Lamons Gasket & Fastener User Manual

Gasket & Fastener Handbook
A Technical Guide To Gasketing & Bolted Flanges
About Lamons
Lamons is one of the largest gasket and bolt suppliers in the world,
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Table of Contents
Why Gaskets are Used Effecting A Seal Gasket Seating Flange Types Flange Finish Material Considerations
Chapter 1 : Gasket Selection
Section 1: Non-Metallic Gaskets
Elastomers 17
PTFE Products 19
Compressed Non-Asbestos 23
High Temperature Sheet Products 38
Soft Gasket Dimensions 39
Section 2: Semi-Metallic Gaskets
CorruKammTM Gaskets & Dimensions
Kammpro le
Spiral Wound Gaskets & Dimensions 65
Corrugated Metal Gaskets & Dimensions
Metal / Double Jacketed Gaskets & Dimensions 109
Section 3: Metallic Gaskets
Ring Joints & Dimensions 115
Lens Ring Dimensions 126
Specialty Machined Products 127
Gaskets & Dimensions 53
Section 4: IsoTekTM Isolation Gaskets & Kits
Sleeves and Washers 141 Installation Torque Values Sugested Media
Sealing - Isolating Gasket 128
FS Sealing - Isolating Gasket 131
Sealing - Isolating Gasket 136
Sealing - Isolating Gasket 139
Chapter 2: Gasket Installation
Installation and Bolting Practices 153
Bolt Torque Sequence 160
Trouble Shooting Leaking Joints 165
Chapter 3: Technical & Design
ASME Section VIII, Design Consideration for Bolted Flange Connections 169
Bolt Load Formulas 172
Notation Symbols and De nitions 173
Common Metals Description 177
Bolt Reference Charts for ASME B16.5 Flanges 180
Bolt Reference Charts for ASME B16.47 A and B Flanges
Torque Chart 184
Chapter 4: Appendix
Chemical Resistance Galvanic Corrosion Temperature Conversion Hardness Conversion Pipe Dimensions & Weights Circumferences & Areas of Circles Fastener Details
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The content of this handbook is the property of Lamons Gasket Company and is not to be reproduced in any form without permission of Lamons.
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Revision Febuary 2016
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The cost of leaky joints in industry today is staggering. Out-of-pocket costs run into billions of dollars annually in lost production, waste of energy, loss of product and, most recently, impact on the environment. These problems are increasing, not decreasing. It behooves all of us to consolidate our knowledge and experience to solve or at least minimize these problems. This publication is being produced because we, as gasket and fastener manufacturers and
suppliers, are constantly called upon to solve sealing problems after the fact. Too often we nd insufcient time and attention has been given to:
• Proper design of anged joint;
• Installation procedures; and,
• Selection of the optimum gasket material required to solve a particular sealing problem.
We will endeavor to outline in this publication those areas we believe to be essential in a properly designed, installed and maintained gasketed joint.
We believe most people involved with the design, installation, and maintenance of gasketed joints realize that no such thing as “zero” leakage can be achieved. Whether or not a joint is “tight” depends on the sophistication of the methods used to measure leakage. In certain applications the degree of leakage may be perfectly acceptable if one drop of water per minute is noted at the gasketed joint. Another requirement is that no bubbles would be observed if the gasketed joint was subjected to an air or gas test underwater. A still more stringent inspection would require passing a mass spectrometer test. The rigidity of any test
method would be determined by:
• The hazard of the material being conned;
• Loss of critical materials in a process ow;
• Impact on the environment should a particular uid escape into the atmosphere; and,
• Danger of re or of personal injury.
All of these factors dictate proper attention must be given to:
• Design of ange joints or closures;
• Proper selection of gasket type;
• Proper gasket material; and,
• Proper installation procedures.
Care in these areas will ensure that the best technology and planning goes into the total package and will minimize operating costs, pollution of the environment and hazards to employees and the general public.
Why Gaskets are Used
Gaskets are used to create a static seal between two stationary members of a mechanical assembly and to maintain that seal under operating conditions, which may vary dependent upon changes in pressures and temperatures. If it were possible to have perfectly mated
 anges and if it were possible to maintain an intimate contact of these perfectly mated  anges
throughout the extremes of operating conditions, a gasket would not be required.
This is virtually impossible either because of:
• The size of the vessel and/or the  anges;
• The dif culty in maintaining such extremely smooth  ange  nishes during handling and assembly;
• Corrosion and erosion of the  ange surface during operations; and,
• The sheer number of  anged joints in a typical industrial setting, and commercial
As a consequence, relatively inexpensive gaskets are used to provide the sealing element in these mechanical assemblies. In most cases, the gasket provides a seal by utilizing external
forces to  ow the gasket material into the imperfections between the mating surfaces. It
follows then that in a properly designed gasket closure, three major considerations must be taken into account in order for a satisfactory seal to be achieved.
• Suf cient force must be available to initially seat the gasket. Stated this way, adequate means must be provided to  ow the gasket into the imperfections in the gasket seating
• Suf cient forces must be available to maintain a residual stress on the gasket under
operating conditions to ensure that the gasket will be in continuous intimate contact with the gasket seating surfaces to prevent leakage.
• The selection of the gasket material must be such that it will withstand the pressures exerted against the gasket, satisfactorily resist the entire temperature range to which the
closure will be exposed and withstand corrosive attack of the con ned medium.
Effecting a Seal
A seal is affected by compressing the gasket material and causing it to  ow into the
imperfections on the gasket seating surfaces so that intimate contact is made between the gasket and the seating surfaces.
There are four different methods that may be used either singly or in combination to achieve
this unbroken barrier:
1. Compression
This is the most common method of effecting a seal on a  ange joint and the compression force is normally applied by bolting;
2. Attrition Is a combination of a dragging action combined with compression, such as in a spark plug
gasket where the spark plug is turned down on a gasket that is both compressed and
screwed in to the  ange;
3. Heat An example is the case of sealing a ball and valve joint on cast iron pipe by means of
molten lead. Molten lead is poured, then is tamped into place using a tamping tool and a
hammer; and,
4. Gasket Lip Expansion
This is a phenomenon that would occur due to edge swelling when the gasket would
be affected by con ned  uid. Elastomeric compounds affected by con ned  uids, such
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as solvents, cause the gasket material to swell and increase the interaction of the gasket
against the ange faces.
Generally, gaskets are called upon to effect a seal across the faces of contact with the anges.
Permeation of the media through the body of the gasket is also a possibility depending on
material, conned media, and acceptable leakage rate.
