LaMotte JT-1 User Manual

MODEL JT-1 • CODE 1077
The LaMotte Water Sampler is designed to take a 1.0 liter sample in water with a depth of 5 meters or more. It is attached to a calibrated line which is used to measure the depth at which samples are obtained. The line is marked at 0.5 meter and 1 meter increments. A horizontal triggering device is activated by a brass messenger which is sent down the line to trip the closing mechanism and release the two fitted plungers. These plungers provide a positive seal and prevent the sample from mixing with intermediate layers of water as the sample is brought to the surface. A lead collar has been added to the water sampler to insure rapid descent and to minimize drifting due to current movements. The materials which were chosen to make the sampler were selected for their ability to prevent any contamination of the sampled water . Attached to the sampling chamber is a special drain outlet for removing sample aliquots. All components of the LaMotte Water Sampler are made with non-corrosive materials.
Trigger A
Plunger A
Plunger A Cable
Trigger B
Plunger B
Plunger B Cable
Retaining Cables
1. To set the trigger mechanisms, hold the sampler by the brass handle with triggers in the “up” position. Pull the cable attached to Plunger A outward and hook the loop over Trigger A. This will remove Plunger A from sampling chamber .
2. After the loop is hooked over Trigger A, attach the other loop to Trigger B. This will remove Plunger B from sampling chamber.
3. The water sampler is now cocked and ready to be lowered into the water.
4. While holding the brass messenger in one hand, steadily lower the water sampler by the calibrated line until the desired depth is reached. The line is marked at 0.5 meter and 1 meter increments.
5. Hold the line in a vertical position over the sampler and release the messenger to travel down the graduated line. After the messenger trips the closing mechanism, the sample within the collection chamber is sealed from mixing with unsampled water.
NOTE: A slight tug on the line after the messenger had been released signals the sampler has closed.
6. Gradually pull the water sampler to the surface with the line and carefully rest sampler on level surface.
7. Aliquots or portions of the sample are carefully taken by standing the water sampler upright on Plunger A and unclamping the outlet tubing. Partially remove Plunger B to prevent formation of a vacuum.
NOTE: Using the JT-1 sampler at a depth of less than 5 meters may damage the trigger.
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