation.
6 Commissioning
6.1.2Electrical Safety – Requirements to Be Met by Third-party Manufacturers
Supply voltage
The device's supply voltage may only be generated by means of a safety power supply unit of
a different make from the one described in the accessories if safety extra-low voltage is used
(e.g. to EN 61558-2-6 "Safety of transformers" or EN 60950-1 "Information technology equipment – Safety".
"Flame signal" and "ready" relay contact outputs
The potential-free contact connections of the device's relays may only be wired with safety extra-low voltage in accordance with the requirements for supply voltage.
"Mode selector" digital inputs
The digital inputs are controlled only via potential-free contacts.
Communication interfaces
The equipment of other manufacturers connected to the communication interfaces must meet
the requirements of DIN EN 60950-1 "Information technology equipment – Safety".
Analogue output current loop - Protection against electric shock
Measuring circuits must be separated safely to dangerous active parts according to EN 61 140
„Protection against electric shock …“.
You achieve this by double or reinforced isolation according to EN 61010-1 „Safety re-
quirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use“.
Radio interference suppression of the output contacts
In the interests of safety, ensure when installing the output contacts that:
The user suppresses radio interference in such a way that the contacts of the safety relay
contact output cannot be shorted by defective components of the suppressor circuitry.
6 Commissioning
6.1.3Special Points to Note When Using the Device in Explosion-proof Areas
The following applies when using the F300K in explosion-proof areas:
•For use only in approved explosion protection zones.
•T o protect its aperture, only mount the F300K on a burner or boiler using one of its holders:
the FV30, FV40, FK41 or FK46.
•Use only the types of cable specified by the manufacturer when extending cables.
•When extending cables in the potentially explosive area, use only terminal housings that
are approved for this area. LAMTEC recommends the connection housing FG30-20 Ex II
for this purpose.
•Check if cable connections fit tightly. Should there be a need to loosen the cable connection, it is to be ensured that the cables do not turn while loosening and tightening the cable
•Note, in particular, the information on setup in EN 60079-14, section 12.2 (cables and
•Only remove the connector of the F300K or FB30 Ex or any other cable connections when
it is deenergised.
See the warning on the device: WARNING – DO NOT DISCONNECT WHEN ENERGISED.
•In particular, seperation has to be in accordance with EN 60079-14 'Appendix: Instructions
for procedures to work safely in an explosive gas atmosphere', only permitted after the release by personnel in charge of the explosion protection of the operating company.
•The F300K and FB30 may only be opened by the manufacturer or authorized personnel.
It is not necessary to open the device when putting it into operation.
•A transformer for generating the supply voltage must be carried out according to
IEC 61558-2-6.
•You must use a current limiter with a limit on the rated voltage.
•When using the device in the ambient temperature range, you must keep the temperature
in accordance with the temperature class: See Ex marking on the device
•If devices are so damaged that they no longer meet the requirements of the IP64 protection class, you must replace them.
Special instructions for use in Hazardous Area Class I Division 2 (valid for F300K)
•Devices shall be wired in accordance with NEC (National Electrical Code) field wiring
requirements for the location.
UL Listed Version:
•The plug of the connecting cable must be secured against self-loosening after mounting
on the flame detector. There are screws on the union nut of the connector.
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