Compression Attrition
Gasket Seating
There are two major factors to be considered with regard to gasket seating:
First, the gasket itself. The ASME Unred Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII, Division 1 denes
minimum design seating stresses for a variety of gasket types and materials. These design seating stresses range from zero psi for so-called self-sealing gasket types such as low
durometer elastomers and O-rings to 26,000 psi (179 MPa) to properly seat solid at metal
gaskets. Between these two extremes there is a multitude of types and materials available to
the designer enabling them to make a selection based upon the specic operating conditions
under investigation.
Second, the other major factor to take into consideration must be the surface nish of the
gasket seating surface. As a general rule, it is necessary to have a relatively rough gasket seating surface for elastomeric and PTFE gaskets on the order of magnitude of 500 micro
inches. Solid metal gaskets normally require a surface nish not rougher than 63 micro inches.
Semi-metallic gaskets, such as spiral wound gaskets, fall between these two general types. The reason for the difference is that with non-metallic gaskets such as rubber, there must be
sufcient roughness on the gasket seating surfaces to bite into the gasket, thereby preventing
excessive extrusion and increasing resistance to gasket blowout. In the case of solid metal
gaskets, extremely high unit loads are required to ow the gasket into imperfections on
the gasket seating surfaces. This requires that the gasket seating surfaces be as smooth as possible to ensure an effective seal. Spiral wound gaskets require some surface roughness to prevent excessive radial slippage of the gasket under compression. The characteristics of
the type of gasket being used dictate the proper ange surface nish that must be taken into consideration by the ange designer, and there is no such thing as a single optimum gasket surface nish for all types of gaskets. The problem of the proper nish for gasket seating surface is further complicated by the type of the ange design. For example, a totally enclosed
facing such as tongue and groove will permit the use of a much smoother gasket seating surface than can be tolerated with a raised face.
Flange Types
A ange is used to join pipe, valves, or a vessel within a system. The most common anges
used in industrial applications follow. When applying gasket and sealing components to these
anges, the user must take into consideration sizing limitations, available clamp load, optimum surface nish, and gasket placement to minimize ange rotation. Pressure ratings for ASME standard anges are classied by pressure class of 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500 and 2500.
The most common terminology used is the pound reference, although the more formal
reference is by class, such as class 150 ange. ASME requires that each ange be stamped with
the manufacturer’s name, nominal pipe size, pressure classi cation,  ange facing, bore, material
designation, ring gasket number (when using a ring type joint  ange facing) and heat number or
Raised Face Flange
Raised Face  anges are the most common type used in industrial applications due to their versatility in gasket compatibility, robust construction that prevents  ange rotation under
load and the unitized design.
Flat Face Flange
Mating faces of both  anges are  at across the entire face both inside and outside the bolts. These uncon ned gaskets require a mechanical stop to control compression height, such as
a spiral wound gasket, should be designed with this consideration.
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Tongue and Groove Flange
Compressibility characteristics of the conned design need to be taken into consideration when applying gaskets to this ange style to ensure ange surfaces do not meet and prevent
over-compression on the gasket. The groove width is typically not wider than 1/16” (1.5 mm) over the tongue width to control gasket compression and creep relaxation due to gasket migration. The gasket dimensions will typically match the tongue dimensions.
Male - Female or Recessed Groove Flange
Compressibility characteristics need to be taken into consideration when applying gaskets
to this ange style to ensure ange surfaces do not meet and prevent over compression on
the gasket.
Lap Joint and Slip on Flange
A lap joint  ange and slip on  ange are very similar in that they are typically associated
with non-critical applications and systems that require frequent dismantling for inspection.
The slip on  ange is bored slightly larger than the OD of the matching pipe. The pipe slips into the  ange prior to welding both inside and outside to prevent leaks. The lap joint has a
curved radius at the bore and face to accommodate a lap joint stub end.
Lap Joint Flange
Slip On Flange
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Socket Welding Flange
The ange is similar to the slip on ange, except it has a bore and a counter bore. The counter
is slightly larger than the OD of matching pipe, allowing the pipe to be inserted. A restriction is built into the bottom of the bore, which acts as a shoulder for the pipe to rest on, and has
the same ID of the matching pipe. The ow is not restricted in any direction.
Ring Type Joint (RT J)
Very often used for high pressure applications, ring type joints utilize octagonal or oval shaped
ring gaskets that are ideally softer than the ange material. The gasket is conned in the joint, where surface nish is critical for the traditional metal to metal seal.
The Impact of Flange Finish on Gasket Performance
Inner Ring
Outer Ring
Winding Metal
Filler Material
ASME B16.20 or applicable specication
A critical and fundamental aspect of sealing is the level of friction between the  ange and gasket surfaces. The level of roughness characteristic of the  ange faces can have a dramatic
effect on gasket creep relaxation, blow out resistance and bolted joint tightness. Dependent
upon the type of gasket that is being used in the connection, different surface  nishes can be
utilized to optimize gasket performance.
As a general rule, metal gaskets and those that have less conformable surfaces require a
very smooth surface  nish. Given the creep resistance and structural stability of most metal
gaskets, the two mating surfaces can create a very tight and reliable seal. Alignment, parallelism
and  ange  nish must be within speci ed limits in order to achieve an optimal result. Metal
gaskets such as solid metal and jacketed designs offer very little forgiveness in regards to
 ange  nish, and bolting and assembly de ciencies. A typical surface  nish recommendation
for these types of metal contact seals is 64 AARH/RMS or smoother.
Soft gaskets such as compressed  ber sheet, that are more compressible, can be more forgiving in regards to alignment and parallelism of the  ange. However, these designs are more susceptible to creep relaxation and movement while under a load. The  ange surface  nish can play a critical role in the gasket’s service life and long term reliability. A smooth surface  nish will not create the necessary friction between these mating surfaces, allowing a
non-reinforced gasket design to be more susceptible to creep under load. This creep would
translate to a loss in bolted joint tightness and potential leakage. A rougher surface  nish is
generally recommended for soft, non-reinforced materials to create this necessary friction,
which lends to stability and tightness between the mating surfaces. A typical surface  nish
recommendation for soft, non-reinforced materials is 125-250 AARH/RMS or rougher.
Flange Finish Definition and Common Terminology
Raised and  at  ange facings are machined with serrations; serrations may be either phonographic or concentric. The industry standard is a phonographic serrated  nish. The facing  nish is judged by visual comparison with Roughness Average (Ra) standards. Ra is
stated in microinches (µin) or micrometers (µm) and is shown as an Arithmetic Average Roughness Height (AARH) or Root Mean Square (RMS). AARH and RMS are different methods of calculation giving essentially the same result and are used interchangeably. The
more common  nishes are represented in the illustration below. Normally the manufacturer furnishes the “Stock Finish” unless the purchaser speci es otherwise.
De ned on following page,  anges are available in many different surface textures that can
affect gasket performance.
