lamber PT1500M-ek, PT850M-ek Instruction Manual

PT850M-ek PT1500M-ek
Noi - Nous soussignés -The following - Die Unterzeichnete Fa:
dichiariamo sotto la nostra esclusiva responsabilità che il prodotto attestons sous notre entière responsabilité que le produit suivant hereby declares under full responsability that the following product erklärt unter eigener Verantwortung, dass folgende Produkte
mod. PT 850/M-ek – PT 1500/M-ek
al quale questa dichiarazione si riferisce è conforme alle seguenti norme: auquel se référe cette dèclaration, est conforme aux normes suivantes: for which this declaration refers to the conformity of the following standards: auf welche sich diese Erklärung bezieht, folgendem Standard entsprechen:
- EN 60335-1 (1994) + A11,A1,A12,A13,A14,A15
Sicurezza degli apparecchi elettrici d'uso domestico e similare. Norme generali Safety of household and similar electrical appliances-General requirements.
- EN 60335-2-58 (1997)
Sicurezza degli apparecchi elettrici d'uso domestico e similare. Parte 2':Norme particolare lavastoviglie uso collettivo. Safety of household and similar electrical appliances-Part 2':Particular requirem ents for commercial electric dishwashing machines.
- EN 292-2 (1992) Part 1' - PART 2'
Sicurezza del macchinario-Concetti fondamentali-Principi generali progettazione-Specifiche e principi tecnici. Safety of machinery-Basic concepts-General principles for design-Tecnical principles an specification
- EN 61770- (2000)
Apparecchi elettrici connessi alla rete idrica. Disposizioni per evitare il ritorno d’acqua per effetto sifone e il guasto dei complessi di raccordo
Electric appliances connected to the water mains. Avoidance of backsiphonage and failure of hose-sets
in base a quanto previsto dalle Direttive: selon ce qui est prévu par les Directives: on the basis of what is foreseen by the Directives: aufgrund der vorgesehenen Richtilinien:
73/23/CEE, 89/392/CEE, 91/368CEE,92/31CEE, 93/44CEE, 93/68CEE
Decliniamo ogni responsabilità per sinistri a persone o a cose derivanti da manomissioni da parte di terzi o da carenze di manutenzione o riparazione. Nous déclinons toute responsabilité pour sinistres à personnes ou à objets qui derivent de l'intervention de la part de tiers non specialistes ou de carences de manutention ou reparation. We decline any responsability for injuries or damage derived from machine misuse, abuse by others or improper machine maintenance or repairs. Wir Iehnen jegliche Verantwortung für Schäden an Personen oder Dingen ab, die auf fehlerhaftes Eingreifen Dritter oder auf mängelhafte Wartung oder Reparation zurückzuführen.
li 01/01/06
(name signature or equivalent of authorized representative)
- EMC -
Noi - The following - Nous soussignés - Die Unterzeichnete Fa:
LAMBER snc di Affaba F. e c.
Via Italia 6
26855 Lodivecchio (LO) ITALY
dichiariamo sotto la nostra esclusiva responsabilità che i prodotti hereby declares under our responsibility that the following products attestons sous notre entière responsabilité que le produit suivant erklärt unter eigener Verantwortung, dass folgende Produkte
mod. PT 850/M-ek – PT 1500/M-ek
ai quali questa dichiarazione si riferisce sono conformi alle seguenti norme: auquel se référe cette dèclaration, est conforme aux normes suivantes: to which this declaration relates are in the conformity with the following standards: auf welche sich diese Erklärung bezieht, folgendem Standard entsprechen:
Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical motor-
operated and thermal appliances for households and similar purposes, electric tools and similar electric apparatus. EN 55014-1 - Edit. 2000 + A1
Limiti e metodi di misura delle caratteristiche di radiodisturbo degli apparecchi elettrodomestici, e similari a motore o
termici, degli utensili e degli apparecchi elettrici similari. EN 55014-1 - Ediz. 2000 + A1
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-2: Limits – Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current 16 A per phase) – EN 61000-3-2 (2000)
Compatibilità elettromagnetica (EMC) – Parte 3-2: Limiti – Limiti per le emissioni di corrente armonica (apparecchiature con corrente di ingresso 16 A per fase) – EN 61000-3-2 (2000)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-3: Limits – Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low-voltage supply systems for equipment with rated current 16 A – EN 61000-3-3 (1995) + A1 (2001)
Compatibilità elettromagnetica (EMC) – Parte 3-3: Limiti – Limitazione delle fluttuazioni di tensione e dei flicker in sistemi di alimentazione in bassa tensione per apparecchiature con corrente nominale 16 A – EN 61000-3-3 (1995) + A1 (2001)
Only for current > 16° per phase
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-11: Limits - Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems – Equipment with rated current 75A and subject to conditional connection - EN 61000-3-11 (2000)
Compatibilità elettromagnetica (EMC) – Parte 3-11: Limiti - Limitazione delle variazioni di tensione, fluttuazioni di tensione e dei flicker in sistemi di alimentazione pubblica in bassa tensione. Apparecchiature con corrente nominale 75A e soggetti ad installazione condizionata - EN 61000-3-11 (2000)
Immunity requirements for household appliances, tools and similar apparatus.
