CODE 7105-02-UNVC
2 x 30 mL *Hypochlorite Reagent A *7939PS-G
10 g *Potassium Iodide Crystals *6809-D
60 mL Hypochlorite Reagent D 2790-H
1 Test Tube, 5-25 mL, w/cap 0608
1 Direct Reading Titrator, 0-10 Range 0377
1 Pipet, 0.5 mL, plastic 0353
1 Pipet, 1.0 mL, plastic 0354
1 Pipet, 1.0 mL, plastic, red tape NA-0354
1 Spoon, 0.1 g, plastic 0699
*WARNING: Reagents marked with a * are considered to be potential health
hazards. To view or print a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for these
reagents see MSDS CD or www.lamotte.com. To obtain a printed copy, contact
LaMotte by e-mail, phone or fax.
To order individual reagents or test kit components, use the specified code
Carefully read the LaMotte Direct Reading Titrator Instruction Manual
(1649) before proceeding. The Titrator is calibrated in percent available
chlorine; each minor division equals 0.2 percent.
NOTE: If endpoint is not achieved after one full Titrator of reagent has
been added in the titration, refill and zero the titrator to continue
titration beyond 10 percent.

Concentration Sample Size DRT multiplication factor
0-10% 0.5 mL 1
0-5% 1.0 mL 0.5
0-1% 5 mL 0.1
0-5,000 ppm
0-2,500 ppm
0-2,000 ppm
10 mL 0.05 for %
500 for ppm
20 mL 0.025 for %
250 for ppm
25 mL 0.020 for %
200 for ppm
1. Add the sample to be tested to the test tube (0608). For a 0.5 mL or
1.0 mL sam ple size, fill the tube to 10 mL with tap wa ter and use the
0.5 mL pipet (0353) or 1.0 mL pipet (0354) to add the appropriate
amount of sample. For sample sizes greater than 1.0 mL, fill the test
tube (0608) to the specified line.
2. Use the 1.0 mL pipet with red tape (NA-0354) to add 1.0 mL of
*Hypochlorite Reagent A (7939). Swirl to mix.
3. Use 0.1g spoon (0699) to add 0.1g *Potassium Iodide Crystals
(6809). Swirl to mix.
4. Fill the Direct Reading Titrator (0377) with Hypochlorite Reagent D
(2790). See Direct Reading Titrator Manual (1649). Insert the
Titrator tip into the center hole of the test tube cap.
5. While gently swirl ing the tube, slowly de press the plunger to ti trate
the sam ple un til the so lu tion changes from brown to col or less and
re mains col or less for 1 min ute. Read the test re sult di rectly from the
scale where the large ring on the Titrator meets the Titrator bar rel.
Mul ti ply titrator read ing by the ap pro pri ate fac tor listed in the ta ble
above. NOTE: The so lu tion will go through an in ter me di ate yel low
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800-344-3100 • 410-778-3100 (Out side U.S.A.) • Fax 410-778-6394
Visit us on the web at www.lamotte.com