WARNING! This set contains chemicals
that may be harmful if misused. Read
cautions on individual containers
carefully. Not to be used by children
except under adult supervision
MODEL DS-1-DC • CODE 4507-01
2 x 30 mL *DS Indicator Reagent *4508-G
15 mL DS Reference Solution 4513-E
50 g pH Adjustment Powder 4509-H
1 Test Tube, Test Sample w/cap 0282
1 Test Tube, Reference Sample w/cap 0283
1 Test Tube, 1-8 mL, plastic, w/cap 0755
1 Pipet, glass 0347
1 Spoon, 0.25 g, plastic 0695
*WARNING: Reagents marked with an * are considered to be potential health
hazards. To view or print a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for these
reagents go to www.lamotte.com. To obtain a printed copy, contact LaMotte by
e-mail, phone or fax.
To order individual reagents or test kit components, use the specified code
STEP I - Determine if Detergent is Present
1. Use the calibrated test tube (0755) to measure 5 mL of the sample
solution. Add to the screw cap tube marked Test Sample (0282).
2. Use the 0.25 g spoon (0695) to add one measure of pH Adjustment
Powder (4509). Shake until dissolved.
3. Fill the pipet (0347) with *DS Indicator Reagent (4508) by squeezing
the rubber bulb, then inserting pipet into reagent. Add this amount of
*DS Indicator Reagent to the Test Sample tube. Cap and shake for one
4. Al low the tube to stand un til the two lay ers of the so lu tion sep a rate. The
wa ter layer will set tle to the bot tom and the re agent layer will rise to the
top. Use chart be low to de ter mine if de ter gent is pres ent.

Bottom Layer Top Layer Quick Reading
Colorless Colored No Detergent in sample
Some Color Some Color Some Detergent in sample
Colored Colorless High Detergent in sample
NOTE: If the amount of detergent in the sample is to be determined, save
this Test Sample and proceed to Step 2.
STEP 2 - Determine the Amount of Detergent Present
1. Use the calibrated test tube (0755) to measure 5 mL of detergent-free water.
Add to the screw cap tube marked Reference Sample (0283). (On field trips
it may be necessary to carry a small supply of detergent free water.)
2. Use the 0.25 g spoon (0698) to add one measure of pH Adjustment Powder
(4509). Shake until dissolved.
3. Fill the pipet (0347) with *DS Indicator Reagent (4508) by squeezing the
rubber bulb, then inserting pipet into reagent. Add this amount of *DS
Indicator Reagent to the Reference Sample tube.
4. Add one drop of DS Reference Solution (4513). Cap and shake for one
5. Allow the tube to stand until the two layers of solution separate. The color
produced in the bottom (water) layer is equivalent to 1 ppm of detergent.
6. Compare the color in the bottom layer of the Test Sample Tube from Part I
to the color of the bottom of the Reference Sample Tube.
If Test Sample Color Is: Test Sample Contains:
Lighter than Reference
Same as Reference
Darker than Reference
Less than 1.0 ppm Detergent
1.0 ppm Detergent
More than 1.0 ppm Detergent
7. Add one drop of DS Reference Solution (4513) to the Reference Sample
Tube. Shake to mix. Compare the color as before. The color in the
Reference Sample is now equal to 2.0 ppm. Continue this procedure,
counting the number of drops of DS Reference Solution (4513) added, until
the color of the bottom layer in each tube is the same. Each drop of the DS
Reference Solution (4513) added to the Reference Sample Tube is equal to 1
ppm detergent in the sample.
NOTE: If at any time the top layer of the Test Sample or Reference Sample
becomes colorless, add more DS Indicator Reagent (4508). The amount of
this reagent added is not important as long as there is some color in the top
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800-344-3100 • 410-778-3100 (Out side U.S.A.) • Fax 410-778-6394
Visit us on the web at www.lamotte.com