MODEL AQ-3 · CODE 3634-03
NOTE: Place dispenser Cap (0692) on *Mixed Acid
Reagent (V-6278). Save this cap for refills. It is important
to read the instruction manual before attempting to
perform the tests with the short form instructions provided
*WARNING: Reagents marked with a * are considered to
be potential health hazards. To view or print a Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for these reagents see MSDS
CD or www.lamotte.com. To obtain a printed copy, contact
LaMotte by e-mail, phone or fax.
To or der in di vid ual re agents or test kit com po nents, use the
spec i fied code num ber.
1. Fill test tube (0106) to 5 mL line with sample water.
2. Add 4 drops Ammonia Nitrogen Reagent #1
(4797WT). Cap and mix. Wait 1 minute.
3. Add 12 drops of *Ammonia Nitrogen Reagent #2
(4798WT). Cap and mix. Wait 5 minutes.
4. Insert test tube into Octa-Slide Viewer (1100) with
Ammonia Nitrogen Octa-Slide Bar (3438) inserted.
5. Record as ppm Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N).
1. Fill test tube (0106) to 2.5 mL line with sample water.
2. Dilute to 5 mL line with *Mixed Acid Reagent
3. Use 0.1g spoon (0699) to add 0.1g of *Color
Developing Reagent (V-6281). Cap and mix for 1
minute. Wait 5 minutes.
4. Insert test tube into Octa-Slide Viewer (1100) with
Nitrite Nitrogen Octa-Slide Bar (3437) inserted.
5. Record as ppm Nitrate Nitrogen (NO2- N).
5. Record as ppm Nitrite Nitrogen (NO2-N).ALKALINITY
1. Fill titration tube (0608) to 5 mL line with sample
2. Add 4 drops of *BCG-MR Indicator (2311-EG). Cap
and mix. Sample will turn blue-green.
3. Fill Direct Reading Titrator (0382) with *Alkalinity
Titration Reagent B (4493DR).
4. Ti trate sam ple un til blue-green color changes to pink.
5. Re cord as ppm Alkalinity (CaCO3).
5. Record as ppm Alkalinity (CaCO3).CARBON DIOXIDE
1. Fill titration tube (0608) to 20 mL line with sample
2. Add 2 drops *Phenolphthalein Indicator, 1% (2246). If
sample turns red, no free carbon dioxide is present. If
colorless, proceed to Step 3.
3. Fill Direct Reading Titrator (0380) with *Carbon
Dioxide Reagent B (4253DR).
4. Titrate sample until faint pink color persists for 30
5. Record as ppm Carbon Dioxide (CO2).
1. Fill titration tube (0608) to 15 mL line with sample
2. Add 1 drop *Phenolphthalein Indicator, 1% (2246). If
sample is colorless, proceed to Step 3. If sample turns
pink, add *Sulfuric Acid, 0.5N (6090) one drop at a
time until pink color disappears.
3. Add 3 drops *Chloride Reagent #1 (4504). Cap and
mix. Sample will turn yellow.
4. Fill Direct Reading Titrator (0382) with *Chloride
Reagent #2 (4505DR).
5. Titrate sample until yellow color first changes to orange
or orange-red.
6. Record as ppm Chloride (Cl).
1. Fill titration tube (0608) to 12.9 mL line with sample
2. Add 5 drops of *Hardness Reagent #5 (4483). Cap and
3. Add 5 drops of *Hardness Reagent #6 (4485). Cap and
mix. Sample will turn red.
4. Fill Direct Reading Titrator (0382) with Hardness
Reagent #7 (4487DR).
5. Titrate sample until red color changes to clear blue.
6. Record as ppm Total Hardness (CaCO3).
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PO Box 329 · Chestertown · Mary land · 21620 · USA
63634-03-SF · 2.07