1 2
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4 3
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1. Stock Finish: This is a continuous spiral groove. Suitable for practically all ordinary
service conditions, this is the most widely used of any gasket surface nish. The AARH/ RMS microinch nish for this typically ranges from a 125 to 250 value. This nish is suitable
for gaskets that have a soft conformable face. Under compression, the soft face will embed
into this nish which helps create a seal. A high level of friction is generated between the mating surfaces due to this aspect. The stock nish for 12” (305 mm) and smaller anges
is generated by a 1/16” (1.59 mm) radius round nosed tool at a feed of 1/32” (0.79 mm) per revolution. For sizes above 12” (305 mm) the tool nose is 1/8” (3.17 mm) radius and the feed is 3/64” (1.19 mm) per revolution.
2. Spiral Serrated: This, too, is a continuous spiral groove but it differs from the stock
nish in that the groove is generated using a 90 degree tool which creates a “V” geometry
with 45 degree angled serration.
3. Concentric Serrated: (Not depicted) As the name suggests this nish is comprised of concentric grooves. A 90 degree tool is used and the serrations are spaced evenly across
the face. This is a non-standard custom nish which must be specied.
4. Smooth Finish: This nish show no denite signs of tool markings apparent to the naked eye. These nishes are typically utilized for gaskets with metal facings such as double jacketed at steel. The smooth surfaces mate to create a seal and depend on the atness of the opposing faces to effect a seal. AARH/RMS Microinch nish values are typically
better than a 64 value.
5. Lapped Finish (Cold Water Finish): Produced by using a wide tool at high speeds, this
nish is equivalent to a ground surface. It is mirror like in appearance. Surfaces such as this
are typically intended to be used without a gasket.
The concepts of surface roughness, waviness, and lay are illustrated schematically below.
RMS microinch value is dened as the root mean square (square root of the mean square) of an innite series of distances measured in miroinches from the hypothetical nominal or
mean surface line to the actual irregular surface contour. For all practical purposes, the RMS microinch value is a weighted average unit of surface roughness that is affected to a greater extent by the highest and lowest deviation from the nominal surface that is by the minor deviation. AARH is calculated by obtaining the average roughness height of the irregular surface .
Nominal surface
Normal secon
Total prole
(includes error in
geometric form)
Waviness prole
(roughness, heights aenuated)
Roughness prole
(waviness heights aenuated)
Mean Roughness
1 n
 ∈ ℝ
i = 1
∀  ∈ ℝ
i = 1
( )
Arithme cal mean devia on (Ra)Root-mean-square devia on (Rq)
y = y (x)
Ra = ,
Rq =
mean of the distribu on (average)
y (xi) - y
(y (xi) - y)
0 X
Calculations for statistical parameters of pro lometry data.
One microinch equals one millionth of an inch (0.000001”).
Mean line
Material Considerations
A most important factor in selecting the proper gasket is selecting the suitable material that will be compatible with the application service.
The optimum gasket material would have the following characteristics:
• It would have the chemical resistance of PTFE;
• The heat resistance of Flexible Graphite;
• The strength of steel;
• It requires a zero seating stress, such as with soft rubber; and,
• Be cost effective.
Obviously there is no known gasket material that has all these characteristics, and each material has certain limitations that restrict its use. It is possible to overcome limitations
partially by several methods such as:
• Including the use of reinforcing inserts;
• Utilizing combination of materials;
• Varying the construction and/or density; and,
• Designing the joint itself to overcome some of the limitations.
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Evidently, mechanical factors are important in the design of the joint but the primary selection
of a gasket material is in uenced by different factors:
1. The temperature of the  uid or gas in the service
Gaskets are affected in two ways by temperature. Gross physical characteristics are determined by temperature, including material state, oxidation point, and resilience. Also the mechanical (creep or stress relaxation) and chemical properties are highly temperature dependent.
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2. The pressure of the uid or gas in the service.
Internal pressure acts in two ways against a gasket. First, the hydrostatic end force, equal
to the pressure multiplied by the area of pressure boundary, tends to separate the anges. This force must be opposed by the ange clamp force. The difference between the initial ange clamp force and the hydrostatic end force is residual ange load. The residual load must be positive to prevent joint leakage. The magnitude of the residual ange load
required to prevent leakage is dependent upon the style of gasket selected and its material of construction. Second, the internal pressure acts to blow out the gasket across the
gasket ange interface.
3. The corrosive characteristics of the uid or gas to be contained
The gasket must be resistant to deterioration from corrosive attack. The severity of attack and resulting corrosion is dependent upon temperature and time.
Bolt Load
End Force
Internal pressures
are exerted against both
the ange and the gasket
4. Flange Compatibility
The gasket is intended to be the renewable component in the joint system therefore it should be softer or more deformable than the mating surfaces. It must also be chemically compatible. For metallic gaskets, this means consideration must be given to galvanic
corrosion. Galvanic effects can be minimized by selecting metals for the gasket and ange which are close together in the galvanic series, or the gasket should be sacricial (anodic) to prevent damage to the anges.
There are charts that are included in the appendix that shows the maximum temperature limits for non-metal and metal materials. The ratings are based upon hot air constant
temperatures. The presence of contaminating uids and cyclic conditions may drastically
affect the temperature range. Also, there are charts that indicate general recommendations for non-metallic and metallic materials against various corrosive media. These charts are
general references, as there are many additional factors that can inuence the corrosion resistance of a particular material at operating conditions. Some of these factors include:
• Concentration of the corrosive agent (full strength solutions are not necessarily more
corrosive than those of dilute proportions and the opposite is also true);
• The purity of a corrosive agent. For example, dissolved oxygen in otherwise pure water
may cause rapid oxidation of steam generation equipment at high temperatures; and,
• The temperature of the corrosive agent. In general, higher temperatures of corrosive agents will accelerate corrosive attack.
As a consequence, it is often necessary to “eld-test” materials for resistance to corrosion
under normal operating conditions to determine if the material selected will have the required resistance to corrosion.
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Chapter 1
Gasket Selection
Section One: Non- Metallic Gaskets
A “Soft Gasket” material is a term used when referring to a gasket material that is easily compressed under a low bolt load. This term has been used to distinguish the difference from a metallic gasket. A soft gasket material can be selected from a large variety of elastomers,
compressed non-asbestos, PTFE, exible graphite and high temperature sheet products. Soft gaskets are used in a wide range of applications such as for pipe anges, heat exchangers,
compressors and bonnet valves, to name just a few. Soft gasket material can be purchased in a variety of cut shapes or be provided in sheet or rolls.
