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Local Time Mode - Setting Local Time and Local City
lHold down the [M] button in L ocal Time Mod e to enter sett ings:
l Press the [M] button to move step by step ac cording to diagra m on opposite p age.
l In each step , Press the [S/S] or [L/R] butto n to change the settings (hold down
button to c hange faster).
To exit settings Hold dow n the [M] butto n.
What is Chime function?
You will hear a single “BEEP”sound in each hour when Chime is ON.
When Chime fun ction is ON you will see this symbol in the bottom d isplay.
Note: For more i nfo about LCD O N/OFF (Power Sa ving Mode) plea se see page 30- 31.
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World Time Mode - Basic functions
View the World Time
l Press the [M] button until yo u reach world tim e mode.
l Press the [S/S ] or [L/R] butt on to select th e world time ci ty. The city name will b e
displayed first and after that switch to city code with UTC afterwards.
Toggle the Daylight Savin g Time (DST)
l Hold down th e [L/R] button to turn ON/OF F the Daylight S aving Time.
l When Dayligh t Saving Time is ON, one hou r will be adjus ted (added) for this setting.
City Code Table
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World Time/ Local Time - Time Zone Setting
About UTC (Coo rdinated Universa l Time)
Since the sun shines on different places on eart h at different tim es our world is divided
into several t ime zones so th at people have a more accurate a nd common time.
All time zones are relative to UT C. For example the time zone f or London is “U TC +0”
Hong Kong is 8 hours ahead th e time of UTC w hich makes “UTC +8”.
How to set Use r-defined city.
l Hold down [M ] button in the world time mod e, the letter i n the top displ ay will flash.
l Press the [S/S ] button to sel ect the letter and make you ow n city name.
Then press [L/R] button to move the cursor to the right.
l Press [M] to m ove to UTC sett ing. Set UTC by pressing [S/S] o r [L/R] button.
l When setting s are complete ho ld down [M] but ton to finish.
Note: Hold dow n the [S/S] or [L/R] button to change value a t higher speed.
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Alarm Mode
There is totally 5 daily alarms and 1 schedule alarm.
Each alarm can set a “note”(M eeting, Breakfast appointment, L unch meeting, D inner,
Happy birthday, Anniver sary and Take a pill) as a reminder.
Schedule alarm can be set to sound on a cert ain date and ti me.
Using the Alar m
l Press the [S/S] button to select differen t alarms.
l To turn ON/O FF an alarm, se lect the target alarm and press [L/R] button.
l To set a alarm , select the ta rget alarm and hold down the [ M] button to en ter settings.
l When the alarm is bee ping, press any k ey to stop the sound.
Note: When Sch edule Alarm is selected, the d ate will be scrol led once.
Setting the Alarm
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Chronograph Mode - Start/Stop the Chronograph
The Watch includes a function to measure elapsed t imes, accumulat ive time and la p times.
The display sh ows the “All Ze ros” display when the chronograph is selected for the first
time or the ch ronograph has bee n reset.
l To Start and S top the chronogr aph Press the [S/ S] button.
l To Reset the c hronograph Hold the [L/R] button .