WARNING! This set contains chemicals
that may be harmful if misused. Read
cautions on individual containers
carefully. Not to be used by children
except under adult supervision
This test determines the amount of organic material in wastewater by measuring
the oxygen consumed by microorganisms in biodegrading organic constituents of
the waste. The test consists of measuring dissolved oxygen before and after
incubating the water at 20°C for 5 days.
60 mL *Manganous Sulfate Solution *4167WT-H
60 mL *Alkaline Potassium Iodide Azide *7166WT-H
100 g Sulfamic Acid Powder 6286-J
120 mL Sodium Thiosulfate Solution, 0.025N 4169-J
60 mL Starch Indicator Solution 4170-H
60 mL Phosphate Buffer, pH 7.2 2843-H
60 mL Magnesium Sulfate, 1.10% 3761-H
60 mL Ferric Chloride, 0.015% 3760-H
60 mL Calcium Chloride, 2.75% 3756-H
50 Polyseed Capsules 3-0002-H
1 Direct Reading Titrator, 0-10 Range 0377
1 Test Tube, 5-10-12.9-15-20-25 mL w/cap 0608
1 Pipet, screw cap 0392
6 BOD Bottles, 60 mL 2-2053
1 Spoon, 1.0g, plastic 0697
1 Graduated Cylinder, 10 mL, glass 0416
1 Pipet, 2 mL, glass 2-2166
1 Pipet, 5 mL, glass 2-2167
1 Pipet, Filler Bulb 2-2164
*WARNING: Reagents marked with a * are considered to be potential health hazards.
To view or print a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for these reagents see MSDS CD
or www.lamotte.com. To obtain a printed copy, contact LaMotte by email, phone or fax.

To order individual reagents or test components, use the specified code numbers.
Carefully read the instructions for the Direct Reading Titrator before running this
titration. The Titrator is calibrated to read the test results directly in ppm (mg/L)
dissolved oxygen. Each minor division equals 0.2 ppm.
In ter fer ences:
Caustic alkalinity, mineral acid, free chlorine, and heavy metals are among the
factors that may influence test accuracy. BOD bottles must be extremely clean to
maintain consistent test results.
Wastewater Pre treat ment:
The pH of the sample should be in the range of 6.5 to 7.5. Adjust samples with
either 1N Sodium Hydroxide or 1N Sulfuric Acid to bring within this range.
Samples with free chlorine should be treated with 0.025N Sodium Sulfite solution.
None of the pretreatment reagents are supplied with this kit.
Di lu tion Wa ter Makeup:
Add 1 mL each of Phosphate Buffer, pH 7.2 (2843), Magnesium Sulfate, 1.10%
(3761), Ferric Chloride, 0.015% (3760) and Calcium Chloride,2.75% (3756)
solutions for each liter of distilled water. Store at temperature as close to 20°C as
possible. This water should not show a reduction in dissolved oxygen of more than
0.2mg/L on incubation for 5 days.
Follow Polyseed
manufacturers direction when determining BOD5 when seeding.
1. Determine the amount of sample(s) added to a 60 mL BOD bottle. Table I can
be used to estimate the amount of sample to add to the BOD bottle. Generally
raw municipal wastewater usually contains about 100 to 300 mg/L BOD5, so
0.6–1.2 mL of water sample is used. For primary and secondary treated
effluents, 9–15 mL samples should be used. Refer to Table I for other ranges.
Table I Expected BOD5
Sample added to 60 mL
0.6 210 560
1.2 105 280
1.8 70 187
2.4 53 140
3.0 42 112
3.6 35 94
4.2 30 80
4.8 26 70
5.4 24 62
6.0 21 56
9.0 14 37
12.0 11 28
15.0 8 22
30.0 4 12