As part of Lamons strategy to offer customers a wider range of products, we are pleased to
supply the following soft gasket materials:
• Elastomeric and Fiber Sheet
• Compressed Non-Asbestos Sheet
• Matrix Biaxially Orientated PTFE Sheet
• Matrix L120 Expanded PTFE Sheet
• Matrix L120 PTFE Joint Sealant
• PTFE Envelope Gaskets
• Virgin / Glass-Filled / Reprocessed PTFE Sheet
• Flexible Graphite Sheet
• Mica Sheet
• Ceramic Fiber
An Elastomer is a polymer with the physical property of elasticity. Elastomer is a term derived from elastic polymer, which is often used interchangeably with the term rubber. Each of the monomers which link to form the polymer is usually made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and/ or silicon. Elastomers are usually thermosets requiring a curing process involving heat and the addition of sulfur or other equivalent curatives. In addition, elastomers might also be thermoplastic.
SBR (Styrene-Butadiene)
SBR is a synthetic rubber that has excellent abrasion resistance and has good resistance to weak organic acids, alcohols, moderate chemicals and ketones. It is not good in ozone, strong acids, fats, oils, greases and most hydrocarbons. Its temperature range would be from approximately -65°F to 250°F (-54°C to 121°C).
CR-Chloroprene (Neoprene)
Chloroprene is a synthetic rubber that is suitable for use against moderate acids, alkalies and salt solutions. It has good resistance to commercial oils and fuels. It is very poor against strong oxidizing acids, aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons. Its temperature range would be from approximately -60°F to 250°F (-51°C to 121°C).
Buna-N/Rubber (Nitrile, NBR)
Buna-N is a synthetic rubber that has good resistance to oils and solvents, aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, petroleum oils and gasoline over a wide range of temperature. It also has good resistance to caustics and salts but only fair acid resistance. It is poor in strong oxidizing agents, chlorinated hydrocarbons, ketones and esters. It is suitable over a temperature range of approximately -60°F to 250°F (-51°C to 121°C).
EPDM (Ethylene Propylene)
This synthetic material has good resistance to strong acids, alkalies, salts and chlorine solutions. It is not suitable for use in oils, solvents or aromatic hydrocarbons. Its temperature range would be between -70°F to 350°F (-57°C to 177°C).
Fluorocarbon (Viton®)
Fluorocarbon elastomer has good resistance to oils, fuel, chlorinated solvents, aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons and strong acids. It is not suitable for use against amines, esters, ketones or steam. Its normal temperature range would be between -15°F to 450°F (-26°C to 232°C).
Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene (Hypalon®)
Hypalon® has good acid, alkali and salt resistance. It resists weathering, sunlight, ozone, oils and commercial fuels such as diesel and kerosene. It is not good in aromatics or chlorinated hydrocarbons and has poor resistance against chromic acid and nitric acid. It’s normal temperature range would be between -50°F and 275°F (-46°C and 135°C).
Natural Rubber
Natural rubber has good resistance to mild acids and alkalis, salts and chlorine solutions. It has poor resistance to oils and solvents and is not recommended for use with ozone. Its temperature range is very limited and is suitable only for use from -70°F to 200°F (-57°C to 93°C).
Silicone rubbers have good resistance to hot air. They are unaffected by sunlight and ozone. They are not, however, suitable for use against steam, aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. The temperature range would be between -65°F to 500°F (-54°C to 260°C).
Vegetable Fiber Sheet
Vegetable  ber sheet is a tough pliable gasket material manufactured by paper making techniques utilizing plant  bers and a glue-glycerine impregnation. It is widely used for sealing
petroleum products, gases and a wide variety of solvents. Its maximum temperature limit is
250°F (121°C). If a more compressible material is required, a combination cork- ber sheet is available. The cork- ber sheet has the same maximum temperature limitation as the vegetable  ber sheet.
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Viton® and Hypalon® are registered trademarks of DuPont.
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PTFE Products
PTFE (Polytetrauoroethylene) has emerged as the most common thermoplastic gasket
material. PTFE’s outstanding properties include resistance to temperature extremes from cryogenic to 500°F (260°C). PTFE is highly resistant to chemicals, solvents, caustics and acids
except free uorine and alkali metals. It has a very low surface energy and does not adhere to the anges. PTFE gaskets can be supplied in a variety of forms; either as virgin or reprocessed material, and also with a variety of ller material. The principal advantage in adding llers to PTFE is to inhibit cold ow or creep relaxation.
Matrix is a premium range of PTFE material that covers the full spectrum of customer
requirements. This product line covers, biaxally orientated lled materials (L100, L104, L110)
for low creep, higher loaded applications. High compression (L120) for applications where high load values are not achievable but low creep is still required.
Matrix L100, L104 and L110 products are manufactured to the HS10 method which was developed by DuPont in 1960. The result is a material that has exceptional strength and stability under load. The resultant biaxial orientation of the PTFE particles creates a unique strength where both the longitudinal and transverse directions are equally as strong. This
superior matrix orientation and addition of premium llers allows the material to resist creep and cold ow when subject to load.
Matrix L120 is our range of high quality Expanded PTFE materials, it is offered in both sheet, cut gaskets and joint sealant form.
Expanded PTFE (ePTFE) is manufactured by heating solid Polytetrauoroethylene, the material
is then stretched up to 800% of its original size and this forms a microporous structure which consists of around 70% air. This gives the material good compression characteristics, which allows the ePTFE to seal under low loads.
The Matrix range can be used in its pure form or can be used as facings or llers for our
range of semi-metallic gaskets.
All of our Matrix materials conform to FDA requirements.
A biaxially orientated high quality silica- lled PTFE
sheet for use in sealing most chemicals except
molten alkali metals,  uorine gas, and hydrogen  uoride. This material is approved for potable
water service, complies with requirements of FDA regulations and can be used at all concentrations of sulfuric acid.
A superior performance, biaxially orientated sheet material containing PTFE and hollow glass microspheres for use in sealing most chemicals
except molten alkali metals,  uorine gas and hydrogen  uoride. This material is approved for
potable water service, complies with requirements of FDA regulations and has exceptional compression characteristics making it good for use in glass lined
 anges or where loading problems exist.
A pigment-free biaxially orientated with superior
performance, barium sulfate- lled PTFE sheet for
use in sealing food, pharmaceuticals, and other general chemical media. This material complies with requirements of FDA regulations and is acceptable
for use in aqueous hydro uoric acid below 49%, but
is not suitable for sealing molten alkali metals or
 uorine gas.
