tem #
Drop-in Self-Leveling Dispensers
Open, Shielded and Heated
Dispensing level is easily adjusted by
attaching or detaching springs. No
tools required.
Models available to fit plates from 5” to 12”.
All models have a 25” stacking capacity.
Easy-Glide™design provides quiet, non-stick
Heated dispensers feature thermostatic
control. Thermostat minimum 100°F (38°C) maximum 175°F (79°C).
odel S4010
Spec. # AIA #
High-strength welded stainless steel frame.
Model S5010
Unit shall be of welded stainless steel construction to dispense square dishes. Dispensers shall hang
from surface opening by a 14-gauge flange rim and feature four each 18-gauge vertical corner
supports welded to 18-gauge bottom plate. Self-leveling dish carriage shall be of welded stainless
steel construction and shall travel vertically in dispenser tube with nylon roller guides for smooth
operation. Carriage shall have 20-gauge removable dish platform. Unit shall feature flange mounted
extension springs on two sides, which are detachable from the dish carriage to provide adjustment
without tools for different weight dishes. Unit shall have a vertical stacking capacity of 25" (635 mm).
Shielded and heated models shall have a 24-gauge skin enclosure Unit shall be NSF listed.
Heated Models Only: Unit shall be 120 VAC 60 Hz and shall have 5´ (1524 mm) power supply cable
with L15-5R NEMA twist lock plug for 120 VAC. Dispenser tubes shall be fully enclosed in 24-gauge
stainless steel, and have a circular bottom mounted 450 watt heater element to provide convection
heat. Heating system shall feature thermostatic control in a tamper protective location with safe highend shut-off. Control shall have infinite settings between low and high temperature cut-outs.
Thermostat shall be field adjustable for average interior air temperature between 100° F (38° C) and
175° F (79° C) at middle adjustable thermostatic setting. On-off switch and power indicator light shall
be mounted on top flange of dispenser. Average dish temperature rise of 40° F (22° C) above
ambient shall be achieved within one hour of initial heating cycle at middle adjustable thermostatic
setting. Unit shall be UL listed.
Optional Accessories
• 208/240 VAC 60Hz (heated models)
• 220 VAC 50 Hz (heated models)
Lakeside Manufacturing, Inc.
4900 West Electric Avenue • West Milwaukee, WI 53219 U.S.A.
800-558-8565 • 414-902-6400 • Fax 414-902-6446 • www.eLakeside.com
Lit# 0808 DISLDS Lakeside reserves the right to modify specifications or discontinue models without prior notification. Printed in the U.S.A.

Drop-in Self-Leveling Dispensers
Open, Shielded and Heated
utoCAD drawings available through KCL CADalog
Model Accommodates Plate Size
Open Models
S4006 5” to 5¾ (127 to 146)
S4007 6¼” to 7½” (159 to 191)
S4009 8½” to 9¼” (216 to 235)
S4010 9½” to 10¼” (241 to 260)
S4011 10½” to 11¼” (267 to 286)
S4012 11½” to 12” (292 to 309)
Shielded Models
S5009 8½” to 9¼” (216 to 235)
S5010 9½” to 10¼” (241 to 260)
S5011 10½” to 11¼” (267 to 286)
S5012 11½” to 12” (292 to 309)
Heated Models
S6009 8½” to 9¼” (216 to 235)
Spec. #
S6010 9½” to 10¼” (241 to 260)
S6011 10½” to 11¼” (267 to 286)
S6012 11½” to 12” (292 to 309)
Height To Rim
(705) 9-1/8” x 9-1/8” (232 x 232)
(705) 10-7/8” x 10-7/8” (276 x 276)
(705) 12-1/2 x 12-1/2” (318 x 318)
(705) 13-1/2” x 13-1/2” (343 x 343)
(705) 14-1/2” x 14-1/2” (368 x 368)
(705) 15-3/8” x 15-3/8” (390 x 390)
(711) 12-1/2 x 12-1/2” (318 x 318)
(711) 13-1/2” x 13-1/2” (343 x 343)
(711) 14-1/2” x 14-1/2” (368 x 368)
(711) 15-3/8” x 15-3/8” (390 x 390)
(711) 12-1/2 x 12-1/2” (318 x 318)
(711) 13-1/2” x 13-1/2” (343 x 343)
(711) 14-1/2” x 14-1/2” (368 x 368)
(711) 15-3/8” x 15-3/8” (390 x 390)
Top Rim Size (B) Counter Cut-Out lbs. (kg.)
8-1/16” x 8-1/16”
9-3/16” x 9-3/16”
11-1/2” x 11-1/2”
12-1/2” x 12-1/2”
11-1/2” x 11-1/2”
14-1/3” x 14-1/3”
11-1/2” x 11-1/2”
12-1/2” x 12-1/2”
11-1/2” x 11-1/2”
14-1/3” x 14-1/3”
11-1/2” x 11-1/2”
12-1/2” x 12-1/2”
11-1/2” x 11-1/2”
14-1/3” x 14-1/3”
Measurements in ( ) denote metric millimeters, unless otherwise specified.
(204 x 204) 12 (5.4)
(249 x 249) 13 (5.9)
(292 x 292) 16 (7.2)
(317 x 317) 17 (7.7)
(343 x 343) 18 (8.1)
(364 x 364) 19 (8.6)
(292 x 292) 23 (6.8)
(317 x 317) 24 (10.9)
(343 x 343) 26 (11.8)
(364 x 364) 29 (13.2)
(292 x 292) 26 (11.8)
(317 x 317) 28 (12.7)
(343 x 343) 30 (13.6)
(364 x 364) 32 (14.5)
Electrical Specifications
450 Watts, 3.8 Amps, 120 VAC
Lakeside Manufacturing, Inc.
4900 West Electric Avenue • West Milwaukee, WI 53219 U.S.A.
800-558-8565 • 414-902-6400 • Fax 414-902-6446 • www.eLakeside.com
Lit# 0808 DISLDS Lakeside reserves the right to modify specifications or discontinue models without prior notification. Printed in the U.S.A.