Lambretta Avanti User Manual

AVA N T I m a n u a l
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ITALY 1947 Birth of an icon
Inspired by the C ushman sco oters that the US army imported into It aly (as a means of conveying inf ormation from o ne division t o another and to transport individual s oldiers around th e base), Innocenti realis ed he could apply most of the parts that the factory was already produ cing to motor sc ooter production . He saw the scooters as producing mobi lity for the masses. A reliable and fun trans porta­tion that was affordable fo r all and revolutionary in des ign. It was an idea of genius th at improved the qua lity of life fo r many, both in Italy an d throughout the world.
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To ma ke the Lambretta even more appealing, he offered the scooter in six pastel colours, keeping him one step ahead of the other Italian motorcycle, and by the late 1940s the Lambretta was sold overs eas.
Innocenti be came one of the new industrial giants of post-war Italy, and the scoot er phenomen on was o n its way to becomin g a legend.
Swinging 60s’
The cl amour f or motor scoote rs went into decline with the advent of affordable cars, but a reviva l came in the ’swinging 60 s’, when yo ung people in London wi th a love for Italian fashio n became enchant ed with the sco oter. Known as Mods they e mbraced the Lambretta as an icon for their way of life. One of the big gest bands of this era, The Who, ha d a huge influence on Mods cultu re. Their album Quadropheni a also became the name of a tribute Mods fil m in the late 7 0s, which featu red the Lambretta h eavily.
Even today the name Lambretta i s synonymous wi th the original Modmobile – the Scooter – and the disti nctive Italian influenced-style of that era.
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The sc ooters c ontinued to produced in Italy until 1971. Lambrett a was also manufac­tured un der lice nse in France, German y, Spain, India, B razil, Colombia and Argentina, making it a worldwide brand . In 1972, the Indian gover nment bought the rights t o the Lambretta name, creating Scooters India Limited.
We want to capture that feeling of freedom, fun and independence that riding a scooter makes you feel . When you wear Lambretta, you can be sure that you have a unique and stylish watch for every mood, oc casion and time , communicating attitude and h appiness!
We call it - timeless desires….
EL Button
MODE Button
Start/Stop Button
Lap/Reset Button
Button Overview
MODE Button [M ]
l To select the display among T imekeeping, Alarm, Chronogr aph and Timer Mode. l In Timekeeping / Al arm / Timer Mode: Hold down the button to enter the settin gs. l In Setting display: To select am ong different Setti ngs.
Start/Stop But ton [S/S]
l To start or st op Chronograph / Timer runnin g. l In Timekeeping Mode : Swap displayi ng between Loca l Time and Wor ld Time. l In Setting Display: To increase th e setting value .
Lap/Reset Butt on [L/R]
l To take a Lap time when Chrono graph running. l In Timekeeping Mode : Display full name of city. l In Setting display: To decrease th e setting value .
EL Button [EL]
l To turn on t he EL backlight for 3 seconds.
Check the comi ng chapters for d etailed operations.
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Hour hand
Minute hand
Second hand
Set Analog Time
l Gently pull out the crown to the “cl ick” position.
l Then turn the crown either clockwi se or counter clockw ise until the time is se t correctly.
l When the tim e is set, gently push th e crown back to its or iginal position.
Major Function Display
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Local Time Mode - Setting Local Time and Local City
lHold down the [M] button in L ocal Time Mod e to enter sett ings:
l Press the [M] button to move step by step ac cording to diagra m on opposite p age. l In each step , Press the [S/S] or [L/R] butto n to change the settings (hold down
button to c hange faster).
To exit settings Hold dow n the [M] butto n.
What is Chime function?
You will hear a single “BEEP”sound in each hour when Chime is ON. When Chime fun ction is ON you will see this symbol in the bottom d isplay.
Note: For more i nfo about LCD O N/OFF (Power Sa ving Mode) plea se see page 30- 31.
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World Time Mode - Basic functions
View the World Time
l Press the [M] button until yo u reach world tim e mode. l Press the [S/S ] or [L/R] butt on to select th e world time ci ty. The city name will b e
displayed first and after that switch to city code with UTC afterwards.
Toggle the Daylight Savin g Time (DST)
l Hold down th e [L/R] button to turn ON/OF F the Daylight S aving Time. l When Dayligh t Saving Time is ON, one hou r will be adjus ted (added) for this setting.
City Code Table
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World Time/ Local Time - Time Zone Setting
About UTC (Coo rdinated Universa l Time)
Since the sun shines on different places on eart h at different tim es our world is divided into several t ime zones so th at people have a more accurate a nd common time. All time zones are relative to UT C. For example the time zone f or London is “U TC +0” Hong Kong is 8 hours ahead th e time of UTC w hich makes “UTC +8”.
How to set Use r-defined city.
l Hold down [M ] button in the world time mod e, the letter i n the top displ ay will flash. l Press the [S/S ] button to sel ect the letter and make you ow n city name.
Then press [L/R] button to move the cursor to the right.
l Press [M] to m ove to UTC sett ing. Set UTC by pressing [S/S] o r [L/R] button. l When setting s are complete ho ld down [M] but ton to finish.
Note: Hold dow n the [S/S] or [L/R] button to change value a t higher speed.
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Alarm Mode
There is totally 5 daily alarms and 1 schedule alarm. Each alarm can set a “note”(M eeting, Breakfast appointment, L unch meeting, D inner,
Happy birthday, Anniver sary and Take a pill) as a reminder.
Schedule alarm can be set to sound on a cert ain date and ti me.
Using the Alar m
l Press the [S/S] button to select differen t alarms. l To turn ON/O FF an alarm, se lect the target alarm and press [L/R] button. l To set a alarm , select the ta rget alarm and hold down the [ M] button to en ter settings. l When the alarm is bee ping, press any k ey to stop the sound.
Note: When Sch edule Alarm is selected, the d ate will be scrol led once.
Setting the Alarm
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Chronograph Mode - Start/Stop the Chronograph
The Watch includes a function to measure elapsed t imes, accumulat ive time and la p times. The display sh ows the “All Ze ros” display when the chronograph is selected for the first time or the ch ronograph has bee n reset.
l To Start and S top the chronogr aph Press the [S/ S] button. l To Reset the c hronograph Hold the [L/R] button .
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