Typical Physical Properties
Color Tan Blue O White
Temperature Limits
MAX Pressure 1235 psi (8.5 MPa) 1235 psi (8.5 MPa) 1235 psi (8.5 MPa)
F36 Compression 7% 35% 6%
F36 Recovery 45% 45% 40%
F152 Tensile Strength 2320 psi (16 MPa) 1885 psi (13 MPa) 2030 psi (14 MPa)
F37 Liquid Leakage <0.3 mL/hr <0.25 mL/hr <0.2 mL/hr
F38 Creep Relaxa on 35% 31% 13%
F149 Dielectric Strength 20 kV/mm 15 kV/mm 21 kV/mm
Residual Stress BS7531 @ 175ºC 4496 psi (31 MPa) 4351 psi (30 MPa) 4351 psi (30 MPa)
Gas Leakage - DIN 3535 <0.01 mg/(s-m) <0.02 mg/(s-m) <0.01 mg/(s-m)
Gas Leakage - BS7531 <0.005 mL/min <0.01 mL/min <0.004 mL/min
ROTT Constant Gb 172 100 146
ROTT Constant a 0.401 0.401 0.375
ROTT Constant Gs 2.76 x 10
Tpmax 24260 33240 60460
m 4 2 2
y 2175 psi (15 MPa) 1595 psi (11 MPa) 1740 psi (12 MPa)
L1 0 0
137 lbs/
(2.2 g/cc)
-450ºF (-268ºC) to 500ºF (260ºC)
L1 0 4
87 lbs/ 3 (1.4 g/cc)
-450ºF (-268ºC) to 500ºF (260ºC)
2.87 x 10
L11 0
180 lbs/
(2.9 g/cc)
-450ºF (-268ºC) to 500ºF (260ºC)
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Sealing Global - Servicing Local
Expanded PTFE Sheet
Matrix L120 effectively lls ange im­perfections for a tight, leak-free seal.
conventional PTFE, which is prone to creep and cold ow, L120 has good
creep resistance and bolt torque retention properties even under higher compressive force. With L120, it is much more possible to bolt up once and not have to re-torque later. Most commonly FDA/USDA suitable.
Complies with the requirements of FDA21 CFR 177.1550
Minimum Temperature: -450°F (-268°C) Maximum Temperature: 500°F (260°C) Maximum Pressure: 735 psi (5.1 MPa) Thickness Range: 0.020” (0.5 mm) to 1/4” (6.4 mm)
It is easily compressed under lower
loads, benecial for applications such as FRP or glass-lined anges. Unlike
Typical Physical Properties
Property ASTM Method Typical Values
Compressibility F36 55%
Recovery F36 15%
Tensile Strength F152 3190 psi (22MPa)
Liquid Leakage F37 <0.1 mL/hr
Creep Relaxaon F38 17%
Density - 59 lbs/3 (0.95 g/cc)
Gas Leakage BS7531 <0.03 mL/min
PTFE Joint Sealant
100% pure, specially processed PTFE sealant provides soft, highly
pressure, PTFE sealant provides a very thin and wide ribbon-like joint sealant so that the smallest possible gasket surface area is exposed to the harmful effects of corrosive media.
Width (in) Length () Width (in) Length ()
1/8 100 3/4 15
1/4 50 3/4 30
3/8 25 3/4 50
3/8 250 3/4 100
1/2 15 1 15
1/2 30 1 30
1/2 150 1 75
5/8 15
5/8 30
5/8 150
compressible gasketing on a roll for long-life, trouble-free sealing that cuts maintenance and storing costs. Under
PTFE Envelope Gaskets
Envelope gaskets utilizing PTFE jackets have become popular for use in severely corrosive services because of their low minimum seating stresses, excellent creep resistance, high
deformability and choice of a variety of  ller materials to assure optimum performance on any speci c application. Fillers such as corrugated metal and rubber sheets are available.
There are three basic designs of envelopes:
1. Slit Type / V Type / Style 800: sliced from cylinders and split from the outside diameter to within approximately 1/16” (1.5 mm) of the inside diameter. The bearing surface
is determined by the  ller dimensions. Clearance is required between the ID of the  ller
and the envelope ID. The gasket OD normally rests within the bolt hole circle and the ID is approximately equal to the nominal ID of pipe. Available in sizes to a maximum OD of
2. Milled Type / Square Cut / Style 820: machined from cylinder stock. The jacket is machined from the OD to within approximately 1/32” (0.8 mm) it’s ID. The jacket’s
ID  ts  ush with pipe bore and its OD nests within the bolts. Available in sizes up to a
maximum OD of 24” (609 mm). Milled envelopes are more expensive than slit type since considerably more material is lost in machining.
3. Formed Tape Type: large diameter (over 12 NPS) and
irregularly shaped envelopes are formed from tape and heat sealed to produce a continuous jacket construction.
Virgin / Glass-Filled / Reprocessed PTFE Sheet
Typical Physical Properties
Property Units
Speci c Gravity g/cc D-792 2.14 - 2.20 2.15 - 2.24 2.13 - 2.20
Hardness Shore D D-2240 52 - 65 55 - 58 52 - 65
Tensile Strength psi (MPa)
Elonga on %
Deforma on Under
(73ºF, 2000 psi, 24 hrs.)
Coeffi cient of Linear
Thermal Expansion
ºF - 400ºF)
Conduc vity
Dielectric Strength volts/mil D-149a 300 min N/A 500 - 1000
Temperature Range
% D-621 15 - 16 3 - 9 N/A
in/in/ºF D-696 4 - 9 x 10
ºF (°C)
C-177 1.7 2.5 - 3.5
Typical Values
2800 min
(19.3 MPa)
270 min 50 - 150 75 - 200
Cryogenic to 450°F
Typical Values
1000 - 2000
Cryogenic to 450°F
(7-14 MPa)
3 - 8 x 10
(10 MPa - 17 MPa)
Cryogenic to 450°F
Typical Values
1500 - 2400
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Sealing Global - Servicing Local
Compressed Non-Asbestos
Early efforts to replace asbestos resulted in the introduction and testing of compressed non-asbestos products in the 1970’s. Many of these products have seen extensive use since that period, however there have been enough problems to warrant careful consideration in choosing a replacement material for compressed asbestos. Most manufacturers of non-asbestos sheet
materials use synthetic bers, like aramid or Kevlar®, in conjunction with
an elastomeric binder. The elastomeric binder makes up a larger percentage of this sheet and thereby becomes a more important consideration when determining applications.
Kevlar® is a registered trademark of DuPont.
L420 is a general purpose sheet jointing material with good mechanical properties.
Constructed with aramid/ organic ber and a high quality nitrile rubber binder.
