AQ-1 • CODE 3559-01
Helping People Solve Analytical Challenges
PO Box 329 • Chestertown • Maryland • 21620 • USA
800-344-3100 • 410-778-3100 (Outside USA) • Fax 410-778-6394
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30 mL Ammonia Nitrogen Reagent #1 4797-G
30 mL *Ammonia Nitrogen Reagent #2 *4798-G
120 mL *Mixed Acid Reagent *V-6278-J
10 g *Color Developing Reagent *V-6281-D
30 mL *Wide Range Indicator *2218-G
15 mL *Salinity Indicator Reagent A *7460-E
60 mL *Salinity Titration Reagent B *7461-H
30 mL *Manganous Sulfate Solution *4167-G
30 mL *Alkaline Potassium Iodide Azide *7166-G
50 g *Sulfamic Acid Powder *6286-H
60 mL Sodium Thiosulfate, 0.025N 4169-H
30 mL Starch Indicator Solution 4170WT-G
4 Square Tubes, plastic, w/cap 0106
1 Test Tube, glass, 5-10-15 mL, w/cap 0778
1 Test Tube, 5-10-12.9-15-20-25 mL,
1 Direct Reading Titrator, 0-10 Range 0377
1 Direct Reading Titrator, 0-20 Range 0378
1 Direct Reading Titrator, 0-1 Range 0376
1 Pipet, 0.5 mL, plastic 0353
1 Spoon, 0.1g, plastic 0699
1 Spoon, 1.0g, plastic 0697
1 Nitrite Nitrogen ColoRuler, 0.5-2.0 ppm 3551
1 Ammonia Nitrogen Color Chart,
0.5-2.0 ppm
1 pH Color Chart, 5.0-8.0 pH 3603-CC
1 Water Sampling Bottle, 60 mL, glass 0688-DO
1 Demineralizer Bottle 1151
1 Thermometer 1066
*WARNING: Reagents marked with a * are considered to be potential health
hazards. To view or print a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for these reagents
see MSDS CD or www.lamotte.com. To obtain a printed copy, contact LaMotte
by email, phone or fax.
To order individual reagent refills or test kit components, use the specified code
1. Fill test tube (0778) to 10 mL line with deionized water.
2. Fill the Direct Reading Titrator, 0-1 Range (0376) with sample water.
Wipe any excess sample water from the tip.
3. Dispense 0.5 mL of the sample water into the test tube by slowly
pressing the plunger until the tip of the plunger is opposite the 0.5
mark. Discard the remaining water in the Titrator.
4. Add 3 drops of *Salinity Indicator Reagent A (7460) to the test tube.
Cap and gently swirl to mix the contents.
5. Fill the Direct Reading Titrator, 0-20 Range (0378) with *Salinity
Titration Reagent B (7461). Insert into the center hole of the test tube
6. While gently swirling the test tube, slowly press the plunger to titrate
until the color of the solution changes from yellow to pink-brown.
Read the test result directly from the scale where the large ring on the
Titrator meets the Titrator barrel. Record as ppt salinity. Each minor
division equals 0.4.
EXAMPLE: Plunger tip is 3 minor divisions below line 10. The test
result is 10 plus (3 divisions x 0.4) equals 11.2 ppt.