CODE 7884
60 mL *Sulfuric Acid, 36% *7885-H
15 mL *Phenolphthalein Indicator, 1% *2246-E
120 mL *Sodium Hydroxide, 15% *7886-J
30 g *Ammonium Persulfate Reagent *6566-G
120 mL Deionized Water 5115PT-J
10 g Boiling Stones 7888-D
2 Pipets, 1 mL, plastic 0354
1 Spoon, 0.5 g, plastic 0698
1 Funnel 0459
2 Erlenmeyer Flasks, 125 mL, glass 0431
1 Filter paper, 100 sheets 0463
1 Graduated Cylinder, 50 mL, glass 0418
*WARNING: Reagents marked with an * are considered to be potential health hazards.
To view or print a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for these reagents go to www.lamotte.com.
Search the four digit reagent code number listed on the reagent label, in the contents
list or in the test procedures. Omit any letter that follows or precedes the four digit
code number. For example, if the code is 4450WT-H, search 4450. To obtain a printed
copy, contact LaMotte by e-mail, phone or fax.
Emergency information for all LaMotte reagents is available from Chem-Tel:
(US, 1-800-255-3924) (International, call collect, 813-248-0585)
To order individual reagents or test kit components, use the specifi ed code number.
All phosphorus determinations measure orthophosphate only. To determine other forms
of phosphorus in a sample, they must be separated and converted to orthophosphate.
The Auxiliary Phosphorus test equipment is required to eff ect these separations and
must be used in conjunction with one of the standard phosphorus test kits such as Dual
Range Phosphate Kit (1-100 ppm PO
(0.05-1.0 ppm PO
, Code 7416-02).
WARNING! This set contains chemicals
that may be harmful if misued. Read
cautions on individual containers
carefully. Not to be used by children
except under adult supervision.
, Code 4408-01), or Low Range Phosphate Kit

The determination of orthophosphate (A), is made by testing a fi ltered water sample.
The determination of hydrolyzable phosphorus (polyphosphate) and orthophosphate
is made by testing a fi ltered water sample which has been treated with a sulfuric acid
digestion. This converts hydrolyzable phosphorus (polyphosphate) to orthophosphates.
This determination (B) minus the orthophosphate determination (A) will give the
hydrolyzable or polyphosphate concentration.
A = Orthophosphate
B = Hydrolyzable Phosphorus + Orthophosphate
Hydrolyzable Phosphorus = B - A
The determination of total phosphorus (C) is made by testing a fi ltered water sample
which has been treated with a sulfuric acid/ammonium persulfate digestion. This
converts organic phosphorus and hydrolyzable phosphorus to orthophosphates.
C = Total Phosphorus
Organic Phosphorus = C - B
The determination of particulate phosphorus and total phosphorus is made by
determining total phosphorus on an unfi ltered water sample.
All of the comparator readings are given as PO
multiply by the factor 0.326.
. To convert this to phosphorus,
Filter the sample and test it for orthophosphate according to the procedure given for
the particular phosphate test kit being used. This is reading A.
Orthophosphate = Reading A
1. Fill a 50 mL graduated cylinder (0418) to 50 mL line with fi ltered water. Pour into
a 125 mL Erlenmeyer fl ask.
2. Use a 1 mL pipet (0354) to add 1 mL of *Sulfuric Acid, 36% (7885) to fl ask.
Swirl to mix.
3. Add a few boiling stones (7888). Place fl ask on hot plate and boil gently for 30
minutes. Add Deionized Water (5115PT) to the sample during the boiling step to
maintain a volume between 10 and 50 mL. Or microwave on high power for 2
minutes. Permit the volume to decrease to approximately 10 mL (about ¼ inch of
water) by the end of the boiling step. Do not allow the sample to go to dryness or
to dense white sulfur trioxide fumes. Remove from heat and cool.
4. Add one drop of *Phenolphthalein Indicator, 1% (2246) to the cooled sample.
5. While swirling fl ask, use a 1 mL pipet (0354) to add *Sodium Hydroxide, 15%
(7886) dropwise until the solution turns faint pink. A volume of slightly less than
3 mL is required.