Pruduct family standard EN 55014-2 - Edit. 1997 + A1
Requisiti di immunità per apparecchi elettrodomestici, utensili e degli apparecchi elettrici similari.
EN 55014-2 - Ediz. 1997 + A1
in base a quanto previsto dalle Direttive: following the provisions of the Directives: selon ce qui est prevu par les Directives:
aufgrund der vorgesehenen Richtilinien: EC 89/336, EC 92/31 EC 93/68
li 01/01/06
(data/date/Datum) (name signature or equivalent of authorized representative)
General norms pag. 04 Introduction and safety norms pag. 05 First section - FOR THE USER pag. 06 Control panel pag. 07 Working and use, cleansing agents, maintenance, possible troubles pag. 08 Second section - FOR THE INSTALLER pag. 13 Installation pag. 14 Unpacking and delivery checks pag. 16 Water drain, water connections, electrical connections pag. 18 Table fitting plane pag. 20 Connections scheme pag. 22 Drawback, possible causes and remedies pag. 23 Wiring diagram pag. 27 Wiring diagram legend pag. 29 Specifications pag. 32
Tank You for purchasing our POT WASHING MACHINE. Perfect washing-up results as far as hygiene concerns and a correct operation of the dishwashing machine
can be assured only in case the instructions reported in the present manual are carefully followed. We hope the information reported in the present manual will be helpful to You. They are based on data and our best updated knowledge. Carefully read the Instructions reported in the manual, recommendations and suggestions included. Carefully read the terms of sale too, the ones limiting warranty included.
- The machines are Industrial pot-washing machines.
- The machine is in conformity to the European Norms 89/336/CEE for the radio noises.
- According to EEC directive nr.23 of 19/02/1973 and the law of actuation nr.791 of 18/10/1987, our
appliances are buil-up according to the good technique norms in force in Italy and abroad.
- Noise level of the machine, less than 70 dB(A).
Carefully read the instructions reported in the present user manual, as it gives important indications about safety of installation, operation and maintenance:
- carefully keep the present manual for further consultations;
- the illustrations and drawings showing the machine are intended for general reference only and are
not necessarily accurate in every particular;
- the dimensions and characteristics of the machine, given in this Manual, are not to be considered
binding and may be changed without prior notice;
- having removed the packing material, check that all the equipment is present. If there is any doubt,
do not use it and contact qualified personnel. The packing elements (plastic bags, nails, etc.) should be kept away from children, because they are dangerous.
THIS SAFETY CODE HAS BEEN COMPILED IN YOUR INTEREST. Strict adherence to these rules will reduce the risks of injury both to yourself and to others; Personnel working with this machine must adhere strictly to all statutory safety regulations as well as the specific rules listed below. Failure to do so may result in personal inyury and damage to the machine;
- DO NOT attempt to move, install, set-up or operate this machine until you have read and fully
understood this Manual. If doubt persists, ask your supervisor;
- never leave tools, parts or other loose material on or in the machine;
- Before switching the equipment the equipment on, make sure that the model plate data conforms to
that of the electrical and water distribution network;
- remember that even with the mains isolator in the “OFF” position, the incoming cables are still live;
- BEFORE starting machine o cycle, after any maintenance or repair work, make sure all protective are
correctly installed;
- be vigilant at all times, remember that your safety and that of your fellow workers depend on you;
- when moving or lifting the machine, care must be taken to comply with all the relevant regulations
governing such operations;
- installation should be carried out by qualified personnel according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- this equipment should be destined to the use which it has been conceived for. Any other application
should be considered improper and consequently dangerous;
- the equipment should only be used by personnel trained for its use;
- adjustement and repairs must be carried out only by personnel qualified. Repair carried out by
unskilled personnel may be dangerous;
- perfect washing-up results as far as hygiene concerns and a correct operation of the washing machine
can be assured only in case the instructions reported in the present handbook are carefully followed;
- the machine must be only used by authorized personnel which must comply with sanitary measures;
- do not leave the machine in environment with temperatures inferior to 0°C;
- the machine protection degree is IP21, therefore it should not be washed with direct high pressure jets
of water;
Wash time selection
Cycle pushbutton
Main switch
Cycle lamp
Température lampe
Door opening lamp
Drain pump pushbutton
Wash and rinse
First Section - FOR THE USER
The Pot-washing machines PT850M and PT1500M can wash up to 30-20-10 baskets
every hour. The machine protection degree is IP21, therefore it should not be washed with direct high pressure jet water; The objects to be washed should be correctly arranged for a good washing-up result; We suggest to descale dishes, from time to time, in order to remove calcareous and/or starchy sediments by soaking it in suitable solutions suggested by your cleansing agent supplier.
- the wall-mounted on/off switch is switched on;
- the water and steam* cocks are open;
- the filters and the overflow are in their housings;
- the wash arm and the rinse arm are free to pivot;
* for steam machines only THEN PROCEED: A - Turn the machine on by wall
switch and push the switch "A" to the ON position (draw 1). The green lamp "C" becomes lighted and the machine loads automatically.