Creep Relaxation ASTM F-38B (1/32”) 30%
Residual Stress DIN 52913 (50 MPa @ 175°C) 25 MPa
Sealability ASTM F-37A (1/32”) 0.25 ml/hr
Gas Leakage DIN 3535/6 < 1.0 ml/min
Compressibility ASTM F-36 J 7 - 15%
Recovery ASTM F-36 J 50% min
Tensile Strength ASTM F-152 1500 psi (10 MPa)
Weight Increase
Thickness Increase
Standard Line Callout ASTM F-104 F712111E12M4
Leachable Chlorides FSA Method (Typical) 200 ppm
Density 112 lbs/ft³ (1.8 g/cc)
Color Green
Pressure Range Vacuum to 580 psi (40 Bar) @ 1/16” thickness and below
Thickness Range 1/64” (0.4 mm) to 1/8” (3.2 mm)
Sheet Size Availability Max: 120” x 60” (3 m x 1.5 m)
Temperature Limits
ASTM F-146 after immersion in
Fuel B for 5 Hrs @ 73°F (23°C)
ASTM F-146
ASTM Oil 1, 5 hrs / 300°F (149°C) ASTM Oil 3, 5 hrs / 300°F (149°C)
ASTM Fuel A, 5 Hrs / 73°F (23°C) ASTM Fuel B, 5 Hrs / 73°F (23°C)
-40°F to 356°F (-40°C to 180°C)
25% max
0 - 5%
0 - 5%
0 - 5%
0 - 7%
Applications and Characteristics:
• Used successfully in mild organic and inorganic acids
• Diluted alkalis
• General chemicals
• Synthetic oils
• Petroleum and petroleum derivatives
Please refer to Lamons Chemical Compatibility Chart (in the Appendix of this manual) for more information. All Lamons sheet gasket materials are supplied with anti-stick coating as standard. Can be
manufactured with wire insert.
L430 is a general purpose sheet jointing material with superior mechanical properties.
Constructed with premium aramid  ber and a high quality nitrile rubber binder.
Applications and Characteristics:
• Used successfully in mild organic and inorganic acids
• Diluted alkalis
• General chemicals
• Synthetic oils
• Petroleum and petroleum derivatives
Please refer to Lamons Chemical Compatibility Chart (in the Appendix of this manual) for more information. All Lamons sheet gasket materials are supplied with anti-stick coating as standard. Can be manufactured with wire insert.
Creep Relaxation ASTM F-38B (1/32”) 25%
Residual Stress
DIN 52913 (50 MPa @ 175°C) 25 MPa
BS7531 (40 MPa @ 300°C) 16 MPa
Sealability ASTM F-37A (1/32”) 0.25 ml/hr
Gas Leakage DIN 3535/6 < 1.0 ml/min
Compressibility ASTM F-36 J 7 - 17%
Recovery ASTM F-36 J 50% min
Tensile Strength ASTM F-152 1500 psi (10 MPa)
Weight Increase
ASTM F-146 after immersion in
Fuel B for 5 Hrs @ 73°F (23°C)
15% max
ASTM F-146
ASTM Oil 1, 5 hrs / 300°F (149°C) 0 - 5%
Thickness Increase
ASTM Oil 3, 5 hrs / 300°F (149°C) 0 - 5%
ASTM Fuel A, 5 Hrs / 73°F (23°C) 0 - 5%
ASTM Fuel B, 5 Hrs / 73°F (23°C) 0 - 7%
Standard Line Callout ASTM F-104 F712111E12M4
m & y values 1/16” thickness 1/8” thickness
m 2.5 3.2
y 3800 4100
Dielectric Strength ASTM D149-95a 14 kV/mm
Leachable Chlorides FSA Method (Typical) 200 ppm
Density 112 lbs/ft³ (1.8 g/cc)
Color Green
Thickness Range 1/64” (0.4 mm) to 1/8” (3.2 mm)
Sheet Size Availability Max: 120” x 60” (3 m x 1.5 m)
Temperature Limits
°F to 428°F (-40°C to 220°C)
Maximum Pressure 50 Bar (725 PSI)
All Pressure / Temperature values are based on 1/16” (1.5 mm) gasket thickness.
1. Suitable (Chemical Compatibility has to be considered).
2. Please contact Lamons Engineering department
for clari
3. Not Suitable.
Sealing Global - Servicing Local
Pressure: Bar (PSI)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
(0) (122) (212) (302 ) (392) (482) (572) (662) (752) (842)
Temperature: Deg C (
Deg F)
Sealing Global - Servicing Local
L433 is a premium sheet gasket material with a reinforcement structure consisting of glass
and aramid  bers, it is bound together with a high quality nitrile rubber binder. L433 has ex­cellent resistance to steam due to the addition of glass  ber.
Creep Relaxation ASTM F-38B (1/32”) 20%
Residual Stress
DIN 52913 (50 MPa @ 175°C) 32 MPa
BS7531 (40 MPa @ 300°C) 27 MPa
Sealability ASTM F-37A (1/32”) 0.25 ml/hr
Gas Leakage DIN 3535/6 < 1.0 ml/min
Compressibility ASTM F-36 J 7 - 17%
Recovery ASTM F-36 J 50% min
Tensile Strength ASTM F-152 1500 psi (10 MPa)
Weight Increase
ASTM F-146 after immersion in
Fuel B for 5 Hrs @ 73°F (23°C)
15% max
ASTM F-146
ASTM Oil 1, 5 hrs / 300°F (149°C) 0 - 5%
Thickness Increase
ASTM Oil 3, 5 hrs / 300°F (149°C) 0 - 5%
ASTM Fuel A, 5 Hrs / 73°F (23°C) 0 - 5%
ASTM Fuel B, 5 Hrs / 73°F (23°C) 0 - 7%
Standard Line Callout ASTM F-104 F712132B3E21M5
m & y values 1/16” thickness 1/8” thickness
m 2.5 3.2
y 3800 4100
Dielectric Strength ASTM D149-95a 18 kV/mm
Leachable Chlorides FSA Method (Typical) 200 ppm
Density 100 lbs/ft³ (1.6 g/cc)
Color Red/Brown
Thickness Range 1/64” (0.4 mm) to 1/8” (3.2 mm)
Sheet Size Availability Max: 120” x 60” (3 m x 1.5 m)
Temperature Limits
Meets “BS7531 Grade AX”
API 607 Fire Safe
°F to 800°F (-100°C to 425°C)
Maximum Pressure 80 Bar (1160 PSI)
Applications and Characteristics:
• Excellent sealing ability, high resistance to creep
• Good steam resistance
• Stronger acids and alkalis, inert gases, general chemicals, oils and fuels
• Petroleum and petroleum deriva­tives
Please refer to Lamons Chemical Compatibility Chart (in the Appendix of this manual) for more information. All Lamons sheet gasket materials are supplied with anti-stick coating as standard. Can be manufactured with wire insert.
Pressure: Bar (PSI)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
(0) (122) (212) (302 ) (392) (482) (572) (662) (752)
Temperature: Deg C ( Deg F)
All Pressure / Temperature values are based on 1/16” (1.5 mm) gasket thickness.
1. Suitable (Chemical Compatibility has to be considered).
2. Please contact Lamons Engineering
department for clari cation.
3. Not Suitable.
L440 is a good quality sheet gasket material with a wide range of application potential. Manu-
factured with a formulation of high quality  llers, premium aramid  bers and a nitrile rubber
binder, L440 is a cost effective, high performance gasket material.
