A New Spin on Precision Water Analysis
Code 3576
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The WaterLink® Spin photometer measures 12 important pool and spa
important test factors such as Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine, Bromine, Total
Alkalinity, pH, Calcium Hardness, Copper, Iron, Cyanuric Acid, Borate,
Biguanide, and Biguanide Shock. This innovative photometer is easy-to-use
with a disk reagent system that holds the precise amount of reagents needed
to run the tests. LaMotte chemists developed reagent disks specifi cally for the
in-store pool and spa analyst who desired similar precision to current water
labs but without the time consuming procedures or testing limitations of test
This in-store lab is simple to use; just add the pool or spa water sample using
the precision syringe to the disks which contain all the reagents needed for
each test series. The disks are placed in the photometer chamber and the
results are ready in an instant. A complete series of tests can be completed
in one minute. When completed, the disk is discarded and the next test is
With all the necessary reagents in disposable disks, no time is wasted in test
preparation or cleanup. Since there are no tubes to clean for future testing,
overall time savings are doubled. User error is signifi cantly reduced since the
user no longer has to measure reagents.
The DataMate 10 software will analyze the data and recommend products
along with treatment instructions. Included in the DataMate 10 Software is the
Spin Application that operates the WaterLink® Spin photometer.

Contents .....................................................................................................4
Specifi cations .............................................................................................5
Packaging and Delivery .............................................................................6
General Precautions ..................................................................................6
Safety Precautions .....................................................................................6
Limits of Liability ........................................................................................6
CE Compliance ..........................................................................................6
Warranty .....................................................................................................7
Meter ..........................................................................................................8
Syringe .......................................................................................................8
Disks ...........................................................................................................8
Chlorine/Bromine and Biguanide Disks ............................................9
Filling ...................................................................................................9
Handling ............................................................................................10
Storage ..............................................................................................10
Disk Cover ................................................................................................10
Troubleshooting Disk ...............................................................................10
Calibration Check Disk ............................................................................10
USB Cable ................................................................................................11
AC Adapter ...............................................................................................11
Software ...................................................................................................11
Meter ........................................................................................................11
Disks .........................................................................................................11
TESTING ...........................................................................................................11
Cleaning ...................................................................................................12
Repairs .....................................................................................................12
Meter Disposal .........................................................................................12
Disk Disposal ...........................................................................................13
Troubleshooting Guide ............................................................................14
Helpful Hints ............................................................................................14
ACCESSORIES & REPLACEMENT PARTS ..............................................15

WaterLink Spin Photometer Code 1714
Chlorine/Bromine Disks (2 X 50) Code 4330-H
Syringe, 3 mL, plastic, w/tips (3) Code 1189-3
Syringe Tips (3) Code 1189-TIP
Disk Cover Code 1718
Wide Range pH/Total Chlorine Test Strips (50) Code 2987-G
Cleaning Tissues, Lint-free Wipes, (280) Code 0669
USB Cable, 6 ft Code 1711
AC Adapter/Cord Code 1717
Troubleshooting Disk Code 4330-BLANK
Calibration Check Disk Code 1703
WaterLink Spin Quick Start Guide Code 3576-QG
WaterLink Spin Manual Code 3576-MN
WaterLink Banner Code 3576-BAN
WaterLink Spin Counter Mat Code 3576-MAT

Test Factors Range
Free Chlorine 0.00 – 15.00 ppm
Total Chlorine 0.00 – 15.00 ppm
Bromine 0.00 – 33.00 ppm
Total Alkalinity 0 – 250 ppm
pH 6.6 – 8.6
Calcium Hardness 0 – 1200 ppm
Copper 0.0 – 3.0 ppm
Iron 0.0 – 3.0 ppm
Cyanuric Acid 5 – 150 ppm
Borate 0 – 60 ppm
Biguanide 0 – 70 ppm
Biguanide Shock 0 – 250 ppm
Wavelengths (interference fi lters) 428 nm, 525 nm, 568 nm, 635 nm
Wavelength Accuracy ±2 nm
Wavelength Bandwidth 10 typical
Photometric Range -2 to 2 AU
Photometric Precision ±0.01 AU at 1.0 AU
Photometric Accuracy ±0.01 AU at 1.0 AU
Sample Chamber Accepts prefi lled disk
Light Source 4 LEDS
Detectors 4 silicon photodiodes
Pre-Programmed Tests Yes, with automatic wavelength
USB Port Mini B, USB 2
Power AC Adapter
Dimensions 21.6 X 22.9 X 11.4 cm
8.5 X 9.0 X 4.5 in (L X W X H)
Weight 705 g (25 oz)
Patent Pending