B - Lift the inspection doors. Put the detergent directly into the tank,
by paying attention to distribute it uniformly on the filters, the quantity being according to supplier's instructions.
N.B. When using chlorinated detergent, it is suggested to use an automatic dispenser; if otherwise, brownish spots might appear on the surfaces, because of chlorine reactions, if powering the detergent directly in the tank.
C - Turn the machines on by wall switch and push the switch “A” ( Dis.1.).
At this moment the thermometer display lights up And the tank fills up. When the tank is full the control lamp for cycle “2” lights up.
D – Introduce the basket in the ware­washer. N.B.: When the objects to be washed present burnt crusts, or a long time is elapsed from cooking up tothe time of washing, it is necessary to make a previous softening in water at 50°C, by using an appropriate softening product.
The control lamp “E” will flash in case the door of the dishwasher is open.
Before you start the cycle be sure that the control lamp “D” is flashing. This means that the water for the washing cycle and the rinsing water
temperature reached the ideal temperature for working.
E – Choose the washing period cycle and push the button “B” between the following items:
- lamp 1 flashing – short cycle of 3
- lamp 2 flashing – medium cycle 5 minutes
- lamps 1 and 2 lightening at the same time long cycle of 7 minutes. The washing period cycle has to be chosen regarding the dirt that has to be removed.
F – Close the door of the ware-washer. Push the button cycle “C” The dishwasher starts the washing with the period you chosen. Additional to this period will be a pause of 5 seconds and a rinsing period of 23 seconds with clean water about 85° to 90°C. The control cycle lamp is flashing up to the end of the complete washing period. Finished the washing period the control lamps will stop lightening.
It is possible to interrupt the washing cycle at any time simply pushing again
button “B”. The lighting of the control lamp “D”
means that the water reached the needed temperature of 85° to 90°C. The rinsing will start working of by the reached temperature need. That means the period of the washing cycle you chosed will be extended up to having reached the exact temperature (thermocontrol).
G - Take away the basket . In order to make washing keep on, load another basket and press pushbutton "C". The cycle will automatically start again.
- Endless cycle (maximum 15 minutes) : the door being closed and the
cycle put on (any cycle), keep the button “B” pressed for 3 seconds: lamps 1 and 2 will flash at the same time (thermocontrol excluded); the cycle can be interrupted at any time pressing again button “C” that will let final sequences start.
- Self-washing cycle : Remove the overflow from the tank and close the warewasher door while the machine is on (time 10 minutes).
1) When the machine is running never change wash time selector position.
2) Only use specific anti-frothing detergents
3) Deactivate the equipment in case of fault or malfunction. For repairs, only address to a technical assistance center authorised by the manufacturer and impose the use of original spare parts.
If these conditions are not met, the equipment safety could be jeopardised.
Any deficiency in the washing process is apparent when dirty residuals are visible. Any halos might be caused by an insufficuent rinsing: in this case, check that the rinsing jets are clean and there is a sufficient pressure in the water distribution network. In the case that residuals are present, check that:
• the washing jets are clean
• there is detergent
• the pump suction filter is clean
• the positions of the objects in the rack are correct.
Choice of the suitable cleansing agent is an essential condition if you want to obtain extremely good washing results as concerns hygienic results. It is then important to consider some points. First of all only highly alkaline and chlorine­active antifoam products, especially made for industrial dish-washing machines, must be used and they must be produced by well known reliable Firms. Mean concentration of the cleansing agents in powder must be 1,5-2,5 g/lt. Mean concentration of liquid cleansing agents nust be 2-4 g/lt.
In order to avoid scales and corrosions, put cleansing agent above water level on the nearest area of the sucking pump filter, in this way it will immediately dilute and will not deposit on the tank bottom.
When hard water is used you can find, inside the machine and also on objects, calcareous sediments which must be removed both for hygienic and operating reasons by a descaling operation. Operating process and frequency of this intervention are suggested by your cleansing agent supplier who has suitable products, generally containing phosphoric acid. In order to avoid damage to the machine do not increase the quantities and once operations end rinse abundantly.
At last each 30 days it would be useful to do this operation which guarantees the complete hygienic conditions of the machine. We suggest to contact your cleansing agent supplier who will give
you quantity and name of the most suitable product you can use and that, generally, is an active chloride powder (100-200 ppm). In order to avoid damage to the machine do not increase the quantities and once operations end, rinse abundantly.
- IMPORTANT : Before carrying-out the cleaning and maintenance operations, disconnect the equipment from the mains voltage through the wall-mounted on/off switch and close the water and steam* supply cocks.
- high temperatures can be reached inside the machine (90°C). Affter power supply has been removed, wait until the machine has reached the room temperature, before working on it.
- the machine protection degree is IP21, therefore it should not be washed with direct high pressure jets of water;
- never leave tools, parts or other loose material on or in the machine;
- BEFORE starting machine or cycle, after any maintenance or repair work, make sure all protective are correctly installed;
+ 22 hidden pages