Applications and Characteristics:
• Excellent sealing ability, good resistance to creep
• Good chemical resistance
• Inert gases, general chemicals, oils and fuels
• Great Recovery
Please refer to Lamons Chemical Compatibility Chart (in the Appendix of this manual) for more information. All Lamons sheet gasket materials are supplied with anti-stick coating as standard. Can be
manufactured with wire insert.
Creep Relaxation ASTM F-38B (1/32”) 20%
Residual Stress
DIN 52913 (50 MPa @ 175°C) 30 MPa
BS7531 (40 MPa @ 300°C) 24 MPa
Sealability ASTM F-37A (1/32”) 0.2 ml/hr
Gas Leakage DIN 3535/6 < 1.0 ml/min
Compressibility ASTM F-36 J 7 - 17%
Recovery ASTM F-36 J 50% min
Tensile Strength ASTM F-152 1600 psi (11 MPa)
Weight Increase
ASTM F-146 after immersion in
Fuel B for 5 Hrs @ 73°F (23°C)
25% max
ASTM F-146
ASTM Oil 1, 5 hrs / 300°F (149°C) 0 - 5%
Thickness Increase
ASTM Oil 3, 5 hrs / 300°F (149°C) 0 - 5%
ASTM Fuel A, 5 Hrs / 73°F (23°C) 0 - 5%
ASTM Fuel B, 5 Hrs / 73°F (23°C) 0 - 7%
Standard Line Callout ASTM F-104 F712121B3E22M5
m & y values 1/16” thickness 1/8” thickness
m 2.5 3.2
y 3800 4100
Dielectric Strength ASTM D149-95a 17 kV/mm
Leachable Chlorides FSA Method (Typical) 100 ppm
Density 112 lbs/ft³ (1.8 g/cc)
Color Green
Thickness Range 1/64” (0.4 mm) to 1/8” (3.2 mm)
Sheet Size Availability Max: 120” x 60” (3 m x 1.5 m)
Approvals Meets “BS7531 Grade AY”
Temperature Limits
°F to 752°F (-73°C to 400°C)
Maximum Pressure 65 Bar (943 PSI)
All Pressure / Temperature values are based on 1/16” (1.5 mm) gasket thickness.
1. Suitable (Chemical Compa bility has to be considered).
2. Please contact Lamons Engineering department for clari ca on.
3. Not Suitable.
Sealing Global - Servicing Local
Pressure: Bar (PSI)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 35 0 400 450
(0) (122) (212) (302 ) (392) (482) (572)
Temperature: Deg C ( Deg F)
(662) (752) (842)
Sealing Global - Servicing Local
Temperature: Deg C ( Deg F)
A general service sheet gasket material with a wide range of application potential. Manufactured
with a formulation of high quality llers, premium aramid bers and nitrile binder, L441 is the
workhorse of the Lamons gasket line
Creep Relaxaon ASTM F-38B (1/32”) 20%
Residual Stress
DIN 52913 (50 MPa @ 175°C) 28 MPa
BS7531 (40 MPa @ 300°C) 20 MPa
Sealability ASTM F-37A (1/32”) 0.25 ml/hr
Gas Leakage DIN 3535/6 < 1.0 ml/min
Compressibility ASTM F-36 J 7 - 17%
Recovery ASTM F-36 J 50% min
Tensile Strength ASTM F-152 1500 psi (10 MPa)
Weight Increase
ASTM F-146 aer immersion in
Fuel B for 5 Hrs @ 73°F (23°C)
25% max
ASTM F-146
ASTM Oil 1, 5 hrs / 300°F (149°C) 0 - 5%
Thickness Increase
ASTM Oil 3, 5 hrs / 300°F (149°C) 0 - 5%
ASTM Fuel A, 5 Hrs / 73°F (23°C) 0 - 5%
ASTM Fuel B, 5 Hrs / 73°F (23°C) 0 - 7%
Standard Line Callout ASTM F-104 F712121B3E22M5
m & y values 1/16” thickness 1/8” thickness
m 2.5 3.2
y 3800 4100
Dielectric Strength ASTM D149-95a 15 kV/mm
Leachable Chlorides FSA Method (Typical) 100 ppm
Density 112 lbs/³ (1.8 g/cc)
Color Blue
Thickness Range 1/64” (0.4 mm) to 1/8” (3.2 mm)
Sheet Size Availability Max: 120” x 60” (3 m x 1.5 m)
Temperature Limits
-100°F to 707°F (-73°C to 375°C)
Maximum Pressure 60 Bar (870 PSI)
Applications and Characteristics:
• Excellent sealing ability
• Good chemical resistance
• Creep relaxation minimization
• Great Recovery
Please refer to Lamons Chemical Compatibility Chart (in the Appendix of this manual) for more information. All Lamons sheet gasket materials are supplied with anti-stick coating as standard. Can be manufactured with wire insert.
Pressure: Bar (PSI)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
(0) (122) (212) (302 ) (392) (482) (572) (662) (752) (842)
All Pressure / Temperature values are based on 1/16” (1.5 mm) gasket thickness.
1. Suitable (Chemical Compability has to be considered).
2. Please contact Lamons Engineering department for claricaon.
3. Not Suitable.
L443 is a premium sheet gasket material with a reinforcement structure consisting of glass
and aramid  bers, it is bound together with a high quality nitrile rubber binder. L443 has excellent resistance to steam due to the addition of glass  ber.
Applications and Characteristics:
• Excellent sealing ability, high resistance to creep
• Good steam resistance
• Stronger acids and alkalis, inert gases, general chemicals, oils and fuels
• Petroleum and petroleum deriva­ v e s
Please refer to Lamons Chemical Compatibility Chart (in the Appendix of this manual) for more information. All Lamons sheet gasket materials are supplied with anti-stick coating as standard. Can be manufactured with wire insert.
Creep Relaxation ASTM F-38B (1/32”) 20%
Residual Stress
DIN 52913 (50 MPa @ 175°C) 32 MPa
BS7531 (40 MPa @ 300°C) 27 MPa
Sealability ASTM F-37A (1/32”) 0.25 ml/hr
Gas Leakage DIN 3535/6 < 1.0 ml/min
Compressibility ASTM F-36 J 7 - 17%
Recovery ASTM F-36 J 50% min
Tensile Strength ASTM F-152 1500 psi (10 MPa)
Weight Increase
ASTM F-146 after immersion in
Fuel B for 5 Hrs @ 73°F (23°C)
15% max
ASTM F-146
ASTM Oil 1, 5 hrs / 300°F (149°C) 0 - 5%
Thickness Increase
ASTM Oil 3, 5 hrs / 300°F (149°C) 0 - 5%
ASTM Fuel A, 5 Hrs / 73°F (23°C) 0 - 5%
ASTM Fuel B, 5 Hrs / 73°F (23°C) 0 - 7%
Standard Line Callout ASTM F-104 F712132B3E21M5
m & y values 1/16” thickness 1/8” thickness
m 2.5 3.2
y 3800 4100
Dielectric Strength ASTM D149-95a 18 kV/mm
Leachable Chlorides FSA Method (Typical) 200 ppm
Density 100 lbs/ft³ (1.6 g/cc)
Color White/Green
Thickness Range 1/64” (0.4 mm) to 1/8” (3.2 mm)
Sheet Size Availability Max: 120” x 60” (3 m x 1.5 m)
Temperature Limits
Meets “BS7531 Grade AX”
API 607 Fire Safe, ABS, GL
°F to 800°F (-100°C to 425°C)
Maximum Pressure 80 Bar (1160 PSI)
All Pressure / Temperature values are based on 1/16” (1.5 mm) gasket thickness.
