Ni trate-Ni tro gen
WARNING! This set contains chemicals
that may be harmful if misused. Read
cautions on individual containers
carefully. Not to be used by children
except under adult supervision.
Low Range En zyme Kit
(0.00-1.0 ppm)
Code 8137
1 Enzyme Vials in Foil Bag, 25 vials 8136-25
60 mL Nitrate Buffer Reagent 8139-H
15 mL *Hydrochloric Acid *6130-E
30 Nitrate Color Tablets 8140A
120 mL Deionized Water 5115PS-J
1 Pipet, plastic, 0.5 mL 0353
1 Pipet, plastic, 1.0 mL 0354
1 Pipet, plastic, plain 0352
1 Color Chart, Nitrate-N, Low Range 8137LR-CC
1 Color Chart, Nitrate-N, High Range 8137HR-CC
*WARN ING: Re agents marked with a * are con sid ered to be po ten tial
health haz ards. To view or print a Ma te rial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for
these re agents see MSDS CD or www.lamotte.com. To ob tain a printed copy,
con tact LaMotte by e-mail, phone or fax.

Stor age
The Enzyme Vials (8136) contain very small amounts of dried reagents that
may not be visible. Do not open the vials before use. The Foil Bag contains
desiccant packs. Do not remove Enzyme Vials from the Foil Bag until ready
to use.
Store this kit in a cool, dry place, preferably at room temperature or lower (a
refrigerator or freezer is best), whenever possible. Exposure to heat will cause
the enzyme to denature and become inactive. Heat will also adversely affect
the performance of the Nitrate tablets. If the Nitrate tablets have turned a
dark brown, this is an indication that the kit contents have been exposed to
heat and the contents should be discarded.