FAS-DPD (Chlo rine) & pH TEST KIT
CODE 7514-pH
5 g *DPD #1 Powder *6807-C
100 *Chlorine DPD #3R Tablets *6905A-J
60 mL Chlorine/Bromine Titrant 3992WT-H
1 Test Tube, 0.2-0.5, plastic, w/cap 0708
1 Spoon, 0.1g, plastic 0699
1 Octa-Slide Viewer 1100
1 pH Octa-Slide 3403
1 Test Tube, w/cap 0106
1 pH Phenol Red P-7026-G
*WARNING: Reagents marked with a * are considered to be potential health
hazards. To view or print a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for these reagents go
to www.lamotte.com. To obtain a printed copy, contact LaMotte by email, phone or
fax. To order individual reagents or test kit components, use the specified code
Free Chlo rine
ONE DROP = 0.2 ppm or 0.5 ppm
1. Fill test tube (0708) with sample water to the 0.2
line to measure in 0.2 ppm increments or 0.5 line
to measure in 0.5 ppm increments.
2. Use the 0.1g spoon (0699) to add 0.1g of *DPD
#1 Powder (6807). Cap and gently swirl until
powder dissolves. Solution will turn red if
chlorine is present.
3. While gently swirling tube, add Chlorine/
Bromine Titrant (3992WT) one drop at a time
until red color disappears. Hold bottle vertically.
Count the number of drops added.
4. Mul ti ply the num ber of drops used in Step 3 by
0.2 if mea sured in 0.2 ppm or 0.5 if mea sured in
0.5 ppm. Re cord as ppm Free Avail able Chlo rine.

Bro mine
1. Multiply Free Available Chlorine results by 2.25.
To tal Chlo rine
ONE DROP =0.2 ppm or 0.5 ppm
5. To determine total chlorine, add one *Chlorine DPD
#3R Tablet (6905A) to the solution from Step 4. Cap
and mix until tablet disintegrates. The reappearance
of a red color indicates combined chlorine.
6. Continue adding Chlorine/Bromine Titrant until the
red color again disappears.
7. Multiply the total number of drops used in Step 3
plus Step 6 by 0.2 if measured in 0.2 ppm or 0.5 if
measured in 0.5 ppm. Record as ppm Total
Residual Chlorine.
8. Subtract Free Available Chlorine from Total Residual
Chlorine. Record as ppm Combined Chlorine.
1. Fill tube (0106) to 5mL line with sample
2. Add 5 drops of *pH Indicator (P-7026). Cap
tube and invert to mix.
3. Insert tube into top of Octa-Slide Viewer.
Slide pH Octa-Slide into side slot.
4. Read test result from Octa-Slide in pH units.
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800-344-3100 • 410-778-3100 (Out side U.S.A.) • Fax 410-778-6394
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