CODE 1606
Helping Peo ple Solve An a lyt i cal Chal lenges
PO Box 329 · Chestertown · Mary land · 21620 · USA
800-344-3100 · 410-778-3100 (Out side USA) · Fax 410-778-6394
Visit us on the web at www.lamotte.com

OXIDATION: Chemical change caused by oxygen reacting with the
pH: Based on the number of hydrogen or hydroxyl ions there are in a
substance. A pH scale is used to determine whether a substance is acidic,
basic or neutral. On the pH scale the midpoint 7.0 indicates a neutral
substance; readings below 7.0 are acidic; readings above 7.0 are basic.
POLLUTION: The presence of matter or energy whose nature, location
or quantity produces undesired environmental effects.
ppm: An abbreviation for parts per million. One ppm is equal to one
particle of the substance in a million particles of solution.
PURIFY/PURIFICATION: The process by which polluted substances are
cleaned. Purification can occur naturally, or by any of several mechanical
means, such as filtration or chemical treatment.
SCALE: Crusts or flakes which are deposited on the surface of metal parts,
often composed of calcium or magnesium.
SOLUTION: One or more substances dissolved in liquid.
WATER SOFTENERS: Special devices which remove minerals such as
calcium and magnesium from the water supply.