1. Suitable (Chemical Compatibility has to be considered).
2. Please contact Lamons Engineering
department for clari cation.
3. Not Suitable.
Sealing Global - Servicing Local
Pressure: Bar (PSI)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
(0) (122) (212) (302 ) (392) (482) (572) (662) (752) (842)
Temperature: Deg C ( Deg F)
Sealing Global - Servicing Local
L450 is a premium sheet gasket material utilizing carbon and aramid bers, it is bound together
with a high quality nitrile rubber binder. L450 is designed to perform at high temperatures and pressures. Standardization and consolidation of many other gasket materials can be achieved by the use of L450.
Creep Relaxation ASTM F-38B (1/32”) 18%
Residual Stress
DIN 52913 (50 MPa @ 175°C) 31 MPa
BS7531 (40 MPa @ 300°C) 26 MPa
Sealability ASTM F-37A (1/32”) 0.3 ml/hr
Gas Leakage DIN 3535/6 < 1.0 ml/min
Compressibility ASTM F-36 J 7 - 17%
Recovery ASTM F-36 J 50% min
Tensile Strength ASTM F-152 1500 psi (10 MPa)
Weight Increase
ASTM F-146 after immersion in
Fuel B for 5 Hrs @ 73°F (23°C)
15% max
ASTM F-146
ASTM Oil 1, 5 hrs / 300°F (149°C) 0 - 5%
Thickness Increase
ASTM Oil 3, 5 hrs / 300°F (149°C) 0 - 5%
ASTM Fuel A, 5 Hrs / 73°F (23°C) 0 - 5%
ASTM Fuel B, 5 Hrs / 73°F (23°C) 0 - 7%
Standard Line Callout ASTM F-104 F712122B3E22M5
m & y values 1/16” thickness 1/8” thickness
m 2.5 3.2
y 3800 4100
Dielectric Strength ASTM D149-95a 5 kV/mm
Leachable Chlorides FSA Method (Typical) 200 ppm
Density 100 lbs/ft³ (1.6 g/cc)
Color Black
Thickness Range 1/64” (0.4 mm) to 1/8” (3.2 mm)
Sheet Size Availability Max: 120” x 60” (3 m x 1.5 m)
Temperature Limits
Meets “BS7531 Grade AX”
API 607 Fire Safe
-150°F to 842°F (-100°C to 450°C)
Maximum Pressure 80 Bar (1160 PSI)
Applications and Characteristics:
• Excellent sealing ability, high resistance to creep
• Good steam resistance
• Stronger acids and alkalis, inert gases, general chemicals, oils and fuels
Please refer to Lamons Chemical Compatibility Chart (in the Appendix of this manual) for more information. All Lamons sheet gasket materials are supplied with anti-stick coating as standard. Can be manufactured with wire insert.
Pressure: Bar (PSI)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
(0) (122) (212) (302 ) (392) (482) (572) (662) (752) (842)
Temperature: Deg C ( Deg F)
All Pressure / Temperature values are based on 1/16” (1.5 mm) gasket thickness.
1. Suitable (Chemical Compatibility has to be considered).
2. Please contact Lamons Engineering department for clarication.
3. Not Suitable.
* Can be used up to a maximum short term
peak temperature of 900°F (482°C)
Temperature: Deg C ( Deg F)
L460 is a premium sheet gasket material utilizing graphite and aramid  bers, it is bound to-
gether with a high quality nitrile rubber binder. L460 is designed to perform at high tempera­tures and pressures. Standardization and consolidation of many other gasket materials can be achieved by the use of L460.
Applications and Characteristics:
• Excellent sealing ability, high resistance to creep
• Good steam resistance
• Stronger acids and alkalis, inert gases, general chemicals, oils and fuels
• Petroleum and petroleum derivatives
Please refer to Lamons Chemical Compatibility Chart (in the Appendix of this manual) for more information. All Lamons sheet gasket materials are supplied with anti-stick coating as standard. Can be manufactured with wire insert.
Creep Relaxation ASTM F-38B (1/32”) 19%
Residual Stress
DIN 52913 (50 MPa @ 175°C) 30 MPa
BS7531 (40 MPa @ 300°C) 25 MPa
Sealability ASTM F-37A (1/32”) 0.3 ml/hr
Gas Leakage DIN 3535/6 < 1.0 ml/min
Compressibility ASTM F-36 J 11%
Recovery ASTM F-36 J 55% min
Tensile Strength ASTM F-152 1500 psi (10 MPa)
Weight Increase
ASTM F-146 after immersion in
Fuel B for 5 Hrs @ 73°F (23°C)
15% max
ASTM F-146
ASTM Oil 1, 5 hrs / 300°F (149°C) 0 - 5%
Thickness Increase
ASTM Oil 3, 5 hrs / 300°F (149°C) 0 - 5%
ASTM Fuel A, 5 Hrs / 73°F (23°C) 0 - 5%
ASTM Fuel B, 5 Hrs / 73°F (23°C) 0 - 7%
Standard Line Callout ASTM F-104 F712122B3E22M5
m & y values 1/16” thickness 1/8” thickness
m 2.5 3.2
y 3800 4100
Dielectric Strength ASTM D149-95a 5 kV/mm
Leachable Chlorides FSA Method (Typical) 200 ppm
Density 100 lbs/ft³ (1.6 g/cc)
Color Black
Thickness Range 1/64” (0.4 mm) to 1/8” (3.2 mm)
Sheet Size Availability Max: 120” x 60” (3 m x 1.5 m)
Approvals Meets “BS7531 Grade AX”
Temperature Limits
°F to 842°F (-100°C to 450°C)
Maximum Pressure 65 Bar (943 PSI)
All Pressure / Temperature values are based on 1/16” (1.5 mm) gasket thickness.
1. Suitable (Chemical Compatibility has to be considered).
2. Please contact Lamons Engineering
department for clari cation.
3. Not Suitable.
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